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In Hi! 1 mo ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
This is the OG rpg
I must say I'd like to see this come to life
I'm interested! Go fantasy survival, I'm here
You wanna do some Prohibition era mafia rp, or get caught up in modern times?
Hi everyone I'm Score. I've put too much thought into making an 1x1 check post, so this is off the top of my head.

For one, I fade to black for romantic adult content, but I'm very liberal about any other adult content I can think of, especially for modern SOL crime drama.

Two, I've been rping for a long long time. I personally like quality over quantity, so I can appreciate one paragraph as much as ten paragraphs.

Three, I am not the grammar police. I want punctuation, spelling, and meaningful work in your post. High school English, folks.

Next, I don't always post everyday. I need time. And don't expect some heretic novella length post when I do write IC. I will try to make it worthwhile.

Finally, I'm getting back into RP, so what did I miss? Nothing, but I'll ask you to work with me if I make a noob post. OOC, any way, is integral for me.

That covers the basics, so now I go to my fandoms.

Star Wars:
MxF, MxM
Force sensitive for me, but you can do you
Republic or Empire
OC or Canon

Marvel Universe, or Movieverse
Prefer X-Men or F4
OC or Canon

Last thing is that I have a thirst for modern SOL crime stories, so it's MxF within the realm of the Italian-American mafia. I've done some writing during the Prohibition era, but it's been quite a while.

So, that's the end of my quickly thought 1x1 interest check. PM me ideas, fandoms, or OOC and I'll see you on the drawing board. Edits coming soon...
I'm glad you clarified that.

I've tried the Thing and Wolvie, so now I've specified a Marvel antihero search and I'm interested in Iron Man, but two things:(1) I would have to do solely Tony movie canon, (2) He's a founding Avenger, but back to (1), what if I kept him under the principle of Iron Man title movies?
Go Go Antihero! But seriously, is these based solely on face characters or can you write for a villain as well?
Sorry, @deegee! I wanted to see if someone wanted to do a 1x1 SWRP with a Force welding male character... Nice looking rp, May the Force be with you
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