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"no" - Cauldron guy from Getting Over It.
2 mos ago
Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
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Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

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Shit, my sister from the signals,motherfucking, scribe the scene quite well.

Welcome to space gulag. Prepare to be fined if you do not maintain you own tempoary indentured servitude.

Shit, put that sheet in the suns third page,motherfucking,because its way smoother on the eyes. Translation: it's a lot cleaner. Good work, brother.

You are being sent to ZELTA but your recommending officer does not have the authority to appoint him there-no one in the military does unless they're the relatively high in-crowd (party members)- You can keep the psychological treamtent plan. But add a bit at the end as to why he is being sent to ZELTA.

Especially with keeping in mind that he would never get any of the treatment in this plan on board zelta if he needed it. Like a blurp from the seargent "I've wasted enough resources on his recovery. I suggest a "less burdening role" aboard the small zelta ship to clear his head. He's an experience soldier so they should find a use for him"

When the RP starts you'll be on the transit ship-you've been on it for 6 years- and getting off to the docking area where all zelta crew members will hand in their files/sheets. Then the ship will be picked, A.I activated ectr before you launch.

A way to look at it is this. If I one of the party members in charge of picking ZELTA crew members, I would be wondering why I was sent a psychological treatment plan alone.



Good we got a medic so at least our crew have someone to help them when the core explodes and everyone gets intense radiation poisoning.

Shit, it's all chiller the the north winds fart, sister.

Nah, you can have an image to rerpesent your A.I if you like on computer screens but you can function without it. Your ship will very unlikely have holograms installed.

Accepted. You can move him into the characters thread.


Your appearence section needs a quick clean up in general.

If niagara a place on earth, then treat it as a station named after it. The chance of anyone below 500 seeing earth in this universe is nill.

Your recommendation letter is really indepth about his treatment but skirt him and his reason to be sent to zelta crew. Unless the indication is he was sent to ZELTA simply because the desk jocky party member in charge of that area got tired to wasting resources on him and sent him off to be someone elses problem-or no one if he dies-

If your [img] link here [/img] isn't working then it's most likely your links to the site that holds the image and not the image itself.

Put the link in here.

Give your sheet a once over, when you feel it's finished I'll handle all the code for you. But I feel relatively comfortable with accepting it if you give it a final proof read/ clean up to sentences and stuff. Maybe add a very small clarifyer for being sent to ZELTA crew.


shit, I have a,motherfucking, brain wave misbehave that causes me to sort of scramble when running words. I was talking more normally because as GM I didn't want miscommunication to navigate the nucli of this coming action tide off beat.

Now I'm relaxing and writing in a manner that helps me focus.

Motherfucking is just my stop light. Helps me think clearly.
Well, I think this may be the most amount of people we're goint to be getting. I would of liked to have all roles filled at least once.

But I shilled harder than an shik in the,motherfucking, rich part of town and a looming debt shark on his shoulder. So the only advertising tactic I got left is to start the RP and try my best to make it fun as fuck so when we do crew rotate to 02 people see what they're missing.

No, voltus has started a sheet for captain. I just forgot to change the reserve. So OS is open. Medic has a lot of uses too and is open.

So, either one is your choice, brother.

Most people have never been to Earth. That's a long, long place away. If you told anyone in this universe "hey there was a big war on earth ages back" they'd probably say "Who gives a shit about Earth?"

You're in storage. Precisely, you've been uninstalled from whatever big system you were in prior and had your chip put in an enevelope and that put in a dusty cabinent with a bunch of other A.I stored away. You are re-inserted and "wake up" when the crew pick their ship(they will get to vote for one off a list).


shit, success in the scribery check, comrade. Each ship will have an A.I player with its own hidden laws and commands. Welcome to the warzone. We sort of short of a skeleton crew but when everyone in we can wing it slightly under.

The needed roles are medical or OS. Keep in mind you'll probably have you brain mutate into mush no matter who you pick. The chance of mot people surviving is very low.


Looks great.

Only thing to I'd say is split up the recommendations paragraph a little bit to make it easier to read but I like the idea of showing a conversation, it still delivers the point.

If you're going to go down that route. It might make more sense if there was a coliation or something of merchants paying the party a lot to help them with that. The party itself would just make up some bullshit to fine you for.

"Hey, notice no more than 25% of your liquid currency has left your account this year. Spending is what a party patron would do. Your deviant behavour has been fined 60% of your current account" or something.

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