Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
My Homestuck class: Bard of Void
Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
Shit, son. Put down the spices, I'm being blown away by all this flavor.
Alright, you got got a good point. I like the motherfucking, apocalyptic concept of animals just stop eating and then everyone starving to death and stuff. That's pretty neat.
I think a little bit of a more overbearing task/curse would fit the role. Maybe every night he has to eat an insane amount. That way it makes sense why he has less time than other gods to prosper his mortal affairs in his role.
I, motherfucking, meld with what you're making, brother. I'll probably accept this but I'm going to give the clock a few dials so others can come in an compete for the Essential spot before I start accepting them.
There are a few issues. An essential keeps the world running and if they died/were stopped it could end that function. Your god will need to have a task that is important to the existence of the universe to run without potentially having an apocalypse.
Shit, this muffin is in my baking, motherfucking, tray.
Just to clarify/ limit your powers:
You can only be seen by schizophrenic/ hallucinating people/ characters with clairvoyant ability, and gods with a 2 or more power to their sight in some form. You are also visible to blind people.
Your second power literally gives you control over nothing. That dosen't translate into anything-since hallucinations and art still exist in some form- you can slowly will something to exist over a period turns by moving the "nothing" out of the way. You can also inspire people or make them forget things by making the "nothing" in their thought evaporate or it cloud them. But you can't control what those thoughts are.
That work, or did I read your intentions wrong?
If you wanted to make a person exist, it would take you many, many weeks of concentration. You can make small, simple things exist within one post though. Like a small rock. The higher the complexity and bigger the size, the more it time it takes.
Each point buys an ability. Your stat points are for stats. You get 4 points for abilities.
1 point = fire bending
1 point = clairvoyance.
You can also put all your points into one ability and all the rest count as a power bonus.
All 4 points in fire bending = Firebending +3 power to it.
Knowledge and skills have to be learned indiviudally and can only be bought with 1 point. Equal to a master/ genius in the feild. EG: 1 point in kung fu 1 point in archery 1 point in mathmatics 1 point painting.
If a power can't rationally have power applied to it- like clairvoyance or teleportation- then they fall under the same rules.
It's a bit to read brother, but most of this is in "A word on Abilities" hider or stats. Most of the answer should be there that I could think of.
I might of confused it a little because I said powers instead of abilities. I'll change that to make it a bit clearer. Sort of writing half of this stuff in a slumber sapped state, brother.
shit, you did use your stats. Sorry, brother.
but to make it absolutely, positively clear to anyone reading.
You can have the ability to control water.
but your power dictates your magnititude to control water. How much and to what extent.
Power determines the punch and radius of your abilities. So, your ability is a general thing you can do- manipulate fire- power determines to what extent -making man sized shapes to tidal waves of flames-
You still have 4 points left to spend on stats.
On your powers I will have to measure them a bit.
Shared would be change into clairvoyance if you choose to keep it.
Nothing wrong with mind over matter. It's neat. The only limiter is that your character must have a point in any learned skills/ studies to pass those on. But uplifting/ devevoling people mind on touch is all cool but they make a reaction to escape. With your power as it, you could brain drain a genius into a normal guy in one turn.
I'll allow this in that- any power you replicate only count as 1 power for every 3 you have- you must know a god or being power to copy. You can't copy knowledge/ learned skills/ clairvoyance or teleporting.
While incorperal elements, mind, and magical attacks in any form still hit you. This includes artifacts with magical properties. With your power level you could phase entirely out of reality.
With the strike of the 500th year of man the first generation of gods to arrive after the Essentials have finally come of age to claim their domains in ascended society. Many of them eagerly await the first meeting of the Highest Court, held by the Essentials, so that they may appeal for their claim to whatever domain that they will hold onto for the eternity after. Unless, someone seeks to change that later...
If you were in the INT check you know the base lore behind the RP but if not you will find all info you need here:
"First there were the Outsiders"
"They who enter dreams, who live in the places where darkness is the only company between you and them. They roamed about in an orgy of chaos, swallowing all things to be and could be. Diminishing all past death, giving end to the endless. The Soul Eaters. Over time they devoured all there was and ,so, turned onto each other. Their abundant numbers dragged this into a millenia of canibalism past any man's comprehension. Near the Outsiders extinction a new being emerged"
"The Essentials"
"Born in the eternal nothing. In the gap between horror they started a new chain of life. The Essentials are the gate keepers and fathers of all that we know. They allow what what we come to expect, eternally at watch for what came before and what will come after. The most important of the pantheon, and the most cursed. For even gods must pay a price to bring back something from nothing. Each chained to a task, a duty, a curse, or even a role of vigilant work to keep things going"
"Then came the new: The Pantheon"
"They are the children of fortune. Much like the essentials they were born from nothing, but unlike them they were not bound by the same curses and duties to keep what we know going. The Pantheon took upon their roles at their own choice and some abandon them abruptly or over the dramas that plague divinity. We worship the pantheon in appreciation for their continued supervision over their domain, which without it would undoubtedly cause havoc on our world."
