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Kakashi was relieved that his question had been received well, though that relief was masked with curiosity at her laughter, her answer didn’t do much to alleviate him of his confusion however. It seemed that both Airi and Ana were willing to disregard their parents rules when it came to dating, but it was due to following those rules that they now found themselves in a lose-lose situation. It seemed rather cyclical to the silver haired man, but he was planning on just chalking it up to a civilian thing, after all it wasn’t making any more sense to him.

“Three years, eight months and six days” Kakashi muttered off handedly, supplying just how long ago it had been since Airi had opened her shop, as he resisted the urge to face palm “Must be irritating for her, as I’m sure she had her reasons, especially because her and Guy don’t click in that way” he expanded though it was somewhat apparent that Kakashi was speaking to himself as much as he was speaking to Ana.

He was glad that he came to talk with Ana; it helped clear some of the ambiguity of the situation around Airi. He could also tell that he might have to do more than snoop in this instance as it was plain as day to Kakashi that Airi was effectively trapped by her own good nature, and while he knew Guy wouldn’t have intentionally done that to Airi, it didn’t stop the spike of cold anger that came from the realization.

“I ask” Kakashi started as he pulled himself out of his thought “Because I ran in to the two of them today, and could not help but notice that Airi looked very uncomfortable. It was also the first time that I had heard the news” He replied with a casual shrug “I try to stay up to date with my friends, so this one caught my somewhat flat footed, and it would be rather rude to have asked her when Guy was not three feet from me at the time.”

“Another question if I may, why didn’t you ask Guy out?”

Naruto was too busy tracking down the right place to put away the groceries to notice Airi’s surprised silence, and was honestly tempted to just make a few clones to sort through everything quicker, as her kitchen was the size of his apartment. He didn’t, but it was a near thing.

“That would be awesome” Naruto replied with a huge grin upon hearing the proposed deal. He was looking forward to working in the garden even more now, he had wanted to when he first saw it as he had something of a green thumb but was limited to the few plants he had at his apartment. Now he had been given permission to work on the garden and would even get some groceries out of the deal. “I can do that, no problem”

His enthusiasm was tempered slightly at Airi’s next question however because it was really hard for him to explain the feelings he got. He had tried a few times with Iruka but, while the Chunin believed him, it wasn’t something that got brought up because of the difficulty Naruto had in describing things pertaining to it. Still, he was asked.

“It’s hard to say exactly, like he doesn’t act much different. More lazy really, he has his book out a lot more often, stuff like that.” He crossed his arms as he started explaining and was tilting his head side to side as he tried to find the right way to put it “The biggest thing is that… it just.. He kinda feels like he is wearing drenched clothing… Sorta… or like he is underwater? Everything he does just seems to need more effort than it should. Then when you are there, he doesn’t lose that weight so much as it just doesn’t seem to bother him anymore, like whatever is weighing him down is forgotten about or is no longer as heavy?” The frustration of trying to put in to words the feelings he was getting was easily apparent as he stumbled through his explanation. “Does that make sense?”

Ah! Well in that sense, I can offer up the fact that Laat won't be giving very significant supplies outside of Raw materials to refit the Sky Bastion. He is thinking along the lines of Arming any who are willing to join in on the Assault, so depending on what plans they might have been you could still put them in to play just with some tweaks.
How do you mean, as it wasn't my intention to cut anyone out.



“We don’t” Penny said as she gave a short wave to Alex as he came closer “Meet these two aboard that” she explained as she gestured to the fallen wreck before falling silent once more.

No one seemed keen to break the depressed silence that had settled at the base of the destroyed ship, which made the sudden thundering voice all the more surprising
”It Is Always Times Such As These, That Thou Can Learn The Most About A Soul”

Without warning the titanic figure of Laat’AlOfan had appeared, though he was not dominating the sky as he so often would, He was still towering over those assembled as he stood at a height equal to skyscrapers or would if he was not sitting on his haunches at the moment as he examined the broken Sky Bastion.

”It Is Also Times Such As These That Give Most Reason To Curse My Name, Even Though Such Profound Things Tend to Come Forth From Such Moments.”
He seemed utterly uncaring about the devastation that surrounded them.

”What do you want?” Penny asked too exhausted to bother with manners that her Patron normally insisted upon.

