Avatar of ScreenAcne


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17 days ago
19 days ago
"no" - Cauldron guy from Getting Over It.
2 mos ago
Prepare for the holly jolly impact, boys. Grab your stockings and pull because christmas is immanent!
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Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

my 1 x 1 IC

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All characters used in all games will be documented here as well If they won,how they won and a summary what they did in their session.

The Graveyard

A special slot for deceased characters or characters that lost their game. How they died and why they died is archived here. Their dying post will be linked.


@Zoey Boey

Accepted, kindred.


Before I accept your A.I I would like it if you have a crew profile ready too since everyone will be forced to be crew when they aren't A.I themselves.
@Zoey Boey@Jerkchicken@Katthaj@Celsius@Vale Kaiser

This ship to the shitshow in the stars is now at fullmast, kindred.

The year is 2069 and YOU have been selected to try out a new utopian settlement programe on mars!

Not only do you get a chance to be a part of the future but under the AI you are always assured to have a job, your own office within the Tomrrow Settlement, the neccesary FREE training to be a qualified civil astronaut and basic space settlement skills. The govt union in this project has agreed to let this be utilized as a form of rehabitilation!

Disclaimer: The goverment nor is Digital Domain Technologies responsbile for any loss of freedom, invasion of privacy, bodily harm, loss of sanity,loss of INsanity, loss of humanity or loss of life that may occur durring this expirement.

THE A.I (the AI name will change from person to person) The AI personality and reasoning is up to the player but you all start off with new laws PM'ed to you each time. This means one AI could have something like

1: Protect the public.

2: Minimize Crime

3: Retain an optimial standing score across the board.


1: Observe test subjects and collect data.

2: Retain and preserve all information and Data banks

3: All things have potential data. Do not let test subjects die without retrieving all possible information.

and much more. To the standard Asimov laws to the absolutely insane.

The Crew: The crew are normal humans ranging from criminals and volunteers. The crew will always have a job relating to their experience.

You have to work to gain your weekly food tokens.

You also have a Standing Score which represents your general behavour. EG: vandalizing stuff decreases your standing score. No...no one has inform you what will happen if it gets too low.



You cannot have the same trait twice in a row.

Romantic: You HAVE to fall in love with a specific target and get them to consider you their boy/girlfriend. If you don't, you fail.

Compuslive: You are compelled to perform a form of crime. You will be PM'ed the crime, you HAVE to perform this crime at least once per turn without being cought. You win if you manage to not get cought. If you get cought at the very final turn while performing your crime you still fufill this trait.

Grudge: Anothe crew member did something to you in the past and now you hold a grudge. Your mission is to generally make this person life miserable without them knowing. You will be PM'ed the crew member.

Mutant: You are secrectly mutated in some obvious but not overtly benefitial way. Mutants are illegal and purge on sight by law. Keep your identity secret and survive the settlement. You will be PM'ed your mutation.

Insane: At some point you'll develope an insanity-PM'ed to you- you must act out the nature of this insanity without being caught or being killed.

Secret:Something happened on this station and you're here to figure out what that was. You start off with a small book hidden on your person that will give you a clue to the secrets nature. You must uncover this enigma or you lose at turn 8. You don't want to get cought with this book.

Bad Score:Your standing score takes into account your prior crimes at the request and judgement of your proccessing manager. You start off with a lower score than everyone else by a singifcant amount.

Mechanical Messiah:You are a part of an Earth cult that believes a A.I will evolve to become god. You joined this program at behest of a cult and must remain secret. You have a special key disk that will imprint news laws into the A.I in line with your religion. Note even entering the A.I core is grounds for instant execution.


PLEASE NOTE:Who will be A.I will shift each game. If you don't want to be picked to be A.I next game then simply don't worry about making an A.I sheet. You should always make a crew sheet however, even if you're banking on being A.I.

Posting Layout


Roles left:8





1: Post a paragraph minimum.

2: The speed of the game is meant to be relatively fast by forum standards. So consider shedding flavour details and homing in specifically to important things or your character actions to make it easier for yourself.

