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10 mos ago
Current A little ad for my RP, Mahou Shoujo no 30 Dai! IC starts Wednesday, but signups always open!…
7 yrs ago
Out $200+ thanks to government incompetence. Thank you, state of Pennsylvania!!
7 yrs ago
Don't listen to them. The Force is strong with this film.
8 yrs ago
@Rekaigan Some guy in a wheelchair stole mine. He can hide, but he can't run!


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In cities all throughout the world, signs have appeared on the street. To most people, they appear as "Lost dog, call insert number here." But to a few select people, they appear different. They see a young woman pointing at them and saying, "I Want You For The Last Alliance!"

Below that is another sheet of paper, written in an elegant hand. "To whoever may read this. You know what lurks in the dark of night. Monsters, and worse than monsters. It's time to stand up, but people can't defend themselves against things they refuse to admit exist. I care not whether you're a witch, a werewolf, a vampire, or something else entirely. All I ask is that you come to New York and hear me out.

Protect the innocent. Be a part of something bigger than yourself. Join The Last Alliance."

The premise is simple. We will be playing as a group of concerned supernaturals or clued-in humans, defending mortalkind from threats of a supernatural form. Our setting is an Earth much like ours, except this Earth is located at a planar confluence. What that means is that there are many parallel Earths, some that know of the supernatural, others, like our main Earth, that do not.





Race (Witch, normal human, vampire, whatever)


Physical Description or Appearance


<Snipped quote by Aerandir>

I'm listening to Warren Buffet for the next few hours. But I promise to be attentive tonight

Well, I won't be there. Sorry.

Hope you learn how to make billions, though.
@Ellion @Aerandir

Wanna join me in the Titanpad Mei set up?
Now it was Rebecca's turn to be confused. That map was completely unfamiliar to her, and five continents? She knew of seven or eight, depending on how one counted. Then in a flash of insight, she got her answer... which raised more disturbing questions.

"My gods, this inn... no, this whole bloody forest is a confluence point! And a massive one, too!" Rebecca's eyes lit up. There was nothing she loved more than studying and explaining magical theory. "I don't know what they call them where you're from, but confluence points are places where various planes rub against each other, for lack of a better term. Interplanar travel is much easier in them; you can do it without even realizing it. And that must be what happened here." She closed her eyes, meditating for a few seconds. "I can feel them. Hundreds of different realities, all meeting right here." Rebecca shook her head, unnerved by the realization. "This explains so much. The strange distances, why we seem to come from different worlds; it all makes sense now."
How big a group you looking for?
"Ah, so you're misinformed, then." Rebecca shook her head. "You don't have to sell your soul to become a lich. You just have to find a way to keep it in your body when you die. I used mystical sigils, but there are several ways to do it."

She shrugged. "In any case, what's done is done. Let me buy you a drink, friend." She took out a small silver coin and laid it on the bar. "If the house has any specialties, give him one. If not, give him a goblet of Kalasian spicewine. I'll take the latter myself." She smiled. "There's nothing better than spicewine after a long day on the road."
Glad to see the bots didn't finish this one off. Okay, then. OOC will be up sometime this weekend.
Any time before 4 eastern, whatever that may be for you.
@Aerandir @Ellion

What time you guys available tomorrow?
"Hmph." Rebecca gave a the half-elf a derisive snort. "Obviously, your Order training is awful, because I am a lich, 'screaming hell pit' or no. Rest assured, though, I mean neither you nor any other living being harm. I simply turned to dark magic to save my own life. Perhaps that other force is compassion, or something similar. Gods know that it's far too rare in this world, among the livng and the dead alike."

She calmly extended a hand in a gesture of trust. "I'm Rebecca of Kalas. It seems you have me at a disadvantage, Master-"
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