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Current Wow three years since an update....well - I guess I've been busy. Finally getting back into real story writing instead of just editing and submitting old stuff.
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Responses didn't come like I meant them to. I'm working on being able to get to them this week. Thank you for your patience with me.
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4 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago


I'm an adult with a family and responsibilities that take priority, as well as mental health issues that can cause me to not get on this site for periods of time. Just know I will get back to you within a few days. If I had something going with you at some point, and you're interested in either starting it back up or starting something fresh, just reach out.

I recently started working on getting published, and have self published one story so far. Check it out on Amazon - Into the Night by Alexia Wynd.

You can also check out more of my work - short stories and the like - at my recently started Patreon: patreon.com/storiestocaptivate

Also found on Twitter: @AlexiaWynd

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At some point you have received this welcome letter.
Are you a new student eagerly awaiting your turn to start at the first ever official school for metahumans?
Or are you a returning student eager to see what the new year has in store?

This RP will be Co-GMed with @Gittarackur.

The World

This will take place in an alternative timeline from our own.
While most world events will be the same, elements of them are altered to include the introduction of magic/metahumans. If there is a world event you would like to know our spin on, feel free to ask how it happened for our RP. Examples of such events will be covered in the History section, but for the most part we're looking at highlighting pieces of American history as this world has altered them.

As far as technology goes, there are all sorts of tech we view as futuristic that have been around since the 90s here. While fossil fuels aren't a thing of the past, it is the alternative energy source now as opposed to the main source. While flying cars still aren't a thing, electric and self-driving cars are the prolific mode of transportation for many, and technology continues to advance at an accelerated rate.

Magic, as well as meta-humans in the form of mutants and beings of lore, has been public for only a little while. While it has mixed reception in some communities still, it is - for the most part - accepted as something that is not going away, and people have learned to cope with the fact that humans really aren't the only sentient life out there; that reality itself is far more than what they previously thought.

Every day, you pass someone on the street - usually unaware there is anything more to them than what they appear. That's just as true for this universe. The barista that just made your coffee could be teaching herself how to use magic, or perhaps that "self-made millionaire" was born with the superhuman ability to see probabilities and uses it to pick just the right stocks to amass his fortune. Perhaps the guy that you always see working the night shift isn't actually as human as he appears.

Not everyone in the world can learn to use magic; some are born with innate powers, while others can study to learn it. Whether or not you can is something you are born with, or perhaps was thrust upon you by some external force. It is illegal in many countries to experiment on people, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and sometimes pesky extradimensional beings will leave their mark after a visit - that was how this all began, after all.

But let's stick to the basics. There are 2 major categories all meta-humans fall under:

Those with innate magical abilities, and those that have the ability to learn to use magic.
From there, magic breaks down a bit further into a few more categories:

Nature - this covers all abilities that utilize elements, beasts, plant life, and/or even summon beings of such elements to you.

Personal - this covers abilities that come from the mind (psychics, telepaths, telekinetics, etc) or augment bodies (strength, speed, endurance, invisibility, shapeshifting, etc).

Intellect - this covers not just hyperintelligence, but also those with an innate knack for building complex and advanced devices.

Void - this covers powers akin to interdimensional access, such as teleportation, summoning/communicating with things beyond this world, extradimensional travel, and even drawing on powers from a dimension called the Void (top scientists are still trying to get a firm grasp on what that exactly is, but their best explanation currently is a realm of negative energy.)

Ki - this deals with the ability to manipulate the latent tangible energy found in all living objects and manipulate it for various purposes such as energy blasts, flight, and - in a few rare cases - healing.

Mutants - while previously believed to be the proper term for those born with the innate ability to use magic, it is far beyond that; aliens, beings of supernatural lore such as vampires, and people that were experimented on into being able to use magic all fit into this category. Mutants tend to already have a handle on how to use their natural powers, but some (particularly those that experimented on) do not.

The Setting

We will be students at the Anepool Academy for the Gifted, a boarding school dedicated to teaching meta-humans not only standard school courses, but also helping them understand, control, and utilize their magic in productive ways. There are plenty of extracurricular opportunities outside of learning magic, and even their standard classes offer a wide range of interests outside of standard curriculum and magicks. They host students in 7th - 12th grade, and graduates have the same opportunities as those graduating standard schools.
The campus is enclosed and monitored, so sneaking onto and off of campus will be difficult (but not impossible, if you were to ask some alum). Students are assigned dorms based on gender, but recent years have seen some shift to that with transgendered students being offered housing in a newly constructed dormitory that is based on a gender neutral concept; students housed here will still share a dorm room with another student, but both students will be of the same gender identity.

