Avatar of SammyMcW


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23 hrs ago
Current Oh its F1 time. No more sleep schedule
15 days ago
15 days ago
someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
16 days ago
I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
17 days ago
Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine


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Holy shit, I remember you from IRC and Tinychat days.

Always went by Sam then, the awkward chubby brit. Fuck alls changed.
I can totally try playing Guzma, he's a fucking awesome character.

Might be tempted to try and create an older take on the male trainer, though. Place him as a possible trial captain somewhere rather than champion, OR, if you don't mid adding something new..

Contests in Alola <3
So, I do have a very basic plot in mind, but I'm happy to expand and discuss it.

My character, William, is a shy and awkward type on the outside. He never really speaks in class, and when he has to... He always sounds anxious and unsure of himself, as though he expects the worst to happen for simply speaking. He's rather thin compared to his older, larger build, having shed a lot of weight recently. He never seems to eat at school, and seems to be reluctant to even consider being inside the lunch hall during school hours. What little he does it consists of small portions of fruit and veg, only because he feels he must eat.

Your character is a loud, punkish sort of girl who's often in trouble for creating havoc and disobeying teachers. She's been excluded a number of times, and is close to being thrown out on her ass. She's known to sleep around and to not really care for others past her basic needs. She can be cold at times, and is only liked as she'll sleep with most men who are willing to have her.

William and her are partnered together by a teacher whom believes that doing so might be good for them both by drawing William out of his shell, and by getting her to consider being calmer and kinder to others rather then acting out. Like pairing up yin and yang together, to form a complete and balanced being.

Surprisingly, the two do manage to get on well. Something clicks, and they manage to complete the project in record time. They remain talking afterwards, much to the shock of many. What they don't know is something only William and <Y/C> do.

Both confessed the abuse to the other, and find kinship and solace in being able to talk to the other and trust them. They have made plans to flee, and to stay by each others side for however long it takes. Yet.. they are falling in love.

I have a writing sample below.



To say that William was feeling miserable would be an utter, quite insulting, understatement and a half. He felt... quite a mixture of emotions, despite them all being on the negative side of things.

Depression. Anger. Fear. Hurt. Alone. Terrible.

Today alone, he'd cycled through all of these, and much more besides. Genuine happiness was impossible, and had been for the last year or two. He could certainly fake a smile, and could put his parents off the scent of what was really going on.

Blood. Tears. Pain.

Every time he entered the bathroom at home, all three of these would be easily accomplished. He had control over two of these, much to his brief pride. It was something he could prevent the bullies from causing to him, and he found a tiny spark of enjoyment in this.

Watching the crimson liquid drip into the sink, his eyes moved over to the mirror that hung over the fitting. His skin was pale, his chocolate brown eyes dark and standing as a stark contrast to his skin. Bags hung under his eyes, dark rings from a lack of sleep. His dark black hair was down to his shoulders, framing his features.

Frowning some as he squinted, the male noted a slight bruise starting upon his right cheek. Must have been from when he was shoved into the lockers. Prehaps he could blame the newest marks upon his arm on that. Looking down, a cold smirk played upon his lips. Three scars on the left, four on the right. He always avoided gym, and hooded tops meant his arms were always covered up. He knew that the marks were there, and nobody else did. Good. Just how he wanted it.

Stepping over to the full length mirror, he looked at his thin body. He'd shed a lot of weight, no longer an overweight child. Instead, he was much too thin now. But this was better than the alternative. He'd rather not weigh much, then be large, ugly and gross. It didn't matter that his ribs could be seen, nor that he looked overly ill if anyone ever saw his body. Nobody could, and thanks to the clothes he wore, they wouldn't know.
<>Once Triplets, Now Twins... Still Best Friends?<>

They say that when you meet your best friend, you'll know regardless of who it is. That there will be that spark, that click and that smile that cements you as being the best of friends for years to come and beyond.

Steven (He went by Stevie) had never had that click, but he didn't need too, for he'd been born with his two beat friends. The only brother out of the triplets his mother had been blessed with, he was the quietest of the trio by far. He never really felt the need to make himself stand out or be heard, and would listen to his sisters argue so much he just said nothing to make things easier though it did mean he ended up as the go between and made to pick whom he wanted to play with when they were kids.

As they reached their teens, he spent less time with them both. It was easier for him to keep away from them at times, especially when puberty played havoc with their emotions and he could hear them arguing more. If they ever got upset, he'd sit with them and comfort them as he knew a good brother should do.

So it broke his heart that at 17, he and <your character> lost their sister. The sisters had been fighting, and Alisha had walked out on the two of them that dark and stormy night, refusing to take her phone.

