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13 days ago
someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
14 days ago
I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
15 days ago
Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine
15 days ago
I'm on a walk, see a cat. It's dark but I'm like "Here kitty, kitty" and Pssp pssp pssping to get its attention. I get closer, it's a fucking little bag of sand weighing a construction sign down


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In Loving Lily 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"You're a lot better then you give yourself credit for, you know." Lily spoke up after a few seconds of thought, glancing at the taller and much loved companion of hers. "After all, I'm pretty sure you've won awards an' stuff at school for it all." She had picked up on her friend's hesitation before she began to cut the onion before picking up on why she likely paused.

"So, I thought I might look for a new job." Lily began, trying her very best to sound casual though her voice quivered a little as she spoke. "Because.. I kinda don't have one." She faltered, tears in her eyes as one ran down her cheek and dripped from her chin onto the kitchen counter. Dropping the spoon she'd been holding, Lily darted from the kitchen and ran into her own bedroom.
"Why can't he have been born.. normal?"

Lilian Green spoke with venom in her voice and anger in her deep green eyes as she glanced over at her 13 year old son, Thomas. The male was currently sat in the corner of his bedroom, legs crossed and his attention focused entirely upon his toy cars. He was lining them up in order from largest on the left to the smallest on the right in several rows, each row designated to a particular colour. He'd been doing this for the last hour or two, and did it at least once a week.

On the shelves above his desk sat his toy trains, those too were ordered by size and colour. His bookshelf was split into sections, each of those by genre, alphabetically, and where he could by height. He loved.. no, obsessed with having his belongings in some form of order and was often unsettled if someone took or moved one out of place. He hated it when his nephews visited and would mess around with or steal his belongings, and so he had often took to locking himself in his room so nobody could mess with his stuff.

Friends? Nope, he had none. He had little in the way of social skills and never uttered a single word to anybody at all. He was as silent as the dead of night, and it was often wondered if he could even talk at all. Communicating with him could be impossible if you didn't know what to do, and when he was upset he could cry and whimper for hours on end as he couldn't express himself properly. He wasn't violent though, and had only lashed out once. A teacher had been shouting in his face, and he shoved the older man away to try and get out of the classroom.

"I don't know how you deal with him." Lily turned her attention back to <Your character>, a sigh passing her lips. She couldn't deal with her own son, yet his sister seemed to be able to soothe and communicate with him in a way no others could. It was as though <YC> could read his mind and could work out what he wanted from the simplest noise or gesture.

//So, obviously I am looking for someone to play Thomas' big sister. Ideally, she'd be at least 18 and no older than mid twenties.My initial idea was that <Y/C> cannot have children, and she currently lives alone in an apartment across town.

Her relationship with her parents is strained and one that is unwelcome, with them only talking so that she can still see Thomas and so that Thomas still has his older sister around. It'll come out that her parents are considering putting him into the social care system as they cannot and will not cope/deal with him any longer. As such, she looks at getting the full guardianship rights for him so that she can raise him from then on.

Indeed, Y/C is the only one able to get through to Thomas. As such, he adores her and loves spending time with her. She's the only person whom understands him, and he does get upset when she cannot come and see him. There is a brother (Lucas) whom is older then both Thomas and Y/C, but neither of the younger two get on with the older male at all. Lucas mistreats Thomas, and allows his own sons to bully and belittle Thomas.

NOT incest. I repeat, NOT incest.
Sure! :)
Alexander (Alex) is my role. I'm looking to explore the friendship between him and his best friend, with SLOW romance coming from this eventually.

Her personality is up to you, though someone a bit more confident and able to support him through his panic attacks is best paired to him. He's 18, so I'd prefer her to be 18 or 19 years of age. Obviously, he will support her with any issues too.


Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Each second that passed felt much slower, as though time had crawled to a near halt. Each tick and each tock registered in Alexander's ears and brain, seeming to taunt his very soul. His heart raced, his hands shaking and his mind cloudy and unfocused on the activity before his very eyes.

Pushing his glasses up his nose, they slid down in mere seconds due to the amount he was sweating right now. Each bead felt heavy to the teenager, distracting him from the exam he was supposed to be trying to work upon. For 15 minutes now, he'd been sat inn this chair. The hall was deprived of the usual squeak of sneakers and chatter of sports students, of the thudding of basketballs on the ground and against hoops. The usual cheers were not there either, the sports hall handed over instead to around 100 desks and 100 chairs, each occupied by a student attempting their maths exam.

The scratching of pens and pencils upon paper seemed amplified one hundred times over, though none of these noises were made by his own. The shuffling of sheets of paper further distracted him, more so because his own exam paper had not yet been opened up. It remained closed and blank of his own work, his name on the front the only thing he had written down at all.

Glancing at his shaking hands, his mind seemed to go blank. His breathing only grew heavier and less regular, and he felt himself shaking and sweating more. Standing up in a hurry, he ran from the exam hall and to the restroom before he knelt in front of a toilet and retched, coughing and heaving as he was sick. His breathing was still uneven and heavy, the young man starting to suffer a quite severe panic attack. Though he usually took medication to help with his anxieties, he'd been so focused on his exams and other issues, he'd neglected to pick up and take his medication as he felt he had no time to.

