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13 days ago
13 days ago
someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
14 days ago
I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
15 days ago
Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine
15 days ago
I'm on a walk, see a cat. It's dark but I'm like "Here kitty, kitty" and Pssp pssp pssping to get its attention. I get closer, it's a fucking little bag of sand weighing a construction sign down


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"I Love You, I Promise"


Edward stood in the doorway leading into his best friend's dorm room, his mouth open as he gazed at her. He had never seen her in less than a hoodie and jeans, so to see how frail and tiny she was scared him. She was horribly thin, and his heart broke to see the one he loved so.. so.. Edward couldn't even find the words to describe how he felt seeing her like this.

He closed the door to the dorm behind him, placing down the box he'd brought in with him. Instead he moved straight over to her, ignoring that she was only in her underwear and pulled her into his arms in a protective embrace. His hands, soft and gentle, rested on her shoulders after a moment as he looked her in the eyes and spoke one more, two simple words which shook with the tears and emotions he was holding back.

"Oh, sweetie.." He'd always called her that. It was his name for her, and had been as long as they had been friends. It started through a mistake, as he'd heard a teacher call her that and genuinely thought it was her name. They were ten at the time, and it'd been a running joke for weeks after that became an affectionate and well meaning nickname for her.

"I.. I didn't think.." He couldn't find the words. She'd always been thin, but he didn't think she was this thin. At the same time, he was internally chastising himself. 6 years they'd been friends, and he had never seen the signs. He felt he'd let her down, let her suffer and struggle on her own. His hand gently rubbed her back, and he sat on the bed silently pulling her close.

//So, this will deal with dark and mature themes. Your character has an eating disorder, which she has struggled with for over a decade at this point. I figured her past and home life were never the best, as well as being bullied in school.

However, the one spark of genuine light would be Edward. Until he met her, he didn't speak a word to anyone. She was the one person he first spoke to, and he owes her the world for helping him be confident despite his severe stammering.

As such, I figured he's the only person she lets even come close to her without trying to step back. Obviously she has personal space, but I kinda figured she lets Edward be close as he wants because she knows he would never, ever harm her.

Edward speaks with a severe stutter, which isn't typed out in this starter. This is because each word is struggled with, and to type it out would lengthen the post too much to be readable.


The Flames of Love

Thick, black smoke billowed out of the house on the corner of Arch Road, as red, orange and yellow flames seemed to almost in the midnight sky bathing everything around in a hellish glow.

Robert "Robby" Peters had been asleep when the first shout awoke him, combined with frantic and loud banging upon his front door. Someone was going around waking everyone up, telling them to clear their own homes in case the fire were to spread. Grabbing a t-shirt and jeans on his way out, dressing frantically, the brunette male had followed everyone to a somewhat safe distance away. The burning house looked eerie, almost like something from a movie set. His eyes were fixated on the scene before him, unable to tear himself away from the rather scary event.

But frantic screams made him snap back to reality, turning to see what was going on. He could see two familiar people talking frantically to neighbours, before a sense of horror washed over him. They were the parents of a classmate, but his classmate was nowhere to be seen! It dawned on him suddenly what was going on, and without a second thought he began to run forwards. Ignoring the yells to come back, he shielded his face and ran into the burning building.

The smoke was thicker here, and he could barely see in front of him. Sweat poured down his face as the heat struck him, intense and seeming to make everything around him warp and distort. Coughing violently, his face was filthy with smoke and ash in seconds. Yet he battled on, broken glass and other things cutting into his bare feet. Up the stairs he went, feeling his way through with a hand on the wall.

Encountering a closed door, the male booted it open with surprising strength for someone of his thin build. Laying on her bed unconscious was his classmate. Battling his way over, horror struck him once more. Leaning over, he could see her chest rise and fall slowly, and he knew she was still alive. Scooping her up bridal style, the male made his way back through the flames and smoke, despite knowing they could both die. A sudden burst of flames shot forth, and he turned to shield her. They licked his back and burnt the shirt he wore, catching his skin but thankfully not setting him alight. Pain raced across his body but he kept on going still.

