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Whelp this is going to hurt... I'll have a Penny post up later today. I expect first blood to be drawn along side it.
@Flamelord Sorry


Despite her good tactical sense, Penny’s lack of knowledge of Elroy’s monster form stymied her charge as she was forced to block or dodge the flailing chains. She wasn’t able to avoid all of them as she had charged directly in to them before she noticed them as a hazard, but their wild sings didn’t have much direction behind them, so she escaped with little more than scratches and scuffs to show for it. Even that would be gone shortly as she regenerated the damage away.

She stopped for only a moment as she formulated another plan, before she took off charging again, this time at the slowly changing ball of scrap. As Penny neared she deactivated the blade on her arm so it wouldn’t interfere with her next action. She didn’t slow as she reached the ball; instead she launched it at Elroy byway of twin punches and just a tiny amount of magnetic repulsion, turning it in to a makeshift cannon ball. Its speed wasn’t anything surprising, the force it could impart if it hit was still impressive.

Penny slowed down only long enough to reset her footing and took off after Elroy yet again, her arm blade once again extended. As she ran her mouth dropped open just slightly, she was primed for another gauss shot any moment now.

As she neared she caught a glimpse of something in the air, her lips quirked at the sight of Thalia entering the fray. It was heartening to have her friend back.



Feeling Blue

Violet was quietly humming to herself as she worked out all the delightful ways she would get to spoil her new friend, as it sounded like Mariette honestly had no idea about any of the better things in life, when she heard her name being called out by a familiar voice. She was about to move to see what was going on when she noted Deni had already done such. So she just sat back and watched.

“When we go looking for something we always know where to look” Violent answered cryptically color=slateblue]“and they are quite real”[/color] she added with a grin.

Said grin dropped away as Amber moved straight in to why she was here, and was replaced with a surprisingly somber look. ‘Think quickly Sis, any reason why I shouldn’t?’ she thought quietly. Violet couldn’t resist helping people when a wish was put forward, thus she tended to rely on Sakura to be a voice of reason if needed.

That said Violet was tempted to grant the wish on the spot, if they weren’t in a public restaurant she would have likely already transformed and been half way to granting it. So unless Sakura had a very good reason, Violet was likely going to be granting said wish.

“Obviously we won’t be able to do that here” She replied verbally as she looked between Amber and the pendant “But yeah, that should be within our power”

been surprisingly busy the past couple days I'll start working on posts now
@HammermanAlso, it has been established that Penny gets random updates via text so I would imagine that those actually in the beacon would have other methods options of getting information.
Nope nothing important i would think, just that Violet is having fun spoiling Mariette
@Majoras End true but editing them in doesn't actually send them out which is why I use them in the first place
Small post is away, having a bit of writers block so I am not very satisfied with it but if i kept stalling I would never get it written.
Also realized that I forgot all the mentions.

Target Locked

Penny was momentarily surprised as he target took to the skies causing her to rush past where he had been only moments ago. Quickly she skidded to a halt and turned to face her chosen target, she was less surprised to see the glowing ball of steel in his hands as he started his decent.

Such was her focus she didn’t hear the crack of a rifle shot in the back ground. Instead she made a small hop backwards taking her out from under where Elroy was to fall and planted herself in a sprinters crouch. Her left hand literally dug in to the concrete below her and the few claw like blades had sprouted on her feet, would make sure she would be firmly rooted to the ground when the monster came crashing down. Her right arm was held tight against her body with the blade connected to it facing forward. The second he hit the ground Penny was planning on repeating her prior actions, only this time she was aiming at his back.

Absently she noted the black spheres popping up randomly across the battle field, thankfully none of them landed in her path. She had an inkling as to what caused them but put off that thought for later. For now she was focused on her fight.

Softly the sound of her spooling up for a shot began building; she would be ready for another round in ten seconds.


My Milkshake

“I could have sworn, Sue mentioned something about paying” Violent said after a moment, not even giving the waitress a second thought. A moment later she shrugged and turned her attention back to the menu again “Guess I’ll have to be more frugal, but we are making sure you get a milkshake at least Mari” she said pointing at her friend through the mirror with a grin.

“I assume they didn’t take the bait?” Violet asked her sister as she narrowed down her food choices besides a mailkshake.


Penny stood tall as she watched her attack decimate the rooftop across the way. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears. She was a mess inside, her thoughts were a chaotic storm and she could tell she was losing it. It wasn’t a stress induced breakdown, and for that she was grateful, she was just sooo hungry. She ignored Laat’s warning about trying to suppress her need to destroy, and it was coming back to haunt her.

She stayed still as Alicia turned on her, Penny didn’t blame her. She had single handedly wrecked the first good thing she had seen going Beacon’s way. That fact weighed painfully within the robotic girl. Her only hope was she would be given a chance to explain, though she wasn’t sure if it would do her any good but Alicia and the rest of the little group of Beacon members could at least use the understanding about why at least.

Her thoughts stalled as Elroy howled in rage. ‘Seems my luck is terrible’ she thought sadly. If she had missed then perhaps they could have still talked through this. She ignored the growing behemoth in front of her for just a moment as she looked at Alicia.

“I’m Sorry” Penny called out her regret plain in her voice. Her posture was one of pain; she knew full well what she had caused. But one of her eyes was turning blood red and she couldn’t bring herself to care for much longer. She opened her mouth to say more but whatever she said was lost as the outer walls of the garage were crushed.

Refocusing on the monster she had awoken, the training and instinct within her pushed all of her pain, terror, and regret to the background. They had no place on the battle ground. She dropped in to an offensive stance and tossed her flimsy knife to the side. There was an electric snap hiss as a blade of energy ignited from Penny arm reaching a good two feet past her clenched fist.

Finally she surrendered herself to the urges that had caused this ordeal. She was built to be unrelenting force; she wasn’t going to run away from Elroy, she was going to go out the way she made, through him if needed. With a wordless cry she launched herself at the Monster in front of her, intent on knocking him backwards or running him through if that failed. Her goal wasn’t his death; it was to destroy as much as she could, using him as her wreaking ball but that didn't mean she was going to hold back. She was hungry and it was time to feast, everything else was just static.



Through the looking glass

“I’ve got ya covered Mari” Violet said as she picked up the note “I added it to mine when she first offered it” she waved the note for a moment before she pocketed it. “And I would guess she thinks the world is all sugar and spice, and you just need a friend” She replied with a sigh “So most likely she thinks you’re depressed”

“Have to say. It is always interesting to hear people toss that word around carelessly though.” She mused as she picked up the menu and started to browse what was available here at the Pit Stop “And while Sakura obviously has something in mind, don’t worry about getting roped in to it, especially if my sister is the one granting it” She added with a knowing grin. Everyone thought that Violet would be the worst one to grant a wish with her icy demeanor, but in fact she couldn’t twist her magic in malicious way all that much. Sakura on the other had had a hidden sadistic streak when it came to granting wishes and the skill to back it up.

“Have you ever had a milkshake?” Violent asked having nothing further to add on the prior topic and had decided to move on to the much more enjoyable prospect of spending other people’s money

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