Avatar of Sanguine Rose


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1 yr ago
Current Wow three years since an update....well - I guess I've been busy. Finally getting back into real story writing instead of just editing and submitting old stuff.
4 yrs ago
Responses didn't come like I meant them to. I'm working on being able to get to them this week. Thank you for your patience with me.
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4 yrs ago
Responses to those waiting to hear from me will come tomorrow. Apologies.
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4 yrs ago
Shit happens, responses slow. Working on it. Please be patient.
4 yrs ago


I'm an adult with a family and responsibilities that take priority, as well as mental health issues that can cause me to not get on this site for periods of time. Just know I will get back to you - hopefully within a few days. Right now my schedule is in flux until I get everything figured out properly so I cannot make promises to respond quickly.

If you've come here looking to RP, please note right now I'm not accepting any new projects. Thanks for the interest, and I wish you luck on your quest.

I recently started working on getting published, and have self published one story so far. Check it out on Amazon - Into the Night by Alexia Wynd. You can also check out more of my work - short stories and the like - at my recently started Patreon: patreon.com/storiestocaptivate

Most Recent Posts

As far as the capital city went, it certainly made Katya miss the open fields and valleys around her home village. There were too many people, not enough space, and the bustle and noise was something she wasn't quite pleased to be around. How one could want to live in a place like this was beyond her. City life would never be for her, though. It was a given from the moment she first started going out into the wilds with her father in search of herbs for his medicines. There was nothing more appealing than being out in the wilds, testing her survival skills against the wilderness - especially not after raising Vasha.

The way some of the citizens and, certainly the monsters, in the city shifted away when the black furred beauty - at least, until she'd undergone the Rite of Channeling to imbue Vasha with the element of Thunder and marking the black fur with streaks of near white gold - that was her nargacuga. She was kinda proud he stirred unsettling reactions out of the others. Probably not the best mindset for a rider but, then - she didn't just learn about raising and training monsties. She wore her armor and weapons proudly, unashamed of the tale it told others.

But making the content city-dwellers uneasy wasn't the reason she was here. She had a summons burning a hole in her satchel and she was determined to get it over with and back out to the wilds before Vasha got as restless in the city as she felt. It only took a bit of negotiating their way through the city before she finally spotted the guild off in the distance. Quite a few other riders and beasts, most oblivious to yet another powerful monstie showing up in their midst, stood or moved around the courtyard. She'd considered having Vasha just come inside with her, but surely that was frowned on. It wasn't like anyone back in her village liked such a large monstie following her into buildings there either. So, for an outrageous 200 zenny, she got him stabled and headed inside.

Soon enough, Katya was shown to a large ornate set of doors before a few loud knocks proceeded them being opened and her gestured to join the others in. After a second to look around and inwardly cringe at the amount of books surrounding her, the rider's gaze locked on the two others in the room.

"Right, so I'm Katya Milyan - got a summons - " which she produced from her satchel - "and was directed to this room. Are we waiting for more or can we get the meeting on and over with?" She rolled her shoulder while looking around the room again. "Place is too cramped."
Sorry I'm delayed on posting. Dealing with wicked bad depression and anxiety attacks. On new meds so I might be back to writing in a few days.

Location - Writing Club Room

When Kevin first arrived in the - this was supposed to be a classroom, right? - he assumed he'd gotten the wrong one. There didn't look to be any other students his age there. Everyone was upper classmen. Or, worse, what are the odds he was the only freshman to register for this club? None of the other ones held any interest for him - and were full anyways - so here he was, walking in as the youngest in the group and found himself a seat as far to the back of the tiny, dusty room he could find. It also meant dealing with the dust still floating in the air from everyone else arriving. Given he had no plans to actually open his mouth unless absolutely necessary, he didn't really worry too much about the nasal clogging particles too much.

In the time since the club meeting was supposed to start, until the club leader finally arrived, he'd taken out a notebook and just made little notes in tiny, neat writing. Much smaller than some of the pages previously had if any chose to look. It wasn't really anything much - the way someone else in the group sat or moved, or a thought that popped into his head about the worrisome flicker in the lighting, and a few other random thoughts to pop into his head that might be interesting to use in some story at some point later. That was something the young writer liked to do, just jot down notes of whatever popped into his head when he was actively trying to think of something to write or do, and see what might fit where later. There'd been a few stories he'd written those kind of phrases or traits came into play and given how strange some of the others seemed (and only a little to do with the fact they were all older and likely would say or do things he hadn't thought of yet) it seemed a great place to draw inspiration from.

Things kicked underway quite well after the last person arrived and announced they were all early instead of him being late. Great, another one of those kinda club heads. Like he hadn't dealt with that kind of thing enough throughout all the years of other clubs he was part of. Oh well, you take the good with the bad. And the good was it was more notes he could make on people in the room, including the way the club head Jing immediately shut himself out of the proceedings and the way the pink haired Naoko reacted to the dust, or...

Kevin cringed when Micha fell to the ground after neglecting to remember how shoddy the equipment was in this room. "Are you okay?" As soon as the words left his mouth, the black haired teen blinked in realizing he'd just betrayed his idea of sitting quietly and going mostly forgotten. His cinnamon chocolate gaze snapped from the older boy now sitting discontentedly on the floor to the rest of the room.

