Avatar of Shoe Thief


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Cleaning day! Made a ton of progress and even found my long lost DS and my missing laundry card that still has a lot of credits on it. Found it in my winter coat of all places go figure.
4 yrs ago
Finally got into D&D. Now I feel trapped and I am in love. Should I ask for help or ask where I can get more dice?
4 yrs ago
Breaks ups are weird. Not sure how to feel about the other person, or about yourself. It hurts for sure, but it's weird and uncomfortable just how different things seem now.
4 yrs ago
I get that dude. Could be one of those days, in the smae boat myself. Hope you're doing better soon though!
1 like
4 yrs ago
It's an ass kick ass world out there. And all we can do about it is keep kicking ass .


Welcome to my profile! I decided I needed to update this, and I don't have much for updating... Only in a single role-play right now, so far it's going really well!

Most Recent Posts


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Patio Breakfast
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn found herself giddy as a princess picking out her dress for her first ever ball. That was if the ball was breakfast, the dress was a tasty omelette, and she was closer to a half giant murder drone than a princess many days. Calming herself, as she was supposed to be the lady of the party, Kathryn straitened her posture and attempted to act more professional. She then waited until V was wrapped up with her order before Kathryn made her own. "Once you are done there, if it is no trouble my good sir, a six egg omelette, with plenty of cheese. Peppers, grilled onions, and a meat product of your choice." Kathryn said in her most polite lady like tone. "Thank you ever so much." She said in a sweet tone. Kathryn held a lot of respect for people with skills. Skills had to be learned, and earned. The skills she shared with others, she understood what it took to obtain those skills. Those skills she doesn't currently posses, and has little chance to obtain, she held a whole different respect for. She hoped this chef understood his value.

Kathryn listened to Cecily closely as she spoke about her future. She seemed so unsure of it, but it seemed like Cecily and Lizbeth got along great? Why was that such a huge concern for the woman that she may not have this as a home someday. "You seem really worried about being forced to leave here someday? I doubt Lizbeth has any plans to get rid of you once she takes over. Plus, you seem like a great caretaker of the property. You both have far more skills at such a thing than I do." Kathryn said with a reassuring smile towards Cecily, but was hoping that her assumptions were right. "I'll admit, I should probably improve my skills there. For an heiress my property management skills are lacking. Unless it's clearing a storm cellar of ale, or challenging and accepting duels, I don't have a ton of people managing skills. But that is a long way off from now." That part wasn't exactly true. As of this point it was non existent. She lacked money, supporters, an army, and no backing of nobility to lay claim to her titles and lands. And acquiring new lands would be nearly impossible without the rest. And though it was still on her mind, she tried her best to not let that part of her life that she lost get in the way of the life she was living now.

What she did have however, was Victoria. Who thought wasn't a lady in title, she was as close as someone could be to a lady in practice! At least out of those Kathryn knew. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from her mini friend? And maybe Kat could return the favor to the small woman? Victoria's actions seemed to be deliberate. And not just because she was actually practiced in being a well mannered woman, but because... Maybe she was trying to help? The eye contact she made helped to confirm that. As Victoria made her motions, Kathryn did her best to imitate them. She had the foundation of the skill to follow them, but she was very out of practice. The skills she picked up from Ser Lucas mostly consisted of bar brawling, sword fighting, drinking, and how to make a fool of one's self in front of someone you tried to romance. Kathryn followed closely, paying more attention to V than her own actions, but began using the right utensils, organized her dishware, placed her napkins neatly and gingerly, and went at a pace of eating that didn't imply she was a starving child or a looter looking for a quick meal. Had she been wearing a dress, hadn't just come back from a run, and had put in the effort from the beginning, she could have passed as a noble woman, visiting her supporters as they discussed their plans for the year. Kathryn found herself so ingrained in the moment, she didn't notice when her fork missed her plate, and stuck one of the serving plates with a block of cheese on it. With eyes firmly locked onto V, Kathryn brought a not so small block of cheese up to her mouth, and pushed it partially in. Kathryn realized the mistake she made far too late to correct it though. Deciding it was better to finish what she started and act like nothing happened rather than spit out most of a block of cheese, she simply kept swallowing the block of cheese until her lips closed around the fork, and her cheeks looked like that of a chipmunk preparing to hide a stash of food for the winter. Slowly and awkwardly Kathryn chewed, now unable to break eye contact with V as she panicked making the situation worse. After what seemed like forever, she had finally chewed the cheese enough to swallow a few times to deal with her mistake. "'Cuse me...." She muttered as she pounded her chest briefly. Then paused, remembering her manners. "Excuse me." She said correcting herself, before letting out a loud and defining belch to be heard by all on the river. "...sorry..." she muttered meekly. Face beat red, Kathryn finally found herself able to turn away from everyone while she found a way to salvage the situation. Finding none, she tried to turn to other matters hoping this incident would pass fast.

