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Current Oh its F1 time. No more sleep schedule
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someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
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I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
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Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine


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"O..oh my.."

Theodore pushed his glasses up his nose, a rather shy look dancing upon his soft features. His eyes averted the gazes of others, a blush coating his freckled cheeks. He rarely ever went to the gym, but felt as though he could work on loosing some weight and trying to tone up his body some.

He could hear the laughs and comments from some of the patrons, but just swallowed and continued to the changing rooms where he knew it'd be the worst. He would have to expose his torso, and he was rather dreading the comments that would be made about someone like him wanting to use the gym equipment.

Opening the door, he stood with his mouth a little agape as he spotted a classmate stood there in his boxers as he got changed. He'd crushed on this classmate for a while, but felt he was way out of his league. After all, Theo was 5'5", slightly overweight, nerdy and rather withdrawn. His crush was taller, rather muscular and a football player.

"Erm.. hello." Theo greeted his classmate, blushing rather intensely as he started to change for his workout. He felt awful now, and dreaded the other man telling all his classmates and friends about seeing "the fat nerd" trying to lose weight.

//Obviously, this is gonna be MxM, and focus on the friendship and bond our character have.

Theo is out about his sexuality. I figured it'd be interesting if your character was closeted about it, though confides at some point in Theodore.

Now, I thought it'd be cute if your character was struggling in school, so he and Theo agree to support eachother. He helps Theo with his weight loss, Theo helps him with class.

NO characters under 18, please!
Excellent. Do you want me to pm ya?
Fuck, I am craving a good MxM man.


Best friends.

James and (your character) had been the best of friends for almost as long as they've been alive. Born in the same hospital within a week of each other, their families are next door neighbours.

As such, they grew up with each other as constant play mates, some people describing the boys as joined at the hip. And it wasn't an entirely inadequate description of the pair. They attended school together, had most classes together, ate together at lunch and played after school together.

Even as they grew older and fell into different social circles, it was rare they didn't spend at least one day of the week together, and would often sleep at each other's homes.

Over the years, James found himself falling in love with his best friend. Of course, he'd never told anyone about this, figuring it was a silly crush at first. As he grew older however, the young man realized it wasn't a crush. That it was much more serious, and that he loved his best friend with all his heart.

But it wasn't like she could just tell )your character.) After all, James honestly doubted he'd feel the same way he did.


I'm pretty much looking for someone to play James's best friend. With James being shy and reserved, I think a more outgoing and loud best friend would work wonderfully to create that initial contrast that they don't seem to note themselves.

No characters or writers under 18, please.


Poor James couldn't help but gaze at his best friend from afar, watching the handsome man with butterflies in his stomach, and a feeling of happiness at seeing him. Yet he was also tinged with sadness flowing throughout his body at what he saw. For the blonde, knowing that he liked the other as more then just his best friend created so many conflicting feelings within.

It hurt that James didn't know if his dear best friend liked him in the way he felt about <name>, yet he knew he should also be happy that they were best friends. James full well knew that coming out with how he felt could jepordise the bond they shared in more ways then one, yet the smaller man couldn't bare to keep secrets from the other male. They were always honest with one another, but this was something that seemed to be better hidden away.

Shrugging his bag from his shoulders, James carefully made his way carefully to be besides <Y/C>, biting his lower lip before deciding to speak up before his best friend's other friends arrived.

"Are you ashamed of me?" James had been outed by a group of the more popular students the previous week, and hadn't yet been able to speak to his best friend about it. Poor James really felt as though he was avoiding having to see the smaller man.
Going to throw this out, as I do have a starter written. Keep in mind that this WILL contain darker subject matter, so if you are offended by such it's probably best that you do not read on.

My character, Julian, is a quiet and shy type of guy. He tends to keep himself to himself, and often sits reading or drawing in his sketchbook when not in class. In class, he simply gets on with his work and doesn't make a fuss nor a sound. He has very few friends, and is shy and socially awkward to say the slightest.he is rather chubby, and shy about his weight.

