Avatar of SammyMcW


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13 days ago
13 days ago
someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
14 days ago
I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
14 days ago
Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine
15 days ago
I'm on a walk, see a cat. It's dark but I'm like "Here kitty, kitty" and Pssp pssp pssping to get its attention. I get closer, it's a fucking little bag of sand weighing a construction sign down


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"I like you." These three words escaped Edward's lips as he sat next to the crying classmate of his, drawing his knees up to his chest. He was the typical nerd in how he dressed. Smart pants, ironed white shirt, black tie and dark blue sweater vest. His glasses were a little too large for him, baby blue eyes big and wide beneath them.

He glanced at the thin woman, his eyes taking in each of her tattoo's before he moved to get a tissue from his bag and held it out to her to dry the tears. His hair was soft, smelling of apples and strawberries as he closed his eyes and let out a gentle sigh. "Do you wanna stay here, or go back to class?" He smiled at her after a moment, his eyes warm as they looked up at her. The boy who had never spoken was trying to offer her affection and comfort right now. He was always nice around her, giving her kind smiles and working with her on projects when paired up. He just never spoke a word, always writing them down.


So, I'm kinda looking for someone who can play the typical punkish girl. Someone whom likes to seem cold and threatening, but underneath is lonely and miserable. They turn the sadness into anger, and use it to push others away.

He's just discovered her in tears, and has been sat listening to her talk for the last twenty minutes. She confided in him she feels hated/disliked, hence his words to her.

It's up to you if this goes into romance, but I think it'd be sweet if it did. The idea of this tough, cold and "heartless" girl having a real soft spot for my character, and him having a real love for her.

Okay, so I have an idea if anyone would be interested? I kinda want to do a romance between my character, a gentle and soft spoke, sweet and slightly.. naive for lack of a better word person. I'd be looking for you to play the tough, biker kinda character, the tattooed "scary" looking type.

However, our characters would be the best of friends and have been since they were small children. My character, Charlie, is Male to Female and is transitioning slowly. I'd like you to play your character as Female to Male. This is because I love the idea of exploring the relationship between two transitioning characters, and seeing how much they love each other and how it grows over time.

Obviously, they would also deal with prejudice and with hate towards them from various people. How they deal with it on a personal level could be interesting to explore too. They're late teens by now, but I think flashing back to the past could really help with this and explore things like them coming out to each other, the first date they go on, etc.

I kinda want them to have cute nicknames for each other too. Something only the other is allowed to/will call them, to further cement the bond.
@Piqsy Sure!

The gunshot seemed to echo around the empty, rain slicked streets, a rather haunting and loud noise that drew the attention of residents all around though none left the homes in which they lived. Curtains twitched of course, and lights came on in various apartments filling all the high rise buildings, yet not a soul came outside to see what was going on.

Time seemed to slow down for Charlie at that moment, the young woman dropping to her knees as the bullet entered her stomach. Pain shot up her body, and from behind her she heard a scream of her name. She saw the gun drop, heard it hit the ground and the splash as it hit the puddle. She heard and saw the running feet of the man whom shot her, felt the warmth of arms around her, saw into the eyes of the woman she'd been protected and heard her name.

Then... black.

--Three days later--

Charlie's eyes fluttered open as she lay in the white, crisp sheets of a hospital bed. Everything ached as she looked around herself, seeing first the wires and tubes then the oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Her bed was the only one in this room, so she was somewhere private.. How did she afford this? She had little money... The smell of sterile equipment hit her nose and she shivered, before closing her eyes as the lights started to hurt.


So, I will be playing a Male to Female character for this, called Charlie. At the time of the shooting, she has not yet physically transitioned though she does use female pronouns and refers to herself as "Charlotte" or "Charlie". Born Charles, she has always gone by Charlie though she likes Charlotte as a name too. She's usually scared and shy, but has bravery within as evident by the fact she got shot trying to defend her best friend. Charlie is 18.

I kinda figured your character is a bad girl or punk type, whom always had a soft spot for my character for whatever reason and as such, they've been friends since Charlie was 6 and your character was 8. I wanted the two year gap between them as I figured it'd give her more of a protective nature towards Charlie. Romance between them is optional.

I will admit, I kinda got influenced by this picture so I am kinda tempted to make Charlie a bit on the bigger side though if you don't want a chubby character for mine I will change that.
Okay, so a random but possibly fun idea.

My character is an artist whom is on a plane flying from England to America, when it crashlands on a remote island in the midst of a jungle. He survives with few injuries, though why is never revealed. He is discovered by the leader of a remote tribe and his family, and though they are unsure at first, thanks to your character, the daughter of the family, he is helped and allowed to recover here.

Whilst recovering, your character and mine interact. Though a language barrier, they learn to communicate and start to discover more about the other's culture and the like. He falls in love with her, though he doesn't know what to say nor to do.

I figured eventually he would chose to remain with his new friends and his love, feeling accepted by a society for the first time in his life. He learns to hunt and to find food, whilst he teaches some of the tribe to read and to write if they wish to learn.

Arthur, my character, is 19 so I figured yours would be around 18-22. She is the daughter in the tribe. The island and language they'd speak is fictional.


Remote. So, so remote...

Arthur didn't know where he was, but he knew his arm hurt a hell of a lot. His body was covered in cuts and in bruises, his ribs broken too. He was lucky to be alive though, the plane he was on having crashed into the remote jungles. The fire burned some 3 miles behind him, wreckage still all around him.