It seemed a lot of things were going on at once here and there giving Kathryn an out hopefully. When she asked Kosara if she wanted to try some coffee, the tall woman almost didn't notice that Kosara was watching her... intently. The tall woman couldn't quite make out the face. Was she angry? Upset? Thinking too hard? Oh gods... what if she was flirting?! And if she was what if it was real flirting and not just Kosara being Kosara?! Where flirtatious actions were just the norm for her instead of flirting?! Kathryn unsure what to make of the situation, simply smiled holding up the cup of coffee with a big toothy grin on her face. "Understandable. You enjoy your tea, I will enjoy this... Coffee." She said hesitantly before taking another sip, seemingly regretting it, and then taking another sip to wash it down, and the tasty cheesy taste of embarrassment. "Dancing sounds like it would be a lot of fun. Never been a good once myself, though my father made sure I picked up some dances when I was younger. Funny enough, my mother even agreed I should learn to dance. One of the few things that they ever agreed on." Kathryn listened intently as Kosara and V explained their winter plans. She had to think a bit what she wanted to do though. "I guess over the winter myself, I am just going to keep training myself. There is always room for improvement. Maybe smith up a couple training weapons for Lizbeth and I to use so neither of us get hurt too badly while we train." Kathryn commented to the smaller girl. "And if we're not too worried about marching and the giving and taking of orders, we can work mostly on how to fight and defend yourself. It'll be interesting as I doubt Lizbeth and I will have the same fighting styles. But I am fairly familiar with many forms of combat. I can set Lizbeth up and she can figure out what is most comfortable to her." Kathryn stopped and pondered it some more. "Otherwise I am just likely to explore a bit like Kosara. But mine will be more as a workout than anything. Could be nice to slow down from time to time though." Kathryn said a bit excited for the winter. She loved the snow herself. And absolutely wanted to build snow forts, throw snow balls, and see what could be found in this winter wonderland!

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Scared Shiteless
Location: Coach House Main rooms
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Kathryn arrived later than she would have liked. Missing a chunk of the fun gossip, but thankfully not too much. Though seeing that much of it wasn't the fun kind of gossip, maybe it was best that she missed some of it. Kathryn walked up just as Lizbeth was talking about how much of her family had passed since she grew up. It was heart breaking. And unlike most people present, Kathryn understood what it was like to suffer such losses at such a young age. She wished she could do more to help the small woman. But maybe she could help out at least some. She was going to teach her how to defend herself, and with the kind of misfortune that has fallen onto her family, that had to mean something. Maybe she could defend herself should she be attacked, or even deter any attempts just by people knowing what she was capable of. Hopefully that could help the poor woman. It seemed the L'Rose curse only got worse as it turned out so much of the family had passed over time, leaving now... only Cecily and Lizbeth it seemed. But Kathryn listened on in sympathy. Not pity though, she worried for the people here. "It's a rough spot you find yourselves in. But you both seem like you have good heads on your shoulders. And don't discredit yourself Cecily, you're a very attractive woman. I'm sure if you wanted too you could find a wonderful suitor for yourself." Kathryn complimented the woman. There was no reason to put down someone who had been so accommodating to her and the party. It helped that she was a rather attractive woman.

Kathryn also found herself a woman of simple wants. She wanted the feeling of the rush she felt when she fought. She wanted to live in a grand castle with court yards, multiple keeps, several high towers, a great hall, lesser halls, and to have the power and respect that came with such a home. But in those simple tastes and wants she had, was a good breakfast. As Kathryn saw the sprawling food laid out before them it was difficult to not just dig in before anyone else could respond! "Cecily, Lizbeth. This is simply to much. This is a feast fit for a queen and her closest companions." Kathryn let out still trying to process their wonderful treatment. A dumbfounded smile on her face to help emphasize her pure shock. "I mean well.. Like Thank you!" She said still giddy with excitement! Yes the bits of Morty she had while on her walk were nice and all, even if it seemed weirdly familiar. She would have more later to try it again, see if she could place it. But this... this was a feast! Kathryn quickly got a plate and began loading it up with a little bit of everything! Like a starved child entering a candy store and being told they could keep whatever they could get onto their plate.

