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22 days ago
23 days ago
"no" - Cauldron guy from Getting Over It.
2 mos ago
Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
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Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

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It was on the eve of christmas and throughout the house...


....Nothing was stirring....not even a mouse...


Cold as stone...did the Endvill famillies go...


...As snow descended and evil invaded their homes...


....They bought sharp things for Sally...and hot things for Tod..


...and they couldn't forget some arson...so they bought in some logs...


...For Santa was sentenced...slung away in the snow...and the pagan preists...


....Return to their winter thrones....


...With the old bought back anew...they planned a fire...for a season redo...


A burning city should signal their rise....

Someone save Endsvill or this year hails Christmases Demise!


Endsvill is a strange and isolated place. They say that once upon a time this place was a holy site for Pagan gods to be visited by roaming Vikings who broke off to form their own offshoot religion. Others say that an expideition end up eating each other on this very spot after roaming blindly in the Terrain and going mad in the 1700's. Some say that wtches even had a academy here for dark arts long ago durring the age of the witch hunt. It seems Endsvill has so many stories but you never suspect any of them to be true, yet alone all of them.

As the night strolled on and the ritualistic howling wind persisted as it did for the last week, you waited eagerly for Christmas day. Presents you sure you paid for or were bought would be put under the tree and good times were to come. You didn't expect to run downstairs to empty homes, a dark house and the distinct shouting of resistances as a fat, red clothe man was dragged into the woods with bag in hand by an large, enigmatic clawed entity. Now you got to go after them. Save christmas...your friends...your family...and probably some other stuff!

Our heroes....

Each of the main cast will consist of people 16 to 30 years old. Some adults are exempt from the disappearnce streak if they are

A: unemployed

B: consistently immature

C: have no children

D: Unable to support themselves.

All of our heroes have 3 powers with 4 points to allocate according to their backstories:


Mundane is the power of normal world logic and skills. Knowing karate, survivial skills, electronics ectr.

Generally none of the heroes will be top military men or brain surgeons but a point in something makes them competent enough in it to be useful within the throes of, or after danger.

Mundane you can pick a skill/talen for each point spent. Eg: 3 points = karate, wild life knowledge, First Aid


Imagination is your capacity to manipulate magic to your natural power. Your imagination level only affects your soul power which is something innate to your personality, likes and flaws. EG: someone who is very shy and avoidant imagination power might make them snuff out all sound they produce for example.

For your imagination power you can describe it but how powerfully it actually is will be decided by me with how many points you put in it. EG: power of super strength. I put in 2 points. Ok, you can lift up 90 kilograms without strain and 500 if you really, really try.


Santa gave out gifts to the good girls and boys in order to aid them in their fight to restore christmas. Due to being trapped within the clutches of this enigmatic enemy he can only give out so much christmas spirit powered help..

Gifts are magical christmas spirit powered item awarded to GOOD boys and girls. You get more GIFTS based on how much good deeds you do regularly and your capacity for christmas spirit. Both generally. Gifts generally are toys or christmas items magically enchanced: EG such as a toy lazer gun that actually shoot lazers.

Gifts are random and generated by me. Each point could give you a new gift or go towards a stronger, bigger one.



Stranges anaimals appear with an almost sentient focus on not only bringing our heroes down but almost guarding and attacking key points in Endsvill. It seems if something deemed important they start to arrive.

Polar bears, Wolfs, Mooses, Reindeers and even small rodents like squirrels and rats.


Magical spell casters rumored to once have lived here. In theory you could face theses....IF the legends are true...but surely witches from hundreds of years ago can't bother you now...right?

Enviroment Hazards

Who the fuck left this lego out here!?

How did that shelf get knocked down....how the heck did that car breaks come undone and it roll down the hill to block old Billy's house!?

The Lost

Sometimes you see them. Long, gangly stalking creatures that easily stand a tower over you. They almost blend in with the trees with how branch like and long their arms are. You saw a branche once...long and crooked, open like claws...hanging over a deer...then...the deer was gone and blood was all that's left.

Come on...it must just be your imagination...right?

And more.

Would be a shame to not at least try and make something christmas based so near the holiday.


1: This RP will be taking place up to a week after christmas. Then you've either won or failed.

2: Because the nature of the RP is time based players who lag behind too much will be given leeway with a LOST status. This means you've become bewitched or confused by the dark powers. You can join up with the group later but if you get LOST twice, you are captured by the antagonist forces.

3: Two paragraphs standard.