Stumbling outside, he fell to his knees at the end of the garden path, as far from the fire as he could get with her. His hand wiped dirt from her face as he started to check her over before paramedics and firefighters swarmed around the duo. He coughed violently again, before he was sick. Ash and dirt were in his nose and mouth, and he was filthy. He was in pain too, his feet bleeding, with burns and blisters already forming on his back and his arms.

//So, classmate x classmate. I figured she's either more popular than he is, and she bullied him quite badly. The fire was started by someone else in their class, the identity of who will be revealed later on.

Now, I think it'd be interesting if she had only suffered smoke inhalation, as opposed to him both breathing in smoke and suffering burns and other injuries from protecting her. This way, I figured she'd be out of hospital first but still come to see him daily while he is there.

Eventually Robert would be allowed out, with her and her staying with him whilst her parents stay somewhere else. The reason for this is simple. If she wants to pay him back for saving her, it would mean she could help him with treating his burns and the like, as he still needs some aftercare. He'd refuse initially, but relent.

Obviously romance would be a part of this.
Aye, it's still open.
~X-Men RP.

I'm simply seeking someone capable of playing a original mutant character, whom will be the best friend to my main character, Robert, whom is human. I will also be playing other X-Men characters, to further bulk out the storyline potential.

Other Marvel characters can also be used, and will be mentioned at various points. I am going more for a comic book vibe from this, rather then using the movies as the inspiration or focal point.

Largely, this will focus on concepts like prejudice, acceptation, separation and so on, as well as battles and the like. My character may eventually become a hero, though this will depend on how the story plays out.

As I'm looking to write this with more adult aspects in mind (No, not just smut.) I am looking for writers and characters of 18 and over.

I am also open to the idea of the main two characters being in a relationship, or I am happy for Y/C to end up in a relationship with another X-Men member.~


Some hate them with a passion, and want them eradicated. Others view them as saviors, providing humanity with protection and wanting to ensure the public at large are safe from threats and danger. Others yet don't know how to feel, creating a divide between friends, family and colleagues.

The mutant community is just as split. Some, such as the X-Men believe in equality between humans and mutants, wishing to ensure prejudice is as eradicated as it can be through peaceful means. Then there are those like the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, who feel that mutants deserve to be seen as superiors, and will stop at nothing to whip the human race into what they see as fit for power, pride and prestige. And there are those who don't know how they feel, or what is best for them."

Leaning back in his chair, Robert's eyes scanned the words he'd written, speaking them out loud again and again in an attempt to make sure the information made some form of sense, fingers drumming anxiously atop the wooden desk on which his laptop currently sat, the only light in his bedroom.

One of the few people he knew whom didn't think mutants deserved the insults and negativity they often got, he was currently trying to work out what he'd say tomorrow in a classroom debate. And, no matter how hard he tried, getting the right words seemed nigh on impossible.

And he wanted to ensure he did. Some years prior, he'd witnessed a battle between the robotic Ultron and a few members of the X-Men, alongside Avengers. And it made him realise that not all mutants were bad, and those whom weren't deserved not to be treated so badly.

Getting out of his chair, he called through to them, his voice warm as ever. "Can you come and read this over for me?"
Someone RP with Blaze. He's a prick but I like him.
/Abused Male x Tough yet kindly Female.

I figured that Y/C is a student known for aggressive behaviour and her tough attitude towards people. Powerful in both persona and physical strength, she could be rather protective of William after finding out what's going on at home and even kick the asses of those who hurt her sweet little friend. I could see her being the sort to put her life on the line for William.

She is paired with William for a school project, in an attempt to see if he can calm her down.

Though William is initially rather shy, he eventually begins to speak to and warms up to her. He's silent about the abuse at home, and refuses to speak about much to do with home life. He never removes his hoodie either, hiding his body from view. His hair is always across his face to an extent, in order to try and prevent eye contact.

Eventually though, the two do speak about his... less then steller home life after she comes clean about her own past.

