Avatar of Sanguine Rose


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Current Wow three years since an update....well - I guess I've been busy. Finally getting back into real story writing instead of just editing and submitting old stuff.
4 yrs ago
Responses didn't come like I meant them to. I'm working on being able to get to them this week. Thank you for your patience with me.
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4 yrs ago
Responses to those waiting to hear from me will come tomorrow. Apologies.
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4 yrs ago
Shit happens, responses slow. Working on it. Please be patient.
4 yrs ago


I'm an adult with a family and responsibilities that take priority, as well as mental health issues that can cause me to not get on this site for periods of time. Just know I will get back to you within a few days. If I had something going with you at some point, and you're interested in either starting it back up or starting something fresh, just reach out.

I recently started working on getting published, and have self published one story so far. Check it out on Amazon - Into the Night by Alexia Wynd.

You can also check out more of my work - short stories and the like - at my recently started Patreon: patreon.com/storiestocaptivate

Also found on Twitter: @AlexiaWynd

Most Recent Posts

Interactions: Karma @Zarkun, Adelyn @Lunarlord34

The place was still too noisy. Maybe a few less people, and it would have been easier to hear himself think. A few less people, and he would have been able to tune out what was going on around him and actually read. There were a lot of jobs, many things the town guard were ill equipped to handle at the time. Likely all of them could end up being things he was more than capable at handling. Did it really matter what one he picked?

In the end, he just read the job names. They held most of the information in those few words, a summary of what might come. That was the point of titles, wasn't it? To help someone understand what they might be getting into without needing to read more details in a quick glance?

He'd spent too long staring at the board as it was. Markovis had little interest in spending any longer there. It wasn't so much a worry someone would think he was having trouble picking a job. He was alone there at the moment. That would eventually change. Might as well just take something that sounded interesting at look at the details in a quieter setting.

The lackluster mage pulled the Suspicious Monster Sighting flyer from the board and wove his way over to the counter. He was going to just tell Ria, but she looked to be in conversation with Nolan - a strange concept for sure but one he had no inclination to interrupt - so he headed for Karma. Stopping in front of bartender, he held up the posting. "Karma, I'm taking this job. I'll be back when I have completed it."

That was all there was to it. He told someone, so he turned and made his way for the exit. Adelyn was so small he almost tripped over her when he did, though. After the momentary collision and catch to ensure neither fell, and even a fleeting "Didn't see you but forgetting the apology, he continued on his wha out the door. Hopefully he could manage to get out without any trouble. Then it was just a matter of time before he could find quiet and actually read the description of the job.

Interactions: Nolan @hatakekuro, Kiba @Cello, and Adelyn @Lunarlord34

Ria listened silently, her smile undeterred by the long winded response she recieved from their other resident reading fanatic. Adelyn may have had a proper upbringing but the girl had very little sense of refinement. Still, there was a genuine approval masked somewhere in the otherwise condescending words. Much like the mild approval Nolan gave their guild master's performance.

In fact, to say her smile was undeterred may have been an understatement. Whenshe smiled more, casting away the melancholy thoughts drummed up by - specifically - Adelyn's critic. "Dear Adelyn, music isn't just about pomp and serenity. It's about emotion and connection. What may be melodious to one is grating to another. But it does not lessen the emotion it invoked for the artist that created it, nor give privilege to another to strike down their efforts for sharing it simply for it not being what you prefer. Any musician that truly appreciates their art can appreciate that of another whether they are opposing interests or not.

"Nolan's critic on the other hand is much better aligned.
" She laughed softly. "Perhaps our guildhall is not properly suited for a concert like this. If I had remembered, perhaps I could have invited you to join me at the farms. It would have been nice to have an extra set of hands when bringing in the bushels of produce they gave me, and would have relieved you guys of the din of the festivities for at least a little while."

She thought for a moment, humming thoughtfully while tapping her chin. Her gaze locked on the counter as thought. It made her oblivious to Kiba gesturing Adelyn out or the encouraging thumbs up he gave Nolan. Even if she had seen it, she wouldn't have realized what he meant.

