[sub] A collab feat.
@Meiyuki and
Phagora rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she awoke. It was too early by far for such things, but she knew that once she got up, there was no falling back asleep. Irontooth was at her side as always, and the witch fed him from her hand. "Really? Beef jerky again? Couldn't you get me some nice pork or something, just once?"
"Be glad you've got that. My pack's almost empty." She'd have to go hunting tomorrow, like it or not.
"We've packed plenty of supplies of yours need supplemented." Lorelai made her way towards Phagora, she'd been up an hour or so already preparing pacts.
"Come join me at the fire, I've got some stew on."The hardest thing about adopting the 'witchy' life style, was their obession with the night. Having always been a morning person, Taran struggled with the late nights. However the road had made things...adjust more towards his likings. Even if he did still get up earlier than the typical witch. It was nice, because that gave him a chance to practice without other people always around.
However, sometimes fire can be very dangerious to others. While he was great at creating them, stopping them was still a little bit more difficult. Which lead to him seeking Lorelai out by the fire, wrapped in a towel.
"Hey...um Mistress Lorelai, can I ask...you a favor?" He then saw Phagora approaching.
"Um, morning...Phagora," he said, waving with his free hand.
The stew smelled delicious, and Phagora knew good cooking when she smelled it, thanks to her blood. "You're an excellent cook, Mistress. Not as good as I, but I do have certain advantages in that regard." She smiled at Taran. Hopefully, he'd learned to be a little more tactful since last night. "Hello, Taran. Mind if I ask you two where we're journeying to? I have no familiarity with these lands."
"We're traveling to Caslte Ruvina, home of the dreaded Reyna Ruvina, matriarch of her bloodline. We've need of some information from their scriptorium." Lorelai slowly stirred the pot of stew.
"Good to know Phagora, I guess we've a new camp cook don't we?" She grinned.
Turning to Taran, as if just noticing him.
"Did you need something Taran? Or are you here to assure me, one again, that you don't wish to mate with me? Never mind the fact that I already have a partner.""I find you all weird and your customs strange, I was just making sure we had an understanding," He said shurgging.
"But, no, this is different. See, Dragon seemed to think that I can light my whole body on fire. And I am pretty sure I can. Problem is...I might...burn....down the forest and I don't want to make Alexina mad...could you help me...not burn it down?" "We can work on that later, yes." Lorelai said intrigued.
"Castle Ruvina for some research, hmm? What did you stumble upon that you couldn't solve by calling something up from the abyss?" Phagora was intrigued. She and her mother had always been solitary creatures. They rarely interacted with other witches, and when they did, the results usually left blood and fire scattered all over the ground. "Is-is it hunters?"
"Vampires actually." Lorelai offered controll of the cooking over to Phagora, laying out the seasonings she had brought for the witch to use as she saw fit, she took a seat near the fire with a small groan.
"The 'Ruvins'. Evidently an ancient house of vampires that spawned the Ruvina legacy, or so they claim. What I do know is that their regeneration cannot be surpressed by any means available to me, and there are a great deal of horrific means available in the inferno and abyss alike. So here we are."She turns to Taran a moment.
"You're going to light your entire body on fire? And you think you'll live?""I mean, I was able to set my hands on fire and not feel anything. I tried sticking my leg in the fire and it didn't burn," He shurgged.
"I mean, how much more fire-proof can you get?" He almost sat down near Lorelai, but seemed to change his mind halfway through.
"The only problem I do see is that...well, my clothing isn't....as fireproof as myself, hence the towel," He said, gesturing to his lack of outfit.
"Imp skin, completely fireproof. I'll work an outfit up, and figure some small way for you to repay me later. Actually this trip is enough, consider it a gift then." She stated simply, favoring the boy with a smile.
"Really?" he asked, looking at Lorelai, his face lit up with excitement. "Thank you so much Mistress," he said. "And it is okay, I'll still give you a favor for a gift as grand as that," He didn't know what an 'imp' was, but if he hadn't ever seen one, they were probably rare.
Phagora ladled through the stew, seeing what was in it. Thyme and tarragon would do nicely as additions, so she put some in. "Vampires. There are a few in the southlands, but my mother and I made alliance with them. We kept to the plains, they hunted the mountains, and everyone was happy." A whisper of wind passed through the forest. "What did you do to anger them so? Most vampires would gladly work with witches, as long as they got a few vials of magical blood. Then again, there's always the threat of them doing something to you with a connection like that."