(Y/C) is played up to you. However, i think it'd be interesting to go with someone who was more popular and outgoing on the outside, though harbors a dark secret which she refuses to speak off and deals with in... a less than healthy way. By self-harm, and not eating correctly as though to make herself less attractive.

Her self-harm is discovered, and she finds herself being judged by those whom were once her friends. Julian, though he doesn't know what to say, offers to sit and listen to her and to provide comfort.

They get to making friends, and soon start to hang around a lot. Julian discovers this side to her she didn't make public, where she's actually rather kind and caring yet hid it to be popular. Similarly, Y/C discovers that this shy and silent man can provide comfort and kind words, and has a large heart just waiting to be accepted.

The two work together, to help the other. Whilst Julian helps her come to terms with her past, she agrees to help him lose the weight he's so desperate to shed. (Alternatively, she could teach him to accept who he is.)

(Shy, Deaf Female (My character) x Popular/Outgoing/Confident female.

Plot wise, I don't have an awful lot of detail. I just figured it could focus on Y/C and mine ending up in a relationship together, though this WILL be built up to..

With the starter I've used, I'd like Y/C to be the one who defends and comforts Emmy, or stands up for her. It's your choice if they reveal their sexuality there and then, to stand besides Emmy, or if she tells Emmy in secret, to reassure her she's not alone.

It's your choice if they go to prom together, and if they go as friends, or as a couple.)


Emmy Sweeney
Age: 18

Nationality: Irish. Hometown is Belfast.

Esmeralda Sweeney is a sweet and kind natured young girl, whom was born in Ireland to a single mother, whom was only fifteen years old when she gave birth to her daughter, giving her up for care almost straight away.

After a year or so, the then un-named child was adopted by a young couple, Jack and Emily Sweeney, whom named her "Esmeralda" for both the country in which they resided, (Ireland/ "The Emerald Isles") and her soft, green eyes.

When Emmy was 5 years of age, the family moved to the USA, moving into a small town in the southern states, where they have lived for the last 13 or so years. Growing up in this town proved to be very tough for Emmy at times, with the town seeming to have "Old-time" values, and not seeming to like the idea of something "different" there.

The primary reason she tended to find life in the town difficult as she grew older was simply down to the fact that she liked her own gender. Something it seemed, much to her dismay, that a lot of the small town was incapable of accepting. (At least, on face value. For all she knew, a majority could have been more accepting, just hiding this to be accepted.)

Emmy ran a hand through her soft, brown hair, glancing around the classroom, before returning her attention back to the empty sketchbook open before her. It seemed she just had no commitment to anything today. It was rare for the young woman to not have an idea for a sketch, or some other form of artwork.

In fact, the opposite was usually the case. She normally had too many ideas and plans for pieces of art, and would have to limit herself to just one or two idea, to ensure she would complete them in time for assignments.

The simple fact of the matter was that Emmy had other things playing on her mind. A tiny factor to her not being focused was the fact that prom was so near, one of the last big school-based events for her class. She couldn't quite understand why her school held it in January, so soon after Christmas. (A winter ball would make so much more sense, she felt.) And she.. well, she didn't have anyone to go with. And that's simply all she wanted.

But.. what were the chances of that? She was out about her sexuality, although this hadn't been intended. So, she knew she'd not be asked by any guys (Even if she was, she'd not know how to cope with the situation, as she didn't like rejecting people.) The primary reason she was so.. unfocused? Well..

Shaking her head, the brunette rested her head on her arms, crossed on the desk. She just felt utterly miserable, and wanted to go home and cry. The day had been awful, and Emmy felt.. well, hurt, broken.. distraught that her "best friend" had turned on her, began to bully and belittle her, had opted to tell everyone that Emmy like her own gender, despite "promising to keep it secret."

