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Goblins in the Sewer, Round 2

‘This isn’t my first sewer trip’ Ronin,
‘I don’t miss slime that much‘ Miko, &
‘Can no longer put it in crazy’ Sann

Hunting goblins. It was an ever popular side job for magicals of all shapes and ages, and by ‘popular’ I mean hated. And by all ‘shapes and sizes’ I mean only those who didn’t have better prospects. Add in the fact it was going to be in a sewer and there was a recent cold snap. It was going to be a cold, filthy, trudge through the underbelly of Penrose. One that would likely be icier than last time.

But hey at least they were getting paid.

Because of the ubiquity of the need to hunt goblins one could take this job from half a dozen people at half a dozen times and hunt in half a dozen locations. Yet they always seemed to start the same way, standing above a hole that led into darkness and the sound of water in the distance. This time the hole was a manhole located in some back alley and the water was the rush of sewer water.

The air was rank due to the open entryway into the sewers but at least there was no wind in the alley. There was fresh snowfall and the cold temperature practically ensured that there would be ice both up above, under the snow, and down below in the tunnels below.

This one girl, however, had a clear, well-defined reason to be back in the sewers. This wasn't about the money, which was just a bonus. This was for a bit of cathartic revenge.

‘Fufufu…’ Ronin chuckled where she stood in front of the manhole entrance of the sewers, her arms crossed with flowing determination. She grinned. ‘When I was new in town, I figured I was going to aim for the lowest of the lowest! And nobody is lower than the sewer-goblins! However, I ran into the issue I couldn’t frickin’ find them, and had to leave unsatisfied! I bet you think you’re so clever, hiding in the disgusting darkness below the city, where nobody could find you? Well, maybe you were right… but tonight, you are WRONG!’ Ronin told, as she spun out of the way to gesture behind her.

‘Behold! The grand weakness of your plan and that which guides the bringer of your doom! My SISTER, and her MAP!’ she called dramatically, and Miko dramatically pulled out the Super-Map with intention, immediately giving her a basic overview of the sewers below! It even showed the locations of living beings inside the sewer! Ronin grinned confidently. ‘It’s time we gave these sewers a proper cleansing~!’

‘Alright! Let’s go!’ Ronin grinned so happily as she prepared to jump down the manhole… when she looked over to the other person present. ‘Hey, are you a new magical girl? Haven’t seen you around before. Oh, are you here because, as a new girl, it makes sense to start with hunting the lowest of the low!?’ Ronin asked, her eyes suddenly sparkling.

‘Well, you’re in luck!’ she said, lifting a fist and pointing back at herself with a thumb. ‘I’m Ronin, a veteran goblin-killer and hunt-goer! I can show you the ropes and show you how it’s done! It’s just goblins down there, so this’ll be easy! If you’re ever afraid, just hide behind me! I’ll keep you safe!’ That the new girl looked anything but prone to fear passed her mind but she chose to ignore it.

Miko squinted at Ronin a bit, before putting away the map and bowing to her. ‘Thank you, big sis, for saving my life. It’s so sad that our parting must come this soon…’ she said, sounding so distraught.

‘… Wut. What are you talking about?’ Ronin asked, frowning and looking in confusion at her sister.

‘You’re talking like one of those over-confident will-definitely-die people from the first episode. Assuming our new girl is the main character, that means we will definitely run into trouble, one of us will probably die, and from how you spoke, it will surely be you…’ Miko sighed as she stood up straight, her eyes sad as she grabbed around her body. ‘I will treasure these last moments with you. I can only pray our inevitable savior will come to save the main character before I suffer the worst imaginable fate…’


‘Aaah… Denial is the first step of grief… I can still hear her voice…’

The two girls commenced giggling with Miko dodging Ronin’s playful punches and grabs.

Meanwhile, another figure had joined this hunt, albeit for entirely different reasons. Sann clenched her fist and checked the balance and feel of the limb, almost in a daze and completely ignoring the duo’s antics for now.

A sewer hunt with her massive wings in such a cramped space had added difficulty. It made good training, she thought. And besides, it was low-key enough to keep herself conspicuous even if her tendences flared up. She had achieved this shape to stay unknown to a degree, and the showboating she had done in her earlier stint was completely out of question.

Her wings then stretched, enclosing each one of the girls with one of the fluffy appendices, before raising her finger to her mouth, indicating the other two girls with a faint, eerie whisper. “Shhh…”

“You will scare the prey.” She said.

Ronin and Miko both turned wide-eyed as suddenly the wings closed around them, and the new girl gave them a simple message. They were quiet for a bit, before…

‘Ronin, I think you dramatically misjudged the new girl,’ Miko said.

‘Miko, I think you’re right,’ Ronin replied. ‘Okay, will be more quiet. I’m Ronin,’ Ronin said, and then gestured over.

‘And I’m Miko. We’re twins, and we’re Reinforcement and Air specialists, plus we have the map to help find our targets,’ Miko continued.

‘A pleasure to be working with you?’ Ronin asked, a little unsure how to talk to this girl. Especially with the wings holding them.

“Sanngridr. Chooser of the Slain.” Sann replied, still in a faint whisper, as she tightened both girls around her somewhat. They seemed full and brimming of energy. If she gave to her desires, would they ever find their corpses? “I deal in magic, spirits and reinforcement.” She added, beaming a rather empty and tired smile. Pleasantries weren’t easy in a sewer.

In fact it did look like an eerie smile. “A pleasure…” She added, before focusing for a second. A will-o-the wisp materialized in front of her, before giving a single command. “Scout ahead.”

‘Oh, darn, that’s a title,’ Ronin exclaimed basically immediately as it was given.

‘I’m, uh, not entirely sure a scout is needed, this map does all the… yeah, okay, let’s go with that,’ Miko said, a bit hesitant with the wing squeezing like this.

‘Er, can you let us go? We’ll be nice! Nice and quiet!’ Ronin asked with a big smile.

Sann, nodded. “Scouts are always necessary. Prey is slippery.” Sann said, as she released both girls, her stare going into an unknown spot into the distance.

‘Yupp, sounds good! A combination of the two sounds like the way to go!’ Ronin nodded, and also relieved at being let go. ‘Okay, Miko, keep your eyes on the map, and I’ll keep my eyes forward!’ she said, retrieving her flashlight from her belt… but not lighting it yet, maybe Sanngridr would disapprove, it could scare prey.

‘Alright,’ Miko nodded, bringing out the map again to glance over the structure of the sewers… ‘Shall we go, then?’

Sann just gave a small nod.

The sewers were just as dismal as the last time Ronin was down here. Wet, cold, and foul. the only real difference being that it was notably colder than it was last time. Regardless it took barely anytime for the three of them to reach the base of the ladder and once they had made it safely down the only source of light was the still open manhole above them.

The dull roar of the sewer water flowing past drowned out any sounds that they might have been able to hear, and were it not for Miko’s map the question of which way to go would have been a coin toss at best.

On it they could easily discern a notable gathering of what could only be goblins off in the distance, and the route to get to them started with going to the left. They would be able to get in some practice before that as well, as there were one or two smaller groups between here and there that they would have to pass by as well.

The will-o-wisp would return shortly before they encountered the first of those groups. It would draw close to Sann as it whispered that which it had found down here. The goblins outside of the main grouping were ill equipped to be of any danger, the ones just around the corner had spears made out of rebar, but that was about it.

But it also spoke of something that it couldn’t quite identify within the main gathering. Someone within that place was wrong. But the wisp was too weak of a summon to tell what.

A quick peek around the corner confirmed the intel on the goblins as a band of five could be seen slowly walking along the path. Two of them seemed to be trying to spear something out of the filthy water, with another two arguing with each other. The last one seemed skittish and scared as its eyes were darting about the place seeking any hint of danger.

The three hunters were unseen, for now.

Ronin and Miko would pull back a bit to whisper strategy.

‘Okay, so we don’t really have stealth-options, do we simply charge in and hunt them down should they flee?’ Miko asked, a little pained that she no longer had her Darkness-specialization, would have been useful now. ‘It’d be cool if we could surround them,’ Ronin said, then looked over at Sann for input.

Sann just offered a smile, before she wagged her finger twice, creating a couple of wisps more. "Rout them.Through the walls…" The Valkyrie said, as her wings once more covered the two other warriors close to her.

The smell of blood could be noticed by the duo as Sann herself bit one of her fingers and drew a bloody Rune of Darkness upon herself, to further obscure the three shapes which would be huddled together.

‘Um, okay,’ Miko said, looking a bit curiously as the wings held onto them once again. ‘Er, what are you doing now?’ Ronin asked, a little unsure.

"Rune magic." Sann said, licking her own finger. "Darkness…" She whispered.

‘Oh, yeah, I heard about that,’ Ronin noted. ‘Are you hiding us?’ she asked, simply by the association with the Darkness specialization. Miko, meanwhile, tried to gently and curiously run her fingers across the feathers. So fluffy…

Sann would instruct her wisps to emerge through the tunnels in the opposite side where they were. "...We are the hunters. Hunters...hide" She said before noticing a small tingle on her wings, and drew a finger down Miko's spine. "Stay sharp and still now…"

Miko drew in a sharp breath at the touch to her spine, fighting to stay quiet. Not unwarranted, but very startling! She did her best to focus next to Ronin…

The one trait that goblins have that could be remarked to be a good one was their sense of smell, because despite living in such squalid conditions the scent of blood was never something that they were able to miss.

But at the same time Goblins were cowardly and skittish creatures, so the five of them would pull up their crude weapons and slowly advance towards the scent of blood. All of them expecting a wounded animal of some kind that had gotten lost.

Then the three wisps would drift out from behind the goblins, unseen at first, but it didn’t stay that way for long. The trio of wisps would rush towards the goblins whispering as loud as such small spirits could. The goblins, the prey, reacted near instantly upon noticing the ghostly apparitions. They screamed and began fleeing away from their otherworldly surprise.

Or most of them did. One goblin drew upon some unfounded sense of confidence and stayed his ground trying to swat the three wisps out of the air with his spear. The other four didn’t even bother to look over their shoulders as they tried to scramble over themselves to get away. Never knowing that they were rushing headlong into the danger, rather than away from it.

Sann would then snap open her wings all of a sudden, creating a draft of wind in front of her as she allowed her fellow teammates to push forward from her cover. She did not want to sully her sword in killing these vermin so she just punted the nearest goblin into a wall.

The wisps, being ghosts, simply phased out temporarily, but doing nothing more.

Ronin and Miko suddenly found themselves with a heavy boost at their foes, and as newly coined Air-girls they used the breeze and flew out at the goblins, each twin using some magic to adjust their flight. Miko flew high, spreading her arms to grab their attention first and then throw a quick surge of wind into the faces of the goblins for maximum disorientation.

Meanwhile, Ronin flew in crouched and low, gripping her sword and reinforcing herself to slice with as much speed and deadlines as possible, to take them out fast and thoroughly. If any survived, Miko would drop from above with her sword to help clear them out, Martial Training should put them above regular goblins in skill.