"and finally...the lessers"
"The same as the Pantheon by birth but not by opportunity or virtue. They choose lesser mantles, some which we can all conclude we are better without nor are of the same importance as the former two. Should a lesser disapper not much would change in the world but do not be fooled by their title. A lesser is the same in power as a pantheon, and have been known to usurp their peers for influence, ambition, or power"
Essentials govern a task/aspect/ role that if impeded or stopped in someway would undoubtedly cause an end of the galaxy scenario. They are the most powerful of gods because they have leverage over all things. In turn, Essentials tend to have little time for messing with mortals concerns because their jobs are constant; be it holding up the sky or making sure a prison of monsters are never freed.
Essentials are bound to their roles and their jobs. It is impossible for an essential to abandon their post, however, it is possible for them to be captured or killed. Under the right circumstances.
Domains for essentials are things like: Time, Sun, Gravity, Life, Space, Reality, Entropy, and Force.
Just as base examples.
Essentials rule over something in which if it was gone, it was radically harm the world or everything, forever. Essentials maintain these things and without them we risk them to cease functioning. Unlike pantheon whom governance is management, not the continued existence of their domain. If a god of death left, people would still die, but it would definitely be more chaotic.
Essentials have:
+3 power.
+6 influence
-2 mortal affairs.
An Essential powers always relate to their task or their domain (so a god of sun may not actually have fire powers, if his job was to maintain the sun and stop it spreading like wild fire he may have exceptional water power. But he could just have fire. Your choice)
Pantheon is the court of gods who actively govern domains important to the world. Unlike Essentials who start as their roles, a pantheon candidate must bid for their role in the Highest court. These gods can have powers contradictory or even unrelated to their role, although they must have some capacity to fufill their desired domain. A god of fire must be able to control it and at least 1 point in it. Pantheon can leave their job at any point, be usurped, or even be voted out of it in later court dates.
Pantheon are not essentials, should they die or be absent their domain would still exists. A god of market death would not stop the market, however, it will become insanely more chaotic and mortals may find monopolies or market crashes more often. They may even be sudden streaks of poverty as the coin adjusts itself after said gods departure.
Pantheons are the gods that deal directly with mortals and their issues the most and so have a lot of control over them.
+2 influence
+4 Mortal Affairs
Pantheon domains tend to be things like: Law, greed, love, war, elements, death, craftmanship and so on.
The Pantheon don't deal in overlaps. A god of greed and god of markets are too similair, one would be pushed to a lesser. But this can change via usurping, voting, mortal affairs.
Lessers are deities whom couldn't make it into the pantheon or who chose to not enter. They govern a domain that dosen't register as being important enough to smoothly regulate, or if that regulation stopped not much would change in the grand scheme of things. Lessers can pick their own domain freely as long as another one dosen't have it, unlike essentials and Pantheon roles a lesser can overlap with each other eg: murder and street crime.
Some Lessers choose to never have any sort of domain whatsoever, making them the very low of god society. They're given names by gods which are meant to demean. If a god stays without a role for over a 100 years they join the Strangers: a community of outcasts no longer accepted by any of the established society due to going against the order of things/ or actively breaking divine laws too much.
Lessers have very little influence on godly or mortal society:
-2 to mortal affairs
- 2 to influence
Power determines your capacity with your abilities. Powers are the stalemate breakers if two gods are fighting and need some sort of judge on who would win in direct conflict. It also determines the magnitude of your miracles and smiting effects.
A god casting fireball with 1 could let loose a formidable boulder of flame without effort. A god with 8 is more or less spitting volcanic eruptions without paying too much attention.
This determines your pull within Divine Society. In the court the more influence you have, the more your numbers your votes will count as. This helps pass new divine rules or reppeal them when a vote is called. Someone with extremely high influence may find they can make favors for favors or accrue lesser god agents for tasks.
Mortal Affairs:
Mortal Affairs allows you to accrue mortal agents-who can just as useful as godly ones- and your ability to try and convince mortals to sway to a position that you like. Mortal affairs is the most important for managing the lower world without high levels of violence...most of the time.
[Abilities] Your powers: you can pick any sort of power you want unless they break the game. This means: no time control, no multipcation/cloning, no true ressurection, no instant teleporting that allows you escape danger, no truesight into future.
