Avatar of SammyMcW


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12 days ago
12 days ago
someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
13 days ago
I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
14 days ago
Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine
14 days ago
I'm on a walk, see a cat. It's dark but I'm like "Here kitty, kitty" and Pssp pssp pssping to get its attention. I get closer, it's a fucking little bag of sand weighing a construction sign down


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Honestly up to you. @Harlequ . Just shoot me it in a PM
I’m definitely interested, but I do have a couple questions;

1. Would the two be related by blood? Or would it simply be a sister like relationship?

2. Is there a preferred age range for the characters? Should they be around the same age, or could one potentially be, say, seven years older?

1. Honestly, up to you. Regardless, my character would call yours "Sis" or some take on.

2. Anything up to 11 years older is fine. Robby is 15, so up to 26 years old for your character works.
So, I'm kinda looking for someone to be an older sister to my MtF character. Someone who can support her to transition, to help her do make up, etc. Sweet and cute kinda thing.


Standing in front of a tall mirror, Robert bit his bottom lip slightly as a frown began to play upon his delicate features. Petite in build, he'd always liked to dress in what would be considered as traditionally feminine clothing, though he'd not done so properly in a good number of years.

His mother and father had always insisted it was just a phase he was going through, despite his own protests that he liked what he wore more than the masculine hand me downs from his older brothers. He had always felt much happier when wearing skirts, dresses and tank tops then he did in more masculine clothing, but had long given up on trying to obtain and wear such items. As miserable as it often made him feel, he knew the stress and anxiety others put him under would eventually make him feel much worse.

Tracing a finger across a small temporary cat tattoo across his left shoulder, he turned his attention to a bag upon the floor. Inside were a few items he'd purchased with his own money, to try and feed his desires and his curiosity. Picking out a black, knee-length skirt, his fingers ran across the material with a smile upon his lips. He'd not gone for leather or anything that would be viewed as sexualising how he dressed or felt, but rather a simple cotton piece.

Slipping it over his bare legs and up to his waist, he instantly felt better. This suited him to a tee, and he was starting to feel beautiful again. Next came a cute white tank top, a picture of a panda printed upon it. He found this to be utterly adorable, and felt it went perfectly with his skirt. Pink, lacy ankle socks were next, adding a little splash of colour to his outfit. Shoes were yet to be obtained, something to come at a later date.

Smiling again, he ran fingers through his curly, shoulder length locks. He'd certainly have to seek out some make up tips eventually, though the fact he was naturally androgynous looking and on the "cute side" helped to sell him as being a woman. Grabbing his phone, he couldn't help but snap a few selfies. He felt good about himself for the first time in years, and wished he could show it off to someone for once.

During all of this though, two things hadn't occurred to him. The first was a simple error, in that his phone currently failed to lock correctly unless the button was pressed and held down for between 7 and 10 seconds.

The second, and most fatal mistake, was the fact his siblings both had easy access to his bedroom at most times. They'd not been home whilst Robby was indulging himself in his new outfit, so the idea that anybody would discover him in this getup certainly wasn't a factor in his current thoughts.

Leaving the main part of his bedroom to head into the en-suite bathroom he had, any sounds from his bedroom would soon be drowned out by the running water of the shower, and his own (Admittedly quite tuneful) singing.

As such, he didn't hear his older brothers entering his room, nor the malicious laughter or comments coming as they copied his recent selfies across to the phones they owned. He most certainly wasn't currently aware of the fact they were uploading the images to Facebook or Twitter either, where friends of both them and himself would soon be able to see them.

In fact, he'd not been aware of this until sometime later, when he'd discovered the images upon checking his own Facebook feed. A horrible sinking feeling washed over him upon first catching sight, dread and nausea washing over him as he scrolled slowly down. Not even daring to glance at the reactions, the number of comments hit him with a new pang of terror.

150 in the last two hours alone. Not wishing to read them, he lay upon his bed. Sleep would never come that night, and he lay awake listening to the sounds of messages and notifications, daring not to check a single one, yet unable to bring himself to log off. It was as though he was punishing himself for being vain enough to take the images. (Despite vanity being something he'd never indulged in!)

