Avatar of ScreenAcne


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19 days ago
21 days ago
"no" - Cauldron guy from Getting Over It.
2 mos ago
Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
1 like


Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

Most Recent Posts

shit, I'll instigate some dialoge retialiation to,motherfucking, recent vocals tonight soon.

shit, I get coiled with the,motherfucking, jugular juggling juggalo alot.

shit, this,motherfucking, stage stream is the longest one I've had. Normally I ended up having to leave or it never takes off or there's too few people.

Also, heads up, comrades.

I am going to sizzle my skin on the 15th of july. I'll have to think of some event or something that you guys can post between yourself without my GM moderation too much or something while I'm away for a week.

Shit, forget to tag you in my migraine. You've been activated pn the docking terminal.
accepted, comrade.

Shit, just a,motherfucking, reminder comrades. You all get a vote OOCly-even you @Sylvan if you submit your sheet before we choose, also don't sizzle any muscle fat about how you showed up. You can just have been following as you got out like everyone else if you want-

You can make any IC post. If you kindred clash your digits equally then the captain gets to slap the new dash board.

After that you'll go into the ship-I'll draw the ship layout. Like a reveal when you pick it- and the captain will pick the utilities/ectr privately as you guys start exploring the inside. Then you guys will be shot in the hyperline dock into space to die.

When new crew arrive zelta 02 because everyone dies somehow. I might just skip all the other parts and go straight to the ship choice option next time. But, shit, give me your feelings on that.

shit, I pressed the text to the mess, comrades. If the arrows a bit overhead then,motherfucking, apologies and worries, kindred my brains producing a bit of pain right now and scribbles are scrawling like moon runes right now. I might be housing some microscoptic guests.
Docking Phase

The man was made of clay, everything he did was furnished in a hallow fakeness that could give a robot a run for its money. His near perfect face had a default smile resembling a ken doll and his eyebrows rarely ever made any motions, he never looked at any of you more than he skirted you all in a brief scan, the same kind of glance that your brain makes when aknowledging a rock to step over in your stride. Stride he did, he lazily coiled his wrist towards himself as he started to walk away, ordering them to follow.

"You read your work contracts. If you didn't read your work contracts then..." He took a deep breath and continued "I'm surprised to see you here..." He started again, he didn't sound surprised at all, if anything you were regarded with the same control and smooth voice of someone finding a new paper clip

"When I read your file I didn't suspect it was the actual..."coffee guy".." He remarked without looking back at them, each step strayed further away from the glowing oasis that was the station, each step mixed the aroma of food with the tangy taste of metal and ambigous mechanical fluids.

As you carried on a gallery of gutted ships, scurrying, untidentiafable machines and various uniformed engineers under the gazes of bulky security guards passed you by. All of it at a distance away that it made it all look like carcases were being swarmed by an mettalic parody of ants. You could hear the chattering and grinding hitting you through echoes despite the clear couple of hundred metres of distance in both height and length.

"But...that's the job...you meet interesting people all the time as Dock Administrator..." He dreamily voiced, his fake veneer thrown off at the mention of his own title as pride obviously stepped in. He stepped through a door threatening them all with an abyss, a total darkness that was only broken up by weak, timid lights that spat out a white hue more akin to sickly pale skin.

"Here we are..." He said matter of factly as he approached a large terminal that sat before the void. A large cubic block of creamy, grit covered plastic that was dyed in that dirty layer of time.


"Party Patrons...your ship"

The terminal made a strange fizzling of photons panicking to reach into place, shimmering together into a green display of text that railed down a long league of names and images that were passing too fast to comprehend, for a split second you notice several vague similarities in the montage of mushy human flashes before it landed squarely on the a single phrase "Zelta Crew" and the fans inside started to scream at each other.

Lights flickered on one by one into the abyss before you, ship after ship sitting under the pale lights from every age, make and design. All of them peering towards you in a uniform display of lifeless neutrality, no sparkle or gleam, no preference all ranging from mountains of metal to small pods of cramped strap together devices. You looked at the screen as it sprang a series of jargon processing commands before it finally rested on "ZELTA 01 ship Designation"

Then a folder popped out of its stomach.


"Speaking of meeting new and interesting people..." The administrator continued as he took out a chunky chip riddled with an inmuttable and dizzing amount of circuitry and placed it inside of a hole on the other end of docking terminal.

"Meet your A.I...cake...she should probably be here to help you lot choose from the list of open ships. When you guys are done just tell Cake your choice and she'll activate the start up protocool, then you guys should take her chip out and plug her into the server room on your new ship. If you drop her, I'm not giving you a replacement" He added the last part drly.

A click fizzled out and instantly the terminal screen went black, turning to total darkness as the mind within started to drift out of sleep.

Shit, excuse the evaporation, this motherfucking, summer is squishing my brain like a fat chick ass falling onto an an anatomy display at high speeds. I'll post soon tonight.

Sure thing, comrade.
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