The goblins halted in shock at there being suddenly more threats, and that shock would cement their demise. The blast of wind was really just adding insult to injury at this point.

The first goblin hit the wall with a wet crack and a dull splat, kudos to Sann’s kick.

The next two goblins would drop from Ronin’s opening gambit, her blade swung out twice with each arc cutting cleanly through them before anything could be done. The final of the goblins that charged was able to raise his weapon in time to try and block, but it was an unenchanted piece of metal. Ronin’s blade cut thought it just as easy as it did the creature holding it.

It was at this point that the sole goblin left would spin around, the scent of blood too thick for it to dismiss. Yet before it could flee, which was obviously it’s plan, Miko would drop from on high and sever the creature's head from its neck.

All in all it took less than a handful of moments. Not surprising considering the foes, but still something seemed off about how easy it was and a closer look at the felled foes would reveal that they were somewhat more emaciated than one would expect. That and they all had large patchy scars on either their torsos and limbs. Most curious.

Sanngrid let a small chuckle upon seeing her work of art, as she stepped forward towards where the assorted bodies were. "My...how lean. Not even...soup worthy." She said as she stared at her two colleagues. "Also too damaged for...wisps to use." She scoffed, before stabbing one of the dead goblin bodies in the heart with her own bare hand, attempting to see if she could get some information of their low class rabble souls.

‘… Phew,’ Miko made a relieved noise as she did her wave with the sword to remove the blood and then sheathed the blade. It was her first violent experience in a long while. She didn’t do much fighting in Mariette’s charge, she was normally just a servant at Mariette’s now-no-more manor. Her last battle was those liches…

‘Hah, take that…!’ Ronin said, pleased with the result. ‘… Still, even for startled goblins, that was weak. Wait a second…’ she made the noise as she crouched by her last goblin. ‘They’re… huh.’ That’s a conundrum. ‘I guess goblin-life isn’t easy?’ She also flinched a bit at Sann stabbing the corpse of a goblin. What for?

‘… We may find out more if we keep going,’ Miko said, taking out the map and a flashlight to check it again. ‘Shall we?’

Sann's face twisted in annoyance as she was interrupted. She just let a small sigh, and decided to cancel the attempt. Withdrawing her bloody hand, she then licked her bloodied fingers and let out a smile in agreement and anticipation.

"Bigger prey." She whispered.

Miko’s map would reveal an unusual turn of events. As from what she could see it looked like the goblins were mobilizing. The other ‘patrol’ group was returning to the larger gathering and there was a lot of movement happening within the gathering site itself.

A few moments later several smaller groups would leave the gathering site spread out to cover all of the tunnels nearby. The goblins seemingly knew that the hunters were here, and were looking for them. It was very out of character for goblins. The only thing that made sense was if there was something a bit bigger than a goblin ordering them around. But what that could be was unknown.

Regardless if they left now, they might be able to slip past these new patrols. If they waited their window for stealth would close.

‘What…?’ Miko muttered as she saw their movements on the map. ‘… They’re moving in organized patrols, searching for us. They know we’re here. Something’s commanding them. There is an opening to go directly to it while avoiding all patrols, but only if we hurry,’ Miko said.

‘The alternative is fighting a horde of organized goblins, I take it?’ Ronin asked, chuckling. ‘If we fight the horde, that’d probably let the “something” get away. That’d be a pain, wouldn’t it? The opening could be a trap, but frankly, running straight into danger sounds right up my alley,’ she said, then looked over to their third member. ‘What do you think, Chooser of Slain?’ Ronin asked, adopting the title because that’s what she remembered.

Sann just gleefully smiled, as she drew her sword at last. "We can't expect these poor souls to be chosen by themselves." She added. "Slip. Strike. Then we feast." Sanngridr said eloquently as she ordered her wisps to possess the less savaged goblin corpses. "Distraction." She added as she then decided to fold her wings around her, to appear as stealthy as she honestly could be, and follow suit of the duo.

One last glance at the map to ensure that the route would be clear and the three of them were off.

Speed was of the essence, but it wasn’t as easy as one would have hoped. Patches of ice twice nearly caused someone to fall into the flow of raw sewage, but both times quick reactions saved someone from falling into the muck.

They would slip into the final tunnel just in time to avoid being seen and from here the chattering of the goblins ahead could be heard. Creeping forward once more they would be able to take the time to examine the area they were now in. The rushing of water was fading away slowly, the tunnel they were heading down not having any water flowing through it. A maintenance area perhaps?

A head, beyond the end of the tunnel, there was light. A fire if the flickering nature of it was any indication. It stole away the shadows in unpredictable intervals limiting how close they could advance before they risked being caught. But they could still get close enough to obtain a simple overview of the room ahead, advantages of smaller stature and a still fresh Rune.

It was a larger square shaped room, Twenty feet wide and twenty five feet long, that had many branching tunnels splitting off from it. There were still half a dozen goblins at least, more most likely from the sounds of it. Most of the smaller ones seemed just as beaten down as the ones already dispatched, but there were others that the three could catch glimpses of. Larger by a notable bit bossing the smaller goblins around, they were in obviously better health as well as better equipped. They had crude breast plates, and crude weapons, but it was purposeful not simple trash repurposed.

What was leading them none could see, but every now and again they would hear a deeper goblinesque voice shouting out commands, or at least assumed commands by the way all the creatures would jump to start moving. The voice sounded like it was half drowned and there was always a wet hacking cough that followed after it.

A glance at the map didn’t narrow down where the creature was in the room, no one dot was staying still, but it did reveal that they wouldn’t be able to stay here for long. One of the hunting groups was seemingly on their way back already. The hunters wouldn’t have much time before they were found.

‘... We won’t be able to stay here for long, hunting parties will be coming back soon. We’re in between whatever’s over there and those coming from behind us,’ Miko mentioned, holding the Super-Map that she earlier placed a Reinforcement spell on just in case. Lots of running and slipping earlier.

‘Win here quickly or be overwhelmed by an army of goblins, got it. Wonder if that’s what the guys who put a B-rank on this bounty had in mind?’ Ronin asked, chuckling. ‘Okay, shall we go ahead, or do you have an idea?’ she then asked Sann.

Sann was beaming, as she tilted her head on both the twins. “Divi-de and conquer~” She almost sang, as she sheathed her sword in a quick move… and grabbed each one of the twins by the scruff of the neck, launching them towards the middle of the room. She’d then do the same, doing a jump, before concentrating and gathering her mind for a reinforcement barrier that would trap all three and hopefully their targets, and keep the returning parties off for a while.

“Hi.” She said to her opponents. “Now die and become food!”

That was the second time in as many attacks that the twins were sent flying by their companion at their foes. It worked for them, Air-girls, but still. Now, they didn’t have wings anymore… but they sure remembered how it felt to have wings. The two former harpies briefly used their Reinforcement powers to manifest wings made of barriers, gliding with the power of the throw before tilting and flying briefly upwards for long enough for Sann to arrive and deliver her one-liner, and immediately afterwards Ronin and Miko dive-bombed from above, intending on slicing down with their swords, Ronin a bit ahead of Miko because Miko had to quickly put the map away in mid-air.

The sudden entrance once again proved effective as it distracted the small horde of goblins within the larger room. As all of the creatures within came to a standstill at the dramatic reveal. And for a moment with their elevated view the hunters would at last get a clear image of everything. A solid dozen and a half of starved lesser goblins, an additional half dozen of the equipped goblins and near the back of the room a large grotesque looking creature.

It was humanoid with a patchwork of skins in various shades of green and gray, and it was a literal patchwork in some places as the greener the patches were visibly sewn onto it. It towered over the goblins, but that only brought it to roughly above human height. It had a squashed fanged face that resembled a goblin’s save for the orange misshapen eyes that glared out at the three intruders into its lair. It had longer greasy looking hair that draped across its back.

It’s arms and legs were misshapen as well, seemingly assembled together from a number of other either arms or legs depending on the limb in question though mostly it seemed like the donor limbs were mostly goblin.

The abomination of a goblin was the first to react, roaring out battle cry and pulling a length of sharpened and jagged metal from it’s hip. It would then charge the hunters shouting as it went, hacking up blood and water as well but that didn’t seem to deter it.

The rest of the goblins were split in their actions. The lesser breed instantly broke rank and started to flee, just in time to run afoul of the barrier that Sann called forth to keep outsiders from interfering with her meal. The higher ranked goblins began trying to beat and intimidate their lesser brethren back into a useful element for the defense.

Not that the lesser breed would prove much help, as Ronin and Miko would descend from on high to start with the clean up. The goblins had greater numbers, but frantic and scared they posed little threat and the two souls would easily make their way through four of the lesser goblins each before anything could hope to counter them.

Rather than let themselves simply be butchered with no recourse, four of the elite goblins left their lesser brethren to bang and scrape against the barrier to try and rush down the sisters. The goblins attack was straightforward, a simple charge with their crude swords and axes raised.

‘The heck are you? Frankenstein’s Goblin!?’ Ronin exclaimed with a fair amount of shock at the appearance of the leading goblin.

‘Try to be wary in case it has special abilities…!’ Miko warned, because that kinda looked like some mad scientist had been involved, and who knows what such an individual could add to their creations.

Still, for now, they’d carved through a couple normal goblins, but a couple tougher-looking ones were approaching. In tandem, the twins split up, Miko going left and Ronin right, intending to split their attention. Miko once again tried to blow wind in their faces while Ronin tried to create small barriers at their feet to make them trip over, and if successful they could try to charge in to stab at vulnerable spots in the armour, albeit they’d be wary of possible additional attackers.

“Disgusting.” Sann mentioned seeing the ugly thing. Her eyes then darted to the four goblins who were attacking the twins. And then the twins. And the creature. “Eyesore.” She reinstated as she calmly walked towards the center of the battlefield, seemingly numb to the rising struggle.

Her hand stretched towards the monster, and some of the surrounding creatures… as a second barrier about the leader was formed, hopefully trapping it and some of the other rabble, which wobbled ominously, mimicking Sann’s fingertip movement.

Sann chuckled.

And her fist closed, the barrier imploding.

The simple tactic of divide and conquer wasn’t one that seemed to be known to the elite goblins so when Ronin and Miko split ways the charging goblins did the same, two for each of the twins. The wind in the face disoriented the two after Miko, causing those two to simply start swinging blindly and missing the mahou entirely, though they would land a couple of wounds against each other before they realized it.

The goblins after Ronin barely noticed the wind as it came at their backs, but missed the trip bar that the crafty samurai had conjured. Unfortunately it only successfully toppled one of the goblins, as the further back one simply used his fallen comrade as an unwitting ramp over the barriers to keep racing at Ronin with an obvious two handed overhead chop. One that was sure to hurt if it landed.

In the center of the room Sann’s cage would capture the abomination, the last two of the elites and a half dozen of the lesser goblins, the latter of which had been rallied behind the charge of their malformed leader. The mob of goblinoids would slam into the walls of their cage and near instantly start trying to batter them down. Of which only the abomination seemed to be making any headway on that front as it’s strike actually served to deform the barriers outside of what Sann was performing.