The young woman glanced at Taran. "Fireproof, at such a young age? You have a gift for pyromancy, Taran. You could be a great witch someday."
A faint blush started to spreed across his face at Phagora's compliment.
"I don't...really want to be a great witch," he said shurgging.
"I mostly here to stop accidently setting thing on fire, everything else is just bonus. And you...what is it that you do Miss? If you don't mind me asking," "Oh, ho! I could show you, but I need a sacrifice first." She turned to Lorelai. "I doubt you brought along any human thralls, but you must have some sort of animals you keep for ritual purposes." As she said this, she started drawing sigils in the dirt. Anyone with a knowledge of runecraft would know what they were for: trapping spiritual essence and preventing it from escaping.
"Sousiel, bring around a goat would you." Sousiel, who'd been a cat took on her human shaped and went to the supply carriage.
"Trapping spirituial essence hmm? I presume you mean to consume it, given your heritage. This will be interesting."Sousiel appeared again shortly, trailing behind her was a sizable ram. Lorelai turned to Phagora.
"Will this do?""Indeed. That will do quite nicely." Phagora led her victim to the center of the circle, careful to keep it from stepping on any of her designs. She pulled out her ritual knife and wordlessly slit the ram's throat. As the beast bled out, two things happened. First, a blue cloud eminated from the creature's mouth. This was the ram's soul, and yes, animals do have them. The second was a silver dome appearing over the circle ,effectively sealing the ram's soul in. What happened next was... disturbing.
Phagora's jaw distended. First six inches, then a foot, then more, until her gaping maw reached down to her waist. With a single, gargantuan chomp, she ate the ram's entire soul. then her mouth quickly returned to normal, as if nothing had ever happened. "So. That's that. What do you think?"
Taran had never seen anything...quite like that. Well, nothing even close. There had been a moment there, that he almost bolted for the woods, away from the sight of Phagora's impossibly extended mouth. It was a thing of nighmares. Taran had his hand half-way to his chest to cross himself by the time that Phagora looked back at them. Dropping his hand, he struggled to find words to describe what he was thinking.
"Well," he said, pausing to cough, trying to bring more sound to his voice.
"I've....I've never seen....anything ....like it," He now shifted awakwardly on his heels, eyes glancing towards Lorelai, ready to bolt if she gave a sign that this was a bad place to be.
"Ah, so you truly are half demon!" Lorelai's eyes twinkled, pleased at the sight.
"I've seen similar, but only in your...cousins? Gluttony demons.""In what way does it empower you though? I can't imagine it's as flexible as the Ruvina sacrifice, but likely longer reaching?" She set a reassuring hand on Taran's shoulder, and gave him a small smile.
"True, it only has one benefit, but quite a significant one." Phagora looked around, trying to find something to demonstrate her newfound strength. Finally, she saw a large boulder. Phagora estimated its weight at about 400 pounds. That was perfect. She calmly hefted the massive rock above her head, then threw it in a direction where there was thankfully nobody present. It sailed about seven or eight feet before landing with a massive crash. "I'll be this strong for about twelve hours or so, then it will slowly taper off. And I do consider those demons my brothers and sisters, Mistress Lorelai. Just for the record."
Phagora grinned at Taran. "Don't worry. Humans do make the best meal, and hunters best of all, but I'd never devour a member of my own coven. I have too much respect for the siblinghood for that."
Lorelai's reasurance did little to calm him, but it did make resisting the urge to bolt a little less difficult.
"You know...I had siblings, three sisters," he said, glancing at the rock a ways off.
"One of them chucked a rock at my head because she thought I took her doll and that....is a very big rock," He frowned.
" But if not...taking stuff from you keeps that rock far away and joining you in silblinghood keeps my soul right here with me, I do it freely," "You'll be a welcome addition." Lorelai grinned, with a small groan she stood.
"I've my own preparations for this evening's activities to see to, and unfortunately little to work with. Taran, find Alphonse when he wakes, you'll be working together.""As for you Phagora, I recommend you check in with Alexina, and see how she suggests you apply your strength." She began walking into the woods, Sousiel in tow.
"I'll be back later tonight."Alexina? Phagora searched her memories to recall who that was, before remembering that she was the shapeshifter she met earlier. She walked off towards the watchpost, wondering what the other witch would have her do.