Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
My Homestuck class: Bard of Void
Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
shit, I was going to let this, motherfucking, momento mori melt into meta-matter since generally as a rule if you don't get at least a few posts on the OOC by users within a few days it fortells a schemes still birth.
But I like the idea so much I'm going to try and bring it back and advertise it around a bit more.
also, I'm going to make some minor changes to the sheet load out, so heads up @Celsius@CaptainSully
"This ain't hell, this is a reward. Their reward. We're their reward!"
It's been two years since the spree of missing people started in little America. It seemed no matter your background, your security, your age or your character you could suddenly evaporate from your loved ones never to be seen again. The police have been closing down all investigation outside of authorities on the matter, no one knows the true number of folks missing at this point but an article by one of the victims fathers managed to find 35 missing cases at the start "There are undoubtedly many more than this" he commented as he finished with a plea for his daughter safety.
You don't know it yet, but your world is about to be taken from you. On one of your walks you'll notice a place out of picture to the rest of the area. Unnaturally cold air, empty, derelict, given a wide birth, maybe the shadows are just too strong for a day like this. Whatever caught your eye, you entered that place and you unknowingly trekked into someone elses domain.
The air is cold to the bone no matter how sunny it is. The sun itself seems almost dim like a cheap bulb even on a cloudless scene, the shadows strecth to almost supernatural lengths and no matter where you walk or how fast you run you circle the world back to the same structure.
As a missing person your job is to explore the world and escape from the domain. Each domain acts as a level with its own threat, host, layout and potential rewards. You are not alone here, other missing people meet up with you at the start and you must rely on each other for any chance of returning home.
Seek Heat
A lone warm breeze will occasionally hit you, indicating the direction the exit to this domain is.
MP perks
perks are special traits that give you an edge or power over other MP's and the oncomming enemy hosts.
Face Coins
You can find many things in the domains to come. Undoubtedly many items will be helpful but face Coins are the most valuable. Face coins are all dull red and have the face of a new person on them each time. They act as a form of currency in the less openly hostile domains in this strange world. They are very rarely unprotected and unhidden though.
you have 3 HP before you can be executed by a host. All hits to you deal 1 HP unless your perk, a host perk, or the narrative specially tells you otherwise.
As a host you appear once in your selected domain. Here is where you wreak havoc of the unsuspecting victims that are prodding around you home and make them pay for their tresspass. Your goal is to bring misery, fear and death to all those that niavely enter your home.
Screams of the tormented
When someone screams or make a similair loud sound of disgust/terror they are pin pointed as a special marker on your map.
Their pain...your power
Death is not your only goal. At the end of a domain the MP will all vote to give you a point or not. This vote is an appraisal of your performance as a killer. Even if you fail to kill a single MP, you could end up "winning" by Host standards for being a terrifying, interesting and generally menacing enemy. If everyone gives you a point you get an bonus point
No hope for the lazy
When a MP stays in one spot for too long your domain supernaturally reveals their location on your map without their knowledge.
Host Perks
You are beyond a mere man like you used to be. Your supernatural powers are transcended here, turning you into a powerful killer with threatening abilities and traits.
Some History is best forgotton. In the early 70's the reenyord museum was a prized place in which many artifacts from across the world and time could be gazed while under the pristine care of its respected owner. It was a place of respect and society, if culture could ooze from these walls than the building would have a serious black mold problem by now. For years the musuem served as a place of remembering but when the upper society that regularly indulged themselves here were asked to remember something which they chose to forget.
But it refused to be forgotton. One night the museum was found flooded with new display after its chain doors were unshackled by local police. What they found itself was a gallery of gore, death, crimes and callousness. Not all of them were dead but the musuem was. What did this and for what reason was forever unknown. Yet as ghosts of the past finally rested silently in its walls as it closed, one thing will definately be remembered to the locals. Never forget.
Domain Layout: The Musum is made up of two levels in which long streak of galleries and halls are marked about. The place leads into itself over and over, making up intersection and junctions over dead ends or corners. The entire place is littered with pieces of history and art to make good hiding for the quick witted.
Host Archtypes suggested: The Victim, the Nobleman, the ancient, the myth, the artist, the historian, the janitor
Domain Threats: Hidden
The Cinema
Drive in Cinema are a rarity in the modern day. In the early 2000's the Speed Show, as it was affectionally titled, struggled with the rising reality of the internet. Once upon a time it's lots were full of teenagers on daring dates for its horror all nighters and wary nomads who wanted to see the new comedy. Now with the rise of pirating they were scraping by as the outside world was traded for a new night at home in the computer screen.