Then the din of battle was awash with the sound of crunching bone and splattering flesh as Sann revealed her ploy for the attack it was.

Those goblins on the edge who had possibly decided that it was better to try and kill the intruders then flee, once again went back to trying to claw their way past the barriers. While the ones who had never stopped redouble their efforts with desperation now fueling their strength. It didn’t change anything.

The goblins involved with fighting Ronin and Miko seemed oblivious to the sudden and gruesome end of their leader. Too filled with bloodlust to take note of anything other than their targets.

Letting her attack fade Sann would be surprised to see that, in fact, the abomination wasn’t dead. But by no means was it in good condition. The grey splotches on its body had turned black and for the most part had suddenly rotted away, revealing the nightmarish conditions of it’s bones. The green patches had turned gray, and were really the only bits of skin the creature had left at this point.

It would let out another roar, it’s visible lungs rupturing with the amount of air it was forcing though the too small organs. In that same instance the bodies of the goblins pooled at its feet would emanate a purplish glow as threads of magic would weave though its body stitching it back together in macabre fashion. Yet even after the magic had run its course it was easy to see that the monster wasn’t fully healed. The once green skin was still gray, and the gray skin was only half returned, leaving large open sores that revealed its twisted insides.

With anymore delay it once again charged, eyes fixed on Sann with an ugly sneer on its face as it closed the gap to try and hack away at the fallen Valkyrie.

Ronin crouched to stab at the fallen goblin, but definitely noticed the attack of the other one. The attack was so telegraphed, yet it was promising to come with significant speed and power. So Ronin focused and formed a barrier. A small, gently formed barrier that shaped under the goblin’s upper arm, meaning that when he swung down his arm, the slowest-moving part of his arm, would suddenly find itself stopped by a force close to the base of his shoulder and lose all attack-power.

Miko, noting how the two in front of her were completely distracted, jumped into the air with some Air-magic applied, blew two blasts into their faces again for good measure, and then jumped on a tilted barrier she formed under her feet to carry her straight over her pursuers to stab her sword into the halted goblin attacking Ronin from behind. Hopefully less armour from behind. Ronin skipped to finish off the fallen goblin in the meantime, and hopefully that meant having taken out two of the elites and they were ready to face the other two as a pair.

They did notice what happened with the leader, but they were a little occupied to comment on it.

Sann did look with disappointment at the failed carnage, her quarry stitching herself before her own eyes with some sort of magic. “Feh.” She said as she drew her sword.

All in a flash, Sann’s second attack was executed. An ominous evil-looking eye was manifested on one of the Valkyrie’s sides, as she matched the goblin’s attack with a lunge of her own. However, the manner of swordsmanship was clearly different. Sann aimed to cut every and each one of the magical threads the creature had manifested, as well as try to cut the magical points of the creature.

“Reverie of Roses ~” She sang, imitating a well-known Penrose swordswoman.

Even if Sann had followed the same manner of attack as her abominable opponent it would have looked different. For the foul creature didn’t have any style it was just using its excessive strength to swing around its chosen weapon. Thus slipping past its wild strikes was a simple task, one made easier by her now enhanced sight.

And it was quite the repugnante thing to said enhanced sight. It’s soul was a twisted amalgam of fractured goblin souls which was the secret to its durability. The core, or perhaps original soul, held a tenacity for life that was uncommon and had bound itself to a body using the fraying edges of its own soul. A nifty necromantic application of magic, that was impressive for a goblin.

It was using those frayed edges to stave off death, but since it was a goblin it was slowly falling apart anyway. So it resorted to adding more and more goblin to itself sealing bits of body and soul from those it deemed lesser. But the increased mass just meant it was dying faster with each additional piece.

With that knowledge in mind picking it apart piece by piece was a simple task. Dodge a strike, step in, sever meat from bone and shave stolen soul from core. Rinse repeat. It’s strength was slightly greater than Sann’s but that would only be a worry in a direct clashing of blades, and even then only until Sann chose to augment her own physical capabilities with magic.

The abomination’s death was assured and it now only lived by Sann’s whim. For any attempt it would make, to try and leech off of any of the goblins in the room was be easily countered by the greater skill and power of the Valkyrie.

The last of the remaining goblins with the ability to fight, were utterly unaware of just how poorly the circumstances were for them. Once again the wind stalled them out of any important actions or observations and served to only heightened their anger which narrowed their vision to only Ronin and Miko.

The two girls in question had displayed the correct way to work with a partner, a lesson that the two dead elite goblins would never be able to put to use. Assuming that they even understood the teaching in the first place.

The downed goblin was helpless to defend itself from Ronin’ putting it out of everyone's misery, and the one who sought to attack her was utterly baffled as to why it couldn’t lower it’s arms correctly, which made it all too easy for Miko to slide a blade into it’s back. The armor was providing some resistance, but nothing that could stop their magical weapons.

With those two taken out of the way they were free to return their attention to the remaining goblins that had charged them as the wind blasted creatures finally cleared the dust from their eyes and upon seeing Ronin and Miko just standing there, the goblins once again rushed towards them. No thoughts of plans or tactics just blinding anger that they would scream to their fullest as they charged.

Honestly, at this point it was getting to be a sad display even for goblins.

Sann’s face of disappointment was turning into a frown, when she decided to dispel the dome, allowing the rest of the goblins to seep in. It was a sweet spot in momentum, as they were enraged by the slaughter but had not yet broken rank and fled.

Now it was time for the cleanup. Sann flicked the blood of her blade, and extended a hand towards the abomination, an otherworldly aura appearing around her as she was manifesting spirit magic. The wisps she had once summoned were gone now. The necromancy was unexpected but it was so shoddily done that it should not be too troublesome to unravel it. So she exerted the brunt of her spirit magic on the twisted aberrant soul core of the creature, trying to scatter it and force it to pass on.

“My my. If you were human, I would have taken you with my lord, but you’re not worthy of Valhalla.” She spoke, in a soft soothing voice, at clash with the violence and her frown. “But rest assured… you get to see every single of your minions die in front of you.”

Ronin chuckled as she and Miko managed to take out two elite goblins next to one another.

‘Just like old times?’ Ronin asked.

‘Not exactly,’ Miko replied giggled. The two then shaped barriers shaped like discs in their hands, enhanced them to have weight and then both of them spun at the same time to send the barrier discs spinning into the faces of their goblin attackers, their discs crossing so Miko’s hit at the one focused on Ronin and Ronin’s hit at the one focused on Miko. They then launched to pass by their respective goblin, intending to slash them through as they landed.

The two foes blinded by anger as they were were easily put down. One of them had kept enough awareness to block the bladed spell heading its way, but in doing so lost track of their target which led to them being felled by the follow up strike. The other goblin wasn’t so lucky, it failed to notice the disc until it was too late to fully dodge it, and while it wasn’t fatal the follow up was.

The twins would flick their blades clean just in time to hear an unearthly wail coming from the abomination. A sound that halted every one of the goblins. None of the creatures knew what was happening, none had a strong enough magical aptitude to see the aura of helheim that cloaked around Sann, but they could feel the biting cold it gave off nonetheless.

With the forceful application of her magic the abomination in front of her would burst into pale flames, the stolen body parts burning to ash as their connection to life was severed. In no time at all the creature was reduced to just a single bluish grey goblin that for all the world seemed like it had drowned.

It would give out one last choking cry before it became transparent, its truth as little more than a deranged ghost revealed at long last. A moment later, with the sound of cracking ice, it was gone.

A moment of silence was left after that showing, an instance of calm, Then the remaining goblins, less than twenty in number, would cry out and begin fleeing. The mottley remains would scatter as best they could with each one running for its own life.

Sann sighed, before eyeing the sorry vermin. Those were part of the quest, were they not? She decided to give the other two girls a reinforcement boost, before she snapped into action as she rushed to kill as many of the creatures as she could reach.

‘Woah,’ Ronin made a noise at what Sann did over there. ‘I guess… she handled that, I’m not even sure what she did…’ she said, severely chilled by the idea she could just hold a hand forward and someone would just burst, or whatever that was.

‘Er, that wasn’t…’ Miko had looked over in time to see roughly what happened with Third Eye, but that’s when the remaining goblins cried out and fled. Sann reinforced them, making them stronger, and the two exchanged looks. ‘The mission was to wipe them out,’ she commented.

‘Aw, but now I kinda feel sorry for the buggers,’ Ronin commented. Then, she shrugged and smiled. ‘Whelp, guess we gotta pull our weight!’

The two drew their blades and dashed in whatever direction Sann did not, using Air-magic to catch up and dispatch the goblins as they could.

It was chaos, disorganized and frantic on the side of the goblins, but controlled and directed on the side of the hunters. Alas, despite the greater speeds and magical capability one or two of the goblins would be able to escape the massacre. If only because there were just three hunters and twice that many number of tunnels for them to flee down.

Tracking down the lone survivors was within the hunters capability but at this point was likely worth more effort then it would be worth. The nest of Goblins was destroyed and the majority of pests were eradicated. A job well done by near any metric.

‘Phew, a job well done, I’d say!’ Ronin said, chuckling as they came to a close.

‘There’s… a couple of them left in the sewers, but we’ve definitely wiped out the majority of them. Not to mention, whatever that was, so we can probably claim ourselves done?’ Miko asked, looking to the third of their number.

“Is that...it?” Sann said, as she eyed the other two, cleaning her blade from blood with a flick and sheathing it. “It’d be fun… to exterminate them whole.” She said as she skipped some steps moving forward towards the twins. Close. Extremely so.

“I’m hungry.”

She said, still disregarding personal space.

‘Well, um, you could do that?’ Miko suggested, a little concerned. Ronin, meanwhile, smirked.

‘Wanna go buy something to eat?’ Ronin asked, totally unbothered.

Sanngridr did not reply for a moment, instead focusing on the two. “Yes...something delicious.” She added, not choosing to press on. They did look delicious, indeed, but she had to exercise restraint.

‘Great! I'll show you my favourite places! Let's go!’ Ronin said, smiling so widely as she started wandering to return to the surface. Miko, of course, had to follow because she's the one with the map. If Sann followed, she'd want to ask, though.

‘Um, miss Sanngridr? Are you new in Penrose? Do you, uh, have allies?’ Miko asked, not entirely sure what answers she was looking for.

“I’m new. And allies... not really.” She curtly added, hushing the two out of the sewer.

A couple minutes later, at a restaurant

Sanngridr was a high performance girl, in more ways than one. Keeping those majestic wings usually took a lot of her energy, and even in her human form, she was like those monster cars that drank gas like water. In fact, she had even less mercy for edible stuff than she had for the goblins.

The twins looked on in awe. Slightly concerned, Miko turned and looked at Ronin.

‘Um, Ronin? Do we have the money to pay for this?’