When Kosara and Blackberry stepped over with fresh flatbread, Kathryn swore she was going to melt! "These will go great with breakfast Kosara. In fact... I wonder if we could put an omelette inside it and wrap it up!" Kathryn was in full thinking with her stomach mode. But if she was going to be offered such a treat, something like she hadn't been able to experience since being a little girl, she was for sure going to take it. She then paused, looking at all the jams, honey, and other syrup like products on the table. DAMMIT! She thought. If she used the flatbread for the omelette then what would she put all the jams and such onto?! But then she saw it! The heavy crusted bread! She quickly went to work taking a couple pieces of that bread, and piling all a mix of... every single jam jelly and honey onto these pieces of wheat made food. The half giant eager to try all the sweets. As she worked on it, she enjoyed several boiled eggs, nearly swallowing them whole as they went. When Blackberry offered up about tea and milk, Kathryn had to disprove that theory as she stopped, chewed, and made sure her mouth was clear as she tried to respond. "Eh-hm" She coughed up clearing her throat. "Yes please. Tea sounds rather lovely at the minute." But some weird smell caught her nose. Something she may have smelled before... but not recently. And not something she could recognize at first. It was coming from a nearby kettle. Pouring some of the drink, the dark liquid smells both enticing, and smelled of warning. Taking a sip, she reflexively wasn't amused. The bitter taste contrasting the sweetness of the jams she was looking forward too. But curious, she tried another sip. Still hating it, but growing on her. She would continue to take small sips of the weird drink each time seeming to be visibly not pleased with the taste, but almost unable to stop herself. A few more sips and she found herself hooked. Soon setting down the weird dark and hot drink before she burned herself.

"Kosara! You have to try this drink. It tastes so bitter but its so good! I can't explain it!" The coffee in question wasn't a common luxury in Arcanaple. It was a rare treat for the wealthy lords who could afford to import it. Though sometimes her father would get her hands on some, it wasn't something to waste on a child who wasn't even allowed into political and war meetings. As Kathryn continued to prepare her rampage of the table, she stopped when she overheard Victoria asking about etiquette. Mother fucker. Kathryn's impulsive side had won out again. She was unable to wait for longer than a moment before her short attention span took over. Shamefully, she slowed herself, and found a comfortable seat near where she was piling up her breakfast. Took a napkin, arranged her silverware, and acted rather like a proper noble woman as she began to set up. Like V though, she would also wait to enjoy breakfast (Even more so) until she had a better idea of the proper etiquette to follow.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Scared Shiteless
Location: Coach House Main rooms
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Kathryn pondered what Kosara said. And in all honesty she was probably right. Though Kathryn had seen a desert briefly she had never been inside of one for longer than a couple days. Chances of it being the same desert were astronomically small. "I know there is a desert not too far from Arcanaple. But I don't remember the name of it for the life of me." That honestly surprised her with how much her uncle talked about it. He had called it the last campaign to secure the frontiers. Where he and several other nobleman led a series of small hosts into the dunes to fight some king in the sands in retaliation for his raid into the frontier lands. He said though they were successful it was a costly victory. Several of the smaller groups hadn't even been able to make it to siege the settlement the king called home. Some from dehydration, getting lost, or attacked by raiders, desert beasts, and small war bands sent to slow them down. Others had taken such a beating when first entering the desert that they had to turn back. May died in the siege itself to many of the same fates. "I don't think it is the same desert. I'd imagine if it was we would both know of each other's people a little better." Kathryn also didn't like the idea that their people could have been at ends with one another. Especially in such a brutal conflict. Then came the hug.

