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10 mos ago
Current A little ad for my RP, Mahou Shoujo no 30 Dai! IC starts Wednesday, but signups always open!…
7 yrs ago
Out $200+ thanks to government incompetence. Thank you, state of Pennsylvania!!
7 yrs ago
Don't listen to them. The Force is strong with this film.
8 yrs ago
@Rekaigan Some guy in a wheelchair stole mine. He can hide, but he can't run!


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Fine with me.
I'll give it one more day for people to sign up, and then we start tomorrow night.
Hey @Ellion Me and Aer are both on. How about you join the party?
So, she was a fellow witch, too? Rebecca sat up, intrigued. She didn't recognize any of the magical charms Ruehan wore, though she could feel the enchantments on them. Then again, she knew of many different styles of magic besides her own.

"What kind of magic do you specialize in? I'm a necromancer, myself. Shocking, I know."

Ruehan's companion walked off, though not without making a few disparaging comments as he did. Rebecca sighed. She'd seen this before, and she knew she'd see it again. "Ugh. More anti-undead bigotry. We're just trying to get by, same as everyone else."

Rebecca rested her hand in her chin, waiting for Ruehan to respond. Hopefully, she'd be more affable than her partner. She sure couldn't be any less.
@Acromantula Drop the inanimate object transformation, and he's good. Sorry, I've seen that power abused a few too many times for my liking.

@Classpet Accepted! Please post her in the characters section.

Now, for our not-so-fearless leader...

Name: Penelope Martin, but she often goes by Penny

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Race: Witch... mostly.


Powers: Can conjure and manipulate hellfire. It burns hotter than normal fire and is difficult to put out without supernatural means. The downside is her powers don't work too well around holy places and items.

Personality: Penny is a legendarily perky and upbeat girl; nothing seems to get her down for long. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but she's no ditz either.

Bio: Penny comes from an Earth where the supernatural is open and commonplace. Most of her friends developed their magic early on, and she was forced to watch with envy as they displayed powers such as telepathy and levitation. Still, she did the best she could and got a job at a pawn shop in the bad part of town.

Late one night, as she walked home from work, she was jumped by two men who demanded her cash. She paid up, but they brandished knives and made it clear that wasn't enough. Certain she was going to die, the only question Penny had was whether they'd make her suffer further indignities first.

She was angry. She was frightened. And all that rage and terror let itself loose in a scream.

The next thing she knew, the two men were howling in agony, black fire burning them alive. Penny was stunned. She knew that was hellfire she had summoned, but she had no clue how or even why she was able to do it. Research revealed the answer, and she didn't like it.

Some time in the distant past, one of her ancestors had summoned the demon Anduriel and had a child with him. This child's demonic genes had passed through the ages, quietly being subsumed by the human bits, until the powers they conferred would only be awakened by a traumatic event.

Yet despite the dark nature of her magic, she didn't want to be evil. She wanted to help people, and she knew just how to do it. A friend who was great with portals created one to a parallel Earth, where the supernatural was much less acknowledged but no less dangerous. She set up her recruiting message, and now, she's just waiting to see who shows up.
Put him in the character tab. Mine will be up tomorrow.
@BlackPanther Accepted.
@SmileyJaws My last IC post was for you, sorry. Forgot to tag you.
The bartender handed Rebecca her drink, and she turned to the half-elven warrior. "Well, I'll be off, but do look me up. I'll be buying a room for the next several days, so we'll be seeing each other again, most likely." She sauntered off, looking for a table to sit at.

The inn was doing excellent business tonight, as there didn't seem to be a single table in the whole place that was empty. Guess I'm going to end up making a few new friends. The young undead glanced around for several seconds, before finding a table that had two fellow travelers already there. A young man and a woman, with a clear family resemblance. Rebecca sat down, raising her glass to the pair. "Rebecca Vazant, wandering witch. It's always a pleasure to see new faces around."
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