Anepool is one of the top most prosperous cities on the east coast, and is known for it's food, diversity, and has recently become an economic center for the US. It consists of six boroughs - Lewis, Minks, Sphinx, Roldo, Polis, and Cannes.


The largest borough, it sports a major residential section.
It is known for being ethnically diverse, while sporting a large Asian and black immigrant population.
Noted as one of the safest boroughs of the city, it's commonly said to be a great place to raise kids.
While it does sport commerce, most shops are department stores or small shops.


The most populated district, it is subject to gentrification for many years.
It is known for having an extremely active street life and lots of gang violence.
Minks, being the most populated, is known to be referred to by its two distinct sections - South Minks and North Minks.
South Minks is home to an affluent business sector and a great place for many aspiring to start large businesses to move to. It is also the home of Anepool Academy for the Gifted.
North Minks is, colloquially, a ghetto - known for its violence, as well as producing very talented drill artists.


Considered to be the upscale borough out of the six, it's known for its high rises and banking centers, as well as it's fashion, art, and entertainment destinations.
This is where the seat of the city's municipal government resides.


Known to be the most violent borough, most of the city's organized crime is based here.
It has several street gangs, and almost all major criminal syndicates and organizations have roots here as well.
It's known to be the city's hub for illicit trading and black market dealings, especially for advanced weaponry and other illegal goods.


A small island off the coast of the city could be considered a town of its own - this happens to be Polis, the 5th district of Anepool.
It is known to be a fishing town, and is also known to be the quietest borough as it does not boast any real attractions aside from great fishing spots.
Many believe it to be cursed, as it is one of the many locations where otherworldly invaders first appeared.


This borough was recently designated an experimental section created by the Anepool city council to be host exclusively to meta-humans.
Known for being the base for many major technology and manufacturing corporations, it makes start competition with North Minks for business ventures.

Like I said before, we'll be playing students at the Anepool Academy for the Gifted.

More information about character creation and further information regarding the setting and major players will be available if this garners enough interest to move into a proper OOC.

Location: Phoenix Wing Guildhall

Interactions: Dalton @hatakekuro, Jarvis @MarshiestMallow

Nyssa blinked. “Fight?” She blinked again, but smiled a bit wider after a look around. “Oh, right. The fight. Your guild is putting on a show. That will be interesting to watch. Ariel said they have lots of different powers. Others are going there now, right? I know what a few of them smell like so at least I can find them that way.” She grinned.

It was nice meeting you, Jarvis, Dalton. I look forward to future talks.” With a cheerful wave, she hopped off the barstool and headed off after the rest of the group leaving the guildhall for the show.

She wandered for a bit, occasionally stopping to admire some display in a store window. Every time she stopped, she put her nose to the air and sniffed. This human form didn’t catch all the scents in the air though. It couldn’t separate them the way the fox could. So she stopped at a relatively empty section and transformed with a little flip. She’d almost trotted away when she remembered the dress again. A bit of maneuvering, and she managed to get it looped around her neck like a scarf.

There, she thought. Another sniff, and she was on her way tracking Ariel’s not-lifemate-mate, Nolan. She’d spotted him leaving with the one that shouted about a fight, and that meant he was one of the ones fighting since he left before many others. But he was the one that she was tracking and if he turned red from a kiss by his not-lifemate-mate then he would surely turn red if he saw someone naked. People seemed uncomfortable about nudity.

Once more, she trotted off, sniffing the air every now and then until she finally found her way to the arena.

Location: Phoenix Wing Guildhall

Interactions: Jasmine @Lunarlord34, Elena/Percy @PandaBrady

Of course,” Markovis nodded. Was he surprised by Jasmine’s offer? No. Would he likely take her up on that offer? It was uncertain. He didn’t truly see anything she could help with, but then again, if she wanted to help he could figure out something. Like just letting her serve while he just made sure he kept everything the proper temperature. Not a hard task, and certainly one she would likely do well.

He stepped out of the kitchen with the food for Trinity and headed over to where he’d last seen her, only to stop a few feet short. Had he been in the kitchen that long? Where did she go? She wouldn’t have just left knowing he was making her food.

Neil noticed the stoic member of their little trio step back out of the kitchen, and looked over to see a touch of puzzlement in Markovis’ eyes. “Yeah, she’s gone.


Neil shrugged. “I don’t know. She got abducted.” He put a hand up almost instantly. There wasn’t any real shift in Markovis’ features, but the look in his eyes definitely suggested dark thoughts. “Sorry, poor choice of words. Ariel - you know, Nolan’s girlfriend? - showed up and grabbed her. She had something she needed Trinity to look at, and I think they’re likely going to end up at the event.