Michaal was crushed as he saw the numbers plummet. His father started this place out of love and he swore to carry it on when he was gone but it was all slipping through his fingers. But a revolutionary idea hit him. Show them what no one can see on the net. He and his friends made indie horrors in which were only to be shown here, nowhere else. it worked for a while. No one, of course knew how real the affects were or how committed some of those actors really are...if they were even really actors.
When he found his worked on the net and the police starting to close in on the cinema they snapped. One of the lot made one last show. A live performance for the entire world to see. Some cars are still piled up at the exit, wheels punctured from carefully laid spikes to stop the exit. Creating an eternal traffic jam inside. No escape from the chaos within.
Domain Layout: The Drive in Cinema has many, many rows of cars that block off movement that make deadly straight ones to be tailed in. Occasionally the cars will pile up blocking an area entirely. A large, barbed wire fence stops people sneaking in for a free movie and victims sneaking out. A small store along with a stair way leading to the projector room sits at the end and a small growth of dark woods litter the inside around the parking lot.
Host Archtypes Suggested: The actor, the director, the taximan, the mechanic, the cashier, the loyal friend, the father, the son.
Domain Threats: Hidden.
The Hotel
The MoonSet Hotel wasn't exactly what many would call remarkable. It struggled at best to retain an above average score and even that waivered under the scrutiny of less charitable critiques. It mostly survived by short visits rather than long term ones, offering reasonable rooms at reasonable prices on a route with no other lodging for miles. That all changed when the first murder happened at the hotel and it seemed almost overnight it became a sensation.
It was a brutal scene that turned even the police pale. But for the hotel it was hitting oil. They capitalized on it, commercialized it, talking about susposed hauntings and the tales of the room. At some point they started so many rumors and little stories from cannibalism to strange occult visitors cursing the place that the place was financially held together by lies. Lies that would come to haunt the owners. When they recieved a mysterious note with nothing but "Stop selling the murrder"
They ignored it. Now. All the stories are true. Whatever happened to that hotel the following night, no one knows. There were no finger prints or suspects. All we know is that the only people that sleep their now, are the dead.
Domain Layout: The hotel makes use of loads upon loads of dead end rooms to get trapped in or hide. It has multiple stories and hollow floors, giving anyone location away to those below. The very top has a small roof area and the very bottom an intersectioning series of cafes, stores and lounging areas. A pool is at the back. The outside seems to be an endless desert.
Arch types suggested: The ghost, the original, the swindeled, the family, the chef, the staff, the ex employee.
Domain Threats: hidden
Need to know stuff:
The average MP average movement speed is 10 feet in an intense moment without any sprint abilities-you're running normally- when out of an intense moment up to a minute is passing and so you can move 60 feet- if you're running about-
When you're running about in a casual post the parts you walked past are still seen and revealed on the map but because you've taken no time to interact or look about the room you only get a GLIMPSE.
A GLIMPSE description describe what you saw in the most simplest terms: eg: while running in the hallway you saw a grandfather clock, a table with a lamp on it, a picture of some old family on the wall.
as opposed to walking to the grandfather clock. Looking ait and then getting a detailed post on its qualities and openings ectr.
Intense time frame is about a 10 to 30 seconds in RP world. Casual is about 1 to 10 minutes. Your speed and posting time limit will reflect this.
see bottom OOC for posting time limits for either.
HOSTs must peform an execution on a 1 HP MP otherwise they don't die. This can be really anything, even if it's as simple as throwing a weapon into their head but as this is killing off a character an execution post should make this more detailed and cinematic than a normal post if possible.
Happy Place: When you would normally SCREAM, CRY, or make any other loud sound due to a perk or being terrified/in pain you don't. This only works once and recharges when you enter a new DOMAIN.
Dwarin Award: When you and another missing person are within 25 feet you can reactively use this move ONCE per domain to put that missing person between you and the HOST/killer. This recharges next Domain.
Fortitude: When you are BLEEDING or suffering from broken joints you can continue to act as normal without any penalty to your actions.
Hard Candy: You take TWO posts to execute instead of one. If the host is interrupted by extensive injury, stunn or even some form of heavy impact enough to jolt them you are "dropped" and remain alive with 1 HP.
Athelete: When in Intense moments you can utilize ONE sprint action to move double your normal movement speed in a straight line in any direction. You can't use this again until you had one post in casual.
