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Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
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You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
6 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd
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Y’all block people? I just flame them back
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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Princess Rosemary was certainly rambunctious, though he supposed children were children regardless of station. The advent of her Templar was far more engaging to Zach's attention, and it seemed Dame Ionna agreed, since her excited oohs and aahs about heat vision gave way to- blessed Mother, did she really wrestle an alligator? This woman was clearly insane. Dame Irina as well, but Zach knew that well before this conversation. Sonia's statement about her eye, however, intrigued him too much to write her off.

"Ah, no, they're still real for the time being," Zach answered as he tugged his visor back down. Much better. He really preferred not to dwell on the thought that he'd probably have his eyeballs scooped out of his head one day, but the two Templars before him seemed rather content with their own prosthetics, so perhaps it wouldn't be quite so bad. Even if the thought turned his stomach. "No complaints, I hope?"

He wasn't sure if there was a polite way to say 'gee, I sure hope you encounter all the flaws so they can be fixed before I do', since, well, he truly did hope it wasn't giving her any trouble. Given that she likely lost her eye in some brave feat of daring along the lines of wrestling an alligator and didn't electively remove it, Zach could only hope she wouldn't settle for a faulty eye over none at all. He'd certainly do the same in her shoes. Or his own shoes.

Somewhat insecurely, Zach readjusted his visor as the Scion of Metal cut in. Her genuine enthusiasm was certainly infectious, reverent and optimistic in a way he felt all inventors should be. It was a shame her talents didn't quite extend in the direction of the conversation, though he was sure he could find someone else to sate his curiosity if he really needed to. A question about mana batteries came to the tip of his tongue, only for a hand on his shoulder to halt him. Far too gentle to be a threat, even without taking into account the location, though he snapped his head to the side all the same.

"A bit," Zach hummed affirmatively as he greeted Kasper with a warm smile, "I was playing show-and-tell with my visor and Dame Sonia noted that we likely have similar models. I believe hers is the new prototype." He assumed it probably better for his peace of mind that he not inquire whether Kasper had been having fun with his own conversation. Hopefully the prince would soften up after the stress of his appointment had receded, and it wouldn't do to form a negative opinion of him so quickly.

@Abstract Proxy@Olive Fontaine

Oh, Silvaine looked positively thrilled to be a part of this; Tyler hadn't expected Maya to involve him, but he really should've in retrospect. She'd never trust Tyler's shoddy camerawork that seemed to only catch Theo's bad side no matter the angle over her own people. It only sweetened the deal, as far as Tyler was concerned. He didn't miss how the Templar of Gravity had glared up at the ceremony, and no matter how Edmund tried to play cool and detached, Tyler could tell his frustration was aimed at more than just Maya.

The grin he shot back, in his opinion, would probably be best described as 'shit-eating'.

"You made sure to catch my good side, yeah?" he goaded, carefree as could be. Ah, but Lucas had told him to play nice with the other knights, so he politely refrained from any further comments about Edmund being a glorified cameraman. They could nurse their contempt in silence for the holiday.

Though if Edmund was a forgettable breeze, the Templar of Fire was a veritable hurricane. She barged into their conversation and dragged Theodore with her, even if she hadn't meant to. Below his conscious notice, his jaw set firmly and his nostrils flared while she spoke. Why this animal thought it appropriate to offer him the same trite crap every clergyman he'd talked to for the past few months did was a mystery, as if it would somehow mean more coming from the kinsmen of Theo's murderers. Guilt by association that she felt she needed to assuage, maybe. Tyler wasn't sure if he should be more incensed at her pity or her crude attempt to compare their situations. Last he checked, her Scion hadn't died at the hands of her godless cousins, so he really didn't see the parallels-

Tyler took a deep breath. Remember, she was one of the good ones. If she was there to goad him - with her words and not her ethnicity, anyway - she'd done a poor job of it, so he could only assume her offer was genuine. It also dawned on him that she probably intended more to point out the friction they both had with their respective Scions rather than parade Theo's corpse in front of him.

"Are we really in such a similar boat?" he questioned, "I think you're misinterpreting His Highness' charming personality as spite toward me in particular." There was likely some there, true, but Tyler doubted they'd get along any better in these circumstances without his greatest failure hanging precariously over both their heads. Lucas would find some other matter to attack him with, and Tyler would simply be less likely to smack him for it.