Markovis nodded. “I see.

Neil glanced back at Perry for a second. “Oh hey -” By the time Neil turned back to catch Markovis, the man had already disappeared back into the kitchen. He shrugged and turned back around to face his guildmate. “Well, it was going to be a long shot getting Mark to work with you anyways. But...” He offered Perry a smile. “My schedule is open. Sounds like a lark. So, how about you and I work together for this, hmm?

Markovis stepped back into the kitchen and placed the dishes down on the counter. He looked at Jasmine. “Trinity is no longer here. Neil suggested she will be at the event. It appears most have left for it already. Were you planning to attend? I can escort you, and - if you would like - you could assist in serving the food, but there is no obligation.

Location: Outskirts of Shirotsume

Interactions: --

The witch and the lion had just left the diner when Anthony paused in his tracks. At the far end of the street, where the fruit vendors set up, a lilac haired woman caught his eye. She moved and smiled and certainly looked a lot like - it couldn’t be. What were the odds? For a long moment, he stared at the woman as she unloaded fruit from a cart. Maybe it was just one of his hallucinations. He’d thought he saw Astoria a month ago in the valley near Mt. Hakabe. A few months prior, it had been on a job that took him to the border of Seven. Before that, and before that - hell, there’d been the time last week he thought he saw her in the guildhall. At least that time he hadn’t drawn too much attention to the specter since she’d been arguing with her brother; if he knew for a fact one wasn’t there, then the other wasn’t either.

But here...there were people - townsfolk he saw on his trips through - that were talking with her, responding, interacting. Was it just that he didn’t come to this side of town so early in the morning? Perhaps it was just a partial illusion. Someone with a similar facial structure just getting superimposed with her hair and eyes. Yeah, that had to be it. But the longer he watched her, the more uncertain he was.

Kyros nudged him. Anthony blinked and looked away. It felt like for a second but when he looked back, the girl was gone. “I -” The witch looked back out at the crowd, searching for a trace of the girl he’d been watching only to spot a cart heading out of town from the market. He looked back at the lion beside him. “Look, I know they’ll probably be wondering where I am, but...” He started walking off in that direction. “I have to make sure.” This wasn’t the first time he’d chased a mirage, but maybe...maybe it would be the last.

* * *

Ria hummed to herself as she finished putting the cart away. Zek had been just as sweet as ever with little Cassidy excitedly chittering away about the latest cute cat she’d seen. This time, it was a grey tabby no bigger than her fist - or so she said. Perhaps it was good Cassidy was talking so much, though. It meant she didn’t get distracted by Ellie being at the stand to show off baby Xavior instead of unloading the latest batch of fruit and getting paid; Zek would have made sure she didn’t get too distracted, but it would still delay what should be a quick delivery. She’d have to mention that to Minerva, but that would have to wait for a bit.

She swayed with each step, in rhythm to the tune she hummed, as she headed into the gardens. If she hadn’t set out first thing, she would have already watered the garden. Right now wasn’t too late, yet. A few small clouds formed where she motioned, and drizzled controlled amounts over the rows of plants and bushes with very little effort. If any spell should come naturally to her at this point, it was one that she used almost exclusively for the past few years.


The rain stopped and clouds dissipated almost instantly. Her mismatched eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. She stopped moving, and stood stiff as stone. You’re just hearing things. How long had it actually been since she last slept? Surely not that long. She had trouble falling asleep last night. Usually -

Astoria Ocenade? I-is that you?

She almost didn’t want to turn around. Her head refused to turn initially, so she forced her whole body to pivot. But there, on the other side of the fence, stood an apparition from years ago. “Y-you’re d-...I-I saw...” Tears pricked in her eyes before she closed them and shook her head.

Anthony vaulted the fence and picked his way around the plants to get to her. He hesitated to touch her. After a tentative withdraw of his hand, he wrapped his arms around his long lost friend and pulled her into a tight hug. “Shh, hey. It’s okay. I’m not dead, see? You don’t have to cry,” he whispered against her head. Of all the places, of all the times, he found her here? How was it possible he’d lived nearby for this long without ever discovering this?

A-Anthony...I - you - how -?” Ria pulled back enough to look up at him. Her eyes sparkled as she sniffled and fought to choke back the tears.

It’s...complicated. Here, come on, can we go inside? You should dry those eyes and calm down a bit. Then we can talk.” He offered her a soft smile.

She nodded, and smiled back, before leading him inside. “Here, um, ha-have a seat...” She motioned to the couch as she headed for the kitchen section of mostly open floor plan of the house. “I - You still drink tea, right? Because I need some tea. I think that will help.