‘Miko, are you under the impression I have money?’ Ronin asked back, grinning as Miko paled just the bit as she had the dawning realization of what Ronin’s plan was.

It was then, when Sann stopped, and glaring at Ronin...she drew awfully close to her face, and without disregard of personal space… licked all over Ronin’s cheek. “Sauce~ So tasty.” She added, before withdrawing, sparing not even a droplet of sauce that had splashed over.

“I have money. Sort of.” Sann reassured. Her power kit did allow her to get some pocket money by helping lesser injuries and performing some spiritism after all.

Ronin looked curiously at Sann leaning very close to her, not entirely sure what to expect… then winced somewhat as she got her cheek licked.

‘Wh-wha-’ Miko made a startled noise, not entirely comfortable with her sister being licked like that, while Ronin mostly just looked surprised as Sann went back. Then Sann said that, and Ronin just grinned while bringing up a hand to brush her own cheek a bit.

‘Oh, you’ll use that? I thought we’d just run, but that works too! Nice! Thank you!’ Ronin said, while Miko still looked highly bothered by that earlier gesture, the implication they might be hanging out with a Devourer. Miko winced a little, remembering that she and Ronin, too, were once Devourers. Mariette was really good at keeping them in line, though.

‘… Um, are you, er, a Devourer…?’ Miko asked, quietly. It was a somewhat awkward question, that someone may take offense to, but if so…

Sann just grinned and decided not to reply. Food was more important.

‘… We… used to be Devourers, before being purified. Not having allies when being such can be dangerous. I’m, uh, sure you have your ways of dealing with it,’ for one thing she was looking at it, ‘but if you ever need help, we would be understanding. Ronin?’ Miko asked, turning her head.

‘Right, I’m the one with the phone,’ Ronin chuckled, then pulled up a “business card” of sorts, with a name and a number. ‘If you have a phone and want to get into contact with us, this is how. And yes, if that’s the case, we should be pretty understanding. Okay?’

Sann all of a sudden, stopped eating… and eyed the card. “I’ll treasure~ it.” She would interject, before getting back to food.

‘Nice!’ Ronin nodded, and looked to Miko. ‘We have another contact~’ she whispered excitedly. One-way contact for now, but.

‘Ah, yeah…’ Miko nodded, swallowing a little as she looked with concern at Sann. She hadn’t done anything harmful to them yet, but… Miko couldn’t shake the feeling that they hadn’t seen everything this girl was capable of, and it worried her. Worried what she might do in the future.

Only the future would tell.

.:⋮Long Delayed⋮:.

Beacon HQ. Even with the Ascendency having the run of the place it still felt welcoming to Penny. She nodded or returned greetings to the various members who would call out to her, but her nature as someone who kept to herself was still well founded within these walls.

There was still the odd stares or cold indifference that on occasion was pointed her way, but honestly she had never cared about that. So it was easily ignored. Instead she was more closely examining the network, and wondering what had caused the deviations between the network here and the one in the dead world she had escaped from.

It was really just a thing to pass the time, as she was off to a meeting. One that she was honestly surprised she didn’t have to push harder to get, but she wasn’t going to complain about her luck there. After all, meeting the Cardinal was something that she had wanted to do for a while, and now more than ever it felt like the Sword of Damocles was hanging over her head. So she wanted to seize this chance to talk with Ishtar before it fell.

She turned down the hallway to where the meeting room was and came up short. There was a pair of guards posted in the hallway. Their faces were grim upon seeing Penny, the Ascendency emblem proudly on display. It didn’t take supernatural senses to guess why these girls were here.

Penny barely made it another step before the guards called out to her. “Halt! This area is off limits.”

“I have a meeting with-”

“That is irrelevant. This area is off limits to those without proper clearance.“

“The Cardinal is-”

“To be protected, hence why this area is off limits.”

Holding back a scoff Penny slowly moved until she was standing in front of one of the girls in her way. “I went through the proper channels for this meeting” She would say calmly, leaning ever so slightly into the girls’ space while she maintained eye contact. “The Cardinal agreed to this meeting,” Penny would continue not blinking as she stared pointedly into the guards’ eyes. [color=9e0039][u][b]“She reserved the room. For us. To have this meeting.” The barest hint of pressure would come Penny as she stared down this girl, for once letting her relaxed persona slip letting some of the frustration and anger that dwelled within her all the time surface. Even as she kept her tone smooth and calm.

“Now.” Penny would adjust her posture so that she stood proudly at her full height, a few inches taller than the girl she had selected for this display. “Are you going to move out of my way? Seeing as you have no reason to be in it.” the ‘Or am I going to have to move you’ went unsaid.

Penny could see the expression of the girl on the left tighten as Penny’s piercing glare bored into her, and the girl on the right visibly sweated from her brow. Finally, the girl on the right relented, and silently stepped aside. “But Ros-” The other Ascendancy girl exclaimed, before she bit her lip and also allowed her passage. “Make it quick. The Cardinal has more important matters to attend to,” she muttered, and Penny entered the room.

Ishtar was reading a book, and closed it as she looked at Penny with a tired expression. “Greetings, Penny. Please excuse my guards; they are devoted to their task of protecting me.”
She waited until Penny closed the door behind her and took her seat before she stated: “I have heard stories about you, Penny. Some are wonderful tales of bravery and virtue. But I have also heard other tales...Worrying ones.”

Penny would let out a breath after the door closed behind her. “You’re probably right, just not the first time I’ve been stonewalled by them” She would shrug it off before sitting down across from Ishtar. “And I can’t say I’m surprised that my reputation precedes me. I tend to be a rather divisive person.” Especially where Beacon was concerned. But that was neither here nor there she supposed.

“Before we dive too deeply into that. I wanted to say thank you. I know you have your own reasons, ones I'm sure aren’t up for discussion. But the first trial when we got back, Thank you for choosing leniency for Alicia and others.” It was something that Penny had been wanting to thank Ishtar for for sometime.

Ishtar nodded with closed eyes, a subtle smile on her lips. “I simply did my duty as witness to Alicia’s courage and faith. But no less do I appreciate the courtesy because of that.” She clasped her hands together, and looked at Penny. “Alicia is fortunate to have made friends with you. You see, one day she will lay the first steps towards a new future.” She sighed. “Anyway, you wished to speak with me. What burdens your soul?”

“Alicia has already taken those first steps if you ask me” Penny would say with a soft smile. “And the general state of Penrose is the main burden I’m carrying. But that has less to do with why I wanted to talk with you.” Penny would lean back in the chair adopting as comfortable and casual a position as she could. “I wanted to talk with you, both to get an idea of who you are and to help clear up any questions you might have of me.” She would go on to explain “You, and Rachel, have a lot of pull on with the upper echelon and you likely understand why I want to have as clear an understanding as I can get given my circumstance.”

“So you have spoken with the Inquisitor then?” Ishtar asked, a curious look in her eyes.

“I’ve talked with Rachel before, you are a bit harder to get a hold of.”

Ishtar nodded. “Yes, I understand what you wish to learn. The recent events at Penrose have raised concern with Beacon beyond the confines of the city. The Ascendancy’s losses have been most alarming, of course,” she spoke, knowing Penny would understand the context. “But as much as I try to, I cannot sway the Inquisitor from continuing her campaign here, not as long as fear and terror yet pervades Penrose.” She leaned forward, her expression having turned more serious. “The Mint are starting to take hold of this city, grasping it from the shadows. It is only a matter of time before people lose hope, and resort to salvation in their greedy, uncaring hands. That would give Rachel everything she needs, her final justification.” She averted her eyes. “I dread to see that happen.”

“Honestly if you could persuade Rachel I’d be a lot less worried but rather surprised as well.” Penny would stay relaxed though the look on her face told enough about how serious she was taking this conversation. “I’m not going to argue that the Mint is a problem, anyone who does either hasn’t thought it through enough or is working for them. The issue is that most of the people still living here that are of a darker shade don’t trust Beacon anymore then they trust Mint. And the more that Rachel pushes the worse it’s going to get, as they don’t know the difference between the Ascendency and Beacon.”

“I’m doing what I can to preserve that hope, not that that should be much of a surprise.” Penny knew she was close to admitting blasphemy, but honestly that was the least of her worries and she knew it. “Because I don’t think anyone except for Rachel and those she trusts most want to see what it is she has in store for this city if she gets the proof she’s looking for.”

“That does have me wondering though” Penny would tilt her head a bit as a thought occurred to her. “You are ostensibly a part of the Ascendency, but I’m not sure I understand what your role is.”

“It is true I am part of that organization,” Ishtar replied, “But only as an overseer. The Central Government has decreed a Cardinal to be sent to accompany any mission assigned to the Ascendancy, both to ensure that the proper bureaucracy and protocols are performed, and to act as judge, to ensure neutrality in the trials they conduct. But even so, Inquisitor Rachel is unlike others I have seen; her unwavering faith is like a fire that burns within her.”

She rubbed her thumb against the palm of her other hand. “I know she is partly to blame for the suffering of many, including the poor girls of the local guard. But that is her way of coping with the darkness of this world.” She took a handkerchief, and wiped the corners of her eyes. Then, she looked right into Penny’s eyes; the robotic girl could feel like she was staring right through her. “Penny, you spoke of being a preserver of hope. What does it mean to you? How much are you willing to sacrifice to protect that hope?”

“My Oath is to Hope” Penny would say without hesitation, meeting Ishtar’s gaze head on as she did “To that end it means I’ve chosen to be an optimist. The one who looks towards the silver lining, the one who finds the good when everything is going bad. It also means that I’m not willing to sit back and let bad things happen if I can help it, not going to drag people down unless I am also there to help them build back up better. It means to be a defender and protector first, and an attacker last.”

“I am willing to sacrifice more than you would believe to protect hope. Because hope is vital to us all.” She would lean forward never once breaking eye contact as she spoke “and hopelessness, true hopelessness, is a fate far worse than death for us. Because after all the death of you or me is temporary, but the death of someone's hope. That is a lot harder to bring back.”

Ishta nodded, and then clasped her hands in silent prayer for a moment, before she spoke again: “That is the answer I hoped to hear, Penny.” She opened her eyes again, and Penny once again felt like she was looking far too intently at her. “There is a great darkness within you, remnants of a war that had waged in your soul. It had been rent, slashed, clawed and burnt. Yet, a light of hope had kept it together, like a prism that splits it into colors of the rainbow. Even as an echo of ruin and damnation resonates through it, that light has not been consumed by it. You have faced many hardships, Penny, but you have also taken so many of them on your shoulders, for the sake of others.” She smiled. “It is fitting that you would be the shepherd for the lost lambs.”

And that caught Penny’s attention. She didn’t start, or jump, but her focus sharpened much more then she was expecting to need for this conversation. It was all true, Penny knew that, but she hadn’t really explained much, if any, of that to anyone else. It was magic, that much Penny was sure of, but a type of magic on a level of which she wasn’t sure of.

