Avatar of Sanity43217


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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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@Sanity43217: Hmmm. I don't know if I feel like that gels well with the RP as a whole, superhumans with kaiju abilities is a bit out of the scope of what I'm going for.

Thatโ€™s all good. Iโ€™ll start work on a guy who leads a squad of smaller scale mechs and their supporting teams.
Colloquially called a HARM (Heavy Armament) Squad, these Mecha and their pilots specialise in rapid response. Taking the fight to a Kaiju before it makes landfall or reaches a densely populated area. They lack the strength to drop a Kaiju, but are meant to hold them back to buy enough time for a large contingent of tanks to get in formation, and/or the Gotengo to get in position to fire more devastating attacks.

Hey, so how restricted to realism are we? Like I can see two psychic characters and laser weaponry, so obviously there are some sci fi elements at play.
Because I had an idea inspired by this D&D homebrew.
So hereโ€™s my pitch.
A soldier that has been experimented on with Kaiju biological material. Probably Stem Cells from a fallen Kaiju that was pregnant at the time of its defeat. He would inherit a few abilities from Kaiju, but most notably, he would become a living nuclear reactor. He would function as the brain and power specs for a new prototype mech to combat Kaiju.
Ad he biologically functions as a nuclear reactor, producing mass amounts of energy, he solves the issue of finding a suitable, sustainable energy source for the project.
I hate to do this but ...

@Sanity43217 -Bonk-

Iโ€™m so sorry, I had some health issues come up. I would have responded sooner but only woke up from the coma two days ago.
Working on a post. Will likely get it up this weekend.
Just trying to make it just right.

Steven prefers having at least two doctors on the team because his Trauma Team coverage and health insurance are both expired.
Did we have a Discord to discuss things?
I was just wondering what everyone had planned for shared background as part of the crew.
With Steven Bates being one of the older members, I was flirting with the idea that he helped found the crew for a job a while back. Iโ€™m not committed to the idea of anyone had an alternative.
In my opinion, sandevistans are over hyped. Like a decent cyberdeck could blind a sandevistan and it wonโ€™t matter how fast they are if they canโ€™t see. I personally donโ€™t think the increased cyberpsychosis risk is worth it.
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