@webboysurf@Stern Algorithm

It was to be expected that Dame Ionna would throw Zach's question back at him like that, not that he minded. Shame that she couldn't provide very much insight into magitech, but then again he was a pot with some choice words about the shade of the nearby kettle here; he couldn't provide much context to his own little gadget either. Unexpectedly, the Scion of Metal tagged on to her Templar's comment. Zach swore she had a reputation for some kind of mechanical inclination, though he wasn't certain if that extended to magitech, let alone Church magitech, or restrained itself to common metallurgy.

Zach raised a hand to politely decline the second offer of a cookie, intent on sticking to his guns now, and tugged at the edge of his visor as he debated how best to explain its workings to them. "I'm sure the craftsman would be very happy to hear that. Though I don't think it differs too much from the ones they give to all the Church mages." Which they probably didn't understand the workings of either. He wasn't very good at this, was he?

"And, well, no, it can't see through walls, unless a thermal camera counts," he explained, opting to take the questions in stride, "I think that's how it works, very tiny cameras. I know has sensors embedded that can detect mana levels, and it quantifies them much better than the gut feeling a mage usually gets. No internet either, but it pairs with my phone," Zach lifted up half of the visor, the material twisting almost like cloth as it rode up on his forehead, to reveal his good- well, less awful eye. Ionna was reduced jarringly to a dim red and gold smudge in half of his field of vision and Scion Dominika disappeared into his diminished periphery entirely, and he fought the urge to close the exposed eye entirely to refocus on them.

"I'd offer to let you peek but it probably won't look like much without recalibrating it to your eyesight." Not that he had any idea how to do that. Or whether the excitable Templar in front of him would even care; she could very well find the thought of staring through a blurry visor fascinating.

As for the other participant in the discussion, Zach gave up and resituated himself himself so that Dom now rested in the still-visored portion of his visual field. By the Mother, this was irritating. The inventor of the monocle must've been a sadist. "Forgive me, Your Holiness, I'm still unfamiliar with your career. Is anything like this within your area of expertise? I confess I'm unversed in the field. Kasper prefers more... traditional applications of magic."

@Abstract Proxy@Mcmolly

Zach found he quite enjoyed his time in Juniperus. Normally travel meant more work for him; unfamiliar locales and a smaller security detail necessitated more vigilance than usual, even if Kasper were to spend the entirety of the trip sequestered in his room. Which, of course, he didn't, since the point of travel was usually to experience the place that they have travelled to, even if they had come for business reasons. That meant constant motion and changing venues and no time to ensure an area was secure before they moved on to the next destination. Not that he necessarily minded - Kasper hardly liked to dance with danger on a knife's edge, occasional disappearing act aside, and Zach was reasonably sure his presence alone would be enough to handle any potential threats, but it grew taxing on extended trips all the same.

The Holy City held less of that element of unpredictability. All ten Scions were either lodged in the city or soon would be, and the Church surely had security on high alert. The knights were out in force and Zach assumed there were eyes on him and his Scion at all times, even if he wasn't privy to them. It helped that Kasper spent the majority of his time in Juniperus at sacred sites and Church institutions, there was always a knight presence nearby and little chance of an incident besides. It was still a bit strange to him to stand in a church with the sole objective to figuratively beat back the crowd every time the Scion of Shadow made an appearance rather than any of his previous duties, but it gave him a chance to chat with the clergy while Kasper enthused himself with whatever piece of history had caught his eye.

Likewise, on the day of the Millennial Festival, Zach practically felt like an accessory on Kasper's outfit rather than a true bodyguard. The Cathedra Incepta likely had better security than most military installations at that moment, and that was before the Scions and their Templars came into play. Without a role to play, Zach took his place dutifully at his Scion's side and tried not to fuss with the collar of his uniform too much during the ceremony. It had been tailored excellently, but he still disliked the militaristic rigidity of it compared to his old robes. Though, with the way most in attendance glared up at the altar, he almost felt as though he could strip naked right then and there without anyone noticing. Sir Tyler's re-appointment was certainly a choice, but not one Zacharie particularly cared to comment on. He wasn't privy to the circumstances of the last Scion of Time's demise, and Mother knows he'd lost track of Kasper a few times himself; any judgment on his part would be hypocrisy at best.

