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"no" - Cauldron guy from Getting Over It.
3 mos ago
Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
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Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

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Shit, my brother of the digital dream. Just stream to me what sentences you, motherfucking, need seaming and I'll help you out.
@The Grey Dust

You know, this motherfucking, powder of power got a point. Maybe I should fix the power scale a little. Just make it a bit easier for everyone a bit easier to get to master scale.

Also, brother, you're character accepted if you add that need to eat caveat to his daily task. You can move him to the character section.


This is nearly perfect. I'm really, motherfucking, digging this creativity like an oil hunter who gone into fever in the desert. However.

You can't move around stats.

The stats a pantheon, lesser, or essential have more are a matter of their origin and place in divine society at the start. They are not neccesarily reflections of character. The 4 stats points you spend are your characters personal contributions.

A way to think about it is: A character having a low value job wouldn't help his influence. A ghetto living janitor may have great personal attributes but he's not going to find it easy influencing laws and other gods. Pantheon is sort of like middle/upper class, even if you don't neccesarily have attributes that make you have that influence just starting off as being in that class gives some footing that reflect other society members view of you a bit more positively.


Hmmm, I'll allow the first power. The only caveat is that if someone dosen't want to be seen, or doing something he dosen't want to be seen he can't see it. This is mostly so he can't logically immediately uncover Hidden Events.

But shit, this looks, motherfucking, good to me, my cable comrade.

Shit, how about this. Every day you spend charging up a spell. I'll give you +1 power to its effect with the max being your power stat itself. In this case, 3. That way it's still balanced without rendering you near powerless in most scenarios.

@The Grey Dust

You are all going to get more power as the RP goes on. But it's still early in the age of the world and Essentials are finally getting some help managing the other domains with the first pantheon rising.
@Lord Zee

your power is 4. So you could create large monsters if you wanted to. Think about 15-20 foot tall. Although it would take you hours to do so, especially the more complex they are. Unless you're making weak, limp, featureless blobs most of your creatures are going to take you at least half an hour.

Humanoids if they're pretty simple an hour.

What I mean, brother is that, while the character is good. So much would change in bringing him over from that RP to this one due to the lore, system, highest court, and ectr. I think he's cooler than an snowman divorce court I can't give a proper feedback on how well it would mesh here.

I suggest you just fill out a sheet and I'll give what advice I can when you got a working CS for this.


Shit, most of this is fine, sister.

Just two things:

I'm not allowing shared sight or future sight. Primarily because it would be OP in the style of this RP mechanics are. This would be changed to Clairvoyant power: which is in the "word on abilities" section.


Magic is very large umbrella of abilities. So it can easily game the ability buyer. Since, you basically have a package of them in arcana. It's a bit hard to balance this.

I'm ok with this but it will more or less translate into a mimic power ability: You can only mimic a power you've seen been used: you can't copy clairvoyance, teleporting/portals, PSI, learned skills-like kung fu- or knowledge skills(like math)) nor invisible abilities you can't see being used(like empathy).

Any abilities you mimic you suffer a -3 to power when using them. This is the only way right now I can think to make something as broad as magic work.


Knowledge of the Cheonicler will translate in having a Knowledge: history. So you are a master of history. Just making it really clear.

In fact:


Here's a rough power scale so you guys can get a better idea of its in game effects on spells.

@Lord Zee

Shit, I don't see anything wrong with the horned song without a thong, brother. She's in. Move her to the character section.

Shit, it's all cool, brother. Did the same on my side of the train too.

Fuck XCOM 2. It cheats but I am it abused lover.

Alright, my baking brother. You can rush that, motherfucking, spectrum of space into the character bar. I'm cooler with its concept than a fridge containing einsteins brain.

@Lord Zee

Less abilities means unspent ability points pass over to power-aka how much raw general power you have- abilities are just avenues they are used. Power applies 99% of the time to your abilities. BUT if there were a scenario where you and another god were in an arm wrestle.

and that god nor you had something logical that makes them win- like super strength- then we'd rely on who has the most power stat to declare who would win that arm wrestle. If there are moments when power would apply to a scenario outside of that, I'd let you know but for the most part, you can rely on this being the standard.

Shit, man. I dig the drug of a motherfucking, creature creator. I'm cool with her powers. I'd like a little more on her appearence. Give me a little spice to this mistress of vice, kindred. But I don't see any issues.


Conceptually it's all fine, brother. But the large changes between format, set up, and lore in that RP and this one means that trying to cross this guy into this RP will radically change him in a lot of ways.But I'm down the idea of a warrior of the sun. However, he won't gain a Domain until he appeals in the Highest court for it in the first phase.


Shit, sure man. We got loads of seats for gods trying to get into the pantheon or lessers.
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