She could see her "friend" talking about her loudly, making cruel, snide comments which wouldn't have been out of place in some sort of drama, making the situation seem played up for the camera. It hurt, as though she could not hear, Emmy could read and make out every damn word. But.. this was reality for Emmy, a few tears sliding down her cheek, and dripping onto the desk below, shoulders trembling a tad as she quietly sobbed into her arms.

A sickening thump sounded out as the car collided Arthur, his body hitting the windscreen before rolling over the bonnet and hitting the floor. Screams came from all around, some louder then others as the car stopped suddenly, atop his small and frail form.

The driver? His older sister.


Arthur lay silent in the hospital bed. His chest was crushed, a lung punctured. Glass and dirt was embedded in various cuts, and his arm was being pinned and placed into a cast.

The worst was his legs. One was so badly crushed and mangled, it had to be amputated whereas the other was fractured and would take months to heal properly, if it ever did. The spinal injuries had resulted in paralysis from the chest down, meaning he would only have use of his hands, arms and head. He would never walk again.

Currently, he lay asleep and unmoving. He was hooked up to machines and wires, his left leg a bandaged stump and his body covered in bandages and plaster. He was lucky to be alive.


So, I thought it'd be interesting to explore how she deals with the guilt, how he heals slowly overtime and the possibility she might not be allowed to see him ever again.

Arthur is 14.
~Even "Evil" Has Her Standards.~

<Your character> is seen by many as a cruel, heartless bitch. She's quick to anger and has been in trouble many times with the school, her parents and the police. She smokes, drinks, bullies and belittles. She has served time in Juvie, and is on her very last warning for beating another kid quite badly.

She's recently took up boxing to try and control some of her anger, and is actually rather good at it. One of her conditions of staying out of trouble, is that her classes and training are paid for and she is allowed to use the equipment in the school gym.

My character is a quiet, timid boy. Small in stature and voice, he is clearly not the most confident of souls. He's been at this school for about a year and a half, and it seems nobody knows his name or really whom he is. He likes it like that, as it allows him to be left alone.

Outside of school, though, he has a secret. He is a crossdresser, and loves to wear a wig, make up, skirts, bows and so on. His thin and petite form suits this well, making him happy as hell when he's wearing the clothes he loves.

A cruel prank results in the photos <My character> has taken being leaked out after his phone is stolen, and the bullying he gets from others becomes much worse. Lonely and scared, he considers quitting school and walking out of classes totally.

One afternoon, he's being hounded and ganged up on by two or three larger males. <Y/C> steps in and defends him from harm, helping him to safety and treating his wounds.

The two become friends slowly, and discover a lot about the other that could possibly change things forever.
Okay, so a bit of a unfinished idea here. This can be a One on One or done with three people.

My character, Arthur, is a kind and loving but slightly awkward man who adores his best friends more than anything in the world. The three have been best friends since childhood, and are practically inseparable.

<Your characters> are physically identical twins. Personalities are up to you. Very few people can tell them apart from each other, with the sole exception of Arthur. He knows exactly who is who, and won't tell anybody else how.

He's deeply in love with both sisters, and hasn't told them. He knows he can't have both, so would rather have neither. He's scared of being hurt, or hurting them. What he's unaware of is how they feel. Will they make him choose? Or let him love them both?

And that's it so far.


"I'm home!" Arthur stepped through the door to the apartment he shared with his best friends. It'd been a long day at work, his usual 9 hour shift turned into a 15 hour one. His entire body ached from head to toe, and his bed called out to him as though it were a siren trying to gain the attention of a sailor.

Yet, despite the fact it was now 12 am, and he'd been out of the house since 8 am the previous morning, he knew he couldn't yet go to bed. He needed to eat and drink, get a bath and try to settle down for a bit.

It had actually been his 19th birthday that day, but he'd not celebrated it as he'd been at work so long. He wasn't too bothered, as he'd made no plans. Besides, he only had his best friends to celebrate it with, and didn't want to bother them.
Bumping this up.
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