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13 days ago
someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
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I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
15 days ago
Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine
15 days ago
I'm on a walk, see a cat. It's dark but I'm like "Here kitty, kitty" and Pssp pssp pssping to get its attention. I get closer, it's a fucking little bag of sand weighing a construction sign down


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In Loving Lily 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
With a nod in response, Lily pushed herself up onto her tiptoes to retrieve the ricemaker from the cupboard before plugging the black and silver device into the wall, powering it on with a simple flick of the switch. She opted not to bother with an apron, knowing she'd be placing these clothes into the washer after dinner and her shower anyway. Glancing over as the taller girl spoke, Lily listened intently.

"I can imagine.." She smiled, her voice as soft and gentle as ever. A hint of sorrow seemed to be reflected in it, a far cry from her usually bubbly and bright voice. Still, she kept her attention focused on making the meal now. Anything to keep her mind off what had happened that day. Glancing over at her best friend, Lily didn't say a word more before returning her attention to the ricemaker.
In Loving Lily 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Neither. Just got home at nearly 1am is all.
"Thank you for this."

Theo sat on a chair in his best friends' apartment, deep green eyes gazing at the two of them. He'd dropped in unexpectedly, and rather late at night. But the brunette needed somewhere to go, and this was the only place he could think of right now.

"I just couldn't bare staying at home with Richard any longer." He spoke softly, bowing his head so the other two wouldn't see the tears in his eyes. Right now, he couldn't bare to even speak about what had been happening. The bruises on his face and arms seemed to communicate it better than he ever could, though. Taking a shaky breath, he rose his head and looked back up.

"I can find somewhere else tomorrow..." He assured them, though he didn't quite now how. He hated intruding, and hoped the two women would be fine with him being here right now. Glancing at his hands, he flexed the fingers on his right hand. Bruised and swollen, he knew he'd not be able to draw for a while, at least until the injuries had healed. Some were months old, and he'd not sought help for them. He was scared to, scared of the questions and of Richard too, if he found out. 5 years he'd been dating this man, and he could face it no more.

No more pain, if he could help it. No suffering, nor fear.

"Look, it's 2am... You two get off to bed, I'm sure you've got better things to do then put up with me." He sounded so.. tired, so resigned to his fate, so... done. Just done with it all. His bright, kind voice had faded and he spoke with such sadness, it wasn't like the Theo they'd known for a long time.


Right, so this won't be romance. The idea was to explore Theo coming to terms with the abuse, how his best friends (Both women) would react, and their own struggles with not being accepted due to their own sexuality. This is something Theo can support them with, whilst they support him with his troubles too.

I thought it'd be adorable if one of the women was Theo's twin, hence giving them a very close bond indeed. They rarely kept secrets from each other, and indeed told the other they liked their own gender before anyone else.
In Loving Lily 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
In Loving Lily 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Lily had been lost in thought on her bed, her attention half on the latest issue of "Wonder Woman", and half lost in the events of the previous few hours. How in the hell would she tell her best friend that she'd been fired? That she wouldn't be able to play her share of the rent and utilities until such a time she found something new?

The industry she was in was rather small here too, and she knew full well that the thing that had got her fired would have flown around like bees to honey. It was already difficult enough landing her job in the first place. But, she knew that she had to tell Grave at some point. The brunette was her best friend after all, and Lily kept no secrets from her at all. Grace had been the first not to call her Lily, the first to accept the fact she didn't feel she were a man.. That she knew she should have been born a woman. It was so.. empowering to come out to Grace, and to be loved for whom she was. Lily owed the other woman the world.

"How about a little of both?" She suggested as she padded into the kitchen, her feet bare. Dressed in a tank top and shorts, the pink haired woman looked utterly exhausted. A small smile graced her lips, which she pressed to the slightly taller woman's cheek in a greeting. It was habit to do this, and rather routine too.

The sound of rain still echoed around the room, rather louder now as the heavens seemed to burst open. It was as though Thor himself was dictating the weather as thunder cracked and lightning flashed in the distance. it was actually quite nice. Lily liked storms. There was just something so cleansing about the whole thing. The smell of fresh air after a storm, the fact the heatwave would finally be broken. A bit like her spirit, in fact..
Pink haired. Bespectacled. Nervous, shy. Pretty and petite.