So this was it. She was the giver of hugs. Distributor of snuggles. The most arm wrapping drama of the century. The embracer of embraces. The huggiest huggable knight this side of Avonshire. And Kosara was all in on it. Kathryn tensed at first, uneasy at first but soon relaxing a little. she properly returned the hug soon after rather than just awkwardly wrapping her arms around Kosara. And she had to admit, it was nice to hug again. It still gave her anxiety, but not as much as she thought she would struggle with. It felt real though. The problem with that is she had no idea how to end a real hug. With V it was easier because it seemed the smaller woman was offering the hug for Kat's benefit to help make up for the fear she caused when... well killing her. And now? This felt like something for both of them in a way. How did people end real hugs?! she briefly remembered years ago asking this woman Ser Lucas had brought back with him how to ask people out, and in the end how to kiss them. Around the time she was 18 she had developed a crush on a knight from one of the local houses. Hugs however were not one of the things she prepared for. They seemed easy?! To be fair she thought asking the knight would have fared better too. In the moment she panicked and said something to the tune of "Can I have your babies!" She ended up blurting out before even introducing herself. She and Ser Lucas left town rather quickly after that. Catalina wishing Kathryn the best of luck on her future flirting attempts. Nothing quite as embarrassing happening this time though as Kosara let go. So... it was that easy. "I'll have a good walk yeah. "

Kathryn gave a light chuckle when Blackberry asked her about the barrels outside. Setting down her empty mug of ale she began to step towards the door. "They were apart of my workout routine. It's really hard to find proper and sufficient weights to work out with once you get beyond the strength of your average peers. So you gotta improvise sometimes." She pointed out towards the barrels with her thumbs. "A good march on the road there with both barrels in full kit? Now that's a workout." She said proudly. She didn't have confidence in herself in a lot of respects. But she was rather proud with how strong she was. Moving those barrels was no joke. Moving two at once? That was a challenge and a half even for her. "I wish I had timed it or measured the distance better. But today was more of a proof of concept to see how far I could push myself and still keep going afterwards. I'm thinking I did pretty good this morning." She straitened up with her pride and accomplishment. Doing so with enough force to cause an audible thud as she hit her head with the angled beam assisting the ceiling, immediately bending back down holding her head like she wanted to curse the maker of the beam themselves. Quickly though she took a breath, calmed down, and kept her head low. As if the gods themselves were humbling her for being too prideful. Or it could just be back luck being just a couple inches under seven foot and standing in one of the few areas of the room where that would be a problem. Doors she could handle (Mostly), but it always seemed to be ceiling beams that caught her off guard. "I'm going to go put these back now... I'll see you at breakfast." She said in a much more humbled tone.

Kathryn quickly put the barrels away in the storage building on the couch house lot, only to remember there was in fact a tasty treat waiting for her in the form of Morty bits. Grabbing a pouch from the same storage building she ran back in shoving her hand into the bag of Morty a few times to create her own bag of Morty. “Sorry, now I’ll see you both at breakfast…” she said before scampering off. And then began her cool down run for the morning. Nothing like a good easy cardio to wrap up an intense workout. The pass she found wasn't particularly easy to travel, but far from a challenge. She couldn't safely go a full sprint but she could keep a good pace as she got to enjoy nature for a bit, enjoy the peace of things, and overall just relax. The watch tower was something to be amazed by. A tall beauty that could only be described as... wonderful. Climbing to the top as fast as she could, she got a view that she couldn't even imagine describing to the others. A view that had to be seen not heard or read about. Kathryn was honestly surprised just how much land seemed to be under the influence and ownership of the L'Rose family. "Oh my gods..." This was the sort of place to live. A high up stone tower with a view unmatched by anything. Not that she could ever afford such a tower. But she wanted to come out here as often as possible while she was here.

