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10 mos ago
Current A little ad for my RP, Mahou Shoujo no 30 Dai! IC starts Wednesday, but signups always open!…
7 yrs ago
Out $200+ thanks to government incompetence. Thank you, state of Pennsylvania!!
7 yrs ago
Don't listen to them. The Force is strong with this film.
8 yrs ago
@Rekaigan Some guy in a wheelchair stole mine. He can hide, but he can't run!


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Name: Joan Reynolds

Alias: Artemis

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Headmistress of River City Academy


Appearance: Joan is 5'6, 160 lbs with red hair that she keeps in a ponytail and green eyes. She's got more of a runner's build than muscles. She has a civilian wardrobe that's limited to black dresses.

Costume: Hot pink spandex with a white oval chest emblem, within which is a pink bow and arrow designed to look like an A. She wears a pink domino mask to hide her identity.

Powers: None

Skills: She's an archery hero in the Green Arrow/Hawkeye mold. Her shots are very accurate, and she almost never misses inside fifty yards. She also has a wide variety of color-coded trick arrows. That said, if you can close to within melee range, she's just an ordinary human. Outside of her heroing duties, she's a heckuva chef.

Personality: Joan's philosophy on life can be summed up in one word: service. She is all about serving her community and her fellow man, and she opened River City Academy four years ago to that effect.

Bio: Joan began training in archery at an early age, and became an expert in her teens. A little experimenting led her to develop a series of gadget arrows, which she began using in a career as a vigilante. But there were simply too many criminals and too little time to catch them. Knowing that many kids were running around with super powers and no training, she decided to open her Academy to train them to use their powers for their fellow man, and take some of the workload off herself in the process.

Name: Anita Rodriguez

Alias: Gizmo Girl

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Appearance: A tiny Latina, Anita stands four foot five and weighs eighty pounds. She has brown hair and brown eyes.

Costume: An all-black leather suit and mask, with no ornamentation and a whole bunch of pockets.

Powers: None

Skills: As her alias probably told you, Anita is an expert at making superhero gadgets. Small recon drones, smoke grenades, nonlethal explosives; she's got it all under control. Rumor around the school is that she's working on a special project...

Personality: Anita has a bit of a sassy streak to her. She'll give lip to anyone at any time, and often likes to work on her own on missions. That said, she will warm up to people eventually, and she will never leave a debt unpaid.

Bio: With a famous (though retired) superhero for a father and a mother who worked as an engineer for a major auto corporation, Anita was basically born to be a Batman-style hero. She made several small inventions, but she knows that she's going to have to step her game up in the Academy.

Name: Iris Evans

Alias: Deep Freeze

Age: 13


Appearance: Iris is a tall, lanky blonde with hazel eyes.

Costume: An ice blue top and skirt with a white snowflake emblem. Iris doesn't wear a mask because she believes that if a villain is recognized, it's easier to make their victims feel fear

Powers: Cryokinesis- Iris has the ability to make and control ice. It does have a downside, though; she usually needs to chill her surroundings before she can generate her ice effectively. Heat the air around her, and she can be largely neutralized.

Skills: Iris is a talented pickpocket.

Personality: Iris is as cold as you'd expect an ice wielder to be. She's very antisocial, and doesn't like to talk much. Even some of the other villains avoid her.

Bio: Iris's parents were both villains, so she was trained for a life of crime from the word go. She'd often play the role of sweet, innocent little girl... then filch her victim's wallet when they weren't looking. She also spent a lot of time in a basement gym, practicing her cryokinetic powers. Upon getting to Blackwood, Iris got word that her parents had been captured and incarcerated. She wants desperately to free them so they can start taking over the world, beginning with River City.

Other: Make any Elsa or Frozen wisecracks at your peril.

I'll look at everyone else's apps tomorrow. It's really late where I am. Plan is to start on Tuesday, if that's okay with everyone.
Name: Rebecca Raith

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: White Court (As if the name didn't make it obvious)

Personality: Rebecca, first and foremost, doesn't mind helping out the humans of Eagle Rock. She's well known for her charity work in and around town, organizing fundraising drives and the like. It's not playing with her food, either; she genuinely likes humans, even if she shakes her head at their obliviousness.

Bio: Rebecca is very far down the Raith totem pole, utterly unknown and unnoticed. It's not that she doesn't have ambition to move up the ladder, but she was simply born to a very obscure branch of the family tree. Most members of the House would probably have to scratch their heads and think for a second before they placed her. These days, she works at an animal shelter as her cover, while attending college as an English major.

I'll have my characters up later tonight.
Welcome to River City, California, population 5 million. River City has all the amenities big-city life can offer: a thriving business district, museums and the arts, sports, and more. But you’re not here for that, are you? You’re here for something more unique. You’re here for The River City Academy, the only school in the world for training superheroes.

Yes, River City Academy trains the future protectors of truth and justice. With a fully stocked armory, a massive gym for combat training (including holographic combat sims), and much more, the Academy is the best place in the world for budding superhumans and nonpowered heroes alike to learn how to save the world, or at least their little corner of it.

Or maybe, just maybe, the idea of using your skills for the common good just doesn’t appeal to you. Maybe you’ve sworn revenge on the world for the way you were treated. Maybe you’ve decided that you’re better than the average man and they should bow to you. Hell, maybe you’re just a nutcase who wants to cause as much chaos as possible. Whatever the case, I’d like to direct you to the Blackwood School.

Located just outside River City (though for obvious reasons, nobody’s sure exactly where), the Blackwood School trains supervillains like the Academy trains heroes. Of course, the two schools are natural enemies and rivals, though every now and then, students from one side develop a grudging respect for one another.

Good or evil, it’s time to pick a side.

The rules:

I’m the GM, my word is final

Keep the OOC stuff in the OOC and the IC stuff in the IC

No godmodding

There’s no limit to the number of characters you can make, but make sure you can handle everything you put on your plate.

If you wish to make both a hero and a villain, that is fine, but keep their interactions to a minimum when the two sides meet. Nobody likes it when you’re interacting with yourself.

The CS

Civilian name

Alias (If applicable)


Age (13-18 for students, 21+ for teachers)

Class taught (Leave blank if student)

Hero or villain

Civilian looks (picture or description)

Costume (If applicable, include any pertinent details like protective capabilities, etc.)

Powers (If applicable; put weaknesses or limitations here as well)

Skills (Put any non-superhuman talents they may have here)


We have our sixth??? My God, it actually might happen!
So, the premise of this RP is something unusual... it's essentially two RPs in one. A school for super heroes and a school for super villains. The two groups will have their fights throughout the city, up until a grand finale mega-event which will see both sides coming together for a greater good. As far as power level, think in the neighborhood of Spiderman. Anyone interested?
Okay, then. One thread it is. I'll get a post up in casual interest checks ASAP.

Edit: and here's the casual check, on the off chance anyone's interested:
Yes, I was thinking two different threads, if only to keep confusion down. However, if a majority are against that, I will change.

We're really getting moving here; so I think I'll post the threads sometime in the next 24 hours. Might be late tonight after work, might be tomorrow morning.
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