Penny would go through the motions of taking a breath and holding it for a moment, reinforcing her apparent humanity even as she knew she had stopped worrying about blinking. “That. Is a very specific way of putting things.” She would say at last, still meeting Ishtar’s gaze, her own now much more searching. “You…” Another moment of silence as Penny weighed the pros and cons of asking outright. “You know a lot more about what is going on in Penrose then most, don’t you?” She would hedge instead. Too many possible ears, and plausible deniability.

Ishtar continued smiling gently, and placed a soft hand on the table. “Over the years that I had served as a beckoning star, I have seen many things. Joy. Anger. Sorrow. Hope. And despair. But here, I can’t see much. Penrose is clouded in darkness. But you can help clear the skies, Penny.” She clasped her fingers again. “You’re the light that shines in the deep.”

Penny stayed silent for a few moments, simply to process. What Ishtar was saying wasn’t deeply profound. But it hinted at a level of trust that Penny wasn’t sure she fully deserved. “I will do everything I can to that end.” She would say at length “I hold Beacon as an ally, and I do believe in the underlying principle that it is founded upon.” There was audible whirring as Penny spoke and it was easy to see her chest plate shifting slightly.

“But It is safe to say I don’t agree on everything.” Her chest plate would slide open revealing a small glass looking orb filled with soft white light that licked the inside of the glass like strands of plasma. “If it ever becomes a contested enough point, ask and I will return this.” She would say solemnly “Because I don’t want to risk this and my own chaotic nature might find a way to do that if it is taken abruptly. Do you think that is something that can be done?”

Ishta slowly shook her head, still smiling. “No, Penny. I won’t take your Spark, for it is yours, and yours only. And it shall be, as long as your heart is righteous and free of temptation.” She now had a serious expression. “The only one who can master the maelstrom in you,” she spoke with a raised hand, “is your own will. Learn to harness it, Penny, and it can be a force for good.”

Penny gave Ishtar a long, lingering, look before she nodded and retracted the Spark. “I’ve done what I can so far to keep it aimed at being such.” And she had, the Sanctuary was proof of that, or at least Penny hoped it was. “But mastery will only be proven when fully unleashed I think, and I’m hoping that neither of us need to see that for a long time yet.” Hoped for, but somehow Penny doubted it would be that easy.

She would let the conversation die for a moment as she reviewed all that was covered so far, before shaking her head “Have to admit this was more enlightening than I expected it to be, and I’m glad I was able to find the time at last.” She would say with an amused huff. “I’ve learned what I wanted to and said what I wanted to. Anything else you would like to address?” She would ask.

Ishtar quietly prayed, her head hung low, until she lifted it in response to Penny’s question. “For the longest time, I have believed in an absolute light. When illuminated over all, everyone can see the world for what it truly is. They can share the warmth from a single fire, and learn from the same book that the light grants us vision of.” She paused. “But such a light...It doesn’t have one form. It can be a great bonfire, worshipped and praised. It can also be the tiniest ember, glowing in the black coal of the earth. It may be shunned, maybe even despised, but it is light. For it was light in the past...And from its ashes, a new one can spring forth.” She turned to Penny. “Prove to the bonfires that you are an ember, Penny. That all the embers can join with the bonfires, even as embers they remain, so that we can all see the world as one.” And then, she turned silent, and resumed her prayers.

Penny would let out an amused chuckle as she stood. “I think you would have gotten along with Laat.” She would say and she meant it as a complement. Time had cooled her knee jerk anger at her founding Patron. “From Royalty to Clergy I will always be willing to talk at your table.” She would say with a short bow “Enjoy the rest of your day Ishtar.”

With that Penny would leave. But she would linger outside the room for a moment as she once again mulled over the conversation she just had. It was a good one she would conclude before turning towards the guard she had stared down earlier. “Hey.” She would call out, waiting until she had the girls attention before continuing. “I wanted to apologise for earlier. You were just doing your job and I’ve been having a rough week. Wasn’t fair to you. Either of you” She would glance over at the other girl as well to let her know that Penny was talking to her as well.

“You’re still posted to protect the Cardinal, I get that, but if you want. I can run to the cafetiera and pick you both up a drink or something. My treat.”

The guards looked at each, and then at Penny. Suddenly, the girl on the right had sparkles appear in her eyes, while the other rolled her eyes.

“We would appreciate that.”

“Great” Penny would take their order before venturing off to fill them.

Seems that things weren’t so dour as they first looked. ‘I should tell Alicia to talk with Ishtar as well’ She would muse to herself as she went ‘With any luck should be a good experience for her as well.’
I'm still interested, just getting lost in other hobbies. That and one of the RP's I'm in will every now and then hit a sort of down time segment in the RP where everyone gets caught in collabs with each other for no other reasons than character interactions that wouldn't normally happen. so I've also been doing a lot of that.

Also, as an aside, I have no idea if what I wrote is in any way factual. It's just what sounded like would make sense.
Once again Slade was impressed, but no longer was he surprised. Young Jinny had cut in half his estimate for how long it would take before she realized that she wasn’t having much luck with being quiet. The more he taught her the more he was certain that she would have ended up in his world one day, in one way or another.

Reaching out he would grab a large, if thin, branch off a near by tree with his knife too keep noise down. “Keeping quiet in wilderness is far and away one of the harder environments” He would start to explain “You’ve no doubt that each step seemed to have something in the way. There are a few ways around that. First is to change how to are taking each step.” He would gesture to Jinny foot with the stick “You are walking heel to toe. Which is fine for locomotion and combat, but for stealth you want to walk toe to heel.” He would tap his own boot before taking several slow, exaggerated, steps.

The lift of each foot was the same, but on the down step he would use the toe of his shoe to brush forward the loose debris before resting on the ball of his foot he would then lean into the step slightly his foot sliding just a bit so that when he set his heel down it too was in the small cleared area he had made before. “It’s simple, but keeping it up at speed is tricky.

“Second is to know how to walk across brittle twigs” He would say before walking around a bit more normally, but it was notable that there wasn’t a whole lot of crunching. “This one takes a lot of personal balance and good sense of awareness. As I’m shifting my balance and point of contact with each step. You need to have an innate understanding of how much pressure what you are stepping on can take and react accordingly with each step.

“Third option, is simply not be on the ground.” To demonstrate that he would simply jump up into the three nearby. “This is my best route for following the third option, which comes with its own complications. Balance and weight distribution as well as acrobatic capability.” He would jump back out of the tree landing softly and quietly. Which if Jinny was paying attention to his feet involved him landing more or less on his toes and smoothly rolling back his weight in a mix of the first and second options he had explained.

“you might be able to use your meta-ability to assist with the first two options or simple negate the complications entirely by going over them”

All in all, a good primer, enough for Jinayah to get started, as well as something for her to work on, since it seemed like she had tracking down pretty well for her first time. Yet, it also wasn’t everything. He hadn’t mentioned anyway to slip past bushes or low hanging branches without disturbing them but that was by design on his part.

She asked about the stuff on the ground, so he answered about the stuff on the ground. This was as just as much about testing exactly how good her instincts were for Slade as it was imparting useful skills.
*Looks at time since last post*


Sorry about the delay, I've been meaning to work on a reply for this for a while, it just keeps getting put off. I'll try and get something done by Sunday.
Sanctuary Aftermath

With the group of girls at the Sanctuary coming up with various ideas, Melisa led them to where she last saw Penny. Since they were getting things back together a bit she wasn't all that hard to find. "Hey Penny. I have some new friends here. We were talking about some ideas and they wanted to ask you some questions." Her brain wasn't quite recalling everything right at that moment. It was probably better to let each present whatever it was they had in mind.

Penny halted in her conversation to assess the group that came forward. Of them she recognized most of them, but only knew one of them. She gave most of them a sharp analytical gaze for a moment before turning back to the half feral looking wolf girl she had been talking to. "Get started on the damage to the front wall, Ashlyn and Maggie are working on it." She would say before reaching out to place a hand on the wolf girls shoulder. "And thank you Belladonna." The girl would nod before heading off towards the task assigned to her.

Penny would then turn to face the assembled crowd once more. "Glad to hear you were able to make friends in the chaos. And I'm sorry that you got dragged into it with no warning" She would reply to Melisa with a short smile.

"The rest of you had ideas you wanted to run by me?" She would ask the rest of them, her tone losing a bit of it's friendliness.

MDP’s eyes went wide and seemed to fill with stars at the sight of Penny. While Melisa had captivated the part of her that loved cute things, Penny appealed to her love of advanced technology. Although she had seen technological magical girls in the past, like Nykannis, the young woman before her now was altogether different. Where Nykannis had been an eclectic hodgepodge of bizarre gizmos and gadgetry, Penny was a thing of sublime beauty, a true work of art.

“Wowie zowie…” MDP sighed in a dreamy daze. “Sooo pretty witty…”

In fact, MDP was so distracted by the mechanical girl that she completely forgot what she had come to ask her about.

Amanda sighed, stepping up to speak for MDP. "We were thinking the residents of this place could stay at Dan's dimension. Er, at least for a while. Since people can't hurt each other there, it seems like a safer option at the moment."

"Aaaand me and my sisters could stay in town for awhile, y'know, to help out your little pest problem~" Maribel added, twirling her parasol out of slight boredom. But she didn't mind, it was important.

Penny’s indifferent demeanor did crack a little at MDP’s blatant star struck reaction, and the robot girl let a smirk grace her features at it, but didn’t call out the pink pixie like girl over it. Instead she addressed Amanda “That would be something to talk to Dina about” she would nod to the Catgirl who wasn’t far away “Dan is her Patron so she would know best.”

“As for the pest problem” Penny would turn towards Maribel doing her best to keep the red out of her eyes “Any information you can get me about the Mint and their locations would be much appreciated. They are slippery at worst, and I would love to repay them for their hospitality.” The growl that crept into Penny’s voice promised little more than pain if she were ever to get her hands on a mainstay Mint operative.

Dina for the most, stood there, holding herself steady and poised, besides a couple of dirty looks thrown in the direction of the canine girl earlier. She tilted her head. "I am sure something like that can be arranged with Dan..." She sighed. "If he graces us with his wisdom in that matter."

Her eyes rested on the trio. "Hmm, It is not in my self to doubt people in the first instance, but what do you gain by trying to play good samaritan here?" Dina said, addressing the trio. "Besides... a resort vacation." She added. "We have had our share of sketchy helpers and flat out poisonous people trying to lend us a hand... and in the end, this is what it amounted into." She paused. "Regarding the Mint, I do believe I can ascertain some pattern on their behaviour. They're profiteers and they think us easy pickings. Just follow the mayhem and strife, and you're bound to find them."

It was perhaps a good thing that MDP was so enamored with Penny that she had tuned out nearly everything else occurring around her. If she had been fully cognizant of what was being said by the others, she would have heard the Ebon Mint being discussed, and not in a favorable manner. Needless to say, this would have likely caused more than a few problems, but as it was, the childish magical girl remained blissfully ignorant. She only broke out of her adoring reverie at the approach of Dina, but her joy at seeing the cute cat girl again was quickly dampened when said cat girl went on to make some rather unkind insinuations about MDP and her friends.

