tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M278d6b7c3c..Her flesh is in the earliest stages of decay, mostly on her face.
Name: Rebecca DiLeo
Age: 23
Personality: Due to her new... condition, Rebecca is very shy and reclusive. She used to be more outgoing, though, and it is possible she will return to her old personality.
History: It all started 3 years ago. Rebecca had been living incognito in a rather sizable village when the local blacksmith and his family were brutally murdered. Clues were hard to come by, and the town watch was at its wits' end. Rebecca saw a chance to help, and raised the blacksmith's shade, getting him to finger his own murderer. Unfortunately, she was caught in the act and sentenced to burn at the stake.
As a kindness, the inquisitors questioned the man she claimed had done the deed. He broke down and confessed, offering several details that were not public knowledge as proof of his guilt. The inquisitors were at a loss. On the one hand, they had a witch in their midst, and a necromancer to boot! On the other, she had undoubtedly performed a great public service with her magic. The entire town was divided, and eventually, a compromise was reached. She would be allowed to live, and even practice her magic for the common good, but if they even got a whiff of her turning to the darkness, she'd burn for it.
Rebecca made a modest living for a while, bringing loved ones back from the beyond for chats with the living. Letting them know they were loved, and forgiven for any actions they had taken. Meanwhile, she came into possession of an ancient text. She translated it and found it was a half-completed instruction guide for making oneself into a lich. A tempting test of her powers, but she couldn't do it. It is possible to kill a lich, and she wasn't willing to take the risk. There was so much to live for.
Then, the smallpox epidemic struck, and she contracted the dreaded disease. Having always been sickly, she knew she wouldn't survive without drastic measures. She had only one option left, and she took it. It was delicate work filling in the gaps of the ritual and getting her supplies without anyone knowing what she was up to, but she managed. Late one night, her walls decorated in mystical sigils to keep her rapidly fading life force intact, she cut out her own heart and replaced it with a piece of enchanted bloodstone. She'd done it. She'd defied death itself.
Yet there was one little detail she hadn't realized. In her state of undeath, her flesh began to slowly rot. It didn't take long for people to figure out that she'd done
something, and the torches and pitchforks came out. Rebecca fled for her unlife and managed to escape the mob. The experience soured her on humanity, though, and she's plotting her revenge.
Special Power: Necromancy. Rebecca can raise the bodies and souls of the dead. It's easier to raise bodies as zombies than it is to make shades out of souls, so she only does the latter if she doesn't have any corpses to work with. Shades are also much more fragile.
Partner: Rebecca is bisexual, but doubts that anyone will want to bed a walking, rotting corpse.
Familiars: None, but she's in the market.
Other notes: As a lich, Rebecca doesn't age and shrugs off virtually all injuries. So, how to kill her? She has several weaknesses: as with anyone else, decapitation or destroying the brain works, as does destroying the bloodstone in her chest that is standing in for her heart. In addition, she is far more susceptible than other witches to the standard witch vulnerabilities (silver, lavender, etc.) due to the fact that she is only kept alive by magic.