Phone Reception: Your phone works and offers you new sites and numbers to call wtih both negatives and benefits to each one in each domain. Be careful though, you phone battery is still limited.
Domain Linked: You share a primal, personal link with a domain of your choosing. This grants you special powers and threats when in this domain but not in other ones.
Combatant: You have knowledge on how to use a gun and basic combat tools like knives or blunt weapons. You enter the world with ONE of these one handed weapons of your choice.
Smart Ass: You have a clue what's going on most of the time. You'll recieve hints and suggestion on what's going on around you at random times that give you vague clues on what to do or what could happen. Don't get too smart for your own good though.
Toy: Something physical or mental attracts hosts to you. They derive a very special joy from tormenting you making any hosts who see you in pain have to puruse you. How this pursuit is done and the tactics of it are up to them, but they do have to go after you when visual contact is made and in pain.
Host Perks
OverWhelming Strength: Furniture and debris no longer bother you. You move these and continue to move at half your normal speed in one post.
Brutal Execution: When a MP person is killed by your hand you must make a post that kills them in a horrific and ectruciating manner. Any other MP within visual range-despite blindness or closed eyes- is so horrified by this act that they all scream out in fear, notifying you of their location.
This is My World: While in your home domain you don't exist in a normal manner. Your form is mallable and fluid. Whenever you take damage you are stunned until you make a post detailing how you healed from this attack.
EG: you can literally tear off an injured arm and instantly grow a new one or
EG 2: if set on fire you can make a post detailing how you dramatically act like your melting then reform from the puddle, untouched and no longer aflame.
Hunger: Whenever a MP is within 60 feet of your radius you get a PM alert that they are in this radius and which MP it is. You are not alerted if the MP leaves this radius.
Unstoppable: You are not stunned by physical attacks of any form despite their velocity or ferocity. Does not trump My Worlds stun period.
Bullseye: You can throw your chosen weapon. If you're weapon can't be thrown you can utilize a secondary throwing weapon. You must have visual sight of a MP to throw a weapon and it can only hit up to 30 feet away in a 30 feet width.
The Grudge: When a player hurts you in anyway you gain the ability to see that player in your domain for up to 20 minutes in world time. They will appear on your map until this period is over if they break INTENSE mode.
Mine: You develope an obsession with a chosen MP that enters your domain. The nature of this obsession is up to you. When interacting with your obsession you count as having all these following perks: The Grudge, Hunger, Brutal Execution and punishment. However, you cannot kill your Obsession.
You have some sort of condition or compulsion you must fill with them. It can be caputring them, torturing them, hell. It can be forcing them to have a dinner date with you. Ultimately their 1 HP or capture dosen't equal their execution on the first time.
Punishment: Your strike explode anything they hit, leaving craters of lacersations and brutality. MP hit are BLEEDING and in utter torment. They will slowly bleed out to death and occasionally sob in agony if they don't apply first aide of any type soon.
Ethereal: A part of you is not standard. You float, fly, or maybe you even just sort of wobble forth. Your make no footstep sounds when walking, just a vague breeze like chill. You can also pass through physical objects at 20 seconds each object. This includes door and walls. You can not phase into the ceiling-but you can into a lower floor-
Shape Shifter: While in your domain you can manipulate your body. You can extend your arms up to 15 feet. Make yourself taller, smaller by a few feet, mimic voices and turn into a monster/creature entirely. If you have something notable about you, like a shirt, weapon or mask this must always still be on your body somehow. You cannot turn into something over 2 times your own height/weight.
Unquenchable: When killing a MP you get a PM telling you exactly where one random MP is at that moment in your domain one time.
Man at Arms: you can main multiple weapons at one time. Be it dual weilding, extra arms, new limbs or just an extra type of weapon sheathed somewhere.
Monster of Steel: You become totally immune to stabbing, clubbing amd bullet wounds. They simply bounce off you although extreme physical force will still stumble and stun you.
Casual: A casual posting time is within 2 days. A casual scene is any time you're talking, chilling, standing about, or moving through a safe area or at least, an area with no immediate danger.
Intense: When a scene turns from casual to intense then INTENSE will be included by the poster who turned it so at the top of the page in h2 bold, red font. When a scenario is intense you have a day to reply-the same day it was posted or 24 hours since it was posted- or your character is considered to have been taken by surprised, frozen with fear, confused ectr.
Intense moments are: the host is within visual, audible or some sort of "feeling" range in someway. You are in combat in some way, fleeing or hiding.