4: Try to keep your writing generally short. If you're not doing anything, I will let it slide. I don't expect players to foam it in for the standard paragraph rule. It's ok to say you're doing little if you're character stuck doing little.

5: Characters can die in this and will.

6: Villains. Once we have at least 6 players I will be allowing sheets for COMMANDERS. Basically guys who have a party of threats to mess with the players.

shit, high blood troll from the home alone series, kindred. I get the gift of being non-Terran twisted but remain, motherfucking, mostly the same but with some calcium sticks spewing from the brain.
For all of us halloween has passed and it's time to start to the slow, anxiety ascent into the joyful day of christmas. Bland doors switch out rotting pumpkins for blooming green wreaths and even the unseasonal neighbores who only decoration were scolding signs to trick or treaters now find it in themselves put up a light or two. Its hard to think that in the midst of the merry, annual lamppost fleshing lights that it was a time of playful horror not long ago. Sadly, it seems in the town of ChesireHill that horror has decided to follow us into the holidays this year...



The high school christmas prom is coming up and everyone is making a big deal out of it. The apathetic and depressed wallow about its superficiality, brought along by peer pressure while the average students considers the implications of who and if they get a date this year to it will mean. It seems in the world of angst every positive to the adults has a negative to the teens themselves yet the stampede for the event has been unrelenting as the weeks follow up. For whatever reason you and a few others are the few without dates to it two weeks to the prom.

Clocks ticking...

School Schedule

The start period is counted with everyone choosing what teens they are going to be. You are allowed to make a threat and teen character although ultimately threats spots will be limited. All TEENS must pick 1 positive trait and 1 negative trait for their character. This is for the prom section. The relationship period will last 2 week real time. Players will using a layout to properly allow players to post freely without disrupting posting order.

Durring the first two weeks of the RP it will play out as a standard slice of life. Your goal durring this time is to develope relationships, accrue drama, fall in love, make enemies, make friends and generally life your live. Your prime goal is to get a prom date. The more relationships and drama you do, the more points you accrue..

The PROM: At the prom the threat will appear and it will become a fight for your life. The threat can anything, although there are likely to be multiple threats played by MULTIPLE players. Some threats may even be your friends...or your partner...The threat gets stronger and stronger based on their achievements while hunting you down. Killing you gets them points, but scaring you and playing with you effectively gets them way more points.

The clocks ticking and you must ALL make it out of each area or be DOOMED. This is counted in REAL time once the prom section activates. You must all make it out within the number of days stated, characters who don't make it out are considered DEAD by the threat of that area. You must all get to the final area with christmas eve being your last playable day. Failing this means all teens die and the game is over.


Threats can take any form, supernatural or totally normal. They can have purely conventional motivations that range from greed to even petty revenge or some strange, mystical populsion to take live of the young. But all threats fall into these types:


The hidden threat is a teen in the group that dosen't reveal itself until the PROM stage. Up until that segment they act as a standard teen, collecting points like them. For the hidden collecting points in the first stage is ESSENTIAL because unlike other threats the hidden gets NO points from killing and only gets HALF from scaring and tormenting his fellows. In all senses a Hidden is purely human and so has no innate special power besides from an iron will to KILL.

Hidden can turn into their teen and into the killer on the fly as long as they aren't seen. If someone finds out their identity they recieve one PM telling them when and how it happpened but not who.


A monster, a man? Hardly any differences at this point. The feral revels in killing in and of itself, becoming the very embodiment of ferocity. They lunge to attack and feel nothing more than innate, primitive, primal rage that destroys any sense of self preservation or personality. If there were anything of the man left inside, it is co-opted and controlled by this unsettling rage. Feral gain double points from kills but are unable to control themselves at the sight nor smell of blood or tears making them more predictable than most threats.

The feral has a lunge that allows them to almost fly over chest high objects and climb obstacles up to 8 feet with insane vigor. Ferals simply can act as if ONE obstacles or object simply isn't there, bypassing it in their post. This dosen't apply to barricaded doors or high/sealed walls.


Strange threats are entirely superntural and this is blatant to anyone that even gets a glimpse of their presence. No one can say if the strange are alive or dead. Even the blatantly human that fall under this catagorey have an odd, mystical air around them that would fit a fog than a man. They can take an unearthly amount of punishment and pain, by simply phasing through or absorbing it as if it were nothing.

Strange threats cannot be killed nor stunned by physical harm. Instead the only thing that can ward them is salt circles and religious relics but these only last an hour against them.