"All you got is flame, no heat - no one's getting burned here," Kaden laughed. They could trade shots all day, but when it came down to it, taking verbal jabs at each other wasn't going to get anywhere. Tone could be a hothead but he could turn a quip, and neither of them would ever let on if the other was starting to rake nerves. But why waste time on jabs anyways? They had better things to do, like fight.

Too bad the new girls weren’t around, or - in the case of the new maker-mage - interested, to watch the fight, but he supposed that was for the best. The last fight was a good warmup for this. It sucked he'd used his shield's charge already, but he didn't need it. He just needed to focus on his speed over his strength to keep up with the dragon slayer. That was one of the benefits of branching out into other elements. It would certainly be interesting to see how things would go down. He hadn’t tried converting slayer magic yet, but just how different could Tone’s fire be from his own? Just took a bit of firsthand observation to figure out how to mix it into something else - just like anyone else’s magic he figured. Piece of cake.

Even the kid knows where to go to train. If you’re busting up shit elsewhere, that’s on you. A proper guild would have made sure even someone as thick headed as you knew where to go to train. Bad form getting in trouble training outside the designated location - gives the guild a bad name and it’s already got a hard enough time as it is.

At least now the guy would know where to go. Maybe. If he was paying attention. Best way to ensure that was to go directly there. Kaden originally planned to meander there, see if maybe he could find the new girl and Zen and convince her to come watch the fight. Show off a bit. That wasn’t much of an option if his sparring partner didn’t know where the hell the training grounds for the guild was. So, much to the older mage’s dismay, he wasted no time leading the way straight to the fields just outside of town where Fenixtear had claim on a training spot.

Ria smiled softly to herself listening to Damian grumble. It was different worlds, she supposed. Given direction, Tone could do well in a military unit like Damian had been. Then again, he would have likely done well back with the clan too. Even Kaden could likely thrive in the same environments. But it was all about location and timing and so much more. It was easy to make an assumption based on small samples of what they saw of the individuals without having better reads on them. She figured she was likely falling into a similar mindset: making an assumption based on what she saw and knew about them all without any concrete proof. Then, that was what she was taught to do.

She’d realized she’d become lost in her thoughts and had missed some of what was said when she blinked and noticed she’d nearly scoured a hole straight through the bottom of the pot she was scrubbing. The smile vanished with another blink, and returned just as quickly after a quick rinse and rub verified it was still usable.

Hmm? Oh, steak? Um -” She realized she wasn’t hearing music anymore either. And almost bumped into Trinity when she turned to put the pot on the drying rack. A soft laugh escaped her. “Sorry, didn’t notice you came in here.” She tried her hands and turned back to Damian. “I don’t tend to eat meat very often, so I’m not terribly picky so long as it’s tasty. I believe just going medium rare for everyone will be generally satisfactory.

Upon being offered the bar, the lead goblin slowly crept toward Jessica. It clearly eyed her and was ready to attack if it was being tricked. Then reached out and snatched the offered food before scurrying back out of reach. It eyed and sniffed the bar, then watched Carver eat the piece he kept. After another sniff, it took a bite. Its eyes lit up and it let out a delighted squeak before finishing off the rest of it. Once it was gone, though, the lead goblin began squeaking and waving its arms again.

Carver smiled softly and adjusted his glasses. “Very well. You see. Hungry. Now let me just...” He dug around his pack again. “Hmm, I think if - yes, well...okay -

He pulled out several more bars. “Well, it would seem we shouldn’t make camp here tonight and should just continue on until we find a better spot. Hope these little guys stay here to enjoy their feast while we find safety elsewhere, but...sharing shouldn’t cut too far into the supplies I have stocked up. I did overprepare a bit for food. Never know when you might need to bargain with the local fauna,” he laughed nervously.

He slung his pack on his shoulders and picked up all the bars he’d taken out for the goblins as he stood. “Right...so...I suggest we - ” he threw the food into the bushes in the opposite direction they were headed. The goblins all darted away from them, off to their loot. “- Run!” The historian took off as best he could, holding the straps of his backpack to help keep his balance with it bouncing, along the trail and further up the mountain.

"Well now, that's an idea." Carver nodded as he looked back at Asher. "I can't speak Goblin, no, and I'm not quite sure what their actually trying to say, but...if your assumption is correct and they are just hungry..." He let his thought trail off and fished around in his pack once more. This time, he came up with a protein bar.