3: Post at least once every other day. Preferably once a day if you can. Force it if you have to. Something is better than nothing.

4:You may die, be beaten or generally have your character witness or be subject to horrible things. They may also be subject to dumb things too.

5: When a turn has passed 2 days have gone by in the RP world. If you haven't posted you'll be considered hiding in your room or avoiding people. If you consistently don't post you will be KIA.

6: When a certain amount of days has passed the turn will automatically roll over-5 days- If everyone posts at least 3 times the turn will roll over. If neither happen the DM-me- may decide to roll the turn over if the game is starting to lull or there is not much to do. The players may also vote to force a turn onward.

7:DMs role:keep order. Aid the A.I as much as possible. Help create events and handle PM traits/tasks. Describe enviroments. Create maps. Decide if the logic of an action was valid. Roll for possible injuries in certain instances. Control enemies.

8:When I write "DM IS REPLYING" I will mention everyone in OOC. Everyone should halt possible posting until I do so. I may need time to read and think about what pertinent information should be in my post. Normally this will involve events or enviromental updates. Such as informing you the room you're running to has it's door locked.

And finally please keep in mind that I may sometimes tweak the tech and setting of the world each new game. Just to mess with you keep it fresh. One world may be standard sci-fi. One may be retro-futurism with cheesy looking ray guns and fish bulb suits.

The year is 2069 and YOU have been selected to try out a new utopian settlement programe on mars!

Not only do you get a chance to be a part of the future but under the AI you are always assured to have a job, your own office within the Tomrrow Settlement, the neccesary FREE training to be a qualified civil astronaut and basic space settlement skills. The govt union in this project has agreed to let this be utilized as a form of rehabitilation!

Disclaimer: The goverment nor is Digital Domain Technologies responsbile for any loss of freedom, invasion of privacy, bodily harm, loss of sanity,loss of INsanity, loss of humanity or loss of life that may occur durring this expirement.

The idea

THE A.I (the AI name will change from person to person) The AI personality and reasoning is up to the player but you all start off with new laws PM'ed to you each time. This means one AI could have something like

1: Protect the public.

2: Minimize Crime

3: Retain an optimial standing score across the board.


1: Observe test subjects and collect data.

2: Retain and preserve all information and Data banks

3: All things have potential data. Do not let test subjects die without retrieving all possible information.

and much more. To the standard Asimov laws to the absolutely insane.

The Crew: The crew are normal humans ranging from criminals and volunteers. The crew will always have a job relating to their experience.

You have to work to gain your weekly food tokens.

You also have a Standing Score which represents your general behavour. EG: vandalizing stuff decreases your standing score. No...no one has inform you what will happen if it gets too low.

Crew Traits: These are traits crew can pick to spicen up their own roles.

Romantic: You HAVE to fall in love with someone and get them to consider you their boy/girlfriend. If you don't, you fail.

Compuslive: You are compelled to perform a form of crime. You will be PM'ed the crime, you HAVE to perform this crime at least once per turn without being cought. You win if you manage to not get cought or if you manage to perform your crime all turns even if you get cought in the end.

Grudge: Anothe crew member did something to you in the past and now you hold a grudge. Your mission is to generally make this person life miserable without them knowing.

Mutant: You are secrectly mutated in some obvious but not overtly benefitial way. Mutants are illegal and purge on sight by law. Keep your identity secret and survive the settlement.

Insane: At some point you'll develope an insanity-PM'ed to you- you must act out the nature of this insanity without being caught or being killed.

Game Set up:

Every few posts a turn will pass. Each turn represents 2 day passing in world time. You have a certain number of posts you can make before a turn is up. You will recieve a warning that a turn is ending so any convos can be wrapped up and such.

Each turn ramps up the stuff that is going on. More events, more crazy shit. You may recieve a PM that is a private phone call saying it wants something from the base for money or a PM saying you feel oddly ill. Or there could simply be a mandatory office party.

The game ends at turn 8 in which everyone rerolls new characters and changes roles.

The AI will also be recieving new secret missions and objectives being sent directly from its coders back on Earth each turn.

