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Comming up with realistic sounding fake technology is a lot harder then I thought.

@Zoldyck Congratulations on stealing the 1000th post likely without meaning to.
@NarcissisticPotato your signature potato, right in the feels.
@Zoldyck Because he is playing a teacher mayhap?
So many new characters, seems I need to stop slacking and finish that teacher I've been teasing. Would be done with it by now, but 8m not sure how crazy I want to go with in regards to tech.
Small post up, Kyle is not capable of being interacted with, as he has calmed down somewhat, or he can be left to sketch till class passes.
.:Kyle Anderson:.

The silence seemed to last for an eternity to Kyle, but it was an eternity he was grateful for. It gave him time to come back to his senses, to put the past back in the past. He never noticed the air growing heavier around him, and by the time he was aware enough to be able to it had already dissipated. He was still jumpy; adrenalin will do that to anyone. Taking a few deep breaths he turned to notice the teachers behind him, he was vaguely aware of them when he had freaked out but now he was able to recognize the one on the table.

‘You are an idiot’ he admonished himself, resisting the temptation to face palm. He should have figured it out after the tendril tripped him, who else is there that can do such a thing in this school, he even heard her name before. With an exasperated sigh he stood up, his arm returning to normal in the blink of an eye. Shaking his head he goes and sits at his chosen seat, doing his up-most best to ignore everyone else in the room.

To him the first day is already a disaster, but he’s not going to make it any worse if he can help it. So he picks up his sketch pad and flips to a clean page and starts doodling, to keep his mind off the past few minutes, and maybe once he is done shaking he will try and talk to his classmates.
I can try and get a post up before I have to leave for work but I make no promises.
@Rune_Alchemist Just waking up, slept for a lot longer then I intended to
@Melkor That's what I mean by worse, Geoffrey is trying to, understandably, keep Kyle from lashing out more, but he might trigger a fight or flight response in the kid due to the flashback that is currently being relived. Kyle won't be able to do much to the more experienced hero, but being backed into a corner will cause him to do everything in his power to try and get to safety. It is a potential disaster waiting to happen.
I'll wait to see if any students do any thing before Posting with Kyle again, depending on how they act thing may go from bad to worse.
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