The historian unwrapped the bar and broke a piece off, then looked between his companions. "Um, perhaps it would be safer if someone else were to hand this to one of them, wouldn't you say?" He offered the remaining bar to the others. "But one of you should offer it to the leader. I'll show them it's safe by eating this part, and if they accept the other part and eat it...that may help quell the hostilities if they're here because they're hungry. If not...well a quick departure would be in order, I suspect."

Still, to prove the point, once someone took the bar to offer, Carver would follow on his part to show it was safe by consuming his part.


Interactions: Elena/Percy @PandaBrady

Watching Percy change from female to male was probably about as impressive as the first transformation; Neil always found such things fascinating. He had to be mindful to not allow his curiosity to get the better of him, least he start looking into more concoctions he could potentially manufacture with his alchemic pursuits, but still - he enjoyed watching any transform with the same delight each time. This current one was perhaps a little less shocking - as he knew what to expect. Sure enough, Percy was in his own skin again, and coming to terms with what had been requested.

Neil looked at the job posting he'd been handed and offered it to Percy to read. "It's been posted up on the board in the center of town too. Anyone could do it so long as they have a partner. One person enters the drinking contest, the other plays look out in the audience, and the point is to catch the thief. Someone's been robbing contestants of everything from valuables to clothing. According to the posting, your -" he stopped and let out a half laugh, with a charming grin gracing his face - "other half, as it were, would likely be a better piece of bait. Though I'm sure you might fair just as well so long as you got a partner."

Location: Phoenix Wing Guildhall

Interactions: Dalton @hatakekuro, Jarvis @MarshiestMallow

"So to determine what level jobs I can take requires determining how experienced I am with my magic, which is determined by either you, or the Jamie in a meeting, or one of the mages that left for the fight." Nyssa thought about that for a long moment. It all seemed to make sense. After all, someone might assume they were ready for a job even if they weren't, and potentially get hurt - not only not good for the group, but for the individual and the person that needed the thing done. It was better someone else decided if they were ready or not. It was much like any of the labors at the village; one needed to prove they were ready to do a task in order to be able to handle it alone.

She nodded, smiling as she looked back at Jarvis. "Okay, yes. That makes sense. So when does that happen? Does this mean I am a member of this guild now?"

Location: Phoenix Wing Guildhall Kitchen

Interactions: Jasmine @Lunarlord34

Around normal people, the growl of a hungry stomach may have been embarrassing. Seeing as Markovis wasn’t normal, he didn’t think a second thought about it. Or, rather, not one that would be embarrassing. Jasmine was a dragon slayer - and like other slayers he had encountered, such abilities that could topple immortals and the likes came with an amazing natural energy conversion ability, which meant lots of energy stores needed. Energy stores, for the most part, meant needing to eat a lot.

Usually, he didn’t bother having anyone taste test anything for him, but Jasmine was a cook. He trusted she would be truthful in her opinion. There were several variations to the recipe that involved more or less spice, and since he wasn’t sure everyone else’s taste for it - he just went with a moderate spice level. He knew Trinity would like it, but the others - that was why he needed Jasmine’s opinion. She cooked more often for the others in the guild than he did. Short of that, Jarvis or one of the others might have an idea what was a good ratio, but that required far more work than just hoping for the best.

And if no one else wanted any, that just meant more for Smokin’ Bottle and Jasmine.

Of course, though assisting in serving is unnecessary. I planned to just set up a spot for people to just get their own food if they’re interested in it, and I would simply oversee it.” He already had an idea of how he would serve everything anyways - which was to announce that it was available then leave it for others to take their share. The only one that he was actually going to serve the food to was Trinity. And now Jasmine.

Markovis transferred a portion of the rice into three dishes - a small-ish bowl for Trinity, a larger one for Jasmine, and then a dish large enough for the rest of the rice. Then portioned out a serving of the cakes and dip for Trinity. After getting utensils for the collection of food and dishes he’d gathered, he offered Jasmine the bowl and spoon. “Here is your dish. I’m going to bring Trinity her food then get everything set to bring to the exhibition. If you would like to get yourself a serving of the sweet potato cakes and cream dip, help yourself. I should be right back.

Given how timid Jasper was when he first showed up - hell, even now - Kaden hadn't entirely thought it would be easy to connect with the kid. Yeah, he was young. It wasn't entirely a deal breaker though. He was capable enough. Poor kid just needed to get out of his shell. That had been the tricky part; not so much in convincing the kid to chat, but in doing so in ways that didn't always appear like he was actually nice, even to Jasper. Next someone might get the notion he cared about what happened to those in the guild. That would ruin his entire game plan. But with the crowd the way it was currently, it was easier to just hide amongst the patrons and chat with the kid.