Yes, my intention is that Y/C was abused at home as a child, though was adopted at a youngish age, and thus escaped it earlier than William.


To say that William was feeling miserable would be an utter, quite insulting, understatement and a half. He felt... quite a mixture of emotions, despite them all being on the negative side of things.

Depression. Anger. Fear. Hurt. Alone. Terrible.

Today alone, he'd cycled through all of these, and much more besides. Genuine happiness was impossible, and had been for the last year or two. He could certainly fake a smile, and could put his parents off the scent of what was really going on.

Blood. Tears. Pain.

Every time he entered the bathroom at home, all three of these would be easily accomplished. He had control over two of these, much to his brief pride. It was something he could prevent the bullies from causing to him, and he found a tiny spark of enjoyment in this.

Watching the crimson liquid drip into the sink, his eyes moved over to the mirror that hung over the fitting. His skin was pale, his chocolate brown eyes dark and standing as a stark contrast to his skin. Bags hung under his eyes, dark rings from a lack of sleep. His dark black hair was down to his shoulders, framing his features.

Frowning some as he squinted, the male noted a slight bruise starting upon his right cheek. Must have been from when he was shoved into the lockers. Prehaps he could blame the newest marks upon his arm on that. Looking down, a cold smirk played upon his lips. Three scars on the left, four on the right. He always avoided gym, and hooded tops meant his arms were always covered up. He knew that the marks were there, and nobody else did. Good. Just how he wanted it.

Stepping over to the full length mirror, he looked at his thin body. He'd shed a lot of weight, no longer an overweight child. Instead, he was much too thin now. But this was better than the alternative. He'd rather not weigh much, then be large, ugly and gross. It didn't matter that his ribs could be seen, nor that he looked overly ill if anyone ever saw his body. Nobody could, and thanks to the clothes he wore, they wouldn't know.

The following morning, William sat alone, occupying his usual seat in the far right corner. It was very rare that anyone spoke to him, them all seeming to view him as strange and odd. He never spoke a word to anybody at all, and seemed to be quite sad all the time. Dressed in baggy clothes again, his posture was always rather withdrawn and insular as though he was constantly protecting himself from harm.

To an extent, he was. Once more, his baggy clothes hid the bruises and cuts he wore all over his body, his form unhealthily thin but rather well concealed from prying eye. His messenger bag was always held close to his body, as though it contained the secrets to the universe. And whilst it didn't, it did contain his sketchbook and a little black notebook. Both of these contained his secrets, his pain, his sorrow. He only brought it to school to prevent his brother or father finding it and seeing what was written inside.

Gazing around from behind his thick framed glasses, his baby blue eyes seemed to dart around nervously as though looking for danger from every corner. Half-listening to his teacher, he could see the older male talking to a female classmate before gesturing towards William. The blonde was worried as to why he was being spoken about, but tried not to think too much about it. He just wanted to sleep, to be safe and sound.
In Loving Lily 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Lily sniffled and nodded, taking her best friend by the hand as she made her way back into the bedroom where Lily had spent most her time when Grave wasn't home. Sitting on the bed, the tiny woman wiped her face down the best she could before eventually starting to speak to her constant and confident companion.

Looking up at the taller girl, Lily finally spoke. "Ashley found out about me.. my.." She stuttered, trying to express what she meant without using such words as had been said to her earlier that very same day. "She knows... She knows I wasn't born as Lily." She sighed, resting her head on her best friend's side. It hurt to admit this, as Lily knew it'd been why she lost her job. "My boss told me to get out and get my paycheck on the way out the door." Lily wiped her face, feeling more tears in her eyes.
Okay, so I have an idea that I'd quite like to explore.

My character and yours met in elementary school, some 15 years before the start of the role play. My character, Riley, is soft spoken and gentle, his voice rather feminine. His dress sense is like this too, along with his dyed pink hair. He does sometimes wear makeup, although not much if he can help it.

He's never actually revealed his true sex to Y/C. He's always masqueraded as a woman, and pulls this off well. He never changes in the same room as her, and wears baggy sweat pants to bed, and an old t-shirt. As such, he's hidden this well.

