Kathryn Pyke Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Dead-Ish Location: Coach House Main rooms Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
Who wasn't scared to die? The answer was a lot of people were scared of death, but some had lived their lives to their fullest, or knew that their death was for something greater, and could accept it. Kathryn, who had brushed close to death a few too many times though, was not one of those people. Death scared Kathryn to a degree that could not be stated into words. Every now and again she would get a burst of confidence that would let her overcome her fears, or she would put herself into situations she could face off against death and come out on top. But that fear lingered. She was terrified of leaving her mortal life behind, and moving onto another plain of existence. That fear of the unknown was one that drove her to do well with a blade, and drove her to flick a switch, and go full blood lust when she fought compared to her usual passive friendly personality. If she died would it be a whole new life? Would it make her own existing life a waste for not living it to the fullest extent she should have? On the other side would she meet people she knew? Her uncle, Ser Lucas, her parents or siblings? The men who were killed defending her? The men that tried to return the favor? She was scared of what the next life would look like. She also found herself worried about all she hadn't done yet. She had failed to live her own life, hiding in fear for most of it. She had failed to do any of her own goals like becoming a baker, she had failed to get her titles reclaimed, claim her home, or a new home, and she had failed to bring justice to her family name.
And now, she was dead. Sure, apart of her knew it wouldn't last, and she should wake up any moment now. But, what if she didn't? What if she just was trapped on the table in this death like state until she finally succumbed and died for real? What if something went wrong with the spell and she couldn't be woken? What if V didn't have any intentions of waking her up? Would V do that to her? Kill her off to have another servant to bend to her will? Surely not. V was a lot of things, but not evil. Right? She didn't think the Codswealth family was evil either though. Rude and blunt, and definitely had relationship issues with her family, but not evil. Just... politics and bickering. Just bickering. Until it wasn't. Until she became an orphan, until she became an only child, until she became an outcast from her homeland, and her family name disgraced. How well did she really know V? Maybe she wanted a servant, maybe she is petty and bitter and jealous of Kathryn's titles? Maybe that is why she would want her dead? As some sort of class punishment thing, or maybe to find a way to take the titles for herself? Surely she couldn't though? Then again, her family had money, and would just love a chance for a title like hers. Even of a low tier landlass claim, it opened a whole new world to even the wealthiest families if they were able to obtain any titles. And enough money, they could wash away much of dark history attached to it. Hell, maybe they'd gain favor with those who had the ability to clear her title for their deeds.
"NO NO NO NO!" She tried to scream. She couldn't be sure if it was a desperate plea to be spared, or her denying that anyone in her party could be as cruel as those who stole her life from her. She didn't know for sure. But... there was more... could she hear? Could she feel? She felt entrapped, like the world was enclosing on her, was someone ontop of her? She could have sword she felt the weight of something or someone on her chest. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't even be sure if her mouth was open, she couldn't be sure if she was making sound. She wanted to fight back, she felt like a cornered animal being toyed with. Being harmed for a cruel joke while their friends laugh at her weakened and defenseless state. She could have sworn she heard a scream, but she couldn't be totally sure if it was hers or someone else's. She did feel the weight on her chest begin to lift. But in her current state, she couldn't tell if one was the cause of the other. She wanted to keep screaming, fighting, she wanted to break down, she wanted to do anything! She was trapped though, in this useless, lifeless body. Unable to truly experience the world around her other than as a watered down witness. As if she was experiencing her death and end through a muffled door only able to guess what was happening to her, but knowing it was infact, happening. She wanted to flail, she wanted to fight, she wanted to get away. She needed to get away. She need air, she needed to get free. Her instincts told her she needed to fight, her instincts told her she needed to flee. She needed to do something! But all she could do was be afraid, and listen to the muffled noises of the others around her. She couldn't even be sure how much time had passed. She was so panicked that she couldn't keep track on her own. She also didn't know if time passed the same way in this state as if she was awake. For all she knew it could be only 30 seconds, or it could be months. God what if it was years? What if she was a comatose body on a table having to be moved off to storage while no one knew if she was alive or dead, unable to wake up? What if she woke up and she woke up old, having missed her whole life, accomplishing nothing, all for some cheap trick?