A floorboard creaked behind him. Kaden's gaze shifted to a glass on the table to catch the reflection of Tone winding up to kick him - if he judged it right. But before he even had the chance to react to stop the dragon slayer's foot from connecting with him, some other guy had appeared and caught his foot. This was certainly a turn of events. The S-class turned slightly in his chair, adjusting to watch the exchange with a soft smirk.

Ria was cleaning up a table when she heard a commotion on the other side of the guildhall. She wasn't surprised Kaden or Tone were there. Tone probably wanted a fight and Kaden was Kaden. Even though he'd been in a fight once already, there was no doubt he was still ready to go another round and that was probably what Tone was looking for. The fact that the new face around the guild was in the mix added another element to it all together. She sighed and set to finishing up clearing the table and setting it up for the next possible customer.

"Don't go dragging me into this, kid," he laughed as he held his hands up in non-engagement. He was quite content to see what went down. This Ronan guy was new, and he couldn't get a read on him at all. There was something off about that. Usually he could get a read on other mages without an issue, but this guy. There was something more off than just maybe not being a mage. When he'd walked in earlier, the guy had been at the bar and he hadn't seen the guy move - just over near the bar, then right near him in a flash. Even Torys didn't surprise him like that.

Ria walked over and stood near the others. "Tone, you were warned the last time -" Of course she could finish reminding him, he'd already launched a hit at the new guy. Only for Ronan to dodge it. Hit after hit, dodged faster than Ria could believe. Tone was fast even without amplifying it with magic. She had no desire to fight him, and knew if she did she needed to keep her distance least she get seriously hurt. But the way Ronan dodged...Gwen didn't move that fast. She'd seen Holly and Gras fight, and she was fairly certain those two couldn't keep up with Ronan. "Stop before -"

Kaden shifted ever so slightly to fully put himself between the scuffle and Jasper. Tone could get carried away, and he wasn't going to be taking the blame for if the dolt hurt the kid. That was what he would certainly tell them if anyone noticed him move. He could handle a hit from Tone - even likely handle stopping a hit if Tone managed to use this Ronan guy to hit him. He doubted Jasper would fair near as well. But swing after swing was dodged by this guy and Kaden was starting to grow more suspicious of the one eyed man's ability to dodge the strikes. But even with a strike fast enough that Kaden - though he'd never admit it aloud - barely could follow, Ronan not only dodged, but reversed it into an arm bar that could have seriously messed up Tone's ability to fight for even a little while. It was clear that wasn't the new guy's intention.

A smirk slid onto the S-class's face while the water mage frowned and crossed her arms. Kaden found the whole thing entertaining - Tone was always a fair deal more entertaining than the brat whenever he went to instigate a fight - while Ria was debating on giving them both a scolding for their antics (but largely ready to ensure nothing was broken and nothing came close to injuring the others in the room should it get too wild). Luckily the patrons that were around had moved back to keep from getting involved, and it seemed most were entertained too. If it wasn't clear this all wasn't just in gest, then perhaps there may not have been so much ogling and perhaps a bit more excitement from them.

"Help make it more of a scene? Great job. Really saved me the trouble of actually having to acknowledge the hothead before he landed a blow." The smirk on his face only grew as he lounged against the back of his chair. "Maybe next time you try to not make much of a scene, you just don't bother getting involved, yeah?" He may have been smiling, but there was a clear threat behind it. Kaden looked at Tone. "But so that was what you were coming to ask earlier. Well, I guess since Akemi is out with the wash-up, I've got time for a match now." He stood, shooting a look over his shoulder at Jasper. Might do the kid some good to get out of the crowded guildhall. "Wanna tag along? You could stand to learn a few things about fighting - if this chump doesn't lose too fast." He shoulder checked Tone as he started past toward the door.

"If you all are quite done..." Ria's tone was far tamer than what she felt inside. She looked around and a soft smile slid onto her face as she focused in on Ronan and Tone. "Tone, why don't you just ask Kaden next time instead of attacking? You know Torys doesn't like you doing that while we have customers at the tables. Ronan, thank you for trying to assist. Why don't you head back over to the bar to wait for Torys? I'm sure it won't be long now." She turned with a larger, more apologetic smile to the table closest to the rabble. "Terribly sorry about all that. Everything alright for you?" With everything settling and the patrons all fine and resuming whatever they'd been doing before, Ria finished setting the tables before heading back into the kitchen.

