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Current A little ad for my RP, Mahou Shoujo no 30 Dai! IC starts Wednesday, but signups always open!…
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Out $200+ thanks to government incompetence. Thank you, state of Pennsylvania!!
7 yrs ago
Don't listen to them. The Force is strong with this film.
8 yrs ago
@Rekaigan Some guy in a wheelchair stole mine. He can hide, but he can't run!


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(Joan- River City Entrance)

"Yeah, we need him alive." Joan's voice dropped slightly. "This doesn't make sense. I saw Adam wearing a rosary a couple of times; hardly the kind of thing you'd expect Jihad Joe to be doing. I'd bet this whole school that Blackwood's involved." She groaned; this had been such a good day at the start. "Take him downstairs, minimum security holding cell. If they'd given him powers, he wouldn't have been using a gun. I'll be there in a few minutes."

(Anita-River City Entrance)

Anita moved in for the takedown, but she was too late. Thankfully, it was in a good way. The gunman was disarmed, cuffed, and on the floor before she got there. She should have guessed that Cal would beat her to the punch. "I'll take him. Come on buddy, here we go."

She walked Adam down, and he didn't resist, meekly going into the cell. She locked the door behind him and waited for Joan and anyone else who was interested to show up.

(Iris- Blackwood entrance)

Well, this was interesting. Some sort of announcement coming from the boss himself. Iris tried to guess what it might be. Maybe some sort of new superweapon to threaten the city, or a plan for a daring robbery. It might even be some way to deal with those pesky superheroes over at River City Academy. There were so many deliciously evil possibilities! She took a seat in the auditorium's front row, awaiting the announcement.
(Joan-River city entrance)

Joan tapped Charly on the shoulder, then turned around to see Adam enter the school. Normally, she would have gone over to greet him, the two were somewhat close friends. Normally, however, he wasn't carrying an AK and shouting in Arabic.

A burst of full automatic fire ripped through the main entrance, but whoever had screwed with Adam's head had thankfully forgotten to teach him how to ain properly, so nobody was hit except for one student whose main power was being bulletproof. Joan knew that the next student might not be so lucky.

She whipped her bow off her back and pulled an arrow out of her quiver. A tripwire wasn't the best, but it was what she had. She placed her shot perfectly, the wire cutting off Adam's forward movement.

(Anita-River City entrance)

When the gunfire tore through the halls, Anita sprang into action. She was at the far end of the entranceway; too far for her homemade stun gun. She'd have to get closer, and to that, she needed cover. Anita lobbed a smoke bomb in Adam's direction. Her aimwasn't great, but it was good enough, giving her a place to hide as she raced in.
If King really wants the heroes to control the janitor, then fine. Post incoming, and the crap is hitting the fan.
Sorry I've been busy the last couple of days. I just found out I've got a new job, and that means running around and changing. Posting should be better

In any case, @Raining is accepted. And I honestly don't mind Kingfisher's phrasing; evil is not going to be PC. Now if he'd said something like that in the OOC, we'd have obvious issues, but he didn't.
(Anita-River City entrance)

"Oh, super speed. That's a useful ability, to say the least. At least you don't need a ride anywhere." Anita glanced around. "So what's your first class? I've got science, which I'm pretty good at, to say the least."


(Iris-Blackwood entrance)

"Maybe a reputation around here is a bad thing in some respects, but you're still going to need one," Iris said. "It's the law of the jungle out here. If you don't let the other guy know what's going to happen if he messes with you, he's going to walk all over you. Plus, there's the whole problem with the general public. If they're aware that even the other bad guys are afraid of you, they might give you what you want without a fight. Face it, Machiavelli was right: it's far better to be feared than loved." Iris paused for a second to let her words sink in. "Especially in our line of work."


I'll edit when I get home from work.

@Blackpanther sure, that's fine. Cal and Anita can blunder around the school together ;)
(Joan- River City main entrance)

The older hero blinked in surprise as Charly manifested a seedling in her hand. "That- that's really impressive. And you can grow it to full size, too? You've been doing real good, Charly. Maybe I can get a flower bed or something set up out front for you to practice on." She thought for a second, realizing she was missing something. "How's William been, by the way? I've haven't seen him yet today."


(Anita- River City main entrance)

"Nice to meet you, Cal." Anita gave him a hint of smile. The girl was still taking it all in. "I'm a first year here. Anything I need to know about this place? Who the strict teachers are, which classes are tough, stuff like that." Any bit of information she could get would be a real help, and she might even start making a new friend along the way.


(Iris- Blackwood Main Entrance)

"It's okay. That's an occupational hazard we all have to worry about. Heck, I hear they've got classes on how to break out of prison here." Iris looked around and saw that there was a random student walking by, not watching where he was going. The perfect opportunity to play a little prank. Iris closed her eyes and concentrated, and a block of ice appeared right in front of the student's foot, tripping him. She turned back to Alan. "Hey, you gotta make a reputation for yourself in this world. I, for one, am not going to ride my parents' coattails."


@ThatCharacter Accepted, but don't be afraid to let him take some lumps in a fight.

As for living situation, both schools have gender-separate dorms.

I'd also like some of our villainous students to post; so far, I'm the only one. Iris needs someone to interact with.
(Joan- River City Hallway)

Joan looked at Charly when she came up to her. The young girl had been one of the school's better heroes, once she managed to get a sense of self-confidence. "It was fine, Charly. Lots of paperwork, though. Running a school like this is a year-round job." She gave the young girl a cheery smile. "So, how about you? Been practicing your powers, I hope." She always liked to remind her students to get some work in during their time off. It made things so much easier if they weren't rusty when they came back. @Mr_pink

(Anita-River City Hallway)

Hmm... the launcher could use a little more elastic. Anita had been thinking of ways to improve her devices. In fact, she'd been so focused on this that she wasn't watching where she was going, and bumped into a boy. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" She recovered enough to say, "I'm Anita. Gadget maker. Mind if I ask who you are and what you can do?" @Blackpanther
@Mr_Pink Accepted.

In other news, the IC is open for business!
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