“I Have Come To Grant Thee A Boon, After All I Doubt That Thou Wishes To Assault The Visceral’s On Foot.”
Replied the god as he stood to his grand height a colossal Maul materializing next to him as he did his gaze was still affixed upon the wreckage bellow him
“Altars To My Task Have Sprung Up Increasingly As Of Late, Each One Leads Back To Them. Due To These Actions I Have Been Able To Determine Their Goal And I Refuse To Allow That Event To Pass.”
Laat explained his tone becoming hateful as he did.
“Thus I Shall Grant You The Tools, Supplies, and Know How Needed To Reforge The Sky Bastion Into An Instrument Of War, Alongside Some Of The Supplies That You Had Requested Earlier”
He explained as he raised his maul in to his hands, his anger at the von Visceral’s plain for all to see.

“And I Extend The Offer Of Supplies To Those That Also Seek The Destruction Of The Visceral’s”
He barked out as he finally looked away from the destroyed ship to survey the Maho that were here
“So Long As You Assist In The Reforging”
It was a blatent declaration of war against the family and the patron they followed.

"What Say You To That?"
He nearly demanded of those that could hear him.

@BrokenPromise@Card Captor@PlatinumSkink@Majoras End
I'll have Laat's post up tomorrow

EDIT: Laat has spoken, got this one out earlier then expected as I wasn't able to get much sleep last night.

Also the formatting is always weird for him, due to the tags I use, and I can't help but feel as if the post will need cleaning up. If that is the case I'll deal with it later, after I have gotten some sleep.
To explain a bit more about how Naruto is able to pick up on Kakashi's mood, Naruto later picks up the ability to sense negative emotions. The reason he is able to do this is tied to the Kyuubi, and it's Chakra. I've figured that Naruto always could feel said negative emotions but at the moment isn't very skilled at reading theme so it takes him a few days to be able to under stand what he is picking up unless it is incredibly blatant.
Naruto jumped slightly when he heard Airi from behind him but quickly moved to help when she tossed him the key to her house. The smile that slid on to his face as he opened the door was a soft one that very few in the village had ever seen, as it was not lost on the young ninja how willing Airi was in trusting him. It reminded him a lot of Teuchi and Ayame.

Without being prompted Naruto assisted with putting the recently gotten goods away “Oh I was wondering if you could answer somethings for me and the snacks were awesome” he replied with his normal enthusiastic grin as he placed the eggs next to her so she could put them away.

“I was wondering if you knew why Kakashi-sensei is always down” The genin asked without any preamble as he kept putting things away “It’s only when you’ve been around that he feels normal, all the other times he sounds the same but it’s like something heavy is pushing down on him” he explained as best he could, but it was tricky to put in to words. “I was also wondering if I could borrow part of your garden so I could grow some herbs, everyone is telling me I need to eat better so I figured I could stare with smaller green things first.” He continued on not realizing just how bizarre it was that he was able to get a read on Kakashi at all.

Kakashi just nodded as he stepped inside the house and followed her in to the front room. He quietly inspected the various art pieces that were scattered here and there, and was rather impressed. He wasn’t much for the art it’s self but could easily tell the skill involved in each of the pieces. Some of the newer ones, if the smell was anything to go by, reminded him of Suna and he wondered if they explained the sandy scent that was lurking in the background.

He pulled his attention back to Ana as she started to explain why Airi had agreed to the marriage, he muttering not going unnoticed by the skilled ninja. Afterwards Kakashi sat there with a look of confusion on his face as tried to fit everything together. He understood all the individual parts that were being told to him, the parent’s weird requirement, the desire to help family, the frankly terrible luck of who. It was just when it was all put together it didn’t make as much sense to the silver haired man.

“That does answer my question, thank you.” He said after a moment of processing what was told to him “I have another question, if you don’t mind, and I apologize if this comes off as rude but why not go out and date people despite your parents?” It was the only other question that he couldn’t wrap his head around. Maybe it was to do with having parents? Or maybe it was a civilian thing, Kakashi was honestly not sure. Raised in a ninja house hold and then orphaned at a young age due to suicide and bad luck meant that he was unaware about how the ‘normal’ world worked.

So the portal is open, who all has plans on walking through it?
Decided against taking control of Ana for the moment as it would end up being a wall of text that would leave much room for you to contribute. so rather then have it just be the Kakashi show, I had Naruto swing over to Airi in a unintentional mimicry of his nosy Jonin. the kid has questions, the difference is that I don't think that Airi will have the answers.
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