If one were to look at and observe Lily, they'd have never guessed she were biologically male. Her petite build, soft features, quiet slightly feminine voice and gentle smile all managed to trick most people into thinking she had been born the woman she felt she was.

Not that Lily minded all that much. She didn't like to trick people as such, but if it helped her live as whom she felt she was? Well, a little trickery seemed to go a long way. Besides, she wasn't technically lying. She identified as a woman, and if someone whom didn't know her was referring to her as such she didn't feel the need to admit to her secret.

In fact, since she'd moved from Birmingham, Alabama up north to her new home town and school 3 year prior, she'd been known only as Lily to all but one person. And that one person was extremely special to her. That was <Y/C>, Lily's best friend and dearest companion. They'd been friends since the age of 4, as pen friends at first and now able to hang out in person so much more. Infact, it'd been <Y/C> whom had given her the name of Lily, something that the pink-haired woman had taken instantly and used as her new name to match her new clothes, hair, her whole new identity. And Lily loved her for it.

Everything seemed perfect. Lily had her dream job as a graphic designer for a local advertising agency, and was able to live with her best friend in a little apartment together. She had money to pay her bills and to purchase things she wanted for her outfits and make up. She had friends here, a social life and more. Until.. Until Felica got there. Jealous of the attention Lily got at work, she made it her mission to sabotage her. And it worked. She outed Lily forcibly, and took great pride in what had happened.


Okay, so I am looking for a best friend for Lily. She is the pink haired girl in this image, and no, you don't have to base your character on the other woman in the image.

Lily is 21 in this, shy and quiet. She's recently been going through some tough times, all linked to her sex being outed and revealed by a co-worker. As such, it's known by friends of her and <Y/C> that she was born a man. Some have turned their back on her, and she lost her job.

This would pick up on the evening Lily has lost her job, in the apartment of her and <Y/C>. Lily has not yet told <Y/C> what's going on, not wanting to worry her.
~I'm not going to lie to him anymore!~

Charlie (My character) is 12 years of age. Soft spoken and calm in nature, he tends to keep himself to himself though he will speak up if he sees something he thinks is wrong.That said, he's not always confident to do so and will sometimes let his fears and anxieties cloud his judgement. He lives with <Y/C> (His older sister) and their parents.

<Y/C> is 28 years of age. The older sister of Charlie, she can seem over protective of him at times and some wonder if she cares too much about her baby brother. However, the family is happy and there is clearly nothing else going on.

However, there is a secret the elder three have hidden from Charlie for the last 12 years, and unknown to their parents, <Y/C> plans to reveal it on his 13th birthday.

Charlie is actually the son of <Y/C>, not her little brother. He was conceived in less than pleasant circumstances, and her parents agreed to adopt him when he was born and cover it all up so it seemed as though he were born to them.

How will things change after this news?

//NOT incest.

Charlie sighed as he opened the front door, running a hand through his curly, shoulder length brown hair before slipping his backpack from his bag and making his way into the living room. He was tired, and though he had lots of homework to do, just wanted an evening off from all this. An evening to relax and play video games, and to read a comic or two.

"Hey." He spoke with a smile as he glanced up at his sister, then to his parents before a soft frown played upon his delicate features. At barely 4'4", he was much shorter and smaller then the adults in the room. Of course, being nearly 15 years his sister's junior didn't really help, being almost 13 compared to her 28 years of age.

His mother was 53, and his father 55. He'd always found it a bit odd that they had him at 40 and 42, but didn't think about it too much. After all, as far as he was aware, they simply were lucky enough to have him. They had called him a "little miracle" when he was born, after all. So, he didn't know the truth behind it all.

"What's going on, Sis?" He could feel some tension in the room, and didn't really want to deal with it unless he had to. Maybe they'd just argued? He had heard that a lot recently, and didn't ask about it. But he was worried now, and didn't want them to be upset if it was something he'd done. He had heard his name during some of the fights, after all.

He moved into the room, taking a cautious seat on the edge of the sofa next to her. He addressed the question to his sister, trusting her to be honest with him. He hadn't been picked up from school by her that day either, which he found out. She always collected him on a Friday, so they could go for ice cream. But she'd text him to make his own way home..
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