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@PlatinumSkink That does seem to be the case, I forgot that they were split up like that.

On the list you have given it is simple. You have two too many for both drawbacks and benefits.

Edit:Twice now I am only seconds behind @Ariamis
@PlatinumSkinkIt was late in the day, near the same time the last meeting had happened. and I would assume anyone near the Park would have been able to see/hear Laat.

on to your character sheet: You are one benefit high but still have the option of taking an additional draw back to compensate for that. The limits on how many additional drawbacks you can select is mentioned on the first page of this as it is different for each patron.

Horrors can take an additional three draw backs, currently I can see you have only taken an extra two, Bane and Health sapping, That is the only things that I can see wrong, as it does state that the extra benefits and drawbacks can be from the Patrons unique list, or from the universal list.
Just a post to let you know I'm still here, just waiting a bit to see what else ends up on the roster before I post a Character
The plot thickens
@GrecI would never assume Autostomp, That would just make things unfun, I was more trying to determine what You would be expecting/allowing from the Mages. I would assume you would be dealing with their Paradox?
@Flamelord Beacon has an Ally with Penny, even if Beacon wouldn't see her as such.

@GrecI've got the core books for all the Old World of Darkness table top games except for mummy, I was asking because Demons aren't capable of reality manipulation that I am aware of, out side of one Lore but @DepressedSoviet seems like he has written up a Slayer so that wouldn't really be an issue.

The ones that play havoc with reality are Mages as that is literally their ability, they manipulate reality through force of will. I bring this up because I was writing up a Mage and wanted to make sure that was still okay, or if I was going to need to reeducated myself on what you would allow a Mage to do.
@GrecWhat systems of World of Darkness are you familiar with?
@GamerXZJust because you can't die unless they kill your Soul Jar doesn't mean vitality isn't useful, makes you body harder to break/quicker to heal.

EDIT:@Landaus Five-One I like making combinations, it's about 70% of the reason Penny is a monster girl.
@Landaus Five-One hopefully you won't need to lurk for much longer. Till then at least their is conversation to be had.

@GamerXZI guess it depends on what you are going for thematically.

Beast and Emphatic/Beast and Psychic Both seem to have a Beast master feel to them. As you have a greater control or possibly larger pool of "Beasts" to choose from.

Beast and Darkness sounds like you would be turning everyday animals in to walking nightmares in one way or another.

Beast and light would be making them in Angelic Beasts.

Beast and Reinforcement was mentioned last time you inquired I think and that seems like it would let you make super animals.

Beast and Spirit would give you either Zombies, or an army of minor Kami.

Beast and any of the Elements would give your animals the ability to breathe fire/lightning/cold.

Beast and Wood and you have become a Druid, master of nature.

Can't think of anything fancy for Beast and Time/Gravity/Illusion personally, but there you have it.

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