Taking in the view she wished she herself could fly, and see the world as birds do. She wondered if this is what V experienced with her new creature? She would have to ask the small woman. And if so… could she share that experience with Kathryn? She would have to ask. In the meantime, this was a view she would never get tired of. She made a mental note to return here as often as possible! But now she was risking being late for breakfast. Taking her pack she climbed back down the tower, a cheerful smile across her face as she explored the greenery around the vineyard and jogged back towards the main house via a path she had spotted while on top of the tower. Kathryn making good speed, she soon caught up with Victoria, Lizbeth, and Cecily. "Hey everyone!" she called out as she approached. "Sorry for being tardy. I need to get back into shape if I want any hope of... well a lot of things." She gave an awkward chuckle, an arm wrapped around the back of her head as she struggled to think of the words. "So, what did I miss?" She ten turned out to see the view of the lands from the terrace. "Wow... the view is amazing from here too." Kathryn mused looking off into the distance.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Coach House Main rooms
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn was glad to hear that a battle didn't seem to break out between V and Kosara. Though it would have been an amusing sight to watch, she didn't want to watch two of her companions unleash hell and fury on one another. Especially over herself. Kathryn couldn't be sure if Kosara was joking or just speaking the potential worst case scenario rather casually. But as it didn't really come to blows, she wasn't going to worry herself too badly on that. But it also appeared that Victoria was the one who had slapped her while she was out. "Tactile test huh?" Kathryn asked in a half amused manner. "Fair enough..." Kathryn spoke with some hesitation. Then, a grin that could be taken as a joke to some, or something a little more against the tone of shenanigans broke out on Kathryn's face. "Speaking of tests. You're probably the closest here to Lizbeth's size, you should join us for sword practice so she can see how to go toe to toe with someone bigger than her. I can teach her a lot, but how she will learn to fight, will be far different than how I tend to fight." Kathryn took a sip of her ale and pondered her words. She wanted to make room to joke and tease Victoria without out right revenge striking the woman. Kathryn held no ill intent towards the small woman, and simply wanted to joke about with her. "Nothing intense obviously. But she should see how a fight of two people in different size groups fight. It'll be good for her to know!" Kathryn said giddy. And yes, she just wanted a good sparing match. But BB would probably be far better at doing such a thing than Victoria was. And there was some legitimate points there too. Kathryn was bigger than most of her opponents, and that was one of her greatest strengths. But people may try to exploit it. As for how V fit into things, if V ever found herself in hand to hand combat, she would likely fight people a lot bigger than her. Which for now, was Lizbeth. Though Lizbeth may grow up some more...

Kosara offering to help setup breakfast, even making some flat breads, Kathryn couldn't help but make a little joke of the matter. "Gasp! Kosara! You, working with bread!" Kathryn jested towards her friend with a soft chuckle and a warm smile. "Jokes aside, it is kind of funny then how we haven't met before. Ser Lucas and I stopped in nearly every Caravan stop and tavern between here and Arcanaple. Wouldn't that have been a fun coincidence?" Kathryn amused to Kosara. The world was big, and as a whole Kathryn could see how despite the number of places Kathryn and Ser Lucas had to call home for a time how she could have missed Kosara's home. Especially if it was in any other direction. Apart of her did wonder if the desert Kosara was from was the same one her uncle used to talk about? She couldn't be sure, but apart of her didn't really want to know. If it was, her uncle didn't have a lot of nice things to say about the desert. He said the frontier's lands on the edges of the deserts were better, but the stories he told Kathryn growing up past the frontiers, they still scared Kathryn a bit. Even if Kosara and her people weren't the people that her uncle were pitted against, she heard the fighting got pretty brutal for everyone involved. Taking another sip of ale to let remove herself from that train of thought, she moved on to other matters.

Kathryn listened as Cecily spoke on about her struggles at the moment. So far, it seemed to be building up to a crazy winter for her. Her husbands father passing, that being Lizbeth's grandfather. Staff not showing up due to schedule conflicts or errors, and just a hectic time. She wished she knew how to help the poor woman, but her experience managing an estate was cut short years ago. Sure, maybe she could do better than your average commoner, but not by as much as you would expect a noble woman to do. To make matters worse, she found herself being a little short on the emotional side of things to provide much support there too. "Well, since we're here, if you do need assistance do let us know. We don't want to be leeches to your hospitality while you struggle this winter. If we can help all you have to do is ask!" Kathryn offered with the brightest cheer in her tone!

Kathryn looked down at the sweet innocent face Kosara put on when asking for a hug, much like the one she felt obligated to give Victoria. How was Kathryn supposed to refuse to hug Kosara after she willingly gave a hug to the small half elf woman who just killed and unkilled her? Kosara other than some issues with not understanding what a sandwich was, and some cultural issues that they were going to work on, had been nothing but kind to her! The hug for Victoria has been hard though. Hugs gave Kathryn anxiety. She had to worry what would happen if the person she trusted to get that close secrete vendetta against her? What if Kosara did have one and had been hiding it so well the last week? No no no no that was crazy paranoia talking. She was over worrying herself! "Okay." She said a little meekly, but a smile on her face none the less. Kathryn then bent over a bit as if she was giving a bow to her tiefling friend. When in arms reach she hugged Kosara tightly, and then quickly let go taking her free hand and grabbing her mug of ale, downing it until it was empty to numb the fear. Her smile seemed much less forced now.