You can place all your ability points in one ability, which count as a POWER boost after the first one.
EG: 4 points in Fire Bending count as a +3 to power.
All gods have 4 points to choose their abilities. Unless a perk states you have more/less.
---------------------------- These are just dubious abilities that could normally break the game. If you pick any abilities like these, you get these versions. --------------------------- Clairvoyance: This dosen't grant true sight, but it does high light certain events in shades of red. Giving you a hint to possible danger to either you or the world. It also allows you to let your god to know the past, as long as in that past they there (be it unconcious or sleeping) or they were a topic (two people talking about killing you)
Teleporting: You can teleport to any godly domain that another god allows you to enter. If you are in combat you must make a post preparing to teleport and be open to attack.
PSI: psychic powers such as mind reading to mind control. All mortals eventually break any mind control after a few minutes unless focus is applied. God use power to battle in mind with another god. God cannot fully mind control another god, even if they win.
Knowledge/ Learned skills: You must individually pick each feild of skill/ knowledge to learn them. You cannot have a general power over all information. However, you will be a a genius in any feild you put even 1 point in and on par with the best of the best of human history. EG: kung fu and sword training both must be bought seperately.
You get to use 1 miracle every era (100 years. Don't worry, it will be very obviouss whenan era ends/ starts) miracles allow you to do a godly action of great effect on the mortal world relating to your power, even if your power is low. Be it spreading a plague or healing everyone of said plague. Be careful, however, other gods don't take to kindly to wanton miracles.
Events are things that occur every period of posts in the world. Mortals will have events occur in their regions all time time which can easily snow ball into bigger events if no action is taken. Some events do nothing while some need to be investigate and have no obious effects...yet.
These events come no matter what you do but your actions or lack of actions before them can either hasten their coming/ their sheer ferocity or how weak they will be.
Hidden Events This speaks for itself. Hidden events have to be looked into in some way for you know what they are, make no mistake. Some of the most dangerous events are hidden.
An meeting of the highest court. All gods attend this and here voting is made on changes of orders. Courts are also convened when a god needs to be judged for breaking a Divine Law.
Every certain amount of posts/ or completed events an era jump will occur. In this a 100 years will pass where new events will occur and new tech. Doomed Events are triggered the most by jumps.
The time in which this all occurs is High Ancient period. Man is the dominant race on Earth at the current point and they have recently become competent at black smithing. Castles and simple structures are fanatically being errected; and for the first time in human history the first look at possible large scale skirmishes are appearing. Math and Literacy are uncommon but growing.
There will be 5 nations. The map and who these nations are will be shown when the RP starts.
[b]Essential [/b][b](y/n)[/b] If yes, include a domain. [b]DOMAIN[/b][u]Empty Domain Spot [/u] Remove These if no. Your domain will be appealed for in the first court.
[b]TASK/CURSE/BURDEN:[/b] for essentials. What is it that you to do to keep your domain from crashing. Remove this if no.
[b]Powers List[/b]
[b]Stats[/b] You have 4 points to spend on stats.
[u][b]Mortal Affairs:[/b][/u] 0
[u][b]Influence:[/b][/u] 0
[u][b]Power:[/b][/u] 0
Leave empty. You will be given perks on character acceptance and the roles you take.
Include other gods in the RP and your characters thoughts on them. EG: "The lord of fire really needs to calm down, we always argue because he can't take anything easy"
if no gods are accepted, talk to players about possible backgrounds as more come in.
OOC Expecations and Rules
All RP'ers will expected to interact with each other outside of RP. Mingle and so on.
Posting will be expected every 3 days, max unless some sort of real life circumstance gets in the way.
2 paragraphs standard a post. This is not an absolute, and I leave it to RP'ers judgement when less is more. But this will be the standard.
All RP'ers will be expected to formulate relations of some sort with other gods from the get go during the creation phase.
All players should have something going on with someone all times. I will create events but it will important for the group to keep everyone in.
There will be only 1 Essential open for every 4 pantheon or lower.
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
[b]Fandoms:[/b] Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality:[/b] Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters:[/b] In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
[b]My Homestuck class:[/b] Bard of Void
[b]Likes:[/b] Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
[b]Dislike:[/b] Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
[i]Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
[url=] my 1 x 1 IC [/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><br>Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Fandoms:</span> Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Personality:</span> Ambiguously ?????????????????.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Favorite Homestuck characters:</span> In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.<br><br>Hate kanaya and Jade.<br><br><span class="bb-b">My Homestuck class:</span> Bard of Void<br><br><span class="bb-b">Likes:</span> Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Dislike:</span> Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit. <br><br><span class="bb-i">Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.</span><br><br><a href="">my 1 x 1 IC</a><br></div>