"I got it!" She snapped her fingers as she focused on the group. Only to find it was just Nolan. "Huh. Where'd they go?" She blinked then shook her head and hands, erasing the momentary slump in energy and replacing it with her cheery rays again. "Oh it doesn't matter, I suppose. But! There are a few jobs on the board, ones that'll help get you out of here and even help garnering some better report with the town guard by helping them with a job. I could join you to help quell any potential misunderstandings before they start too. If you wanted."

Faye Wrexlyn

Despite how indignant the pompous prick sounded as he shot off demanding, if not slightly nervous, questions the point remained: Tristan was joining her. He'd followed her as she left and even while presenting a front like he wasn't planning to continue traveling with her, he was still following as she backtracked a little toward the forest. Tristan joining her was just as good as her going it alone, though.

"No, no one told you about the disappearances. But yeah, I knew about it and withheld that information because, despite how awful you are at polite conversation and your overall rude physical demeanor to - just guessing but I'm assuming - everyone you've met today aside from Mr. and Mrs. Andersen, I wholeheartedly do not believe you would be abducted by the forest. At worst, we'll get turned back to the wood edge. The only ones that are never seen again are the ones that the forest guardian thinks are too awful to return. I don't think you're actually as nasty as you try to be, and I have a feeling the forest guardian will sense that too."

Faye let out a soft sigh and stopped walking for a moment as she turned to face him. "Look, if you're scared of potentially disappearing or not cool with traveling with me because I didn't tell you something that won't be a problem anyway, just keep going that way - " she pointed down the road past the daycare - "and you'll end up in Florasong. It's nice, and pretty, and safe there. No one will ever know you were too afraid of a stupid legend to try to see what lives in the Forest of Fae.

"I have a plan, so I'm going to go see if I can get in that forest and at least see what pokemon libe there. Fairy-type do live there but people only really see glimpses. But, if we can get the forest guardian to welcome us, we won't get lost or forced to leave. And if it doesn't, I'm coming back here once I find out more about the talisman that supposedly helped ancients enter it and get my hands on one.

"So, what's it gonna be? Gonna play it safe, or are you gonna join me in being the first ones to get proof of what that forest is actually like?

Faye Wrexlyn

It hadn't even occurred to Faye that in her amazement over the egg getting identified that she might offend the daycare runner with her reaction. She blinked at his coarse reaction then finally tore her eyes away from the egg. "Oh, yeah. Sorry. Just that my dad has worked with pokemon for, well, since before I was born and he's always wanted get a chance to work with one, so getting a shiney as an egg is pretty amazing for me. I hope it hatches before I get back to King's Cross so I can show him if he's not out on call."

And then the poser coverboy had to go open his mouth and remind everyone he existed. He couldn't have spared her the reminder of how much of a chore he was? No, had to go continue proving he was as pompous as he was ignorant of the region. Which of course turned into the old man trying to dissuade them of even trying to enter the forest to test the legends she'd read.

She knelt and carefully stored the egg back into her pack. "Unlike pretty boy here, I have researched plenty and I'm confident we'll do just fine in making it back out. Whether we manage to get a pokemon that lives there or not is entirely up in the air..." She stood and got her backpack settled back on her shoulders. "But I'm not exactly looking to catch any pokemon. Just want some pictures, proof of what the forest looks would be amazing for researchers."

"At any rate, I'm sure we've taken enough of your time. Thank you for helping identify the egg. What do I owe you for that? Then we'll be out of your hair.
" She figured it was the polite thing, offer payment for a service even if she wasn't using the daycare. Once that was settled, they'd set out. If the city boy was too much of a wimp to follow her, then she'd just set out on her own. Maybe he'd even survive making it to Florasong without being traumatized by how far he had to walk.