A killing abomination made by some unknown means. They could be a simple druggie who had lost all sense of reason while in a state of pain nullified high or they could be a top secrect creation that got out into this tiny town. Whatever the case the expirement is byproduct of technology, even fantastical tech. Despite any outward appearence or personality they have an internal methodology to their manslaughter, calculating with a crude but sharpened cunning. Expirements are given RANDOM threat traits for free each week but earn only half of their points in all areas.

Expirements can trap or tinker with devices to set off or act at command or at a certain time. An expirement always knows if a device has been tampered in anyway, despite if all evidence was removed.


Threat traits to buy.


Posting layout.

Area and town maps.

THREATS ALWAYS PM THEIR SHEETS. I will post threat posts for them, this will be to stop metagaming.

This game needs at least 8 RP'ers min to start. I'd much prefer to havee more than the min in case of drops out, however.


OOC rules

1: Post at least 2 paragraphs and below 6 on standard. Standard being the operative word. You can deviate from this from time to time at your judgement.

2: I am ok with allowing threats to write their own powers but be aware that my judgement on powers will be very, very strict. Generally as a rule the teens should have a decent chance to escape without careful planning on the threats part.

3: If you die as a teen or die as a threat that's it. That character is out. There's a real chance threats could become jokes if the teens organise right and the threat dosen't prepare and there's a real chance teen players can be horrifically brutalized and killed.

4:Posting frequenty is a must. This is time sensitive and I will allow posting UNDER the standard if you're really struggling, just don't make it a rule. Hell, pm me and I'll help you post if you're suffering with writers block.

5: Tags, use 'em. If you mention someone in your post. Tag 'em. People like to know when they are being thought about or shown any kind of interest in character but it also helps prompt others to react and not forget to post.
@Mag Lev

shit, my, motherfucking, sly style sluething sloth. Appreciation for the iris aggressive expansion. I'm still working on this, kindred but you're more than welcome to join my inner discipline of delight to try it out in all it's shattered smile soothing when the ink has dried.


"Ain't world out there for you no more. This is your world, this enclosed space, this moment of punishment. You savor the pain eventualy, become twisted, wishing for the next lash. Not out of some deviant desire for punishment, but for fear that if the routine changes whatever comes next will be worse. You think...you want to believe...it can't get worse...well...it always gets worse. Down here....in"


This world is almost exactly like ours. Got the same issues, the same internet, same memes, same junk food and the same maps. Except there is one difference: The Factory. No one knows how it came to be, in the beginning it was just big industerial park in the middle of some worthless sack of land. But one day the local workers started acting strange and reclusive, then hostile and paranoid, then isolationist to the point they even rejected the internet.

Then they simply...went inside...never came out. Since then loads of attempts by military has tried to infiltrate the place. Each attempt has failed, urban explorers who enter might be lucky enough to upload a few videos of the outside location and then some gruesome screams before their stream is cut.

No swat, cop, solder nor specialized unit has returned and all considered are KIA. On 2015, a year into its strange happenings it was agreed by the american authority that the place would be thoroughly bomb to rubble after several people have been kidnapped and their remains found in the trash cans at the entrance.

The bombs were launched....but they never hit the factory. Where they went is anybodys guess. What is this place is a mystery and the area was closed off by military forces for observation. Yet people still disappear from streets like magic into its halls. And the number of victims had grown into the double digits nearing on three this year.


it's like a dungeon crawl, but instead of a dungeon, it's a shithole


This is going to be based on DnD. I don't really have a lot of experience in DnD, honestly. I've practiced one game, once, as dm. I figured might as well use a system some people know for this rather than a new one. For the most part I'll be translating anything from 5E to this game.

I haven't included soul, nor all the mind/mutation choices since this is just a taster.

This will be a party of 4/possibly 6 players depending on things when it's up.

This is pretty much a dungeon crawler with blatantly self indulgent edgy and horror themes. So be ready for torture/gore fest themes in it.

I'm new to DnD. I'm making a homebrew because it's helping me learn the mechanics easier to adapt them than to fumble them in game. I'll do my best to DM.

This will most likely be on roll 20. I already got 2 people who may join. Mostly checking interest.

If this ends up on the forums I will expect a standard of 2 paragraphs.


