Kathryn Pyke Human, Battle Master, Level 03HP: 31 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions:N/A N/A Location: The Public House Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
Kathryn listened with excitement as her fellow party members listed off their reasons for wanting to go on this adventure. Kosara wanting to go out and see the world, and go on... well adventures! A want to help others, and a chance to see what she could offer the world and vice versa. A sweet and humble enough reasoning! Overall she was glad that her really good tiefling friend was able to go on this adventure. "I'd love a chance to see your journal if you don't mind. Before you send it off! I think it would be really cool what you decided to record and share!" That alone was a rather epic thought. What had Kosara decided to save and share? She wondered what kind of home the tiefling grew up in, and Kathryn wondered if she would ever get a chance to see it? Hopefully so. She wondered what Kosara's sisters were like and if they were anything like Kosara herself.
Responding to Victoria's comment about the Honey Barn Kathryn said "We didn't really get a chance to look around or see what's up. Even before we entered things had escalated. And when we got inside, there were concerns they had gotten more extreme. Maybe we'll get another chance?" It was not the normal place Kathryn would go to hang out at nowadays. But she had to admit, she was a little curious herself. The concern of getting back to the barn though... Maybe there was more they could do to help make sure they were not followed. "Maybe we can still lure them off our trail in case we were followed? Walk randomly on roads, waiting to see if we can spot if we're being followed. All together I'm sure we could spot something. Once we are sure we make our way back to our safe spot." She wondered if they would include Blackberry in that safe spot? Or if like Rickard he may have to stay in the public house. It was interesting to hear about the sisters of Kosara and Victoria as well, hearing some of Victoria's stories added into the pot made things all that more interesting. Kathryn listened as Victoria talked about Virgil. The two sounded close, but Kathryn worried when the idea of using her abilities to solve this problem. Did she mean... bring him back from the dead?
Blackberry was an interesting case of his own. His home was in trouble, and he was running out of options of those who could help. He was unfortunately not familiar with goblin tongue. But he was still willing to help how he could. "Maybe we can return the favor when we are wrapped up here? I don't know if we're the most qualified, but maybe we can help non the less." And if not all of them, maybe just herself? She held no commitments outside of this quest. No lands to call her own, no property outside of the clothes on her back and the supplies in her bag, and no friends or family to return too once the mission was over. On more good news, Everyone seemed to be willing to help with this quest with Roberts. How perfect! Free food, a job t hey could do on the job, a chance to figure out more with the Silver Smith. Overall a good day! Marita began detect magic on the ring, and Kathryn was relieved to hear she didn't curse the whole party with this test she knew so little about. Kathryn then listened to Marita's story. Lost with nowhere else to go, her family home destroyed. A cleric without a church? And a woman without a home. "I'm sorry to hear about your home. I hope we're able to help you on your quest to return to your place of worship." She had no idea if the cleric wanted their help. But she wanted her to know that the offer was there if she ever wanted it.
Kathryn then figured it was her turn. Everyone else had shared their stories. "So uh... Me now. Well, I'm a lady without land, and so myself and my most loyal knight have been traversing the lands attempting to rebuild our own names and keep ourselves fed for some years. We did some jobs to help ourselves, some jobs to help those we met. But after Ser Lucas passed, I was lef tto find my own place in the world. And a few weeks after his passing I got a letter intended for Ser Lucas from our neighborhood Sheriff. I saw it as my chance to figure some things out, do some good while getting my foot in the door to figure out my own life." Kathryn said a bit amused with herself. "Kind of funny, 15 years ago I was being set up for marriage, talks from our parents about which castle and what lands we shall someday hold, and having to decide which family name we shall take. Now? Every day is just day by day. It's kind of exciting in a way, not knowing what the future holds." She spoke with a bit of glee to her face. Though her home being taken from her at such a young age was tragic, she was doing what she could to enjoy her day to day life. And she had been doing okay so far.
Kathryn watched as Lea brought out the food. SO much soup, so much bread. The half giant warrior was starving to the point where she wanted to take the whole thing and dig in as if she was in her own personal eating context with her willpower. THEN DAISY CAME OUT WITH MORE!!! Things then got weird. Marita turned down the job suddenly, and with a hurried tone that implied there would be no talking. When she started to leave Kathryn almost protested. She still hadn't eaten all day and it was getting into the afternoon! And today's lunch was free! But the hurried tone in Marita's voice compelled Kathryn to stop. She was a sensible woman, maybe she spotted something Kathryn missed? She wouldn't question her here. No matter how much she wanted lunch. Maybe Morty wouldn't mind a nibble... Just a small one. Kathryn watched as things broke down, but re-stabilized. Robert took some Chalk, and began writing. Kathryn stood up to take a look at what he wrote, and moved to read it when asked for a translation. Elvish. Kathryn knew Elvish pretty well. Elvin nobles were not uncommon for her growing up.
Kathryn spoke the word outloud. As she learned the bulk of her elvish from when she was in her family home, her homeland accent was more noticible than usual. "Geas." Kathryn spoke in a serious, though confused tone. She knew the word. Or at least did at some point. She had heard it before, and she had heard it used in context... but she couldn't place it. It was on her mind but she couldn't place the context to it. The comment Robert made about being morons wasn't reassuring. She knew this. She was sure. But she couldn't place it now. She just needed something to jog her memory.