Hand shaking, he reached into his jeans pocket for his phone before realising that he didn't have it on him and that it was still in his locker on the opposite side of school. He needed comforting and supporting, but he wasn't sure whom would find him or care enough to help.
If one ever met Robert "Robby" Green and <Y/C>, believing that they were mother and son would be incredibly easy due to how close the pair were. This was only partly true. Whilst the two were very close indeed, <Y/C> is actually his step mother.

The two have known each other for nearly a decade, though <Y/C> has been married to his father for only a year now, engaged for 3 leading up to it. Robby is the youngest of three children, and the only one to ever really show respect to <Y/C>. Being just 5 at the time he first met her, he was too young to really understand why his siblings disliked her so much. He saw her as "daddy's special friend" and loved to play games with her and to go to the park with her too. As such, they grew close and were mostly inseparable. Little Robby adored her, and she adored him. Indeed, only she was and ever is,allowed to call him Robby. To everyone else, he is Robert.

However, it's not all perfect. Both are abused and mistreated by his father/her husband, and multiple times have been left to go hungry in the basement. Robby's father lords his power over the two, and even allows the two older siblings to bully and belittle the two. As such, they have grown to be close as a coping mechanism of sorts.

When Robby comes out as gay, he is beaten by his father to within an inch of his life. While he is in hospital, <Y/C> realises she needs to escape so flees to her parent's home. There, she goes through the courts to divorce her husband and seek to adopt Robby as her own son, so she can continue to protect and love him, like a mother should for a son.

Not incest, not romance. I figured she'd be aware from the start of the RP that Robby is gay, and not let that affect the two of them. She'd be accepting, and know how difficult it was for him to come out to her.


So, simply looking for someone to play Robby's step mom. I figured she'd be mid thirties, maybe?

Quite a few people were suspicious when it came to Emilia "Emmy" Green. Her build was small and petite, and her voice soft and gentle. Many assumed she was younger than her 18 years of age, though this wasn't the case. She merely looked younger, something she was rather indifferent about. She was 18, and she knew it even if nobody else did.

Secondly, she was a transfer student in from another school across the state. Why she moved wasn't shared, and the fact she came under such mysterious circumstances made others wary. Had she committed a crime? Injured another student, caused damage? This was her 5th school in three years, after all.

Thirdly, she was never seen in Gym. She always wore knee-length dresses too, her arms covered by the sleeves of long t-shirts she wore under the dress. Her make up was minimal, but rather pretty and her features as soft and gentle as her skin. Many theorised she was too vain for gym, or thought she was too good to run or play dodge-ball.

None of this was true. What was true was that Emmy wasn't.. well, born Emmy. Instead, she was born Ethan. Emily didn't partake in gym to hide her physical sex from others. She'd been bullied out of three schools when her secret was discovered, and forced out of the other two through interference from parents of other students.


Emmy sat alone in the library, long brown hair framing her face. Her chin was on her hand, as she sat with her elbows on the table. The green haired woman was staring at a poster for ballet classes, wishing beyond words that she could join them here. She'd been a brilliant ballet dancer at her previous schools, and her petite form and excellent balance made her a natural. She loved to dance and to move with the music, to get lost in a world of her own.

Letting a sigh pass by her lips, she glanced at her watch. Ten minutes until Gym ended, and ten minutes until Lunch time. She'd easily be able to wait this out, then go and eat her lunch outside like she so often did. Alone, with just stares and whispers for company. Only two weeks she'd been here, and already she could feel the... accusations starting. If they found out this time, Emmy knew she'd be done for. She had seen how some of the popular girls could be to each other, and she dreaded getting treated like that.


I'm looking to pair Emmy with a female character. Ideally, it'd be interesting if your character were one of the popular girls whom has a crush on Emmy not knowing her true sex. When Emmy comes clean, it's up to you if your character is accepting straight away, or not.

I think it'd be adorable if she was, taking the chance to take Emmy shopping for clothes which fit her better, getting her underwear, make up, etc that would make her look more feminine and more beautiful if she so desires. A case of liking/crushing on Emmy not for her gender or looks, but for the sweet and kind girl Emmy is, the fact she's friends with Y/C, regardless of her sexuality and that she didn't let y/c date or even ask her without revealing such a big secret.
"Help! Help!" A woman's voice, full of panic.

William sat alone in the corner of his classroom with his head on his bag, when he heard the frantic yells from across the hall. His head shot up from where he'd trying to nap, and he stood up instantly and ran for the door as fast as he could. His knees were in bad health, and he ran with a limp as he made his way over.

He could see someone lain down on the floor, deathly still and not breathing. Racing over, he dropped to his knees at her side. Ignoring the intense pain that shot up his legs, his eyes focused on her before he turned and pointed to a classmate. "You, go get the nurse." He spoke in a surprisingly commending tone, before he faced someone else. "Ambulance, now."

Taking a deep breath, he unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt so it was easier for her to breathe if he could get her to. Checking her airways, he placed his hands atop eachother on her chest and began compression, counting aloud. "1, 2, 3.." He kept himself calm, though he was worrying too. "28, 29, 30.." Once he'd done it, he tilted her head up slightly and placed his mouth over hers to give her two rescue breaths before returning to the chest compression.

