"Why can't he have been born.. normal?"
Lilian Green spoke with venom in her voice and anger in her deep green eyes as she glanced over at her 13 year old son, Thomas. The male was currently sat in the corner of his bedroom, legs crossed and his attention focused entirely upon his toy cars. He was lining them up in order from largest on the left to the smallest on the right in several rows, each row designated to a particular colour. He'd been doing this for the last hour or two, and did it at least once a week.
On the shelves above his desk sat his toy trains, those too were ordered by size and colour. His bookshelf was split into sections, each of those by genre, alphabetically, and where he could by height. He loved.. no, obsessed with having his belongings in some form of order and was often unsettled if someone took or moved one out of place. He hated it when his nephews visited and would mess around with or steal his belongings, and so he had often took to locking himself in his room so nobody could mess with his stuff.
Friends? Nope, he had none. He had little in the way of social skills and never uttered a single word to anybody at all. He was as silent as the dead of night, and it was often wondered if he could even talk at all. Communicating with him could be impossible if you didn't know what to do, and when he was upset he could cry and whimper for hours on end as he couldn't express himself properly. He wasn't violent though, and had only lashed out once. A teacher had been shouting in his face, and he shoved the older man away to try and get out of the classroom.
"I don't know how you deal with him." Lily turned her attention back to <Your character>, a sigh passing her lips. She couldn't deal with her own son, yet his sister seemed to be able to soothe and communicate with him in a way no others could. It was as though <YC> could read his mind and could work out what he wanted from the simplest noise or gesture.
//So, obviously I am looking for someone to play Thomas' big sister. Ideally, she'd be at least 18 and no older than mid
twenties.My initial idea was that <Y/C> cannot have children, and she currently lives alone in an apartment across town.
Her relationship with her parents is strained and one that is unwelcome, with them only talking so that she can still see Thomas and so that Thomas still has his older sister around. It'll come out that her parents are considering putting him into the social care system as they cannot and will not cope/deal with him any longer. As such, she looks at getting the full guardianship rights for him so that she can raise him from then on.
Indeed, Y/C is the only one able to get through to Thomas. As such, he adores her and loves spending time with her. She's the only person whom understands him, and he does get upset when she cannot come and see him. There is a brother (Lucas) whom is older then both Thomas and Y/C, but neither of the younger two get on with the older male at all. Lucas mistreats Thomas, and allows his own sons to bully and belittle Thomas.
NOT incest. I repeat, NOT incest.