“Like, that’s not very nicey wicey, Dina Wina!” MDP told her with a cute pout, while placing her hands on her hips. “Magical Dream Princess just wanted to helpy welpy Melisa Wisa and all the other people weple heresie weresie, and, like, so did Maribel Waribel and Pastel-chan! There’s, like, no reason for you to be such a meanie weanie head!”

Amanda gently placed a hand on MDP's shoulder. "Now now, Dreamy. It's understandable that she's wary of us." she then looked to Penny and Dina. "But there is no way I'm connected to the Ebon Mint. I might have been a journalist once, but even I know not to toy with people like that. I take it you know Eliza and Valerie? I'm basically in the same group as those two, if that helps put your worries to rest."

"Ah, I take it this 'Ebon Mint' you keep referring to sticks out easy~?" Maribel giggled. "If anyone knows about stuff like that, It'd be Lauren. She'll appreciate the info!" the witch motioned to the emerald-haired girl, who had finished up cleaning the place of any otherwordly goo.

"I do apologize if we come off a bit cold. Our home was just attacked, and neither of us had it easy in defending it before that" Penny would say towards MDP "And I've met both Eliza and Valerie before. Didn't know they were under the same Patron, I'm assuming that the curse was removed then?"

"And no, they stick to the shadows. Only reason I know it was them is that I knew one of the people that attacked this place." That combined with their attack on Cindy made it rather obvious as to who it was. At least it made it plenty apparent to Penny. "Dina's not wrong with their character though."

MDP smiled at Amanda when the magician calmly explained the situation. The bespectacled girl was just so smart, and MDP was once again thankful that she had such a kind and helpful best friend. Something did catch the whimsical girl’s attention, though, as Amanda and Maribel talked. A certain name…

“The Ebon Webon Mint…?” MDP wondered aloud, while tilting her head in thoughtful uncertainty. “Like, why does that namey wamey sound so familiar wiliar…?”

That confused line of thought dissolved a moment later, when Penny once again addressed them, and a big smile returned to MDP’s face.

“Like, that’s okie dokie, Penny Wenny~! (giggle!)” the whimsical girl replied to Penny’s apology. “Magical Dream Princess totally wotally understandy wandies~! And, like, she just wanted to tell you that she thinks you’re the most pretty witty mechanical wanical person worsen she’s ever wever seen~! (giggle!)” she added as a bright blush colored her cheeks.

"They are one of the more major entities in the magical world" Penny would reply to MDP's wondering "Lots of people talk about them" She would explain. She herself wasn't blushing, mainly because she couldn't, a fact she was somewhat thankful for at the moment.

"And.. thank you." She would go on to say rubbing the back of her neck "I drew up the schematics myself. All custom work" she would explain a touch shyly. It was the first compliment she had ever gotten after all.

"I love your necklace" She would reply after a moment gesturing the rainbow colored pendant that MDP wore. Penny couldn't compliment the girls magic because unfortunately she hadn't seen enough of it to know what it was. But she could compliment her choice of magical accessories.

“Like, really~?!” MDP exclaimed after Penny complimented her power artifact, the whimsical girl’s eyes now filling with entire galaxies worth of stars. “Super duper thankie wankies~! (giggle!) Magical Dream Princess is, like, sooo super duper happy wappy that Penny Wenny noticed~! (giggle!) Like, Magical Dream Princess totally wotally wuvs her pendant wendant thingy wingy too~! It’s, like, soooo super duper pretty witty, and it’s also Magical Dream Princess’s most favorite wavorite color wolor in the whole wide woldsie~! (giggle!) But, like, did Penny Wenny say she designy wynied herselfy welfy~?!” MDP went on to ask, clearly amazed by the idea. “Magical Dream Princess thinks that’s, like, soooo super duper cool~! (giggle!)” she gushed, her cute face taking on an even more dreamy expression than usual. “Like, Magical Dream Princess designy wynied some mechanical wanical thingie wingies too, but, like, none of them were as pretty witty as Penny Wenny~! (giggle!) And, like, Magical Dream Princess would just totally wotally wuv to take a closer woser look, if it’s okie dokie with Penny Wenny of couresey worsey~”

It was at this point when Dina did a coughing sound with her mouth, eyeing both MDP and Penny. "Well crafted stone indeed, but there might be time to admire... crafts later...your Highness." The catgirl said, as she moved onto getting Dan in shape for a request. "I'd like to restate our apologies for being so curt, but we have much to do to recover."

Dina's interruption stopped Penny's first reaction, which would have been a sudden shuttering off and returning to cold indifference. Because the last person who asked to see how Penny worked caused the massacre at the Rave. That moment of distraction by Dina let Penny redirect that into a more subtle caution.

"Another time" Penny would say with a nod instead.

“Like, okie dokie~!” MDP would chirp, seemingly unbothered by Penny’s slightly more frosty demeanor. “Magical Dream Princess will totally wotally look forward to it~! (giggle!)” she added with a wink.

"Please...behave yourself." Amanda facepalmed with a grimace.

“Awww…” MDP pouted at Amanda’s admonishment. “Magical Dream Princess just wanted to get to know her new friendy wendy better~ Pastel-chan doesn’t have to worry, though~! She’s still Magical Dream Princess’s most super duper BFF in the whole wide worldsie, after allsie~! (giggle!)” she added, while giving the dream magician a big hug.

Amanda sighed with a smile, before returning the hug. "It's fine, it's fine. Chivalry habits." She comically patted her back.

Meanwhile Maribel patiently waited off to the side with her sisters.

Not really feeling like she could contribute to the conversation going on, Melisa stood by content to listen. Other than the vague concept of needing to keep the Sanctuary safe most of the stuff seemed either over hear head or not particularly important. Looking off to the side she noticed she wasn't the only one just hovering on the outskirts. Turning herself in their direction she figured she could get to know the nightmare user a bit more. "Hello again. Uh, I have a question. You said you have nightmare magic right?"

Dan suddenly squeaked as he held his head, still dizzy from Dina’s fully justified retaliation. However, he quickly recovered thanks to her assistance. “Phew, remind me to never wake a sleeping feline again.” He shook his head and recovered with a smile. “Anyway, did you need something Dina?”

"You are always up for girls being joyful, right, master Dan?" She said. "Well, there's this little problem. A lot of girls ended up homeless. There's a lot of space in your realm. It would be temporary."

"Homeless sad girls? That's terrible! I'll do something about that!" Dan seemed to perk up as he approached the rag-tag group of monster and dark girls. A showman's hat appeared on his head, along with a wooden walking cane on his fin.

"Hello there, everyone! Have you recently lost your house? Misery struck your life? Well have I got a deal for you, or my name's not Dan the Dolphin!" The crowd seemed distrubed but curious about the wacky dolphin's presentation as he now summoned a projector screen that showed various pictures of his dimension.

"That's right, for absolutely no money, you too can get a temporary stay over at Isla Paradiso, complete with full lodging and as many kebab rolls as you can dream of!"

He noticed a couple of them raise a hand to ask questions.
"You there, with the snaggletooth!"
The monster girl in question seemed to be shy despite her feral appearance, and averted her eyes.
"Um, this sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?"

Dan nodded. "Yes, of course there is one. I'm sorry to say this, but as long as you're on Isla Paradiso, you must obey two rules. Number one: no fighting outside the arena, and number two, which is even more important: have fun!"

The crowd was still hesitant, but one shorter dark magical girl stepped up. "An arena? I'm in!"
Soon enough, she was followed by all but a few of the homeless. "That sounds awesome! I'd love to get to do some fighting!" Dan nodded. "Alrighty then! Now, no shoving or pushing," he advised as a portal appeared and the crowd started moving through it.

"It is not what you...nevermind." Dina added, fighting temptation to spill the truth about the Keijo arena.

Penny's reaction was at first a quiet one. She watched as the majority of the Sanctuary left for a brighter place and she wanted to feel happy for them, and she did, but the larger part of herself just felt hurt and angry. It felt predatory to her, to take advantage of this pain, to whisk them away like it never happened. But she understood that not everyone would feel safe to decompress here. That did not mean she had nothing to say however.

So she waited until those she had promised to care for were gone, and when they were she stepped forward to Dan. "In five days time this place will be repaired and they will have their homes once again" She would say coldly locking eyes with Dan as she spoke [color=9e0039][u][b]"Once those five days are up anyone who wants to come back is free too. If you try and keep there will be consequences" She promised him eyes flickering red as she spoke.

"I am grateful for you being willing to assist them" She would add "But you stole two thousand, one hundred and twelve hours from me in which I could have made sure this never happened. I will never forgive you for that." She didn't say anything else for a moment, just stayed glaring at him. She wanted to hurt him, but it would serve no purpose. So she set aside her anger as best she could and turned back to those that had approached her.

She stayed silent a moment longer, trying to stay calm, but her anger wasn't something that could be easily soothed with thoughts. Action and words would be needed, but none she was willing to show here and now. [color=9e0039][u][b]"Are there any other matters you would like to bring up at the moment?" She would ask aloud.

Dan turned in place with a couple of hops to look up at Penny's face, or at least as much as he could see of it from where he stood, and immediately turned a lighter shade of blue, scrunching his face as she threatened him. "I'm not-" he attempted to squeak, but Penny had already left the dolphin to speak with others.
"Ooh, that much hostility got me feeling weak...Dina, I will be going back now, but make sure to call me if you need me," he said, and then poofed out.

"Hm." Dina. "Don't worry. I will talk to her highness about this." She said, to Dan, giving him an ever so scarce comfort touch ever before he disappeared.

“Like, Magical Dream Princess just remember wembered something womething super duper important wortant~!” the whimsical girl exclaimed after Penny had asked if there was anything else they wished to discuss. “Ta daaa~! (giggle!)” she announced while holding up three colorful pieces of paper. “Danny Wanny’s gonna have a super duper fun Christmas Wistmas Party thingie wingie at his beachy weachy placey wacey, and he, like, gave Magical Dream Princess some invitation wation thingies to give to all her friendy wendies~! So, like, here you go~! (giggle!)” she said as she handed them out to Penny, Melisa, and Maribel. “They’re magical wagical, too, so you can make more just by thinking winking about it~! (giggle!)”

After bouncing up and down in gleeful excitement for a few moments, MDP turned to look at Amanda and Melisa. “Like, now that all the trouble wouble heresie weresie is over wover, Pastel-chan and Magical Dream Princess should probably wobably go back to Danny Wanny’s placey wacey nowie~” the whimsical girl observed. “Did Melisa Wisa wanna come along, too~?” she asked the doll with a big smile. “Magical Dream Princess can introduce you to her other friendy wendies, and we can all build sandcastle wastles together wether~! (giggle!)”

A beach? Wasn't it like, cold out? The others seemed excited about it though so there must be something she was mising. "Sure! I'd love to go."