She finally headed into the kitchen to put stuff away she didn't need to finish setting tables. "Tone? Oh he was just looking to fight with Kaden. Apparently he figured he'd just get the drop on him and challenge him after. He has some issues sitting around idle - he's either out training or doing jobs - so I'm not terribly surprised. He misses some nuances of, you know, actually just asking people to train. Though I think that's because his initial attempt to ask Kaden for a match was foiled by whatever Akemi was drinking today."

Ria listened to the music Trinity played and hummed along quietly while she scrubbed. So far, she wasn't willing to call it quits on this last pan, but it was getting close. There was another pan that was beyond repair as well. Not terrible. Easily replaced. In fact, she was doing a bit of the math about if they needed to get any other cookware or dishes to make one trip instead of realizing they needed more and needing to make several trips. She'd just need to do a full check on everything and evaluate the food supplies before heading out.

She put the dish to the side and finally dried her hands. It was certainly going to be all she could do to get it fixed. Two out of all those pans? Not terrible. Not terrible indeed.

The humming continued as she moved to the pantry to take stock of those supplies, then headed to the walk-in to verify their cold stock. She was pretty sure they didn't need anything from market - it had just been stocked this past weekend, wasn't it? Or was it only two or three days ago? - but it didn't hurt to double check. After all, Lavinia might have used more food than necessary, or even the wrong ingredients, in her attempt to make her cookies. It didn't seem they needed to do much to restock the supplies lost in the venture, though. Not enough to need to include in a run to the market today - which meant they likely wouldn't need her to run out to get a replacement tray and bowl until they went to restock again anyways.

The water mage finally ventured over to where Damian was working on the soup. She took a large sniff of the air, absentmindedly close to brushing right up against the older mage, before leaning back. "That smells delicious. That's definitely going to be a hit with customers!" She offered him a cheerful smile before gathering up the stack of menus from the holder near the door. "I'm going to get tables set if you don't mind keeping everything handled back here." He seemed like he had everything under control though.

She offered Trinity and the new guy a smile as she passed, heading to the tables to start placing menus out and taking mental count of how many still had place settings from the breakfast rush.

"Hmm...That's - unnerving..." Carver adjusted his glasses as he looked around. He was certain he had mapped out around the territory of most monsters. Perhaps he'd been mistaken. It didn't sound like it was anything terribly big. But even little things in great number could be deadly. "But I don't believe we are in any real danger. It sounds like - "

A small rock hit him in the forehead.

The historian fell flat on his butt, dropping the food bar that he'd been holding. The rock hadn't landed hard, and didn't sound like it had. He picked up the pebble and looked at it.

The chirps and squeaks turned to loud chittering. Several of the bushes shook and rattled, close to the same loud ruckus whatever hid in them was making. Then, a large (at least for something typical the size of a raccoon) goblin stepped out. It chittered and squeaked, motioning with it's spear - a crudely fashioned stick not much longer than the creature was tall, with a rock tied onto the tip with vines - toward Carver's feet. The other cacophony of complaints from the bushes and shadows around them died down, as if to give the creature before them more preference in its demands.

Ria hummed softly to herself as she scrubbed, then power washed, then scrubbed the pans some more. She was pretty certain that some of these were completely done for - too much scrubbing or pressure washing and the bottoms would surely be worn away to nothing. For now, she was set to trying to salvage what she could. There were glass bowls with cement - oh, right, this was supposed to be cookie batter - hardened in it that took some extra concentrated blasts, but they seemed to be coming up now. A few of the pans were set to the side, soaking in soapy water to help loosen bits up.

She glanced over her shoulder at Damian when he asked how things were going. A smile spread on her face, wiping away the focused concentration she had taken on in her task. "I think your soup will be ready before I have even the mixing bowls cleaned." She laughed softly. "Some of these are beyond saving, but I won't know how many until I'm finished. I'm not entirely sure what she used to make the cookies, but I'm starting to think they wouldn't have been edible even if she hadn't caught half the kitchen on fire. Lavinia must have just been too shy to ask Zenith or I for cooking tips." She looked back at what she was doing to make sure she wasn't scrubbing through the pan. "Maybe Zenith or I can do cooking classes for people interested in helping but uneasy about keeping up with orders. Would you be interested in participating? Having someone else willing to cook and help might encourage the others too."


Interactions: Elena @PandaBrady

Neil blinked when Ariel - he assumed it was Ariel, considering it looked exactly like her except she now sported tails and ears like the girl on the other side of Dalton - showed up. In a swirl of partial chaos, she swept away the third member of the team away before Trinity could even receive the food Markovis had headed off to make for her. He shrugged to himself. It was certainly going to be a fun thing to explain to their sometimes obtuse friend. He doubted Markovis would believe him if he told the whole mess, so he figured it would be better to stick to the basics.