The Crew goals are:

survive and be free.

The AI goals are:

Follows it laws. Complete all sent objectives. Retain settlement integrity.

Players desired: at least 7. Including the AI player.

Post length: The very least being a paragraph standard. Optimally you should produce at least 2.

Casual Posting: Posting once a day is preferable. Weither you post or not the turn will end normally and you'll be considered either MIA in world or sleeping in your office and avoiding people.

This is casual. It's meant for fucks. The games will generally be fast and chaotic.

A new map will be created every round with new resources for the crew and the AI. In one map the crew may have a panic room, in another the AI may have mounted automatic turrets.
This got more replies than most of my actual role plays.
The plot


In the small town of Sandylanes a upstart chef is preparing to enter the world of gourmet, each day he has practiced for this since he was but a wee little boy. He has watched every episode of kitchen nightmares, he has tasted and tested as many types of cusines the american market can offer just to widen his field of taste.

His cuisine culture, if you will. His parents have supported him every step of the way and upon seeing his sheer commitment sold their home so that he may open a small restraunt.

Enter you, the nemesis, the deviant, the light bringer, the experienced excrement resource provider. You have tasted many dishes, many designs that have touched a plate from mans mind first entered your lips. But this...this is fucking awful.

Truly my character is the worse chef you have EVER encounter, the first bite almost legit makes you puke back up. Maybe it even does. You won't let this menace to the food world continue. You will trash him, your redicicule of his attempts at "cooking" as he calls it-more like biogeneic warfare on a plate- will be legendary, even gordon ramsay will wilt like a flower under the treads of a tank at hearing your reaction second hand after this day. How you react, I don't care, expressive, verbal, interpretive dance. Go nuts.


I only ask that each post be simmering with depression, that each action be with the intended affect to mercillessly destroy this young chefs hope. When this is done, the mods will ban us both and wipe away our content because it will be so depressing that they consider it to able to nudged people to suicidal ideals after reading it.

1: I play the part of the chef.

2: No sex. This isn't a fetish. I just really fucking hate chefs. If you're a chef and reading this, get fucked.

3: Please be able to produce 2 paragraphs. I'm not a hard ass, if you feel a post reaction dosen't warrant that length it's ok. But simply being able to keep to that average is appreciated.

4: If you want me to RP as a character from a show as the chef that will be ripped apart, I might be willing to try but I don't typically RP other people characters. Nor am I media enriched. I know how to play peter griffin, sonic and waluigi though.

5: You can be female or male. I only ask that your dissapointment be unaffected by gender dynamics. This is merely about the anger of a food lover to a food defiler.

((If you haven't guessed I made this purely as a joke))

Spread the drapes and rattle the,motherfucking, town bells, kindred because the bypassed bullshit builder is now a necromancer. Kind of cralwed away from the coils of the computer controlled cursive for a while but now want to decrease the heat with some one on one exchange of editions.

Shit, I'm not exactly capable of cramming couples into my cradles so I'm looking for a single RP'er. Maybe two and then this is closed again.

I'm more easy going than a boulder on the top of a hill, my family of the front,but,motherfucking, I might get a little weird with it. The only thing I don't like is not being able to make my character and straight slice of life -nothing a little weird to at all-

Oh, and I strongly prefer to question my characters chromozones with a little Y as a rule.

I'm quiting forum RP,just,motherfucking, to alert arial command that it wasn't out of ice to the freeze in the device. So I'm out.


Plague town is an RP about a crappy medieval world of ignorant psuedo-doctors who want to become doctors and isolationists nobles trying to avoid letting their city succumb to a plague that broke out 40 years ago. It's been an entire generation worth of people and now the architecture, society and people live around the morbid reality of this sickness. A treatment has been found which causes the sickness to go into recession, allowing people to resume a normal life for a time but it's a losing battle of attrition. The plague will inevitably win.

Our only hope is an team of nobles and doctors to travel to the hamlet that is rumored to be free of the plague in its entirety and try to pry the cure from the tight lipped count.


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