Penny would accept the offered Invitation with a nod. "Since there is nothing else.I'll be going." She would say with another nod before she turned and walked away. She had to talk to those that had stayed and figure out how many people she had working with her on the restoration.

Step by step Dina marched onto the bowels of Sanctuary, her sight resting on Penny. After all what was fought and lost, the aftermath came. She had expected to half lose the favour of the maids, after failing to deliver on her working conditions. Playing queenmaker in Penrose had been quite an experience.

She could hear the ghost of Cindy, or whatever that artificial construct was, laughing and condescendingly addressing her at her inaction, and at how much of a folly this action was. She was about to break. Twice she had cheated death, and she had been pushed too far. But she could not afford to break, just yet.

It was then when she reached the true sanctum of the Sanctuary. The safest place. Penny’s room. As long as the current queen was there, she would not be hurt.

But then again, that probably was fleeting. Unable to cope anymore, and wanting to shut herself down, she grabbed blankets, and wrapping herself on them, hid under Penny’s bed, her gleaming cat eyes peeking from underneath its shadow.

“...Let me...stay like this… your Highness… Let the world pass me by.”

Penny, similar to Dina, had ducked away into her room to decompress. She had delegated various clean up and repair tasks to the girls most suited, those that had stayed at any rate. Told Belladonna that any assistance would be counted towards community service, as had any action she had taken during the attack.

Then she sent Snoopy out to keep an eye on things in the Sanctuary barren as it now was.

But now she made it into her room and the door closed. She let out an inhuman snarl and tore one of the chairs she had set about in half. Before hissing a stream of static that sounded venomous on tone alone.

It would take a few moments of her pacing and letting out more bursts of static before she bothered to move closer to where Dina hid. And when she did she simply dropped onto the ground next to the blankets. "Fucking gods damned Mint" she would mutter before shaking her head.

"Take it defending Mariette was stressful as well?" She would ask looking over at Dina.

Dina didn’t answer for a long while, instead choosing to shuffle further inside. It was a good thing she was under a bed and wrapped, or else Penny would have noticed how she was trembling. After a long while, she began to talk, slowly and tired.

“I’ve lived a long life. Longer than you think.” Dina said. “It never gets any better. I feared for my life. They’re all like the madmen that tore me from the Tsar’s court, never to live my former life again. They are bitter, and unable to see anything but grisly force.” The catgirl said.
“Maybe Cindy was right. I was far too soft and accommodating.”

“Cindy was half blind and willing to plunge into a war she couldn’t win over her damned pride” Penny said trying not to growl and mostly succeeding. Her anger was a seething thing just below the surface, one that never really went away, Penny was just good at directing it towards the appropriate targets.

Once upon a time Cindy had been among those targets, and yes she was still bitter about it.

“As for ‘They’ I’m assuming you're talking about Beacon?” Penny would continue on “Rachel is a zealot so I’m not going to disagree with you on your assessment of her, but Alicia was burned by Mariette before. Makes it hard to try for diplomacy when it blew up in your face the first time”

“Alicia is on the path of becoming a second Rachel.” Dina retorted, as she began to crawl out of under the bed. “But she would not listen to a newcomer out of nowhere. She almost...did, though. It was an embarrassing failure nevertheless.”

“And despite that, and the fact I nearly died once again you named me Regent. Your highness’ wits astound me.” Dina commented.

“She stopped to listen” Penny would defend “That’s no small point for either of you.” It spoke to Alicia not being as bad as Dina assumed, as well as it spoke to how strong Dina’s charismatic capabilities were.

“As for Regent” Penny would simply shrug “That one you earned by the simple virtue of proving that you cared for the girls here and are willing to do what you feel is right for them. I called you out when you first arrived and you summoned staff to help out. I nearly destabilized the place with blunt honesty, you helped cool things down before it imploded. The place was attacked, and you hardly let yourself rest before you were back on the front lines defending this place”

“You prefer diplomacy over violence and you're not afraid to call me out on bad calls” She would shrug again. “You care for the girls here, and both me and them recognize it. There are ones out there that would prefer you leading rather than me. You have nearly the same amount of sway I do here. Officially recognizing that is the least I could do.”

“Well, I had better make use of that title.” Dina admitted, tiredly as she stretched out of the blankets and curved her back like a cat, finally assuming the regal stance. “It would do us no good if people realized I’m mortally afraid of dying.” She said, pushing herself to smile, despite some residual trembling she had. “I’ll- I’ll do my best.”

She then pondered, her tail curled up against her leg. “There’s something I’ve kept under wraps, but I have had to reveal as people… have forced my hand indeed. I may not be a warrior, but I do possess a non-trivial ability to fight. It’s regrettable, but I should need to hold out on my own.”

“And I do think your highness and I should put all our cards out between each of us. We cannot afford sloppy teamwork with so many people wanting us to fail.”

Penny would nod in agreeance, but there would be a notable pause before she spoke “I can do that” Full honesty wasn’t something Penny really excelled at. There was only one person that she gave that honor too, and that had a lot to do with trying to make up for how poor of a friend she had been. She would glance at the door, her senses reaching out for any irregularities for a moment. “Where would you like to start?”

“Let’s fight.” Dina said, she said, flexing her hand up and down.

Penny's expression was more than just a bit perplexed and she blinked rapidly as she replayed the last few bits of conversation parsing it out differently.

"Okay" She would say slowly "One: Not before the Sanctuary is better repaired. Two: I'm not capable of going all out in a sparring match. Three: Why sparring?" She would explain/ask. She could make guesses, but it was still a bit out of left field for the inorganic girl.

"Si vis pacem, para bellum". Dina curtly replied. “It’s regrettable...but necessary.” She said, her voice with a hint of sadness. “And there will be a lot of… fighting from now on.” Her sight turned onto Penny as she concentrated.

“Truth is, my original patron did not abandon me for being a monster girl.” Dina said. “It was because of a certain power.”

Penny was torn between sighing and laughing at the latin phrase. It was far, far too appropriate for the situation at hand. “I guess it is too much to expect this to be the last of it” She would concede with little humor.

“What power did you manifest that caused them to abandon you?” She would ask, more than a touch curious. There weren't a lot of Powers that Penny could think of that would cause a Patron to drop someone, but at the same time she didn’t know what type of Patron it was that first picked up Dina.

“It’s quicker if I just show your Highness.” Dina said as he began to concentrate. “Hen to Pan.” She said in a raspy voice. Reaching out to her inner reserves, the pain flaring up which made her gasp for air. Her specialization soon became tinged with many others, as markings appeared all around her body. Once she had stabilized enough, she pointed a finger Penny.


And just like that, all of Penny’s specializations, Metal, Electric and Gravity were effectively countered with an equal power.

“Some call it Avatar. I believe Cradle made a semi-reliable way of evoking it in magical girls.”

Due to her own Power Penny was fascinated to watch the way Dina’s magic fractled out into all of them. It was beautiful in a way that words wouldn’t do justice to.

Then she felt her magic being suppressed and very nearly took Dina’s head off. It was only the fact that Dina’s magic didn’t penetrate past Penny’s skin that stopped the girl from lashing out.
“Don’t do that again” Penny would say after a moment of forcing down the kneejerk anger at the unintentional attack. “I kind of need those to stay alive” Because after all Penny’s body ran off of her specializations, without them she would start to die rather quickly.

“Regardless it is a beautiful Power.” She would go on setting aside the incident easily for now, as ruby red lines suddenly flared across her body in the design of circuitry. “Why this made them abandon you I’m not sure I’ll ever understand” She would say bringing up her hand so that she could manifest a small fire before snuffing it out and cycling through other small manifestations of various specs.

“And as you can tell, I’ve got an outlier when it comes to Powers as well. I can copy those that others use” She would explain as she continued to play around with small displays of the various magics.

Dina sighed. “And as your Highness can tell, the consumption rate of this power is terrible. Unless you have accumulated a lot of mystical energy, the burden is too much. Copying does not imply mastery of it.” She added, cancelling the manifestation and suddenly wobbling and kneeling on the ground.

“Shortcomings, aside.. What would your Highness think at what age I did become a magical girl?” Dina said.

“Not mastery, true” Penny would agree, keeping up her own Avatar for a bit longer, knowing that it was her own rather impressive mana reserves and Regeneration that limited the draw back of such a state, but her own limited magical qualities served to impose their own drawbacks. “But I am good at adaptation, and mid combat it’s an unexpected ace to have.”

“And I would guess you got picked up later in life. Past sixties at least.” She would answer “You mentioned having a grandson, and just earlier you mentioned being ripped from court. Neither of those are things that young people have.”

“One hundred and five.” Dina said solemnly. “A puchuu was getting really desperate, and saw potential in me. That creature however, did not calculate well. Upon contracting I became… as warped as you see. And I had gained that power.” Dina said. “Now imagine if I had been reached out in my prime.”

“I was discarded because I’m an existence that subverts the common reason of reality.” Dina said. “Add to that said Puchuu was licking boots to a faction of Beacon… and well.”

Penny mulled over what Dina had said for a moment. She supposed it made some amount of sense, as much as any Puchuu made sense to Penny at least. “Not sure if you being contracted when you were in your prime would have produced a stronger reaction.” She would say eventually “Life experience and wisdom are just as viable conduits for mystical strength as vitality and youth are. At least that’s my take on things.”

She would contemplate the topic for another moment before looking over at Dina “Since you brought up age, how old do you think I am?”

“No older than thirty. Twenties-ish, Your Highness, if I have to gauge.” Dina said. “That is, your original self. In some respects you radiate the quality of an infant. So your Highness seems to be a fragment of someone else?”

“That’s not wrong” Penny would say bobbing her head side to side “But not fully correct either. Depending on how you look at it I am only a year old. Which is how I view my age, but at the same time I have at my disposal a collective of thirty one years of life experience to draw from. Most of which isn’t mine.”

“I was grafted onto the psyche and soul of someone else at my birth, and their induction to the magical world, but we never really integrated all that well. So I wouldn’t say I am a fragment of them either. As far as I am concerned this” She would gesture to herself “Is my original self. Not the person I woke up attached to.”

Dina stood up, looking at Penny for a second before taking a seat besides her. “I had better retract my offer of sparring. I would feel bad to beat a toddler up, your Highness.” She said, trying to process what Penny said. “If the ship of Theseus was to be displayed in a museum, and as the parts that compose it were replaced as they rot away… would that still be called the Ship of Theseus? Furthermore, if said discarded parts were cured of the rot and assembled back once more, what would be the real ship of Theseus?” She mused.

“So, in the end you’re Penny, mayhaps a different Penny from a Penny in the past.” Dina as she drew her arms closer to grasp Penny into a hug.

Penny accepted the hug without complaint but couldn’t help the wry chuckle that escaped her. “I get what you are trying to explain, but you’ve still got it wrong. It’s not a ship of theseus problem. Me and Jason, the person I was grafted onto, never integrated enough for that to be the problem.”