By the next day, she hadn't returned to the house. With Stevie and <Your character> still at home, they headed out to look for her with their parents. All four took different paths to cover a wider area.

It was Stevie that found her, laying unconscious and beaten in a ditch. His scream of despair, horror and raw, untold emotion was said to have carried for miles across the field. He didn't speak for weeks after, sitting silently in his room. The teen barely ate, only leaving his room for water and the restroom. He didn't look at anyone, and the only contact he had was sitting hold <Your character's> hand at the funeral, needing his sister more than ever.


We'd pick up about a week after the funeral, and explore the affect this is all having on the two remaining siblings. From the nightmares and fear Stevie is having seeing his sister's dead body, to the guilt your character is feeling over her sister's death.

The two will grow closer through this, becoming overprotective of each other and trying to only focus on the other, not seeming to click they need to work together and support each other equally, and talk things over.
Do you want me to pm you a few of my ideas?
What sort of things are you looking for?

I'm basically looking for someone to take the role of a silent, strong type who could step in and defend and befriend Thomas.

Thomas is 18, I'm looking for a character aged 18-22ish. This takes place in a UK college.

You can play your character however you want, so long as they are nice to Thomas even if they don't like others.


"Freak." "Faggot." "Retard."

These three words and more had been thrown at Thomas every day for the past three months since he'd returned to school, and every day felt longer and more terrible than the last had done. He hated being here, hated putting up with the bullshit each and everyday.

Today had been worse than ever. He'd had his locker broken into and his wallet stolen from it, and some art he'd spent the last six months on destroyed for a few cheap laughs by a despicable, disgusting bully.

They chose Thomas as they knew he couldn't speak and could barely defend himself. They felt brave picking on a kid with learning difficulties, and loved to tease and hurt him to no end.
Screw it, I could do with plotting out some stories.
♡Crossdressing Male x Punk Female.

You can play her how you want, but I kinda love the idea of this "biker chick" style. Short hair/mohawk, tall, lean and strong looking. Jeans, leather jacket, boots, etc. The opposite to Robby in dress sense in most ways.

I do also like the idea of her being this "cold and callous" kind of gal who's protective of "her Robert", and would do anything to make him happy as he would her.


Robert's smile was soft and slightly nervous as he opened the door to the classroom, having arrived late that day. Yet, that wasn't his main concern. He had opted to walk in late for a reason, and this was quite clear to the others in his class when he walked in, blushing a little as they all seemed to stare at him.

He was dressed in a pink, slightly frilly knee-length dress, a small amount of make up applied to his soft features, his usually curly and untamed hair brushed and straightened out, two heart earrings dangling down. He'd swapped his usual glasses out for contacts, allowing his soft, deep blue eyes to be a bit more revealed to anyone he spoke to.

"What the fuck?" A voice came from across the room, Robert turning to look towards the guy that had spoken, smiling sweetly at him.

"Yes?" He asked, not liking the attention, but fully aware he'd get it at some point. It was best to be confident, he had decided, but not overly so.

"Why the fuck are you dressed as a girl?" The gruff male spoke once more, a look of anger seeming to form on his features.

"Because I want to be who I am." The smaller male simply responded, taking an empty seat besides another classmate, smiling at them kindly.


With a sudden jolt, Robert snapped awake from his dream, shaking his head slightly as he clambered out of bed, a nervous feeling forming in the pit of his stomach, seeming to climb up his back. He had no chance of being anywhere near as confident as his dream self, but knew he had to be who he wanted to be... no, who he was.


Stepping into the classroom, he felt un-nerved by the stares he had already gotten in the corridor, looking down at the outfit he wore upon his thin form, glad he didn't seem to physically fit either gender. The outfit he'd opted to wear today was one he'd been saving for a long time, untill he felt ready to wear it. Normally he'd just worn t-shirts and jeans, not seeming to really try and co-ordinate what he opted to be clad in. But today..

Today he'd made a real effort. He wore a knee-length, black skirt, matched with a dark purple t-shirt, and a pink shirt open over that. His long hair was no longer straight, blonde and past his shoulders, but had been dyed a light brown, and now sat just above his shoulders, slightly messier then before and fluffed up, but framing his soft, delicate face much better then before. Wearing a pair of red glasses, as opposed to the contacts he normally went for, he preferred these, but never really had the confidence to try them on.

Opening the door to the classroom, he walked in, feeling eyes upon him. This was the bravest he'd ever managed to be, but inside, he was absolutely terrified!

"Hi." He offered up, knowing it wasn't quite the right thing to say, but it was all he had the confidence to utter! Smiling shyly, he took an empty seat, looking to the female sat next to him.
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