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And a post. For reference, the garage for the house I see as being a three to four car garage. so the Armory room Slade revealed has a loooot of weapons.
“I’ll try to arrange a hunting trip before school starts up again. It’s not quite the same, but it is a good first step” Slade would offer, not bothering to correct young Jinny misconception. Because she already knew how to kill someone. If she were to lash out at someone in the same way she had been burning off energy earlier and put some force behind her blows they would require hospitalization at best and a morgue at worst. It would be interesting to see how the other students faired if he was being honest.

“Not an entire military, a small Company sixty to seventy men.” He would correct. Because although he was good, he wasn’t that good. “And I’ve been known to be intimidating.” He would agree humbly, enjoying the simplicity of her statement. He was curious to see how she reacted when she learned more about his professional reputation.

“As for teaching you how” Slade would take a moment, both to contemplate the best way to answer and to enjoy the adorable bit of mimicry that Jinny was putting on for an extra moment. “That will be more difficult. A lot of the aspects that assist in Psychological warfare, that is utilizing being scary, come from experience. But we can still work on it. It is good that you realize that you need to own brand of intimidation however, what works for some won’t work for others.”

“And we can definitely start with getting you a weapon.” Slade would say his cruel smile returning for a moment. “Follow me” He would say as he started to walk towards the equipment cage. The cage was locked with another blank keypad, in fact just about all of the keypads down here were that way, an odd but effective security measure.

He would open the cage and then walk towards the row of lockers at the back before entering yet another code on one of the blank keypads of one of the lockers. But rather then open the locker, which Slade knew held a supply of C4, the locker itself sank into the floor revealing a hidden door way. “You’ve asked about all the locked rooms before.” He would say before stepping though the door way into the room beyond. Following behind him Jinny would find herself standing in a surprisingly large room. It was equal in size to the garage up in the main house, but it was far from an open space. Just about every inch of the walls were covered in weapons and evenly spaced out in the room were racks upon racks of even more weapons. Guns of all types and calibers, bladed tools from simple tactical knives to massive twohanded swords lined the shelves alongside polearms and axes galore. Just about every type of weapon was stored within this room, even some of the more esoteric weapons like whip swords could be seen.

“I keep them locked because it would be very difficult to explain why most of them look like this one”
“No, nothing to sign. Nothing needs to be written down” Slade would answer turning to place the piggy bank down somewhere off to the side. “At least not with me. Each Mercenary has their own preferences, as do the people that hire them. My memory is good enough that I can simply remember.” He would explain with a smirk. “My reputation also helps.”

“And you can sell what ever services you want to. Assassination is a large draw, plenty of people want other people dead after all, but it is hardly the only task that people want done.” He would go on to explain. “Infiltration, Corporate espionage, kidnapping, sabotage, bodyguarding, hacking, training. Anything is an option if you want it to be. Which also means that you only have to do what it is you are willing to do. I refuse any contract that has to deal with kids for example. Doesn’t mater the reason or the offer, I refuse to go after children. But not all mercs are like that, we each have our own codes of conduct.”

“The most fun I’ve had?” He would take a moment to hink over that while he slipped out of his mission focus, it had served it purpose. “That would be when I was hired to eliminate a small PMC. Private military company. They had gotten wind of me coming a few days before I got to them, so they had time to fortify the place and be on alert for me.” His smile turned both mocking and cruel as he thought back to that mission. It was an attempted assassination on him disguised as a legitimate contract but he didn’t care it was fun. “It allowed me to utilize all of my skills to their fullest. Required it as well, otherwise I doubt I would have survived to collect. As not all contracts will pay up front, some only pay after completion and some will split pay”

“Some of those skills we can start training you in now, some will have to wait until we get settled in at the academy. As this basement was only built with the fundamentals in mind.”

.:⋮OverCity Fight club⋮:.

Penny would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious about how Nuncio kept slipping in and out of Snoopy’s detection, never the less she nodded her understanding to him. Then she turned to the new arrival, committing the girls name to memory and putting away her acquired spear fragments as she listened in.

Not that what Shion had to say had much to do with her, but it was interesting to hear that someone was trying to get the Outer Alliance out of Penrose. That and concerning. Still, it wasn’t her place to interfere. So she was content to simply be an observer for the next bit.

Heck Penny would have maintained that stance even when she first noticed Oro’s rushing at them. It was hard to impossible to actually sneak up on Penny, due to how her magical senses were attuned, but that didn’t mean she would have bothered to turn and face Oro’s when she was first noticed. Plenty of people jumped at Penny’ back and she had confidence in her shields ability to hold back what ever it was this additional new comer was planning.

Then she noticed a update from Snoopy.
[Over City transfer detected]
[Local topography data downloaded]

That changed things. As did detecting Seepa’s sword flying through the air. Oro’s went from uncategorized third party to hostile Mint agent In Penny’s mind. She spun on the spot a high-pitched whine suddenly emitting form her just moment’s before she unleashed a full charged Gauss round at Oro’s.

