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The moment that Ana opened the door Kakashi picked up on some of the fresher scents that were in the house. There was a hint of soap that was floating about the house and it also came from Ana that told him she had taken a bath recently. The bread she had was fresh, made within a day or so he would guess. Put that together with Airi’s scent that was, both detectable both on the porch where he was and, wafting from inside made him think that he had arrived just after his friend had left.

Then there were the heaver scents of paint and sand, the paint was old and somewhat baked in to the house. ’So she was successful at becoming a painter’ was the thought that came from that smell, but he couldn’t place why the sand. He had a few guesses, she had taken a trip recently or had a delivery brought from wind but there just wasn’t enough for him to be able to say for sure from just the smell.

“Hello, can I help you?”

“Hi, you must be Ana. I’m a friend of Airi’s, she doesn’t know I’m here and I was wondering if you could help me understand something” Kakashi replied with abashed sincerity, half of which was just an act. He was sincere about wanting the help, but he was by no means embarrassed by his snooping, most people were just more willing to help someone who looked as if they were.

“Why did she agree to marry Guy?” he asked letting his honest confusion be plainly apparent in his voice.

Unknown to Kakashi, or the rest of team seven, one of his students had decided to take a break from his normal after missions routine. There was a few questions that had been bugging the kid for a while now, and he figured that he might as well try and get them answered alongside the questions that had popped up today.

He went straight home after being dismissed by Kakashi-sensei, and made himself a small snack to go along with the treat he had received from Airi earlier. It wasn’t the same as his normal after mission meal but he didn’t want to spend too much time at his favorite restaurant today as he would miss out on being able to ask his question, or at least that was the young boy’s thoughts on the matter. Afterwards he switched out his normal black shirt for a simple white long sleeved one and just tied his jacket around his waist; he watered his plants and then set off.

His destination was oddly enough where he had come from earlier in the day Delicious Delights. He had a few questions, and a request for Airi, and he was reasonably sure she would actually listen to him unlike most of the other civilians in the village.

Eventually the blond ninja found himself at the back door of Delicious Delights, he chose the back door for two reasons, first was it meant less people glaring at him while he waited for someone to answer and two his request had to do with the garden.

Taking a calming breath Naruto knocked on the back door and waited and hopped. He figured that Airi was a good person like Iruka-sensei or Jiji as she didn’t feel prickly as most of the village did, but it was always good to be on the safe side.
@FamishedPants Don't tell me what to do, I'll do things all day long if I want too.
True, but currently the only information that has been given points in Justine's direction. Penny could just as easily give Beacon information about Mint, besides Penny is already considered guilty by virtue of being a monster girl.
@Flamelord Penny made a deal for information with the mint, not to betray the Beacon, She is more likely to betray them rather then the other way around.

To your general point, this is a very good point. Have you considered joining the dark side? We have a variety of flavors from psychotic anti love crazies to wanton destruction waifus.
@Flamelord I think Penny would still be allied with Beacon after such a unification. Do you think we should bake cookies?



"What if this isn't the end of something, but just the beginning?

Well Penny was already invited to the castle siege, so you better believe she is going to want in on that, not sure if we have time to build an army considering it sounded like the final ritual sacrifice is close at hand already. That being said, Plans have been approved to help out with that siege, I'm just waiting to see who all is going down to check the wreckage before I put them in to motion.
@Majoras End I am curious about this mega collab


Once again the sudden inclusion of gun fire stalled Penny as she reflexively swatted at the projectiles just as once again the bullets proved to be rather ineffective at doing any notable damage. Before she could recover her bearings and press the attack once more her opponent retracted their magic and dove off of the floating ship.

Realizing that they ship was likely rigged to explode in some fashion Penny was just getting ready to head below deck to try and see if the young pirate girl she had seen earlier needed help when they were brought up on deck by another magical girl that she didn’t recognize, though they seemed to know of Penny judging by the surprised exclamation they gave. Pushing the questions off to the side for the moment Penny joined them as they jumped from the ship.

Penny was only a few feet behind Amber and Helga as they approached the downed Sky bastion. Her eyes were about half full of red as she faced the bitter realization that she hadn’t been fast enough to stop the ship from being put out of commission. She couldn’t speak for the hull of the ship but she could tell that it would take weeks of work to get the turbines fixed and that was only if they didn’t need special materials to work in the first place.

All of the weariness she had been ignoring since Laat warned her of this attack started to ebb back to her, the last twenty four hours had been one mess after another for the cyborg and she was exhausted. She wanted to go back to her lair and sleep, but that wouldn’t accomplish anything and she knew it. So instead she went and dropped down next to Amber as she examined the wreck with an appreciation only her warped mentality could find in the destruction.

She was silent for a few moments as she put a lid on the growing want to topple the nearest building. In that silence she interfaced with her eye piece and set a text off to Alicia.

Finally Penny spoke up “Sorry” she sounded as tired as she felt, but didn’t say anything else, she had no idea what else she could say.

Considering that my half of said collab is currently lost to meetingwords going down, I'm hoping for the best...

I've given up hope and have just started to recreate what I can remember with luck it should be good to go with in the next day or so..?
@t2wave there is still the commotion on the ship and the aftermath of that they could show up at.
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