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@canaryrose Sounds like it to me.

@Flamelord I'm looking forward to punches being thrown.
How goes everyone?
@Western Robot agreed, which is why I'm not, but the temptation is there
@EnterTheHero The temptation to do this for Laat is very high now

Penny Just nodded back as Chloe ventured off to converse more directly with the Girls from Beacon, her grip tightening on the branch she was holding in worry. She wasn’t very good with the tense atmospheres that came before a fight, always worrying about this and that.
That being said, not everything that was happening was worry inducing. The beacon magical that spoke up, Janet, in defense of those that Beacon often fought without any second though was a calming influence as far as Penny was concerned. ‘I would if I could still be your friend?’ Penny wondered absently. ‘I’ll have to ask and find out what those vows are, I guess’

There was also Castor, while not calming, he gave Penny some hope, as he seemed to be in a similar situation as her if she guessed correctly. The fact that her case was not a isolated one gave her hope that there were at least a few more people out there that she could be friends with. Quietly she resolved to try and talk with the boy later, she just hopped that she would be able to find him without any hassle.

"Hey, Penny!" Isana said cheerfully.

“Hey yourself, Isana” Penny replied with a smile as she turned to face the shorter girl next to her, happy to see another friendly face in the midst of all this tension.

"Didn't expect to see you here. That patron...Laat, decide to sing kumbaya with everyone else or you just here for my autograph and to tell me I'm pretty? It's alright, no need to be shy about it."

Penny gave an undignified snort as a reply “The day Laat does that I’ll be selling tickets to the show, trust me” She said as she looked across the gathering of Mahou again, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear as she did “I came more out of curiosity really, my introduction to the magical girl world was a bit of a hectic one. So I’ve not had much chance to meet and greet a lot of people outside you and Chloe since I came to town.” She continued with a shrug “Plus I wanted to be on hand to help in case things hit the fan” She finished turning back to face the mercenary.

“What about you? An alliance doesn’t seem to be up your ally with your profession and all” she asked amicably, she hadn’t had much time to really talk with Isana, and though the situation wasn’t ideal for it did help in calming her nerves.
@t2wave I have done so on occasion, it tends to make rather memorable characters

@Rune_Alchemist I hate when that happens
Penny has arrived, in a very quiet fashion for the most part. be is easily in position if punches start flying.

I'm looking at you @Rice Porridge your test sounds ominous.

’I wonder what the cops would think?’ Penny wondered idly as she watched more and more “children” wander in to the clearing. She had been here for a few hours, possibly more if the broken branches near her were any indication, waiting for the meeting to start.

Granted not many of the growing congregation of magical girls would have seen her, as “here” constituted the top of one the trees nearby.

Penny was nervous, for quite a few reasons, one of the top reasons as this was the first time she had seen a congregation as large as this one since her change. The tension was a palpable thing, which served little other than to make her ache all over.

“I’m going to have to change after this” she whispers softly, playing with a strand of her hair. The pinkette didn’t like taking her “true” form as Laat’AlOfan had described it, but she could only put off for so long before the irritation would turn in to blinding pain.

Shaking off the pending transformation she began looking more closely at those that had gathered, and was left once again pondering who was in charge of the uniform designs. Other than that she didn’t spot anyone she recognized, which was another of her worries. She only had one friend at the moment, and while Penny knew that they were here, somewhere, she couldn’t find them.

Shaking her head she did note the obvious groups that had loosely formed, split amongst the varied factions that existed in the Mahou societies. Sadly she didn’t truly fit in with any of them, though that was in part her own fault own fault. As she had tried to run from this life at first, her appointment as Laat’s Chosen put her in an awkward position as she could likely end up fighting both with and against everyone down there at one point or another.

‘But not while Laat is working with Iesud’

Finally Midnight stuck and one of the Girls below conjured a platform of Ice to address the gathered magicals. With a resigned sigh Penny dropped out of her hiding tree, taking one of the smaller branches with her as she did, and headed to be amongst the pack. She made sure to stay a safe distance from the Beacon group as she did, prior encounters having made her weary, although by the same token she did the same with the obvious monsters as she could say the same about them.

“-a member of the alliance needs help, we step in and help them. Now, who will stand with me?"

‘Crap! I thought there was going to be more of a buildup’ she cursed faltering as she did. As she had no idea what had truly been proposed, Penny stopped, standing a noticeable distance outside the group at large. Opting to listen and try and catch what had been said. Thankfully it seemed there were plenty of people that had something to say about the proposal.

Amongst those that were willing to speak, Penny spotted the person she had been hoping to see all night, with a sigh of obvious relief she started heading over to the scantily clad little girl standing on a pillar of rock, Chloe, who happened to be her only friend.

Penny didn’t say anything upon her arrival at the base of the rock pillar as her attention was directed at the rather heated exchange between two of the Mahou. A boy, one of the few, named Castor and one of the people from Beacon, who called herself Natasha. Quietly she broke off about an inch of the branch she was carrying, trying to force herself to relax with a bit of indulgence, as the ache had begun to seep in to her bones.

@Western Robot It's all good

@Rice Porridge It states that you can freely exchange the normal benefits and drawbacks with in your patron to customize them a bit, I swapped Arrogance for Unknown and Divine competence for Clergy

@Western Robot I'm Loking over penny and I'm not sure what I'm missing as here are the perks and draw back that I have.

Physical Prowess
Magical Overload

Monstrous Form
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