The mood of the half giant was warmed up watching Blackberry claim to Master Urmdrus that the barrels he brought seemed to be way too much for the party to produce. Thankfully, Master Urmdrus laughed first. Making it so Kathryn wouldn't seem like a child for laughing first and likely loudest of the group. As he left though Kathryn's professional posture began to fade. "hehehe" Kathryn let out in a giggle trying to get a word out before she struggled to speak. Her laughing seeming to take precedent over the words trying to come out of her mouth. "Hehe, those are..." She coughed trying to get a more words out through her chuckles. "Sorry I uh, left those there. I'll deal with them here." She let out once the laughing settled. She had no idea why Blackberry pointing out the barrels was so funny to her, yet here she was laughing her ass off at them! Maybe it was the implication that they were massive piss buckets, or maybe it was like a nervous twitch as Kathryn struggled with embarrassment of not dealing with those yet.

"I'm going to clean up my own work for a bit, and go for a short walk before breakfast."Kathryn spoke to Cecily mostly, but also to Kosara who was looking into plans for the morning. "Flat breads sound nice, I don't know a ton of what goes into them but if you can get that going while I put the barrels away you're also welcome to join me for my walk before I go up to the house?" Kathryn offered to the small tiefling woman. "The offer is also out there for any of you as well." Kathryn spoke up to Victoria, Blackberry, Cecily, and Lizbeth. But she didn't want them to feel obligated too. Kathryn's casual morning walk was supposed to be a cool down workout before her day kicked off after such an extreme workout this morning. She did wonder where would be the best places to go for a walk while out here. But maybe that would be a good use of this walk, to learn more of the layout of the vineyard before breakfast!


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Alive Part III
Location: Coach House Main rooms
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn turned to face V after the resurrection had taken a hold. "Thank you?" She said a little shakily as V told her she made a great test subject. Kathryn say V's arms out to embrace in a hug, and Kathryn found herself a little frozen. Not overall negatively effected emotionally against Victoria. But between the fear she just went through, and the fact that Kathryn struggled with physical contact, Kathryn gave a sort of dorky smile in response. She found herself a little unsure of what to do. It seemed rude to not embrace now that she was holding out her arms like that? Plus, if V was going to anything, surely she would do it when Kathryn was out cold. Everyone at this point knew Kathryn was strong enough to lift considerable weight and mass. She had lifted and did a short targeted toss of one of the beasts in the town square. She could move barrels of wine as if they were her regular kit. And she hit hard enough with blunt weapons to separate appendages from their previous owners in a single blow or two. Surely V knew this, and wouldn't try anything while Kathryn was awake and able to swing back right?

Walking up awkwardly to the small woman, Kathryn wasn't really sure the best way to hug someone so short their heads wouldn't even touch in an embrace. She supposed she was wearing armor so awkward smotherings shouldn't b a problem. So very carefully she wrapped her arms around V and returned the hug, being extra careful to not crush her half elf friend. Then quickly letting go to continue with no more touching. Things finally began to calm down. Mostly. The cleaners were still trying to not freak out, and Kathryn was still drinking to suppress her fears and concerns. But they were indeed calmer! Kathryn's mood did lighten when Blackberry joked on how long she had been asleep. "Centuries you say? Hell, I've made my steward proud. I have been so good at me studies I became a wizard and have been granted eternal life." She said jokingly to the ever so clever dragonborn. "I do wonder what magics I have learnt in the years I have been out. I bet I can cool all the beers now!" She attempted to pull off in her best non noble sounding voice. Overall, 6/10 performance. "Between what you and V said, I am destined to be a master class of magic huh?" She said to wrap up her joke, a toothy smile crossing her face as she did so. Kathryn let out a short, but loud and blunt laugh as Kosara said she didn't have to blast V with magic death balls. Quickly covering up her mouth to hide the laughter. "...sorry..." She mumbled trying to not seem rude.

"I think your wife ran off down the road a ways. I uh... don't know how far she went... or what direction she went. Sorry my guy." Kathryn said sheepishly wanting to help, but at this moment just needed a moment to recover the ability to stand and not freak out. Yes, the worst was over. But Kathryn was still shaken, and to say she was jumpy was an understatement. Even by her standards. Should something try and surprise her now, fight reflexes could take over and she could find herself fighting for her life like a wild animal. No no... that wouldn't do. Topping off her ale she figured this was the best approach. The ale wasn't strong enough to get her plastered quickly, but just strong enough to maybe buzz her. Especially without breakfast. Which did remind her... she was starving. Between her fucked up appetite recently, her heavy work out this morning, and just how late the day had begun, she was starving. Felt like she could single handedly hunt down a while animal with her bare hands, and then eat it on the spot. Thankfully, breakfast was soon, and no one would have to witness Kathryn making a foolery of herself so much.