Faye Wrexlyn

Faye blinked and would have laughed about trying to impress Tristan - much less that the guy thought they were friends - if not for the way the man reacted to the egg. He looked amazed, shocked really, to see the egg she pulled from her bag. A Larvesta egg? No way Basil gave a first day trainer a Larvesta egg. She stared at it a bit stunned. She had no doubts she would be able to handle it, but to get one out of one chance meeting was mindboggling. Her father would never believe her that she already managed to get one. Then again, it didn't seem like this guy believed her either.

Her attention turned back to the guy with his more pointed accusation. "Well, I'm not sure if I should be insulted you think I'd be incompetent enough to steal an egg and bring it to an upstanding citizen to identify my haul, or relieved you believe that believe I'm not making it up. But, as it turns out, I do have proof of my tale." She pulled out her phone and brought up her account to show the old coot the post she made of the picture of Basil and her together, as well as his response below it. "My name is Faye Wrexlyn. I met him yesterday shortly after I left Professor Kapoc's lab yesterday. Basil's yamper was interested in my camera - a pretty photogenic pokemon - and after a bit of a chat, Basil said I should take the egg. He apparently got it from Adriane Brand, so at least that mystery is solved."

She put her phone away and picked up the egg. "Wow, so you're sure it's a Larvesta egg? Man, my dad would be thrilled to actually get to see one up close. Maybe it'll hatch before I get back home. Do you think you can tell how long before it might hatch?" The fact that there was even another person around completely slipped her mind. Tristan could be on the ground screaming in pain and her focus would be on the egg in hand and the man that knew about it - though who could blame her for ignoring him?

There was something going on at the guildhall today. Which meant adjusting routine. Not that some would consider getting dressed, going to the guildhall, then drinking until either something caught his attention or they kicked him out was a routine, but for Markovis - that routine was grounding. He would have kept to it if not for the understanding that the festivities Jenna had planned would draw in more people than he cared to be around. Too much high energy in a place already bustling with bodies eager to prove themselves.

No, he needed to not be in there. Not until he'd had a few drinks. That always helped calm his mind after a night of restless insomnia. Reading hadn't helped much the night before, and Penelope tired of playing. He supposed he could head to the forest outside of town to train, but the last time caused such a hassle with the guards that it seemed like far too much effort than he wanted to put into anything yet.

A heavy sigh escaped him. Markovis rubbed a hand in his face then ran it back through his raven colored hair. The only real option was routine. As bothersome as it was to be amongst the bustle of festivities it was far more troublesome to figure out a way to avoid them in the first place.

He got off the couch and grabbed a full bottle of everclear off the counter on the way to his bedroom. No time like the present to condition himself for a crowd.

* * *

The bottle was half finished by the time the apathetic young mage entered the guildhall, bottle corked but still in hand. Some would think he dressed to impress, with a dark blue turtle neck that brought out the blue of his eyes, black slacks, and what might appear to most to be nice shoes; in reality it was just clothes that felt comfortable and he could move easily in, including the shoes that had comfortable inserts and a cushioned heel. His steel blue blue gaze passed over the throng of people to ascertain the best route to his usual spot away from most. But in that assessment, it became clear even his usual spot at the bar was crowded with people ordering drinks and guild mates talking. At least the music died down.

Jenna said something about jobs. That was probably the only thing he could do that didn't involve a desire to kill off the bottle in his hand in as few chugs as possible. So instead of heading to his usual spot, he veered off course over to the collection of jobs to see if any caught his interest.

Interactions: Karma @Zarkun, Nolan @hatakekuro, Kiba @Cello, and Adelyn @Lunarlord34

Ria was up, dressed, and out before dawn just like every day. There were enough farms around that she could start each day visiting one to help get fields watered. It was just the right amount of exercise and cheerful help she needed to start the day off well regardless of what dreams found her the night before. It wasn't hard work or involved, but the contract with the Rembrandt farmers both ensured a steady source of revenue for the guild and allowed her to even have a small parcel of land to use for her own gardening.

So like every morning, there was Ria, humming to herself and dancing amongst the drizzle as a rain cloud followed her through Farmer Sadie's field. The water was warm, so it didn't matter that it soaked her hair and dress (and made the fabric contour to her curves more than usual). Who didn't like enjoying a quick sprinkle on a beautiful day?