"Come on.. come on.." A few seconds later, relief washed over him as he heard her gasp for her own breath as he chest started to raise and fall. Moving her into the recovery position, he sat with his back on the lockers and let out a sigh of relief. He did want to get up and go to avoid any attention, but the pain in his knees prevented him from standing. Sirens wailed outside, flashing blue lights filling the hall as the ambulance pulled up near the window. Footsteps as the nurse came running, and voices mingled in his ears.

Wiping his forehead, William sighed as he became calm. He could see people pointing to him, though he just watched the paramedics getting her ready. He knew the girl he'd just saved, though had never spoken to her.

After all, she was popular and pretty. He was quiet and geeky. A paramedic knelt by him to talk, though Will cared not for his own pains. "Is she going to be okay?" William asked, concern in his now timid voice. He was back to his shyness, the brief command he'd had gone with his glimpse of confidence. With much struggling, Will stood and held onto the lockers for a moment as he tried to make his way back to class. But he could barely stand now, let alone walk.


Shy/timid Guy x Popular girl. Both characters are 18. The reason she stopped breathing is up to you, but I figured an undiagonsed heart defect would work.

This will eventually be romance.
/Abused Male x Tough yet kindly Female.

I figured that Y/C is a student known for aggressive behaviour and her tough attitude towards people. Powerful in both persona and physical strength, she could be rather protective of William after finding out what's going on at home and even kick the asses of those who hurt her sweet little friend. I could see her being the sort to put her life on the line for William.

She is paired with William for a school project, in an attempt to see if he can calm her down.

Though William is initially rather shy, he eventually begins to speak to and warms up to her. He's silent about the abuse at home, and refuses to speak about much to do with home life. He never removes his hoodie either, hiding his body from view. His hair is always across his face to an extent, in order to try and prevent eye contact.

Eventually though, the two do speak about his... less then steller home life after she comes clean about her own past.

Yes, my intention is that Y/C was abused at home as a child, though was adopted at a youngish age, and thus escaped it earlier than William.


William sat alone, occupying his usual seat in the far right corner. It was very rare that anyone spoke to him, them all seeming to view him as strange and odd. He never spoke a word to anybody at all, and seemed to be quite sad all the time. Dressed in baggy clothes, his posture was always rather withdrawn and insular as though he was constantly protecting himself from harm.

To an extent, he was. His baggy clothes hid the bruises and cuts he wore all over his body, his form unhealthily thin but rather well concealed from prying eye. His messenger bag was always held close to his body, as though it contained the secrets to the universe. And whilst it didn't, it did contain his sketchbook and a little black notebook. Both of these contained his secrets, his pain, his sorrow. He only brought it to school to prevent his brother or father finding it and seeing what was written inside.

Gazing around from behind his thick framed glasses, his baby blue eyes seemed to dart around nervously as though looking for danger from every corner. Half-listening to his teacher, he could see the older male talking to a female classmate before gesturing towards William. The blonde was worried as to why he was being spoken about, but tried not to think too much about it. He just wanted to sleep, to be safe and sound.
If one were to ever see Felix and <Y/C> hanging out together, they would be prone to wonder how two such different looking and acting people could ever be friends. Let alone the best friends they had been for many years now.

Felix was soft-spoken and rather shy in nature, petite in build and rather short. (Indeed, he barely reached his best friend's chest). With his love of pink and roses along with his feminine sense of dress and his curly shoulder-length brown hair, it was easy to mistake him for a flat-chested woman. Not that he minded at all. He liked being able to pull it off. He loves having his nails painted and wearing make up too.

<Y/C> is gruff and speaks as she finds. She's taller than Felix and a bit more on the muscular side. She wears more masculine clothes and with her hair short, it's easy to mistake her for a male. The only feminine thing she wears are the rise earrings brought for her by Felix, whom wears a pair too. (Rest of her personality is up to you.)

This will be romantic.



Felix spoke in his soft delicate way, perched on the kitchen counter with his legs dangling over the edge, his rear on the surface as he drunk his morning cup of coffee.

The brown haired male had perched himself here for no particular reason, deciding to quietly await his best friend to enter the room. It was early morning still, and the day ahead looked to be cold, snowy and miserable. And quite frankly, Felix did NOT want to go out there. It just didn't feel worth it, not when he had the day off work and no school. He did plan on going to the coffee shop whilst she worked, but..

"What do you want for breakfast?" He spoke, placing the cup on the counter and edging fowards slowly. At barely 5'5" tall, and rather petite, it was easy enough to mistake him for a woman at first glance. His soft skin didn't help, nor did the fact he shaved to keep his skin so soft and smooth. He didn't mind this at all. He did in fact dress in women's clothes, and barely ever wore anything masculine at all.

Right now was case in point. He wore a pink nightgown (Though had boxers beneath) and red fluffy slippers, white frilly ankle socks peeking out from the slippers, a smile on his lips that was as sweet and innocent as he was.

"Erm.. I'm stuck."
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