Name: Loreena Altera
Age: 21
Bio: Loreena was the second child born to Harold and Tiana, a bit of a surprise so soon after the arrival of Annalise. She was a bit of the opposite of her elder sister, darker in hair and skin and also possessed a disdain for all things court related as she grew out of the nursery.
She loved her books, often sneaking down into the library and reading long into the night. She devoured books like a starving man would a loaf of bread, and it was discovered that she possessed an eidetic memory, making her classes a breeze for her, though it seems like applying her knowledge to real life provided a challenge. Lore was also the first, and seemingly only, of her sister to show any skill in magic, swiftly coming under the tutelage of the royal mages. She is able to pick up a skill quickly, but mastering it takes time.
Her most secret and ardent desire is to go on an adventure. To visit a far off land, to learn new magics from various teachers, and to write an adventure story of her own. For this reason, she is, perhaps, the most interested of her sisters in the plan their father laid out for them to marry one from a different kingdom. As long as he has books, or doesn't mind her building a library, and a sense of adventure, she will be content.