“It’s more mixing paints. I’m one color, he was another, but we were never mixed fully. It is very easy to tell what was me, what was him and where we did mix. I’ve always been Penny. That was the name my first Patron gave me, but Jason never really accepted it. The starting point of all our issues with each other really.” She would let out a snort. “Just realized that means that my old Patron is my father technically. Never thought about it like that.”

Shaking her head she would refocus “I can remember a time before I had access to Jason’s memories, a time I was a passenger in our shared body. I have a lot of holdovers from him, because not using them would mean I wouldn’t be able to understand any of you. I was born a Monster, a machine, and grafted onto a Magical girl who used to be a human male.”

“I’m not afraid or ashamed of that. He was”

“Mm. It seems that your Highness is long overdue for certain things.” Dina said, as she slid Penny’s head just above her chest, so her heart could be heard. “I admit this body is lacking in certain traits, but it should do.” She purred softly. “You have been through a lot, and the world is a scary place.” Dina said, steeling herself. It was like a different person than when she first arrived in this room. “Your Highness needs some pampering. And the Regent needs to provide.” She added.

Hesitant was the key word for Penny at the moment. She understood what it was Dina was offering. But Penny wasn't sure how she wanted to accept the comfort, or if she even wanted it. She was technically young, but she was far from a child.

"I don't." Penny started slowly trying to find the right words "Really understand how to accept such." She knew how Jason would have, but she didn't want to emulate him in these circumstances.

“You don’t understand pampering. It’s something we come to accept as solace in this world.” Dina said. “Some place you can yearn to return and just let yourself go… because too much at once makes the mind weary.” She paused. “It’s part of what makes us human. We wonder at the small things sometimes. And It’s something… you’ll eventually grow into.”

The hesitant tension in Penny’s body didn’t leave, but it was lessening as Penny worked to simply accept someone else offering her simple comfort.

Before she was fully relaxed however she suddenly sat up. A moment later someone was pounding on the door to the room. The only reason the door didn’t cave under the violent knocking was that Penny had long since reinforced her own door against any slip of control from herself. That didn’t stop the angry voice on the other side from being heard though.

“Come and face me you damn coward!” They yelled as they assaulted the door, seemingly trying to break it down. “I’m challenging you for the Throne! So stop hiding you weakling and face me!”

Penny stayed sitting for only one moment longer before she sighed and stood “No rest for the weary” She would remark. Before setting a determined stride towards the door. Fully intending on introducing the face of the suicidal idiot on the other side of the door to the concrete.

Dina shook her hand, and stood slowly from her sitting position arranging her dress. “Do you want me to discipline them, your highness?” She added.

Penny would shake her head as she reached the door. Sometimes a show of force was a good diplomatic tactic. If this one girl thought her weak, then so would others, she could not back down from the challenge if she wanted to rectify that image. “You can put them back together if I get too rough” She would reply instead.

She would pull open the door suddenly leaving the girl on the other side to pound on Penny for a moment before she noticed. The blows failed to make any notable effect. Penny would simply glance down at them coldly, not in contempt or in anger just cold apathy.

“I accept your challenge” She would state simply “We can settle this on the main floor”

“Probably I’ll have to be the referee.” Dina said bitterly. “Children.” She muttered under her breath.

I mean, if it comes down to it... maybe? Would definitely be a twist that's for sure.

.:⋮Diplomatic relations⋮:.

All at once there was everyone else. Were she not so focused on the matter at hand it would have caught Penny off guard just how many people had arrived to assist with the Sanctuary. It was actually kind of worrying if she was being honest. With this many people being aware of it was only a matter of time before the Ascendency learned as well, but making sure that this place could act as the shelter it was meant to be while also being hidden enough to avoid conflict was a nigh impossible balance to strike.

Put that logistical nightmare aside for the moment Penny strode forward towards the minor crowd that had gathered. Her eyes scanned those that had arrived, and she took special care to note those that she hadn’t met before. Of which there were a few. Her examination of them was rapidly derailed however, as Dina was revealed. In a very sorry state. ‘Shit’ She immediately made her way over to the wounded Cat girl to start evaluating her state.

Snoopy would float around, eavesdropping on the various conversation that Penny wanted to keep an eye on while she attended to more pressing matters.

“Bring them here when you can” She would call out to Shane as he walked off to round up the girls who had been taken to safety. “I’m getting a lot of signals in the nearby buildings, most of which is going to be them I wager. The buildings around here are otherwise abandoned.” She would explain. Never fully taking her attention away from Dina.

Oros was quickly placed near the top of Penny’s hit list as she took stock of Dina. As if Melisa was correct, and Penny didn’t doubt the doll girl at the moment, she was responsible for at least half of this mess. The short-lived conflict below was going to come in handy at the moment though. Placing her hand on Dina’s sternum Penny’s hand would quickly shift until there were needles in place of her fingertips each once wickedly sharp. Rolling her shoulders, a fair amount of mana would be concentrated along Penny’s arms and a moment later, with barely a twitch each of the needle tips would be pushed into Dina, though not deep enough to cause harm. Seconds later they would pump into Dina’s blood stream a dosage of gray ooze.

Instantly the ooze would go to work, acting as a temporary Regeneration for Dina. Sealing wounds and refilling Mana.

Dina's unconscious state was patent, after the ordeal she had by pushing Oros back, her breath ragged and inconsistent, as if she was the last flicker of a candle about to go off in a storm. The catgirl's mind was busy trying to implant the ominous thoughts the madwoman had exerted upon her. The negatives outweighed the positives, much more when strange matter and power began coursing through her veins. She had not died yet, but she would die soon if this kept up.

The newfound energy triggered a surge to live, as Dina's eyes blinked and twitched, before opening wide as she rattled her wounded body, teeth showing and hissing as her nails swatted at Penny's face, her cat hairs puffing up in fear and anger as she stood defiant at her supposed aggressor.

Had it been most other people the scratching at the face would have been enough to get them to back off. Penny didn’t even blink. “Good, it’s working.” She would say calmly as the claws failed to even scuff her face plate. Instead she focused on pushing another dose of regenerative ooze into Dina’s body. “It’s just me Dina, you’re alright.” She would say a bit louder as she kept her hand firmly where it was. Using her other hand to keep Dina down if she needed to, but not bothering to stop Dina from clawing at her. “The attack is over. The Sanctuary is safe for the moment.”

"Mew?" Dina squeaked in surprise as she took a better grasp at her current situation. Her eyes squinted at Penny. "You have returned, your Highness…" Her gaze then rested on the other assembled people that were surrounding the place.

"Hardly a sanctuary these days. " She said bitterly as she tried to get up and start healing on her own.

“Would have been here quicker, but jumping dimensions isn’t an easy thing to do” Penny would reply, retracting her hand now that she knew Dina was recovering. “But thank you for doing what you could while I was away Regent” She made sure to catch Dina’s eyes while she said that last part. They needed to have a longer talk about it, but it was important that she knew that Penny’s word choice wasn’t an accident.

“And it’s still a Sanctuary, just not as hidden as I would have liked.” She would continue, tossing another glance over the new arrivals. “I know some of these people, but not others. But no enemies among them that I am aware of” She would note Maura, though she didn’t know it was Maura, as she had seen the girl before back at the Rave. “Cradle I’m guessing for most of them.”

“I guess a welcome would be in order.” Dina said, as she wobbled into a standing position, managing to look somewhat composed by sheer force of will. “But as you can see, we have been hit pretty badly by marauders...and misguided people like Oros.” Dina said, as she said the name with a hint of sadness in her voice. “I would like to extend my thanks to those involved…” She paused. “And...yet...I would like to know how is it possible that half of Penrose rallied here. Perhaps later.” She said, before leaning in Penny, faking a stagger.

“The timing is… way off. And I don’t like how...calm some seem about the whole disaster. We need to dismiss them politely. There are wounded or dying people as we speak.” She whispered into the robot.

“Shane is off gathering those that were evacuated by Mariette” Penny would whisper back “Soon as I can send these people I’ll move to help who I can”

Making sure that Dina was fine to stand on her own Penny would turn back to the gathered people before calling out, her voice amplified by Gravity so that everyone would be able to hear it. “Thank you all for coming. You should be aware that there is currently nothing to fight against. I can only assume that it is all of your arrivals that lead to this. There was a Mint raid underway alongside and a Monster attack, also caused by them. It is for the quick halt to these that I thank all of you.” She would give a deep nod, a show of respect, but little else.

“For those of you unaware, I am Penny Asimov, Queen of Penrose and founder of this Sanctuary. I would ask of you all, who you are and how you all came to learn of our plight here so that I might further give thanks.” As she spoke her the weight of her presence would magnify drawing people’s attention towards her. A rather more indirect application of Gravity magic that many of the crowd here would be able to gather, but one that was still rather useful.

It wouldn’t pull anyone from what they were doing, but those without anything to do would find themselves drifting towards Penny. For the quicker she could tell them to leave, politely, the sooner she could get to putting her home back together.

Everyone at Sanctuary:@Ponn, @twave, @FamishedPants, @BrokenPromise, @Card Captor, @Ariamis, @Majoras End
No worries and welcome back. Glade to hear that you're once again looking forward to the things you've got going on. The slog of not enjoying what it is you are getting up to do every day is never, Never and present one. So I'm glad to hear that isn't the case.

Also, I just realized that the last line in my most recent post is much more ominous then I meant for it too be.
“Or ducks, or the odd coyote” Slade would quip from his place at the fire. It was just edging past dawn and breakfast had just been finished. He had turned this into a mix of training and actual vacation. They were a few states over, in a beautiful forest just at the base of a small mountain range. There was a variety of small game that could be found in the area, hence the point of the mans quip, but that wasn’t the only thing in the area. Hiking and camping were another great draw for the area, but at this point in the season most people won’t bother as the temp was lowering.

The weapon of choice for this hunt was a rather basic hunting rifle, bolt action with a five round clip that fired .117. Not the lowest caliber round, but not far from it either. Would be good enough to take down any of the game that the two of there were actually here to hunt at least. Though that wasn’t to say that that was all they had. Slade had at least three more knives on him. Two for throwing one for more general use. As well as a 1911 as a side arm. He didn’t think he would need it, but paranoia wouldn’t let him leave with out it.

Jinayah was allowed to bring her knives as well if she wanted to. Not all of them, but half of her throwing knives as well as her main pair of daggers. They were hers now, and Slade had been working on getting her into the habit of always having at least one knife on her no matter where it was they were going.

“Now. You’ll be the one leading this” He would go on to say. “I’ll help point out things, tracks, or other things that might be of use. But for the most part you are the one who’s guiding things today.” Yesterday Slade had been the one in charge as he got them to this camp sight. “We have plenty of daylight so don’t worry about that, and I will be able to get us back here easily if needed. So shall we start the hunt?” He would ask knowing that there was plenty he could teach out here even while they went searching for Jinny’s first kill. Stealth and Tracking being the top things on that list.

And even if they weren’t able to find anything, Slade had slipped out last night and set up a few snares and other such traps that might have bagged something as well. One way or another, Jinny was getting a kill this trip.
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