Once the new Scion of Time pinched his Templar's cheek, Zach had a whole new set of judgments to make anyway. Kasper even shot him a sly glance at that, to which he responded with a shrug and an awkward grin. If the event kept up like this, they might just make a gossiping schoolgirl out of him by the end of the night. Doubly so when, after the ceremony's conclusion, Kasper made a beeline for Maya Desrosiers of all people. He made a mental note to talk to her Templar before the festival was over to ask how he wanted the picture sent, in anticipation that he'd probably be the one managing that.

When Kasper turned down the red-haired Templar's offer of a treat, Zach felt obligated to respond in kind. "I'll have to decline as well," he said with a respectful bow of his head, "Never was very good at those icebreaker things." The visor was usually enough of a conversation starter anyway, and appearances usually overshadowed whatever benign factoid he could muster as a first impression anyway, in his experience.

He didn't follow as his Scion approached the prince by the altar, and the bits of their conversation he picked up told him he'd made the right choice. Zach cleared his throat uncomfortably and tugged at his visor as he tried to fight off his instinct to keep his eyes on Kasper and turned his attention elsewhere. Had His Highness meant for that to be so... crass?

Shame he'd already declined the cookie.

"Dame Ionna, if you don't find it invasive or objectionable, might I ask about that arm of yours? I've never had the pleasure of witnessing anything like it before." Magitech was quickly becoming an area of interest for him, ever since a Church engineer slapped a fancy looking blindfold across his face and suddenly the world was more vivid than it had been for him in years, though he still understood little about the nuances of it.

@Olive Fontaine@Mcmolly

This event had gotten off to a wonderful start. At least Tyler didn't feel quite so sorry for himself after the gentle reminder that His Highness, the illustrious Prince Lucas, was among his least favorite members of the royal family. Of course, that came with a whole new set of challenges, but the worst they could do was dismiss him from service, and that hardly felt like a punishment these days.

Theodore was laughing at him somewhere.

Tyler rolled his shoulders as he descended further into the cathedral, trying to stretch out the residual sting of the brand across his back. His esteemed peers would likely make only marginally better conversation partners; the Templars doubtlessly had their minds made up about him, likely not in the most positive of lights, and the Scions weren't a bunch that particularly interested him. The giant was trying to get Fyodor's attention, so he was out by sheer proximity. Poppycock, or whatever Weber's little flight risk's name was, had made short work of - seriously, cookies? They couldn't wait the five minutes it would take for them to be paraded off to the festival for some real food?

Their gatekeeper demanded a toll of an interesting fact. Tyler had plenty of those, but most of them were public knowledge and the ones that weren't were definitely not things he should share in the company of a seven year old. Maybe he could cover her ears somehow. As he thought over what to share, he approached and patted the Scion of Light rather brazenly on the head, careful not to disturb the hairdo her retainers probably spent hours fussing over.

"It's a brand of shoe, Your Highness," Tyler explained, if for no other reason then to spare someone else the indignity. It was no use; it was too quiet in here to get anything racy out, she'd just hear it through his hands. Plus he'd have Sonia chasing him across the pews and if he was going to catch a lecture from the commander, it'd be because he flipped Prince Lucas over his shoulder, not because he had to wrestle some one-eyed she-brute off him. Edmund's confession took a bit of the edge off - the Relicuos interrogators couldn't have gotten that out of him - but he was still coming up blank. Right, it was supposed to be for the new Templar's benefit anyway.

"Coincidentally enough, I own a pair. Bought 'em to be funny. Not uncomfortable, but you can get better shoes for the price point." Tyler reached for his chocolatey reward and promptly absconded with it, though the sight of the Scion of Shadow posing with Scion Maya gave him pause. Clicking his tongue, he stepped pointedly around Edmund and stopped before Maya.

"Your Holiness, it's been far too long," he greeted and raised an arm, as if in anticipation of a hug, "I was planning my social media re-debut for the ceremony, but I think I just missed my chance." His quirked his head toward Kasper, who was either enthralled with his picture or trying to figure out what an email was from whatever archaic century he was stuck in. "Man of the hour and I don't even get in the best pictures, it's a tragedy."

I am sensing some slap-slap-kiss yaoi tension from the first post.

mfw I ask to be the time templar

Stealing water dont @ me
<Snipped quote by Scribe of Thoth>

Lol let me know if you are intrested because i believe we're close to reaching the limit of players.

I'm on the fence, if other people want in don't worry about it
Well, it has my name in it so I’m obligated to at least pay attention to this.
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