By the time she had finished, and received a small bushel of vegetables with this month's payment for her services, the sun was already up. Her sundress and hair dried by the time she skipped in the door of the guildhall.

Only to pause in confusion. There were far too many people and too much noise to be just any day. And when she spotted Jenna on stage, it clicked. "The festivities were today??" She almost facepalmed, if not for the act of starting to put the bushel off balance and she almost dropped it all to the ground. Well, no time to waste.

The water mage wove her way skillfully through the crowd, dodging elbows and ducking under arms, to get to the bar, and furthermore back into the kitchen. Only once the vegetables were stored up did she return to them bar. "Good morning, Karma. Anything I can do to help?" It was only after her greeting to the lead bartender that she noticed several of her guild mates all looking miserable. It didn't stop her from giving them all a cheerful smile. "Hi, guys! Seems everyone liked Jenna's song. Doesn't she have such a lovely voice?"

Faye Wrexlyn

Faye watched him carry on with a blinking wide-eyed stare. This guy couldn't be for real, could he? No one was honestly that pompous. It had to be just a some way to boost up low confidence - overcompensate that you are the best and maybe you really would look better? He had to be at least somewhat sympathetic to already have a Riolu, right? He didn't start off with one. Unless he was handed it like his torchic. She supposed that was always an option.

Sage and Tilia exchanged looks with each other while their trainer just watched in dumbfounded confusion as to why this guy would ramble on like he was gods' gift to Evig. After he finally shut up and started walking away without even the slightest hint of where she was going to head off, she burst out laughing at his inquiry. It was a solid minute of trying to quell that laughter before she finally recovered and swallowed it down in a few trickling chuckles. "Okay, yeah, whatever you think. I guess you have pokemon food and supplies for when your team gets hurt. Won't need any of my help..."

She started off, figuring if he was going to travel with her he'd just catch up. "I have an egg I need help identifying. Basil told me the daycare should be able to identify it, and Rosa said they were only a little ways down the road. That's the first stop. Then back to the forest we passed to get to the ranch. Supposedly it's a good source of fairy types and not many people have gotten any good pictures of it. I'm hoping to be the first to get decent evidence of life in the forest."

Regardless of whether the poser followed her or not, she was headed on her path. She had her game plan and she was going to try like hell to stick to it. Tristan ranting wouldn't derail her. She'd - at best - just ignore him. At worst, well - they'd be testing how skilled a trainer he actually was then (if she didn't just punch him in the face instead.) But that wasn't going to be the case. Not before they got to the Daycare to see an old man sitting outside.

A kind smile slid into place on her face. "Good morning. I was hoping you might be able to help me identify an egg I received." She knelt down and fished the egg case out of her bag before moving closer to let him have a better look. "I got this from Basil Rivens and he said you might be able to tell me what kind of mon it will hatch.

Faye Wrexlyn

The dinner was absolutely delicious. Faye hadn't expected it to taste awful by any means, but it tasted even better than it looked - and it had already looked very delicious to begin with. After many compliments to the chefs, Faye figured it might be good to set out. But her only stop was the Daycare, and it was getting late. When did it close?

She realized more and more quickly she'd done it again. She'd headed off on a journey without actually properly figuring everything out. So now she'd gotten sidetracked from her task and set back. If she left now, they'd probably be locking up by the time she got there. So she'd be camping out pretty much outside their house.

Welp, that kinda settled it. As much as she was interested in finding out about the nightlife around these parts, she supposed her team needed a bit more rest after today. Might not be best to do without properly rested pokemon and - shoot! - more pokeballs.

So, with little other choice, Faye accepted the offer to stay the night. She offered to help clean the dishes from dinner and otherwise help out with anything else they'd let her help out with to repay for letting her spend the night. At first light, she'd set out on the road to hit the daycare - offering to Tristan for him to travel with her so their pokemon could continue to socialize.

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