As Cecily stepped in, Kathryn found the land owning woman very much fit the noble atheistic far better than Kathryn did. Much like Victoria did. Kathryn did wish she could also fit into that niche better being the only noble woman here. But her practice in it stopped young, she rarely spent time out of her armor, and was very self conscious on her looks. Not that she was unattractive. But when compared to nobility like members who knew how to make the most of themselves, Kathryn gave off the impressions of a laid back guy barely caring guy than a proper noble woman. "You're looking rather lovely this morning Cecily. I hope we didn't get too rambunctious while Lizbeth was here. She's been a great host, while we may have gotten a little too comfortable at times." Kathryn said a little awkwardly as last night and this morning hadn't panned out the way that things probably should have. "With that, I do hope that we haven't caused too many problems." Kathryn emphasized towards the open door where the poor screaming cleaning lady had exited not too long ago.

"Wait a moment, who slapped me?" Kathryn said cautiously. That is firstly a bold move considering if Kathryn wasn't dead, and had woken up, most of the people in the room were small enough for her to toss around like a children's game of ball or toss. The exception being Blackberry probably. But then more of what Lizbeth said got Kathryn's attention. "Are there other strange things going on besides the giant bugs and rat man monsters?" Kathryn asked cautiously. Things seemed a little off since they got here, but Kathryn chalked a lot of it up to her own caution. Hell, even Cecily mentioning overnight staff changes got Kathryn a little concerned. Had something happened? Where more people disappearing?! More people turning into monsters?! "Is everything alright there? Did something happen to the staff? Is anyone hurt?" Kathryn asked concerned. Maybe apart of her wanted to make up for her lack of mental skills she usually held within the group. She was great muscle, and likely if she put some effort into it a half decent pretty face. But makeup would smear the inside of her helmet, and not look good when it came off. Maybe apart of her was still in that investigative mindset. Unable to properly relax, and not be ready for something to go wrong.

Oh shite.... the piss buckets... "I'm uh... I'm sorry... I forgot... and uh... went somewhere else..." Kathryn said shamefully. Hell, she was likely going to benefit most from this exchange, but had contributed the least amount of... well... piss. "I can try again later if that still helps?" She said unsure what else to say, before seeing Cecily's confused face. "We need it for working with the hides we harvested yesterday." Kathryn said simply. She didn't get into the details much though as she didn't know them that well either.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Alive Part III
Location: Coach House Main rooms
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn had lost all sense of time, of motion, direction, and of what was going on around her. She found herself panicked and though able to hear muffled conversations about her, she couldn't make sense of them. Be it a proper inability or just too panicked to focus, she had no way of knowing. She tried to flail, tried to fight, tried to flee, tried to do anything! All she could do was sit there and hope she would wake up. Hope she could continue to live some sort of life. Hope and pray that someday she would wake from this torture. She felt dizzy, she felt like she was upside down, or maybe on her side? Oh gods was she being dragged? Did something happen after she went unconscious? Were they attacked? Was her corpse like state taken as a body to be dropped into a pit or into the lake? No... no no no no she couldn't die like that... die even more so at least. She couldn't swim. If she were to somehow wake up being tossed into the lake she would not only sink, but even if she gained enough power and leverage to move, she couldn't swim, and she'd drown. She'd drown to never be seen again! No no no no no she couldn't go out like this. She didn't want to pass onto a new plain of existence. She found herself far too scared to face whatever came next. Life scared her too, but not to the same extent as this.

Then she felt the sting. A soft, barely noticeable sting. But... she noticed it. Not like the stuff she was feeling before where nothing could be for sure. But... this was real. This was happening now. And her mind was able to focus again. She felt her chest move again, as air began to fill her lungs, and exhale. She felt cold, cold like the sort of cold you got when you tried your best to heat yourself by the fire, and no matter how much fuel you burned, you could never get warm enough. So you just had to hope and pray you would survive longer than the storm as you fed the flames desperately trying to warm up. Joints still, she ached and pained as her whole body felt like it hadn't moved in ages. Oh gods... what if she had been out for decades? What if she had lost her whole life to some cheap party trick? What if her life was already nearing an end, and she had accomplished so little?!

