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A HXH RP? I'm all over this
@Landaus Five-One It took me a bit to figure out how to express Laat being Loud. I'm glad it came across well.
It's less Penny's response and more Laat's take on the alliance


“Really? You’re starting this with puns?” Penny asked to no one in particular as she face palmed in response to Isana’s reply before giving a short wave to the new comers “Pleased to meet you, as stated I’m Penny and don’t worry about it, the more the merrier as they say” She replied to Alex with a smile before turning to Lily “If you are looking to group up, Chloe is the one to talk with. I do have it on good authority that she is in fact looking to form a group so I doubt it will be much of an issue.”

“Besides” Penny continued giving both Alex and Lily an apprising look “With your power sets that would round out the core of the group, I’m more built for the front line” she finished with a laid back grin as she glanced back at the conversation that was happening with the Beacon. What she saw gave her a fair amount of hope, as she hadn’t been really following the conversation seeing a Beacon girl shaking hands with an obvious monster seemed to be a sign of good things.

“It Will Not last, You Realize That Correct? Any Deal Made With The Beacon Is Doomed To Fail, Lest It Is A Deal To Join Them”
A titanic voice Boomed from above causing Penny and a fair amount of other Mahou gathered to flinch at the abrupt declaration.

Why now?’ Penny groaned internally as she looked sky ward knowing full well what she was about to see. Sure enough far above it seemed that the stars had rearranged themselves in to the silhouette of a man large enough that only his upper body and head could be seen, his hands currently folded in front of his featureless face, seeming to be contemplating the gathering below him.

“That One’s Attempts Are Laudable, Yet They Risk The Most Out Of All Those Gathered Here. The Beacon Does Not Tolerate Any Association With Those Of Dangerous Inclination”
The titan continued pointing at the lone Beacon member shaking hands with a monster.

“And you couldn’t have waited to tell me this at another time beacuse why?” Penny asked quietly as she regarded the Figure above with a mix of distain and resignation. She knew who it was very well; it was Laat’AlOfan, He who brushes away the old, her patron deity.

“New Beginnings Are A Rare Gift, My Lady, It Does Not Bring Joy To See One At Risk So Soon After It Had Started. It Is Not Your Task, But I Would Appreciate If You Sought To Protect New Growth Where You Can”
He Replied, his gaze seeking out his Champion as he did so, not that many would be able to tell where he was looking.

“I.. Wasn’t aware of that My Lord” Penny said softly as she looked back over to Janet.

“Know This As Well, I Approve Of Any Alliances You Form With Those That Currently Follow The Beacon, For It Has Stood Long Enough To Warrant My Attention, And Any Crack, No Matter The Size Is Well Won. They Will Not Likely Fall Due to Overwhelming Force; Death By A Thousand Cuts Is More Probable.”
He finished with a curt nod as his gaze swept over the amassed Beacon faction and with a resounding crack his visage broke and the stars realigned themselves in the sky.

"Well, at least nothing broke this time" Penny said to herself as Laat disappeared before turning to Isana

@Ariamis@Card Captor@canaryrose@Rune_Alchemist@Flamelord@t2wave@Western Robot@Shoryu
Alright I have my post typed and ready to go and my Internet dies. It like something is trying to prevent me from posting. I'll have it up as soon as I can.
I got dragged away today by my family, I shall have a post up tomorrow even if it kills me
Here is to hoping that @Western Robot posts soon.

I've got the rough outline of my post worked out, and will likely post it tomorrow if not later today.
@Landaus Five-OneI am tired at the moment, and I'm pretty sure that I am missing the joke in your post, but I would like to say that Laat is a Deity. He is going to be very loud.
So I have a post idea that Invokes Laat'AlOfan in his loud Glory so I'm going to hold a bit before possibly shattering the shaky peace that is holding at the moment.
@Rice Porridge Not sure that would help, might in fact hinder but with your luck who knows.
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