Groaning in pain, his vision grew blurry for a moment before he shook his head. Walking might have been stupid right now as he didn't know if he had any injuries to his neck or spine due to the crash. His shoulder bag smacked against his ribs, causing pain to jut through his body but he wouldn't let it go. It had his notebook and photos inside, as well as other belongings that he wanted with him if he were to die. He could see his suitcase on the ground too, bashed and split but salvageable at least. He took it in his right hand, knowing his left was broken before he began to walk aimlessly.

For about twenty minutes he walked in circles, before he felt something whiz by his face. He froze and turned, seeing three men and two women stood in a clearing. All three wore little in the way of clothing, covering up only the most intimate of areas, as well as the women's chest.

The men had weapons, and the women held what looked like makeshift bags with food inside. He held his hands up as he put his bag down, showing he had no weapons and nothing to harm them. He cried out though as pain ran through his arm, shuddering as he fell to his knees.

James had always been lonely. He found making friends was a difficult thing to do, being rather shy and anxious in nature. This wasn't helped by the fact his mother and father were constantly on the move as part of their job, so only in the last two year had he settled down. He had turned 18 on the very first day of the school year, so was able to live alone as he worked.

The word was "alone". He was so awfully lonely, no friends, nothing to do with his family...He just attended class and worked, and on his days off he would lay alone in bed or sit on the sofa and watch TV in his small, lonely apartment. Just him, and nobody else. He hated this, but was scared to make friends. He was picked on so much in the past, and his mother and father had both told him he would never be wanted by anyone.

Y/C is more popular than mine is. She has lots of people whom call her a friend and hang around her. She could have her pick of anyone she wanted, and is liked by everyone, so it seems. Yet she too is lonely. Surrounded by people, yet not one seems to be a true friend nor care all that much for her other than to get to the top of the ladder.


So I figured your character and mine are paired together for a while as part of a school initiative to make the less.. popular kids less lonesome and try to prevent bullying. A good idea not executed greatly, but that's how it was. Yet, they actually hit it off well. They find they have a lot of interests in common, share the same sense of humour and so on.

As such, they become very fast friends and very close in a short period of time. As close as they are, they both fear the other will leave and this prevents them from becoming as close as they want to.. no, need to be.
William sat on his bed, silent and still. His knees were drawn to his chest, the male wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts which hung on his tiny and thin form almost like a pair of actual shorts as they were a few sizes too large on him.

He was bony and tiny, his form sickeningly and shockingly thin. His body was covered in bruising, from his shoulders right down to his toes. Dried blood spotted all over him right now, and his long, blonde hair framed his face and hid those beautiful blue eyes of his. His heart skipped a beat as he heard the door to his room enter, and he laid eyes on a woman he'd known since they were children. He'd spoken with her once or twice, but had always been weary of making friends with her. He liked and wanted to be her friend, but..

His current "best friend", Lilian, was controlling, cold and abusive. Yet she kept this facade of kindness and love up that fooled everyone. Nobody knew how she treated William, how she'd beat him up for talking to others, how she'd withhold food and the like from him. Yet he stayed with her, scared though he didn't like nor love her anymore and hadn't for years. He wanted out, wanted someone who would be genuinely nice and love him, help him get better.

William's heart sank as he didn't move, knowing she could see what Lilian had done to him this time. His big, sad eyes looked to his classmate before he burst into tears in front of her as he could no longer hold back the fear and sadness he felt. He had always held these emotions back, kept up the appearance that he and Lilian were happy together. But unlike her, he was actually a sweet and kind soul, who wasn't cruel or hateful. His biggest flaw was the fact he wasn't going to ever stand up for himself.

But despite what others thought, he wasn't timid or scared in a sense. Yes, she scared him and he was scared of being hurt, but he was brave to keep things going, brave to try and battle through. But he deserved better now, and needed someone to love and help him.


So, I figured that Y/C and mine, William, are sort of friends. Years ago, he helped her through a hellish situation and in doing so, saved her from a life like the one he currently has. He never came clean about his own situation, covering it up.

However, I figured recently Y/C has caught on, or seen Lilian cheating on Will and wanting him to know came to tell him. He only trusts Y/C at all, though he hasn't told her of the abuse as he's worried it might affect her due to the past.

I kinda thought it'd be cool if she were to rescue him from this, help him regain his strength and work through it all with him like he did her years ago.
In Loving Lily 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Lily looked up at her best friend, wiping her face then giving her a small and sad little nod. She still felt hurt, but knew that her beautiful Grace would still love and protect her now. Lily wasn't brave, or strong, not like the one person she loved. She admired Grace for a lot, but her best friend was so damn strong and so damn confident it made the smaller woman's heart ache for the love and affection she craved. Lily wanted, no, needed to feel Grace's arms around her every night, her warm and cosy body close enough to cuddle up to if Lily were scared or alone. Not that she would be.

"Wait, Grace..." Lily spoke out, taking the other by the hand. "I don't want a movie night, or ice cream, or anything like that.." Her small form shifted, kneeling up on the bed to make things a touch easier. "I want this." Lily swallowed, then lent in and pressed her soft and warm lips against her best friend's in hopes of a kiss in return. Her tiny body curled up into Grace a little, breaking the kiss to see how the other would react.
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