With the pleasantries done for the moment, the princes and princesses went their separate ways for a time, perhaps to reconvene later at Sulhana's behest. Uriah followed her to her quarters, but remained in the antechamber while Lore continued on to her bedroom. She didn't know what to make of the initial meeting, but her mind was already spiraling with thoughts and possibilities.
"I can feel your energy all the way out here, child," came Uriah's gentle voice. "What's your judgement of the princes so far?"
Loreena was busy removing some of the ceremonial trappings of her station, opting for something more comfortable and casual now. "Oh no, you're not ensnaring me in that test, Uriah. Not this time."
The older man chuckled. "Fair enough. First impressions, then?" Upon hearing the princess made a noncommittal grunt in response, he grinned wider. "Be honest, girl. I'm your teacher, not a tattler."
Lore sighed as she sat in front of her mirror and brushed out her hair. She gathered her thoughts, Uriah patiently waiting for her response. "Dro Vyarin seems a strong man. It is that strength I see reaching for the crown of Astalia, he has eyes only for Lisse. Though whether that's his own ambition or that of his family, I do not know."
She gave a humored snort. "Alvaro I feel I could sit across from Jiny and their expressions would be the same. Neither want to do this, and I hope at least they might find themselves to be kindred spirits in that regard.
"As for Erick and Gil, both seem similar in situation, but for very different reasons. Gil for the fact this is simply not his home, it's so different. And Erick... because I think he feels he is not the right one to be here. In his mind, perhaps he feels it should be another." A tenderness came into her voice. "He was the only one who seemed to show true gratitude for my gift... I appreciate it."
Uriah picked up on the sweetness in her tone and hummed contently. "You do realize though, if he were to choose you, and you accepted, how close to the Empire you would be... It is Jörda's strength that currently keeps them at bay."
The princess was quiet for a moment before she continued. "I know that, Uriah. But why should I think myself any better than my sisters to not take on that danger? Lisse is the heart of Astalia, the crown is hers and there is none more deserving. Jiny will go on to be some amazing warrior and grand bardic ballads will be sung of her heroism. Sulhana will own a piece of every single person who ever draws breath..."
"And you, Loreena? What of Astalia's mage princess?"
Loreena came out from her bedchamber then, dressed in a simple gown of cerulean fabric, the blue topaz-like jewel that acted as her focus for her magic hung by a ribbon at her throat. Her hair was braided softly, a few curled strands escaping rebelliously. "There is no crown for me, Uriah, unless I marry into one. I can barely do more than parlor tricks for another decade or so until I get stronger with my magic. I would be content to make a difference in the world of one person, and spend my days outside of Astalia, learning what magic the rest of the world holds for me."
She looked up at the older mage curiously. "If...if I am ever to leave with my husband at any point...what will become of you?"
Uriah faced his pupil, a fatherly smile on his face. "My duty is to the mage princess of Astalia. Not the king, not the kingdom, the princess. I will remain faithful to my duty until my charge no longer has need of me." He straightened his robes. "Now come, let us go make nice with the others once more before we're late...again." And with Loreena laughing, they hurried down the halls and towards the Court of Flowers.