His gaze instead fixed on the woman that had approached looking for Markovis. That was certainly a name he knew his friend wouldn't enjoy, but he certainly did. A smirk crossed his face at the thought. A drinking contest? That seemed right up his stoic friend's alley, but he was pretty sure the request wasn't to compete with each other. It was to lure out a potential threat - that meant it was better for someone to be in the crowd than the pair to both be contestants. "Well -" he started before it seemed she broke off to an internal debate.

And then Perry was speaking. Though that didn't quite seem right. Unlike Edarn, who didn't have much of a choice, Perry seemed to be incapable of switching back to the proper body. He knew the light mage had a body - he'd seen the transformation before. It was another thing entirely to see that this Elana could switch bodies and minds and all that without Perry being able to do much about it. "Well, I'd say that's a new one, but I suppose you're in the same bucket as Edarn and Karn. Tough break. But, you know, this little minx you're bound with - not sure you were aware she wants to take a job with Markovis, or if she can hear me right now like sometimes can happen with the Karns but - I'm not entirely sure would end up getting a yes out of Markovis for this job she's looking to take. He's not much for the, um, playful sort." He did look sorry to say that, but maybe it was in everyone's best interest to break some hopes before Markovis shattered them.

Location: Phoenix Wing Guildhall

Interactions: Dalton @hatakekuro, Jarvis @MarshiestMallow

Nyssa's ears flicked with the ruckus around her, but kept redirecting to Jarvis. All the new people around threatened to steal her attention even though she was determined to keep on task before getting distracted. So if she found a job she was interested in, she could bring it to him, or the woman Jamie that was in a meeting, or one of the S-Classes. Her gaze shifted a moment when the man that stood near a table with another female at it called out for the S-Class mages to leave, and two others left with him. Oh, Ariel's not-mate Nolan is an S-Class. Interesting.

That glance to the side distracted her more than she anticipated, with a swish of tails that caught her attention. She thought it was Ariel but since when - OH!. Right, Ariel's magic...Nyssa had forgotten about what the older girl had said about her magic when she transferred energy to her to repay for the food and travel. The shift in appearance looked good on the model, but then - all the shifts in the mage's appearance she had seen had looked good. She seemed a bit more playful in this form than the others the kitsune had seen, hopefully that wasn't too problematic for her friends. Surely they were used to it.

Her mouth opened when Ariel swept up the girl that had been introduced as Trinity and carried her away. How was she going to meet this Karn person now? She looked at Dalton beside her. "The girl that was going to show me where this Karn person lives just left with Ariel. Do you know where he lives? And, if so, would you show me to his place?" Once she was a member, she reminded herself.

"Oh, right. First things first." Her attention turned back to Jarvis. "So does this mean I am a member? Or is there more to it? And - Oh, what is that?" She pointed to the stamp. "And how do you determine skill level?"

Location: Phoenix Wing Guildhall Kitchen

Interactions: Jasmine & Rajah @Lunarlord34

All things considered, it was the prep that took Markovis the longest to cook. Prepping the ingredients for - what he'd counted quickly was about twenty-five people - for both dishes wasn't something he could just use his magic to fast cook. He was sure he could figure out a way to do it with his newer magic, but that likely wouldn't go as well as just having standard Earthland food. Besides, he enjoyed cooking. It didn't come as a surprise to him when Jasmine said his name. She had been bound to show up eventually, and he didn't have to hear Rajah to know the entitled Exceed was with her. "Hello, Jasmine. Hello, Rajah."

Much to his chagrin, the sentient cat - perhaps the kindest definition of the dragon slayer's companion - perched atop his head to oversee the meal prep. If this were the first time, he may have bothered trying to protest. Instead, he simply adjusted his stance to accommodate the excess weight rather than fight it. "I am - oh." When he noticed Jasmine trying to reach the flying cat, he stooped down a little to assist. Jasmine brought her away and he focused back on finishing up the Bosco Rice. A large platter of sweet potato cakes sat on the counter with a few set out on plates to serve up already. Small cups of cinnamon cream sat on those plates, with a larger bowl of cream and more serving cups set beside the platter of cakes.

"I have made sweet potato cakes with cinnamon cream to dip, and am finishing up Bosco Rice now. This should be enough to feed the guild present. Trinity was upset and I decided to cook her something to help lift her spirits, and with so many returning - comfort food is supposed to be good for helping with gatherings like such. At least, that is what I have read." He retrieved a spoon from a drawer and took a small scoop of the rice. Cupping his hand under it as to ensure none fell to the floor, he approached Jasmine and offered it to her for taste. "Tell me what you think."
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