Chad couldn't help but sneer as the remaining vampire routed in record time. Not that he was fond of leaving witnesses, but one less body in between him and his meal was certainly nothing to complain about. He hoisted his previous victim's body upward into the path of the thrown weapon as a makeshift shield - what's one more hole in him, eh? - and then, after ripping his own weapon free, unceremoniously dropped his prey and turned his attention to the next hunt. The sudden onslaught of spells put him on the defensive immediately, though before Chad could take any evasive action, a wall sprung up in his path to soak the blows.
Yet another obstacle to his meal, and now they were making their escape. How anticlimactic. A hiss of annoyance escaped his fanged maw as Chad opted to retreat toward the exit rather than take his chances with the fireball-strewn hallway.
"How long will this exit take?" Chad questioned as he eyed the commander beyond the threshold of the door. He was unfamiliar with the man, but he knew his usefulness neared its end and he certainly wasn't going to be the victim of some dissonant portal failure. "They'll take another defensive position at the doorway and blast us to bits if we let them." Well, he could just drag them on a wild goose chase through the forest, but that sounded very annoying, and he'd had his fill of annoyance for the day. Twicefold. The enclosed space they were in was as much hinderance as help - the mages couldn't run away, but they also had the ability to set up staunch battle lines with only limited directions for the rebels to approach them from. Out in the woods, they'd at least have the opportunity to divide and conquer.

Quinn drew his gaze away from his blue-haired compatriot as that idiot jammed another blade into the inquisitor. Just as he'd feared, the other mage had ended up in much the same position as Count Eve, but without the vampiric resilience to accompany it. To think he'd almost died for someone that tried to throw his own life away minutes later. He dared not peek, even after the light show had died down and the crackle in the air had ceased and been replaced with the thunderous eruption of spells from the other end of the room. At least until Lyra yelled at him.
Which one was Dylan again? Was that the one that stabbed the inquisitor? Or... no, that was the dead one - no, the girl died, girls weren't named Dylan. What was the girl's name? Mary? No, Marie. She didn't matter. Well, she did matter, but she was gone - or was she? Did anyone check? No, Dylan. Which one was- this wasn't the time. The room was spinning. He was spinning. Quinn quickly righted himself in midair after he'd begun to lull to the side. Something struck a barrier. It wouldn't hold forever. Did he have a shield up? No, that had to be Lyr- Dylan, right! But then what about the other prisoner?
Whatever. Let the medics sort them out.
Quinn's feet found purchase on the ground again and he immediately pushed both hands together, his fingers curling into claws as spacetime deformed like putty in his grasp. The breeze from the outside that filled the room gradually changed course, the air streams now converged on a rippling confluence that spiraled to life over Roan's head. The pull soon grew to extend beyond mere air; Hasgad's lifeless body shifted from where it sat on the floor, a bloodsoaked trail smeared behind it as it slid toward the expanding gravity well. Roan - and Donovan, should he lack the strength or desire to resist - would likewise find themselves being tugged between the ground and the oscillation that fluttered above them, pulling them ever-so-gradually upward into its hungry maw.
Before they could reach it, Quinn shifted his weight back and threw his arms aside to send the confluence hurtling over the other prisoner on its path toward the exit, along with all caught in its orbit. "Grab onto something!" he warned, barely giving the other rebels by the door a chance to comply. Chains rattled and half-melted pieces of ice from spells that had shattered against Lyra's barrier took to the air, unintended victims of the gravity well's passing as it picked up a train of corpses and rebels alike. It was a grotesque and potentially dangerous procession with the veritable asteroid belt of debris that was on its way to forming as Quinn's singularity crossed the room, but it served its purpose of dragging everyone out.
Just as the mages by the exit would find their clothes and hair sucked upward into the encroaching spell and their feet threatened to leave the ground entirely, the well dissipated and all in its wake slumped unceremoniously back to the floor as Quinn rushed to follow. "Sorrysorrysorry! Just keep moving," he bumbled as he neared for lack of a cushier landing. One by one, the trash was sorted from the treasure, and Dylan was plucked from the mound of dead imperials to be sent weightlessly floating out the door.
@Everybody, get black holed losers