As far as the capital city went, it certainly made Katya miss the open fields and valleys around her home village. There were too many people, not enough space, and the bustle and noise was something she wasn't quite pleased to be around. How one could want to live in a place like this was beyond her. City life would never be for her, though. It was a given from the moment she first started going out into the wilds with her father in search of herbs for his medicines. There was nothing more appealing than being out in the wilds, testing her survival skills against the wilderness - especially not after raising Vasha.
The way some of the citizens and, certainly the monsters, in the city shifted away when the black furred beauty - at least, until she'd undergone the Rite of Channeling to imbue Vasha with the element of Thunder and marking the black fur with streaks of near white gold - that was her nargacuga. She was kinda proud he stirred unsettling reactions out of the others. Probably not the best mindset for a rider but, then - she didn't just learn about raising and training monsties. She wore her armor and weapons proudly, unashamed of the tale it told others.
But making the content city-dwellers uneasy wasn't the reason she was here. She had a summons burning a hole in her satchel and she was determined to get it over with and back out to the wilds before Vasha got as restless in the city as she felt. It only took a bit of negotiating their way through the city before she finally spotted the guild off in the distance. Quite a few other riders and beasts, most oblivious to yet another powerful monstie showing up in their midst, stood or moved around the courtyard. She'd considered having Vasha just come inside with her, but surely that was frowned on. It wasn't like anyone back in her village liked such a large monstie following her into buildings there either. So, for an outrageous 200 zenny, she got him stabled and headed inside.
Soon enough, Katya was shown to a large ornate set of doors before a few loud knocks proceeded them being opened and her gestured to join the others in. After a second to look around and inwardly cringe at the amount of books surrounding her, the rider's gaze locked on the two others in the room.
"Right, so I'm Katya Milyan - got a summons - " which she produced from her satchel - "and was directed to this room. Are we waiting for more or can we get the meeting on and over with?" She rolled her shoulder while looking around the room again. "Place is too cramped."
The way some of the citizens and, certainly the monsters, in the city shifted away when the black furred beauty - at least, until she'd undergone the Rite of Channeling to imbue Vasha with the element of Thunder and marking the black fur with streaks of near white gold - that was her nargacuga. She was kinda proud he stirred unsettling reactions out of the others. Probably not the best mindset for a rider but, then - she didn't just learn about raising and training monsties. She wore her armor and weapons proudly, unashamed of the tale it told others.
But making the content city-dwellers uneasy wasn't the reason she was here. She had a summons burning a hole in her satchel and she was determined to get it over with and back out to the wilds before Vasha got as restless in the city as she felt. It only took a bit of negotiating their way through the city before she finally spotted the guild off in the distance. Quite a few other riders and beasts, most oblivious to yet another powerful monstie showing up in their midst, stood or moved around the courtyard. She'd considered having Vasha just come inside with her, but surely that was frowned on. It wasn't like anyone back in her village liked such a large monstie following her into buildings there either. So, for an outrageous 200 zenny, she got him stabled and headed inside.
Soon enough, Katya was shown to a large ornate set of doors before a few loud knocks proceeded them being opened and her gestured to join the others in. After a second to look around and inwardly cringe at the amount of books surrounding her, the rider's gaze locked on the two others in the room.
"Right, so I'm Katya Milyan - got a summons - " which she produced from her satchel - "and was directed to this room. Are we waiting for more or can we get the meeting on and over with?" She rolled her shoulder while looking around the room again. "Place is too cramped."