When morning did eventually come round, Robert felt exhausted beyond belief. His head was pounding, and he felt miserable. Stepping into the shower, he couldn't help but dread going to school that day. It never occurred to him that people might not have had any issue with his cross-dressing love, only able to focus on the potential hate that might've awaited him.
We need a "Best Haley" catagory.
"Di-did you really just ask me to skip class?!"

Arthur stood before his best friend, trying to process what she'd just asked him to do with her. To skip class, the one thing he refused to do, and to come and join her where ever she was going, and with what she had planned. He had never skipped class, or bailed on lessons. He was a good boy, and didn't like the idea of being in trouble.

He had this.. almost innate ability to be a good boy, and to stay out of trouble. But he was best friends with her for a reason, and there was a sort of lure to being the "bad boy", at least for a few hours. He couldn't explain why he was drawn to her so much, but they'd been best friends for over a year now. She'd stood up for him, and he helped her with her homework and grades.

"O..Okay. Under one condition." He swallowed, then gave her a smile. "We go to the comic book store." Arthur knew he was doing something wrong, but he liked the idea of doing it with her.

//Okay, so Good Boy x Bad Girl. Both are 18. He's drawn to her as there's just the allure to being friends with the forbidden fruit, so to speak.

It's up to you why she's so drawn to him. Could be she genuinely finds him cute, or that he doesn't try to be the "ultimate bad boy" to impress her like some people have.

I kinda figured the story would open with them getting up to various things they shouldn't do, including shoplifting at the mall. They are caught, and run away to hide in an abandoned store. Hiding for a while, they end up playing truth and dare to pass the time.

And that's it thus far. The picture of the redhead doesn't have to be her, but thought it might work.
Romance between two characters living thousands of miles apart. Our characters would have first met through a forum about 3 years ago, and have been dating for a year now.

At first they were just talking in a group of friends, but often found they chatted more to each other then the others as they were the quieter pair in the friendship circle. Eventually they just started calling one another, and spending more and more time chatting as they grew closer and closer.

Obviously this will start with the call they're currently in, then progress to him finally coming over to see her having been saving up for over a year as they always intended to meet as friends, even before dating.

All characters are at least 18.


Fergus sat in his bedroom, deep green eyes gazing at the screen of his laptop computer before he closed them for a brief moment. It was 1am for him currently, though he had no plans of going to sleep any time soon. He didn't need to, nor did he really want to do so.

Leaning back in his computer chair now, he couldn't help but glance around his bedroom. His room was rather simple, and it always had been. His walls were cream, carpet and curtains both a deep blue. His bed pushed in the far right corner, he was currently perched on his computer chair with his computer on the desk. On his desk sat a large sweet jar, which had been washed out and was now about half-full of money, from 20p pieces up op to £20 notes. The front had pink paper attached to it, which simply had "To see her" written upon it.

His fingers brushed against a locked wooden box which sat on his desk, around the size of a typical briefcase. This had her name engraved on the lid, a love-heart surrounding it. Inside were the letters and photos she'd sent to him, and every night when he couldn't call her her, the young man would sit and read each letter. He could imagine her voice, and it warmed his heart.

His attention was broken as he heard the familiar call incoming jingle of Skype, and he saw her name pop up, along with the selfie that caught the beautiful face he was so deeply in love with. He didn't even think as he clicked to answer, this motion so deeply ingrained in his mind, his heart, his soul.

"How's my favourite person?" He spoke as a greeting, waving at her with the big, goofy smile on his face that only she seemed to draw out. His voice was full of joy and happiness at seeing her. Despite it being so late in his country, he was wide awake now. He reached out as normal, so his fingers were touching the screen. His always did this, as though hoping to one day reach through and take her by the hand.

He loved her so fucking much, it hurt they were so far away from each other. Smiling at her, he couldn't help but hope she'd gotten the gift he'd sent across to her. The parcel was marked for her to not open it until this date, and he wondered if she had stuck to it.. The parcel contained a necklace, a card and a teddy bear he'd owned for years that she'd often said she liked when it could be seen in photos or Skype calls. The locket of the necklace was engraved with her name and his own, and when opened it had a photo of him on one side, and of her on the other.
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