"And, um, hi - to everyone - I suppose." He anxiously fiddled with the pen in his hand, now feeling distinctly like he imagined deer felt staring down headlights. "I'm Kevin, Kevin Marshall. This is my first - well, second, I suppose - day here at the academy so yeah. But, and no offense, uh - Naoko - or, um - Yvonne, but the task was the school slogan...not for the, uh, well, not the club. Something that is more representative of the school and what it wants to portray instead of boasting the club itself. That's what other clubs will likely do, probably."

The more he spoke, the more that pen twisted and turned between his hands, until he'd finally - quite accidentally - worried the front off enough the spring launched the pressured contents across the room. The boy blinked again before frowning. "Shit." And his cheeks immediately flushed. "Sorry."

After the quick apology he cleared his throat and continued with his rambling attempts to help. "Right, so, like, maybe, The first step to realizing dreams...?" He shrugged and immediately turned his gaze to his notebook. "Or something. We're trying to make a camel here anyways, so - ya know - 'Word up' was a good suggestion, too."

Interactions: @Aces Away, @ES, @Quattro Bajeena, @Rithas, and (others not yet introed)
No rush. But I am looking forward to it.
Okay, so my bio section came out a bit longer than expected, but it's there now.
Yes. I will take full responsibility for that.
@thecatinaction kinda.
I'm at least lurking. Not sure if I can really handle another RP but wanted to show support.
That's fine.
I'll work on my girl's bio up today, hopefully.

"Sloppy, but - he got a showboating popstar and someone more concerned with saving the civilians than the money." Wayne shrugged, offering the kid a smile. It was amusing to see the kid complain about how another villain was doing considering he couldn't get much right as a city bad guy. And reminding him of such things was just plain amusing. The kid never failed to react in predictable, but entertaining, ways too.

The bartender chuckled, turning to fill a glass and hand it off to another patron of the bar. He was about to respond when more ruckus flooded into the bar in the form of The Rocker and his entourage. The professional smile that slid into place helped keep him from rolling his eyes at the loudmouth and the punks that followed the clown around. He poured up the glasses as ordered and slid them in front of the other villain. The smile on his face curled a bit as he let out another chuckle. "Ya know, I'd remind you that this is a neutral zone and I don't take kindly to fights in my bar, but..." He looked at Ill-Gotten with a smirk before focusing his attention back on Rockster. "This would actually be an interesting fight if you keep looking to start shit."

Hell, maybe he'd help the kid out. He found the low-lucked vigilante mistaken villain endearing. It was why he helped the kid out with jobs that even he couldn't mess up. They were bullshit jobs but...If the kid fought the punk, especially if he could manage to come out on top, maybe that'd be proof enough he could manipulate his abilities - could be worth exploring. If not, the kid was smart enough to at least be on the planning side of stuff. Talent didn't always come in the most convenient packages.

Kali forced herself to roll backward. A pain filled grunt escaped her as she balled her knees tight to her chest to maneuver her arms under her legs. By the time she was crouched again, she had her arms in front of her again. Breathing hurt, her chest felt fuzzy and tingly, and her vision kept blurring. The Firebird wasn't going to let that stop her. It wasn't the first time she'd ignored her body telling her it was time to just sit and relax. If she could push through this before, she could push through it again.

A coughing spasm caught her off guard, though, and she braced her hands on thighs to help keep her balance as she coughed. The woman spit a large glob of blood to the side when she'd gotten control of it. Leveling her gaze on the fox, her eyes flickered with flames that weren't manifesting on her skin. "They aren't imaginary, stupid mutt!" She swallowed another coughing fit, clearing her throat instead and spitting another glob of blood to the side.

Kali swallowed again as she felt her chest wanting to spasm again. It certainly wasn't helping any of the pain or itching. It didn't take a genius to know running wasn't going to help. As much as she wanted to take flight of the stupid fox and his damned will to complete this mission of his, how far could she really get? With the dampeners keeping her from taking flight to get far enough away to heal, and her hands bound to make it even more difficult than just fighting injured...Dammit

"Fine. Fuck." She coughed again. The tingling ache in her chest finally brought her to a knee again with a fierce grimace on her face. She resisted the urge to rub her chest, least she really give it away. Once the spasms passed, the girl sat with a soft exhale to ease the pain. She hung her head. "If you take me in, the dark guild I was trying to take out will just occupy another village." Kali looked at Izu. "Shadow Fang - they abduct mages and mess with their minds to indoctrinate them to work for the benefits of the guild. When they've gotten what they can out of a village, they abandon it and move on - leaving nothing but a ghost town behind. The council hasn't been able to pinpoint anything on them beyond a few petty things - they're below their radar for the most part because they pin major stuff on other dark guilds.

"So if you take me in now, they'll move on, repopulate their numbers, and continue. I'll keep fighting you and I will eventually get out of these cuffs.
" She swallowed past another desire to cough, but the spasm still hurt. Drawing in a breath to breath past the pain, she leveled her gaze with the fox again. "Or, you can help me stop them, and I'll let you bring me in after we're done." Now, it was just a matter of waiting to see what the fox would do.
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