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19 days ago
21 days ago
"no" - Cauldron guy from Getting Over It.
2 mos ago
Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
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Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

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Two of both, since you got additional measures, you can't exceed the room choices though if you run out of free rooms.

I'm going to post either tonight or tomorrow. I sent you your facility and utility options brother, let me know if you think there isn't enough.

Have you ever felt alone, wondering when will it be your time to find that special someone? Maybe you felt hopeless, unworthy, perhaps someone betrayed your love and you're having a hard time finding it again. Have no fear, your lover is here!, we at the transdimensional realm of dating and victim matchmaking have the perfect match for you, and that ain't just advertising. Literally, we have an infailable record of tracking down other peoples soulmates across the vast dimensions and bringing them together.

Join up to Date or Devil and you'll get to meet interesting people, interesting monsters, interesting dates and most importantly that truly special someone. Of course, you better find that someone first before one of our hidden diners find them...or you. Those that find a partner-that dosen't disappear them- will stay together until the end of the game. At the final hours there will be a test and the winning couple will not only find love...but fortune.

So come on down, what's a little chance of death for a life of happiness!?

Alright. So I had this,motherfucking, concept crawl out of the colorblind corner and I had to spindel it from the web in the back of my head. The idea is this: You and several other RP'ers are men and women looking for your true love. The problem is that not only are you looking for love out of a list of potential suitors some of those suitors are transdimensional vampires, devils, lovecraftian horrors, killers and so on.

All while this is going on the host is arranging dates, little events and twists to help test and strengthen your bond. You got to woo each other, look out for any signs of them being a predator AND make sure you pick your most compatible soulmate-if you want to pass the final test and get that prize money. You leave safely even if you lose the test-

As far as you guys are concerned Date or Devil is something that been broadcasting world wide via supernatural means every saturday and they sell merchanise too.

The Lonely

Anyone not picked to be a predator or people that tell me in PM when the RP starts that they want to absolutely not be a predator.

The Charmers

Those chosen by me that didn't let me know that you're not comfortable being a predator.

A charmer can choose what kind of killer they are, you could simply be a serial killer who likes to collect spleens or an alien that using DOD to abduct someone legally to vivisect or you could actually be a man eating shoggoth in disguise. You should reserve any charmer sheets until-and IF- you are chosen to be one.

Charmers may only strike under these conditions 1: You are alone 2: You have passed the first round as a potential suitor and not been phased out 3: After a date.

Charmers get points to "win" the charmer side of the prize. The points are this

1 point: Each round you survive being phased out.

2 points: Out Competiting another charmer for the same target.

1 point: Killing a target.

1 point: For winning any group contest with your target.

This means if you want your prize money you're going to play the long game to get the best chance.

Charmers monster side are hidden and revealed at the end where a "credits" is put on with the monsters and a hider with their true selves under them.


1: 2 paragraph standard

2: Post within 3 days

3: Genders/orientations will be limited t'ill the numbers are equalized. I can't run a dating game where one side is left without dates.

4: Make absolutely sure you notify me if you don't want to be a predator. You got to opt out otherwise you count as in for the chance to be one.

5: Never reveal who a charmer is. Even if it seems obvious or it's in the clear(such as a lonely not seeming to reappear after a date). I might end up doing something with that information and once it's revealed it ruins all types of possibilities.

6: I want around 8 people for this, preferably.

Things have been pretty,motherfucking, null in the noise department lately. Honk if our heroes are still heading out.

Most of you got your C CLASS training, if you haven't got it yet I'll send you yours after I post our ship. I might add a general deadline to post after we take off. Right now I'm waiting on replies in PM before I post our next phase.


Your box has

Law Laser

A large, hunky hand cannon with barely any recoil. Lets loose a laser the size of your arm that easily shreds through most forms of armor. Primarily used to make livving offenders dead offenders. Is packed with 5 shots, uses tanks of ship fuel each time to reload, yes, you read right, ship fuel.

5 pp

Mister Scuffles

A robotic dog a hundred years old that you found in your room. It follows you around endlessly, when ordered to wait it immediately continues to tail you the moment you leave it's sight. It's fashioned after a pug with it's eyes facing two opposite directions. It's tongue is clearly fake and stop producing psuedo-saliva years ago and it's fur look tattered and shedded in large fragments to reveal metal within.

It will periodically enter a barking session for 2 minutes every 20 minutes or so. It is small but it's sight can be accessed by the A.I, allowing it to act essentially as a camera. It's ability to do damage or take damage is minimal. It understands most basic commands but will stop following them once you leave with the exception of "guard"

5 PP

Standard Issues triple 5 eye enhancement glasses

A big, clunky pair of glasses are directly screwed into your skull. Several wires lead from the legs into your brain with visible entrances under your skin. Gives you eye protection from flashes, intense bright lights and has an inbuilt flash light.

10 pp

Direct A.I Link

A special chip and Wifi signal is put into your skull, allowing you to digitally speak to the A.I as if you were a machine yourself. A special permission control allow you to interact with ONE device at a time if it A: in your sight B: within 30 feet of your body.

While these two circumstances are met your command locks the device to your order that the A.I cannot circumvent or over ride. Once you stop meeting these two requirements then the A.I pervious order takes over and the device is no longer locked. The A.I cannot harm your brain in anyway through this digital device and should something go wrong a Class A digital decoder will stop any malicious or info dump attempts to your brain.