It's not that he doesn't trust or love her, but he's scared that she'll no longer love or date him if he DOES tell her. He's scared of loosing the person he loves, yet knows he can't and shouldn't lie to her..

Okay, so basic but I thought it could be fun. I'd obviously be playing as Riley. He's 22, so I'd like your character to be between 22 and 26. I think an age gap could be interesting to bring in.


"Morning." Riley stretched her arms over her head, her short stature heightened briefly as she pushed herself onto her tiptoes for a brief few seconds as though to push every last inch of sleepiness out of her small body.

She currently wore a baggy pink t-shirt with a picture of a unicorn on the chest, the item of clothing one or two sizes too large and hanging on her almost like a blanket. Sweatpants accompanied this, the small woman finding them most cosy to sleep in. Her feet were bare, the merest hint of red polish on her nails. Padding over to her best friend, her arms wrapped around the taller and more muscular woman for a moment as she stood enjoying the warmth and comfort the other's body and mere presence both offered to her. Glancing up at her, Riley's fingers traced up her arm for a moment before she swallowed.

"I need to talk to you about something important.." Riley admitted, taking the other's hand and leading her over to the sofa. Sitting on it, for the first time in years there was a gap between the two as they sat upon the couch. They had lived together for 5 years now, and spent most evenings cuddling on the sofa whilst watching a movie.

Her hands shaking, Riley lifted her shirt off to unveal her flat chest, a deep blush on her cheeks and tears in her eyes. For the decade and a half they had known eachother, Riley had never revealed that she was actually born as a male. She'd always hidden her body, and skipped gym so that she could keep this up. She hated having a man's body, and as such had never shown it to anyone.

"I'm sorry."
In Loving Lily 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Lily stood up after about five minutes, pushing her hair away from her tear stained face. The strands that covered her face were drenched, as was the pillow that the small girl had been crying into since she ran from Grace. Telling her best friend that she'd lost her job had been rather too much, as well as the other various things that had been going on recently.

Opening her door, Lily looked up at Grace before flinging her arms around the taller girl and burying her face in her chest as she began to cry into it in a fearful way. Her entire body shook, not helped by the fact she was pushed up on her own tiptoes to try and gain some more height. "I'm sorry." Lily sobbed into Grace, not wanting to look up nor to let go right now.
Ugly. Worthless. Disgusting.

Thomas stood silently in his bedroom, stripped down to just his boxers as he stared in the mirror at his reflection. Each glance he took made him feel rather haunted, making him wish he could just run away and hide. To never have to look at himself again.

His shoulders were scarred badly, as was his neck and his left cheek. Each mark was red and obvious, an easy target for those bullies whom had made his last three schools a living hell. Three schools in as many years. A record he'd rather not have to deal with, thank you very much. But staying at one for too long had been impossible for the male to deal with.

Shivering as he grabbed a long sleeved shirt, he pulled it over his battered body and buttoned it right to the top. Adjusting the caller so it covered as much as possible, he unwillingly glanced into the mirror once more. The scar on his cheek was still there for all to see, as was the longer scar on his neck which peeked from above his collar.

Pulling on his jeans and sneakers,Tommy stood up and made his way to the kitchen to grab an apple from the fruit bowl and his school bag from the kitchen table. The male wasn't looking forwards to today in the least. The first day was often amongst the worst. With a deep, shaky breath, he stepped out of his front door and locked it behind him before making his way to his new school on foot. A walk to clear his head always helped.

//Shy/Kind, scarred male x <Persona>, scarred female.

Effectively, i figured that Y/C has scars from her past, which are covered and people are unaware of. When she sees Tommy being picked on, I figured it'd be interesting if her scars were shown to try and draw attention away from Tommy. A sort of "If you're going to pick on him, pick on me too."

As such, they'd become friends and eventually start to date as time went on. This is basic, but will be expanded on over time. I would prefer her to the the punk kinda girl, someone who could physically defend her new friend but at the same time, struggles academically. Perhaps she cannot read nor write, something Tommy can teach her to do.
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