"Ain't world out there for you no more. This is your world, this enclosed space, this moment of punishment. You savor the pain eventualy, become twisted, wishing for the next lash. Not out of some deviant desire for punishment, but for fear that if the routine changes whatever comes next will be worse. You think...you want to believe...it can't get worse...well...it always gets worse. Down here....in"


This world is almost exactly like ours. Got the same issues, the same internet, same memes, same junk food and the same maps. Except there is one difference: The Factory. No one knows how it came to be, in the beginning it was just big industerial park in the middle of some worthless sack of land. But one day the local workers started acting strange and reclusive, then hostile and paranoid, then isolationist to the point they even rejected the internet.

Then they simply...went inside...never came out. Since then loads of attempts by military has tried to infiltrate the place. Each attempt has failed, urban explorers who enter might be lucky enough to upload a few videos of the outside location and then some gruesome screams before their stream is cut.

No swat, cop, solder nor specialized unit has returned and all considered are KIA. On 2015, a year into its strange happenings it was agreed by the american authority that the place would be thoroughly bomb to rubble after several people have been kidnapped and their remains found in the trash cans at the entrance.

The bombs were launched....but they never hit the factory. Where they went is anybodys guess. What is this place is a mystery and the area was closed off by military forces for observation. Yet people still disappear from streets like magic into its halls. And the number of victims had grown into the double digits nearing on three this year.


it's like a dungeon crawl, but instead of a dungeon, it's a shithole


This is going to be based on DnD. I don't really have a lot of experience in DnD, honestly. I've practiced one game, once, as dm. I figured might as well use a system some people know for this rather than a new one. For the most part I'll be translating anything from 5E to this game.

I haven't included soul, nor all the mind/mutation choices since this is just a taster.

I don't have a good track record with keeping to stuff, honestly. But I really want to break my inability to finish shit. Just a heads up to anyone that joins of my past record.

It's late and haven't slept in a while. Might be some blatant mistakes.

This will be a party of 4/possibly 6 players depending on things when it's up.

This is pretty much a dungeon crawler with blatantly self indulgent edgy and horror themes. So be ready for torture/gore fest themes in it.

I expect 2 paragraphs standard. You don't have to overproduce, although you won't lose any points for going above. Consistently posting below that will though.

"Charmed...typical. Bet 10 gold they're all blokes"

Jameson snorted at the end with a glutinous withdrawal of whatever was bunging up his nose. The last goblet of wine looked like it was finally flushing him a little as his shadowry visage had bloomed into wider eyes and a resting grin. He hastily grappled a tart as soon as they landed on the table and moved it into his maws with the effiecency and speed of a lumber mill processing wood. For once, he swug his wine only with a splash instead of funneling it down. Leaving most of it untouched.

"Time for that later..." He muttered to himself, sagged with disapointment.

"It will be fiiine!..." He cheerily spilled over at Mirror, not holding back his volume and blatantly buzzing voice at her as he widely grinned and lifted his arms out wide. As if to welcome her into this dimension of confidence he was lounging in "Trust me. Old Jamey got a plan. We'll treat them so well, they'll think of more fondly of us than the local tavern wrecth from puberty...uh.." He broke off from the jeery, unhibited tone as he stopped himself from taking another swig of the goblet. Pushing it away.

He sniffed.

"Water, please" He hesitantly mumbled out to a servant with vague wave of his hand.

"Yeah. I got a plan that meets your demands. Going to need some supplies though. and...a personal favor. If you don't mind me telling you in private" He forced himself into a calmer state, one that obviously took some concentration as he rest his hands at the table and just talked plainly as he watch the water pour.

Jameson plate was now scraped finely with a fork of any residue before the cuterly was abandoned on top of it. If he was full his face didn't show it, instead of a resting warmth that would follow the comfort of good food he was striken with a coiled frown. Adorned with more wrinkles on his forehead than a stressed, formal shirt "Gypsies..." He murmured out lowly in contemplation as he leaned on the dining table and let leathwrap head rest onto two straight fingers, prodding into it.

"I'm not really a fan of strange magics....and travelers always bring strange things with them...I mean....look at us..." He spoke it all with the hushed tone of someone in a trance before breaking off at the end with a whip of his eyes and purse of his lips. Swigging his wine. He stopped and looked into his drink then at Tae as she started to bloom in her face with each drink. Barely holding in a devilish grin as she lost her legs "I mean. It depends....on the reward....but yeah....I might know how to get rid of them."

Jameson peered out of the corner of his eye at granlow, his voice was calm but had the undeniable high hum kicking in it's covers that could only be assigned to someone purposely poorly hiding a self sastified idea. If his eyes twinking at him like a snake peering at a meal it just passed didn't give it away then the slight smirk barely being repressed did.
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