Posting Standard: You are expected to post a standard of 2 paragraphs and a maximum of 6 paragraphs. This is ironclad, you will always be given leeway but you if you consistently break the min or max then you will be warned.
Always be trying to work together if possible. The nature of killer to MP ration means sometimes you may have to double down as a killer or as a survivor. When you are in a domain your host/killer is in you will switch to your MP and vice versa.
Generally as a rule I want this to be a group experience so I want people to try and communicate, synergize, create stuff with each other OOCly and ICly. There will be times you aren't always running for your lives so feel free to make plots and interactions with each other.
If people are having a hard time with this I may add more events everyone can work and RP together with.
As far as everyone is concerned here we are all friends while we're in this RP. Friends don't bail unexpectedly on each other. We don't treat each other poorly, we don't snub someone else because something didn't go our way or we didn't get the result in the story/game we wanted.
Despite whatever history any of us as RP'er has had on RPGUILD let's use this RP as a new beginning to have fun with new people.
Communicate and if someone isn't communicating enough-me included- just say politely.
Note: You may only have one missing character at a time. You may start creating another one should a Missing character be blatantly obvious about to die though.
[center] [color=moccasin] [u][b]Missing Person Report[/b][/u]
[u][b]Missing Person's Name:[/b][/u]
[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 to 55
[u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male of female
[u][b]Birth Place:[/b][/u]
[u][b]Appearence:[/b][/u] Photo AND description. A photo can be a rough example and a description more exact if you like.
[u][b]Career:[/b] [/u]
[u][b]Health Issues:[/b][/u]
[u][b]Any Prior Incidents:[/b][/u] History with crime, if any. This can include invovlement or relation to crime-such as having a brother who sell drug or even being the victim of a crime in a past-
[u][b]Notable Traits:[/b][/u] Perks go here. you have TWO perk choices form your missing person perk list.
[u][b]Quotes from Relations:[/b][/u] Write underneath things your family and friends say about you that help establish character. You may take qoutes from other characters you established a relationship with pre-game oocly.
Psychologist Notes: Include a 2 - 4 (I'm leanient on this) personality description of things like habits and such. In theme with the lay sheet, please write this as if their psychologist handed their writings or assesment to the police for their missing file reference.
Notable Past Reference: A small 1/4 paragraph history on your character. [/color] [/center]
Host killers are competing for spots as domains will always be limited. The better detailed, more interesting and generally more fun they are. The better your chances at being picked.
I will generally as a rule favor players who are also playing MP characters and not just maining killers. But it's not an absolute requirement to be picked.
Host Name:
Nick Name:
Poster: Poster are pictures displayed to repesent your host level not your killer. EG: think of as an image to help people get into the mood for the start of your session.
Weapon: Can be anything besides a gun. It may even be your hands or some form of organic weapon, like your teeth or claws or a strange growth.
DOMAIN: Pick from Domain open.
Arch Type: Your killer has to be associated with their chosen location in some way eg: farm feilds equal scare crow arch type.
Birth What role did your character carry out in the domain that lead to them being it's host.
Tastes: Taste are things that your host is prone to doing. As reference to possible changes in the domain. If your character likes to keep skulls as trophies, then I may logically change a room to be filled with polished skulls around a fire place.
if, your character has any sort of hobbies. Such as carpentry then the domain may have more unusual wood work about. Your domain is your home and while you don't have god like power, your many years and strange power over it it does cause it to change in small, but visual ways to reflect you. Be it related to your killing nature or not.
I will make changes to your domain when creating them in session based on these.
Traits: you have THREE PERK choices from the host perk list.
shit, alright, got a few fingers short of a thumb of people. I'll, motherfucking, meddle some motions on my alphabete proton jet and set up the IC for this, kindred and hope we get a few more folks in. Ideally we'll want at least 5/6 but we'll make do if we're short on ingredients for the stew.
Shit, since we got some, motherfucking, mammals monitoring this already I'll add some Host Perks examples
OverWhelming Strength: Furniture and debris no longer bother you. You move these and continue to move at half your normal speed in one post.
Teritorial Team Work: Req: Overwhelming Strength
Whenever you catch a MP within 30 feet of a finisher enviromental in the area you can drag them over said finisher and KILL THEM despite any HP they have at the time. This finisher always takes two post and like Hard Candy if interuppted they are considered dropped and only lose 1 HP.
Brutal Execution: When a MP person is killed by your hand you must make a post that kills them in a horrific and ectruciating manner. Any other MP within visual range-despite blindness or closed eyes- is so horrified by this act that they all scream out in fear, notifying you of their location.