Snoopy also turned to track the new foe as he began feeding relevant data to Penny’s optical feed.

Striding forward after the opening volley Penny reached out magically towards Melisa and harshly pulled her away from the toxic sludge. “Mint assault” Penny would say as she closed the distance towards Oro’s.

-=ƎSecond treatmentE=-

One would be able to forgive Aurelio for not fully understanding when the tiny samurai looking girl started to talk at him. After all he was busy in trying to keep Sakura's life from slipping away, that didn't stop him from nodding in understanding to Ronin as she turned to leave. Sparing a moment he would reach out and give her a boost. a sliver of Calm, and curling the Love within her back into her as she raced away. It wasn't much, he only had a moment to weave it after all, but it would help her maintain her focus and add just a bit extra to her speed.

He hoped that it would be enough, if there was a way to end this feud with Mariette that didn't end up with more blood shed he was all for it. Turning back to the matter at hand Aurelio suddenly found himself with a dealing with a very different circumstance.

Sakura's lips on his.

Now, Aurelio was taking the sudden kiss much better that Sakura was. After all it wasn’t the first time that he had been on the receiving end of one. Bringing people back from the brink leads to all sorts of weird reactions. He was still stunned by it, as having it happen before or not one is never prepared for such a sudden kiss, doubly so for an Empathy mage. As the outpouring of Love is always a hell of a kick for the system.

Or maybe that was just Aurelio.

Still he shook him self out of his stupor quickly enough, just in time to see Sakura collapse again. He let out an exasperated sigh but never the less moved next to her once again. “Let’s try the healing bit again with a bit more oomph this time.” Aurelio would say once again bringing a glow to his hands. This time though it was a brilliant white. After all Love is the greatest when it comes to support.

“Elora are you still there?” he would call into his comm as he spun an even great healing spell though Sakura, mixing in a moderate buff as he did. “As All Beacon is going to need an extraction soon. Leena’s Null is breaking this Dimension apart. So start locking on to signatures” he would explain taking a good look at the growing crack in the center of the room.

In the back of his mind he mused that kinda odd how he kept getting kissed by people who weren’t his girlfriend. Which lead him to the thought that he should actually ask Sally to be his girlfriend.

<<To the last Breath>>

“God damn it!” Viva would spit out as she tried to dodge the shadowy spell. She doubted that her baby boy would have simply fled from a simply fight. Something else must have happened to him, of that Viva had no doubt. That didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to still have to deal with the merry band of sycophants however.

The problem was that she was simply to close to effectively get away. The time it would take to summon her bike was too long this close. And the narrow alley way made it impossible to avoid the next magical cage sent her way.

But even as she was bound in tendrils of darkness and feeling the fog of breathlessness filling her mind, she struggled. Blindly she created barriers between her and the Mint agents she had been working with, and just as blindly she shot at them with her revolver. The barriers when struck would shatter out in a spray of entropic shards ripping and decaying everything they touched.
She would continue this over and over again, forming new hands or tentacles to hold her gun as new shadows tied her down and burning threw her mana recklessly to form more and more barriers. She knew she was caught, but she was going to make them pay for it as much has she possibly could.

@BrokenPromise, @twave & @Ariamis, @AtomicNut & @Flamelord
I under stand the pain. I stumbled across it for the first time back on cartoon network, Adult swim block I think. Only when I dropped in on it, it was the last third of one of the movies for it. So I had no context, and no idea what I was watching. It was awesome, but trying to track it down again later was a nightmare. for a while I was under the impression that I had just dreamed the whole event.

Looking forward to her arrival.
She reminds me a bit of Read or Die, where a lot of people have that ability. Is and endlessly useful power, and a personal favorite of mine. Also means that they likely know of each other already. Slade has a wide net of contacts after all, but I'm not sure if they have ever met before.

So feel free to have her show up at HIVE, She will be a teacher for Infiltration while Slade is a teacher on weapons.

And no worries the questions can come in time.
Sounds good. Have a good day at I'm assuming work, I'm off to sleep.
Writing anxiety makes sense, glad I don't let myself get too hung up on the feeling when it arises. And I agree that I've no idea who in the DC universe would be willing to marry him. That knowledge is well outside my understanding of the Comics.

Another OC or someone from the DC universe? As I have no reason to suspect that Slade wouldn't be willing to remarry, so long as who ever it is alright with the being a mercenary thing. He enjoys the job too much to try and give it up.

And good to hear. Every now and then I get the feeling I could end my posts better, but I never know how I could do that. Which is kind of annoying.
The whole four day weekends things in rather nice, got to sleep basically all of one day off and I still have more in reserve.

My wordiness continues, though I'm not fully content with the way I ended this one. Let me know if I need to add anything.

Also, I notice new Avatar. Is rather nice.

Also, also, they are quite the abnormal family. Looking forward to more of their oddness. At the same time I'm wondering if it is going to grow at all. Who else would get added I've no idea, but the curiosity is there.
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