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10 mos ago
Current A little ad for my RP, Mahou Shoujo no 30 Dai! IC starts Wednesday, but signups always open!…
7 yrs ago
Out $200+ thanks to government incompetence. Thank you, state of Pennsylvania!!
7 yrs ago
Don't listen to them. The Force is strong with this film.
8 yrs ago
@Rekaigan Some guy in a wheelchair stole mine. He can hide, but he can't run!


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Hey @Meiyuki

Shall we get back to it?
Looks pretty good. Does it have anything for more street-level mapping?

We'll discuss it on the pad. Don't want to clog the thread.

Funny, I've been looking for you. There's a scene I think would be great for Andri and Rebecca. You wanna go for it?
Jenny followed the dragon to the dining hall. Her mind had finally accepted that this was real, and she was excited about the opportunity. When Nidhogg opened the door to the dining hall, she was aghast at the vast spread laid out before them. "This is all for us? You really shouldn't have."

Jenny plopped herself down in a chair with a satisfied sigh, picking out a turkey leg. "Anyone want to sit by me? Human or dragon, I don't really care. I just need someone to talk to." She pulled out a chair, waiting to see if anyone would take her up on her offer. If not, well, she'd be okay with that, too.
@shagranoz: Just a little FYI, derringers weren't around for another 20-odd years after 1834.

Damn, I could have sworn they were earlier. I'll change it to a flintlock pistol.

Name: Claire Fitzroy

Age: 29

Nationality: Born in Dublin, currently lives in Manhattan

Personality: Claire is a reserved and quiet woman, though she does have her moments of warmth. She especially likes kids. When on a hunt, however, she's all business, all but refusing to engage in small talk.

History: The Fitzroys had lived in Dublin since time immemorial, through the days of the Druids, the rise of Catholicism, and the witch hunts. Through all that time, many witches and warlocks had come through the family ranks, including Claire and her parents. But Claire's father Michael dreamed of a better life in America, and in 1810, packed up his wife, daughter, and their meager possessions.

Michael eventually found work as a tailor's assistant, and the Fitzroys had a somewhat comfortable life, at least by Irish-American standards. Claire stayed with her parents, helping around the house, and in the clothing shop on occasion. Several weeks ago, a friend of hers caught her using telekinesis to grab something off high shelf. Fortunately, said friend knew of the Order's existence, and got Claire in touch with them.

Occupation: Witch, though not a very good one. She is skilled at telekinesis and scrying, however.

Skills: Apart from her magic, she's good at making clothes, and has some contacts within the New York immigrant community. Other than that, though, the skills she'll need hunting are very raw.

Weapons: She carries a pair of long knives and a single shot .25 caliber flintlock pistol.
Username: Shagranoz
Jenny fidgeted a little bit in her chair. "To be honest, I have no clue why the dragons would want us instead of somebody else. There's nothing abnormal about me, at least that I'm aware of." In fact, she was starting to get agitated by the complete and total lack of answers. Where was this Dr. Nidhogg, anyway? The least he could have done was be there when they arrived.

She turned to a small, emerald-colored dragon. "Could you find Dr. Nidhogg and tell him we're waiting for him?" The dragon didn't budge an inch. "Hmph. Guess there's nothing I can do but wait." She knew she was going to give the guy a piece of her mind when he did get there, though.
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