This is My World: While in your home domain you don't exist in a normal manner. Your form is mallable and fluid. Whenever you take damage you are stunned until you make a post detailing how you healed from this attack.
EG: you can literally tear off an injured arm and instantly grow a new one or
EG 2: if set on fire you can make a post detailing how you dramatically act like your melting then reform from the puddle, untouched and no longer aflame.
Spree Killer: Whenever you are within visual range of a MP you can sprint forward THREE times your standard movement speed towards them for the next two posts but your ability to turn corners takes double the usual time.
Hunger: Whenever a MP is within 60 feet of your radius you get a PM alert that they are in this radius and which MP it is. You are not alerted if the MP leaves this radius.
Unstoppable: You are not stunned by physical attacks of any form despite their velocity or ferocity. Does not trump My Worlds stun period.
I'm going to put up a lot more details in this, motherfucking, merriment of murder if I get at least 5/6 interest in it. Right now it's all embryo's in the embers.
For any onlookers wondering the ratio. We'll be looking at a min of needed 4 MP to even consider starting a fun game. If need be we may have MP double up as both. Switching out characters for each domain so people won't have to face themselves.
It was a cold january day when we left home. There were no tearful goodbyes, no onward future to march into the sunset to, no friends or family who had last words to utter to us. There was nothing, nothing at all to warn us that today would be our last among the world we knew. When we first came here, some sort of wonder permitted me joy but now all there is are tears. Tears in knowing that the world I knew, the people I loved, the dreams I had have been consumed by this place. Once upon a time I had a home. Now...
Horror is our Home
Date: January the 29th
Missing people reported: 8
Wanted: Alive and at Home
In the last 2 years a spree of disappearences have wrecked little America, taking many people without incident, notification or even clear pattern to them. At this moment in time our sources at the Daily Drama news network could not aquire the total counted for missing people report from the authorities but from peicing together what we can the estimated missing people is now at 35. This number, we suspect, is lower than the true count due to being files being classified and the police department uncooperative history on this topic.
In our researched cases none of these people have been found. Alive or dead. What happened to them? Where could they have gone? Is this the work of a new spree killer or something much more insidous?
What we do know is that both police and locals have been searching around the clock for many of these missing people and we all want to let them know, if they are reading this, we miss you and want to know you're ok!" - Author: Jarled Shermon, father of the still missing Debby Shermon.
[color=moccasin] [u][b]Missing Person Report[/b][/u]
[u][b]Missing Person's Name:[/b][/u]
[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 to 55
[u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male of female
[u][b]Birth Place:[/b][/u]
[u][b]Appearence:[/b][/u] Photo AND description. A photo can be a rough example and a description more exact if you like.
[u][b]Career:[/b] [/u]
[u][b]Health Issues:[/b][/u]
[u][b]Any Prior Incidents:[/b][/u] History with crime, if any. This can include invovlement or relation to crime-such as having a brother who sell drug or even being the victim of a crime in a past-
[u][b]Notable Traits:[/b][/u] Perks go here
[u][b]Quotes from Relations:[/b][/u] Write underneath things your family and friends say about you that help establish character. You may take qoutes from other characters you established a relationship with pre-game oocly. [/color]
"TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH" - Recording found the still active phone of the youtube ammature voice actress that went missing last year.
[b]Host Name:[/b]
[b]Nick Name:[/b]
[b]Poster:[/b] Poster are pictures displayed to repesent your host level not your killer. EG: think of as an image to help people get into the mood for the start of your session.
[b]Appearence: [/b]
[b]Weapon:[/b] Can be anything besides a gun.
[b]Place:[/b] Pick from location.
[b]Arch Type:[/b] Your killer has to be associated with their chosen location in some way eg: farm feilds equal scare crow arch type.
Every missing person who ends up here would call it hell. I guess that a fitting name as any. I don't think it's true though, I think it's worse than hell. Hell is a place where bad people go to be punished, these fuckers...they're not being punished. They're being rewarded! They didn't find themselves here, they made here. It's their home. It's their home, their domain, their dimension for being exactly what they are!
You and several others find yourself at the wrong end of the road. For one reason or another one day you left home and you walked into some place that was just a bit off. Maybe it was abandoned, maybe it was just strangely shadowed. Maybe it was just an empty slot in an active city. Either way you went to check it out and when you entered you were someplace else entirely. The first hint was the sun didn't shine more than dimly stared, the shadows almost reached out across surreal distances and the air was chilling to the touch even if by all looks it was a sunny day.