5 PP


Your box has

Water Puncher 27

A two handed pressure gun that is capable of sucking rivets and bolts from unwelded positions. It is also used to suck up water into a small tank underneath. The gun is also capable of shooting rivets and bolts at a very close range with force intense enough to penetrate metal in immedaite 5 foot range. Water, however, is shot out at such speeds that it is comparable to a light fire arm and has the same reach.

5 pp

Nasal Augment

A large mettalic device is inserted into the base of your nose, installing two filtering systems in your nostrils. Your breathing is far louder, making it nearly impossible to hide without ceasing breathing or muffling yourself considerably. The nostril filters nullifies all nasty smells that would make you sick by closing your nostril intake, making you breath through your mouth.

Your nasal filters also have a default filtering system that help clean up the air when breathing through your nose, allowing you breath through smoke and slow the offense of WEAK non-lethal chemical offenses.

5 PP

Vacuum Rider

A small electronic device that lets you vacuum the floor as you move. Two handle bars give you something to grip while you stand on its single platform big enough only for your feet. The Vacuum rider absorbs all material into a hazardous waste basket upon riding over it, it moves moderately slow. It would probably take you 30 seconds just to cross a hallway on this thing.

2 pp

Germ Identifier

A scanning gun that emits a green light over the immediate 1 foot area it's pointed towards. Anything within this scanning light has the level of germ clusters revealed to you, allowing you to track where the infection stems from.

2 PP

Motivational Mop

Your mop is given an EXTREMELY primitive A.I capable of repeating certain phrases at you in a deep, clearly fake voice in order to motivate you. It has no way of seeing and can only hear 3 foot around itself, so it entirely relies on you for outside stimulus and knowledge. The A.I gradually becomes smarter, learning to mix it's limited library of 50 motivional slogan to make new sentences.

Although it will never be advanced enough to communicate or even have complex ideas, mostly dogging you to keep cleaning in new ways.

1 PP

A Box of Glucos Delux

A big box of shitty snake food from earth. Glucos delus is recycled body fat, grill grease and several repurposed compost. It may not neccesarily taste nearly as bad as it sounds, but these things are so greasy that you hear the sticky slimy coat slush about even in it's air tight packet. If you are used to low grade greasy food even these will take the cake, but you could make it work.

+50 Glucos Delux Bars

5 PP

Secret Closet.

You've found a small part of the ship that is not on anyone map and totally secluded from any of the digital devices of the A.I, effectively letting you vanish into this room-it's location will be PM'ed to you- this room is tiny, being barely big enough for you to sit down and have one shelf of items and small boxes.

5 PP

Sorry, brother. Was sort of distracted drawing up diagrams and layouts and sending C.CLASS training PMs.

Right now you've all been led by one of the managers to old ship storage, a terminal is there where Cake has been plugged in to help you guys choose your ship. Right now you're basically standing about talking and choosing in a very, very big old storage area from a folder of possible ships.

Radiatron had not made a single movement the entire time, his long lanky arms loosely hung by his side like rubber bands halfway over a shelf yet they didn't swing an inch. By the time anyone had showed up a pigeon had landed on top of his rod-shaped skull and started to lazily peck about as it blinked. That's how still he was, his own post cannot write about him because he was so inactive that most of the content is now about a bird and me typing about typing said bird.

As the girl sat across across from him, also motionless, his shadowry slit that mocked as a visor peered down at her from his towering frame. Darkness shrouded any indication of emotion or calculation, only the paranoid projections of any onlooker. His bendy arms swung back and forth like loose cables as he started to slowly shuffle forward towards her, loudly thudding a hollow drum with each step.

"Hey" A muffled male voice erupted from within it's chest "I don't think I've seen you before. I'm John..." It's voice quickly become fake and electronic, as if someone were mimicing a robot "Radiaton 4000." It paused suddenly, staring at her with its arm slightly up attempting a handshake before suddenly jolted back to life and rose it up all the way with a muffled voice again "Don't mind that. I've been here a long time. I think...So I normally know all regular faces"

As he finished his introduction the robot spun around in a swift shuffle as Leo called out to him. Bursting with the synthetic tune again "RADIATRON vast 300 mega byte computer core finds no stimulation in primitive EARTHLING ACTIVITES. HOWEVER. In the interest of alien comradery, I will seek a new hobby in order to preserve your health, Professor" The metal rod looked at the girl, looked at the cafe then finally looked at Leo, a moment of silence following each as if some sort of sign was going to jump out and hit on him the head on what he should do. After an awkward moment 30 seconds he replied.

"Yes. I too love lemon squares. Confectionary generic geometery are clearly superior to euclidean food" Radiatron couldn't eat or drink and any local knew it but he pretended to all the same. They tried to give him a very long straw a while back so he could at least drink, but his slit isn't exactly near his mouth and it caused him to fling glasses and cups across the cafe by accident to the point they simply stopped trying. The robot waved its arms about in mock excitement, if you call vaguely twirling them a bit "excitement" when the cafe turned the sign to open.

"Alright. Time to eat" The muffled man commanded out to both of them, his voice feeble from fatigue.


brother, you seem to be a bit confused about what's happening a lot. No malice at your mortality or nothing, but what exactly is making things not seem clear?

Shit, eveyone had a lot of time to put their piece in. So, it's time to move on. This may take a while comrades, it's hotter than the satans salt sack after a an all chillie pepper diet out here right now and I'm going to be working on a post, the C class material and the ship-which are all tied-
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