You're phone can't make contact and when it does it seems to find sites and numbers you've never seen before. Wherever you are, no matter what road you take they all lead to one pivotal structure or place in this location.
Missing Persons:
The role of the missing person is to escape the domain without being killed and harmed as little as possible. A warmer breeze hits you occasionaly to tell the vague direction of your escape, getting hotter as you progress through the domains. Each domain is different and may hold different challenges but your goal stays the same.
Hosts are the tormentors and main big bad guys of each domain. They are all supernaturally powerful in some manner and their domain while not especially created by them is made to be on their side in someway. Hosts have to kill as many missing people as possible and get POINTS for doing so.
A place of healing turned rotten. No one suspected that such a place could make such a dramatic conversion. Hinsten Women's Rehabilitation Centre was donated to aid the combat against drug addiction somewhat 60 years ago but as the time ticked on after the donaters death the exploitation and manipulation of the women within grew worse. Addiction could be helped but was more effective as a means of control.
The nurses/aids were the obedient and the disobedient forgotton in padded cells or strapped. Doctors of male and female alike profiteered as they monitored and abused as needed. Through paperwork, cunning, and outside criminal support this place flourished. No one could no know the evil that truly lied within, however.
Description: As a map the centre is filled with many, many dead ends, enclosed spaces, and bells at certain doors still active to alert the residents within nearby of those in its halls. Many of the walls and windows are bared, stopping escape and the cells have an unnvering habit of closing themselves without warning.
Host Arch Types Suggested: The Nurse, The Seductress, The Pimp, The Doctor, The Pervert, The Insane, The Addicted.
Domain Threats: Flesh Market: Many items and other oddities are sitting here but everything has its costs. A vast number of the corpses are reduced to manniquins and dolls, flesh held by joints and severed. Many of them miss a part. Those who can find or even...give what has been lost can pass by these victims without issue and even be rewarded. But those who do not will find they are more lively than they look.
Domains will all include maps with square grids. You can move multiple squares each post-you'll be informed how many you can move under what conditions-
In casual you can move many, many squares at a time.
However in INTENSE scenarios in the RP world only 10 to 30 seconds is passing each post so you're movement will be more limited to reflect this although PERKS may increase how fast you move in INTENSE moments.
Posting Times:
There are TWO posting times.
Casual: A casual posting time is within 2 days. A casual scene is pretty any time you're talking, chilling, standing about, or moving through a safe area or at least, an area with no immediate danger.
Intense: When a scene turns from casual to intense then INTENSE will be included by the poster who turned it so at the top of the page in h2 bold, red font. When a scenario is intense you have a day to reply-the same day it was posted or 24 hours since it was posted- or your character is considered to have been taken by surprised, frozen with fear, confused ectr.
Intense moments are: the host is within visual, audible or some sort of "feeling" range in someway. You are in combat in some way, fleeing or hiding.
Posting Standard: You are expected to post a standard of 2 paragraphs and a maximum of 6 paragraphs. This is ironclad, you will always be given leeway but you if you consistently break the min or max then you will be warned.
[MP perks examples]
Hard Candy: When you are caught on your last HP, it takes two posts to kill you instead of one. If the host is interrupted somehow before the second post then you are considered "dropped" and still have your last hit.
Athelete: When in Intense moments you can utilize ONE sprint action to move double your normal movement speed in a straight line in any direction. You can't use this again until you had one post in casual.
Phone Reception: Your phone works and offers you new sites and numbers to call wtih both negatives and benefits to each one in each domain. Be careful though, you phone battery is still limited.
Domain Linked: You share a primal, personal link with a domain of your choosing. This grants you special powers and threats when in this domain but in other ones.
Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.
[b]Fandoms:[/b] Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.
Personality:[/b] Ambiguously ?????????????????.
Favorite Homestuck characters:[/b] In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.
Hate kanaya and Jade.
[b]My Homestuck class:[/b] Bard of Void
[b]Likes:[/b] Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.
[b]Dislike:[/b] Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.
[i]Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.
[url=] my 1 x 1 IC [/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><br>Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Fandoms:</span> Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Personality:</span> Ambiguously ?????????????????.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Favorite Homestuck characters:</span> In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.<br><br>Hate kanaya and Jade.<br><br><span class="bb-b">My Homestuck class:</span> Bard of Void<br><br><span class="bb-b">Likes:</span> Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Dislike:</span> Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit. <br><br><span class="bb-i">Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.</span><br><br><a href="">my 1 x 1 IC</a><br></div>