From an outside perspective, Kathryn's hand would begin to clench and unclench, soon one of her arms bending briefly before falling flat on the table. Then for a brief moment, one of Kathryn's silver eyes began to flutter open, soon followed by the other as they slowly fell into sync with one another. As her eyes opened, the silver was lined with red as tears began to flow down the sides of her face. For a brief moment, that table didn't hold a noble knight, heir to a family name protector of those around her, nor a corpse that was in it's place a moment ago, just a scared girl who felt helpless and weak. Face red Kathryn's face turned to a rough smile as she sat up a soft chuckle replacing the deep strained breaths that previously escaped her. With that sliver of a moment passed, missed by those who may have blinked at the wrong times, or didn't know what to expect. Kathryn wiped away the tears smile holding strong and she fought to suppress the laughter. "Well shit V, that was something else." Kathryn said as if applauding to a magic trick that she had not been the subject of. She looked about her expression still warm to see who was around. her face red as the blood began to flow properly, and her eyes still red from irritation. "How long was I out? It felt like forever, looks like only a couple minutes passed here?" Kathryn said standing up letting her feet hit the floor with enough force that for a moment it sounded like she may pass through the floor, and briefly began to fall over as she lost balance regaining use of her legs. Catching herself, she stood up still smiling warmly.

The tall warrior woman smiled warmed just a bit more when BB brought her a mug of ale. Her arm reached up weak for the drink at first, and when she properly took it from Blackberry's hands, she nearly dropped it. Grabbing with both hands would save most the drink though! Even if she would refuse any potential help to hold said drink. Even holding it with both hands, the drink shook, spilling droplets and bits over her hands as she held it. In an effort to prevent this mess from getting worse than it was, and to help numb her own nerves, Kathryn took the drink and downed the whole thing in a few gulps, spilling much of it down her torso as she went. She seemed far more relaxed when she pulled the drink away from her lips and her smile seemed far less forced. "Thanks dude." She said kindly, though a little weakly. She would then walk ever so slowly to the ale barrel, fill her mug again, and begin drinking it again. Thankfully not as strong as wine, but damn it did help take the edge off. "I think BB is right, we should get going pretty soon here. Much longer and someone is going to think I actually died on that table!" Kathryn blurted out in a loud and very forced laugh. "Plus, I'm starving. Working out before breakfast is so much harder then I give it credit for."


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Dead-Ish
Location: Coach House Main rooms
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Who wasn't scared to die? The answer was a lot of people were scared of death, but some had lived their lives to their fullest, or knew that their death was for something greater, and could accept it. Kathryn, who had brushed close to death a few too many times though, was not one of those people. Death scared Kathryn to a degree that could not be stated into words. Every now and again she would get a burst of confidence that would let her overcome her fears, or she would put herself into situations she could face off against death and come out on top. But that fear lingered. She was terrified of leaving her mortal life behind, and moving onto another plain of existence. That fear of the unknown was one that drove her to do well with a blade, and drove her to flick a switch, and go full blood lust when she fought compared to her usual passive friendly personality. If she died would it be a whole new life? Would it make her own existing life a waste for not living it to the fullest extent she should have? On the other side would she meet people she knew? Her uncle, Ser Lucas, her parents or siblings? The men who were killed defending her? The men that tried to return the favor? She was scared of what the next life would look like. She also found herself worried about all she hadn't done yet. She had failed to live her own life, hiding in fear for most of it. She had failed to do any of her own goals like becoming a baker, she had failed to get her titles reclaimed, claim her home, or a new home, and she had failed to bring justice to her family name.

And now, she was dead. Sure, apart of her knew it wouldn't last, and she should wake up any moment now. But, what if she didn't? What if she just was trapped on the table in this death like state until she finally succumbed and died for real? What if something went wrong with the spell and she couldn't be woken? What if V didn't have any intentions of waking her up? Would V do that to her? Kill her off to have another servant to bend to her will? Surely not. V was a lot of things, but not evil. Right? She didn't think the Codswealth family was evil either though. Rude and blunt, and definitely had relationship issues with her family, but not evil. Just... politics and bickering. Just bickering. Until it wasn't. Until she became an orphan, until she became an only child, until she became an outcast from her homeland, and her family name disgraced. How well did she really know V? Maybe she wanted a servant, maybe she is petty and bitter and jealous of Kathryn's titles? Maybe that is why she would want her dead? As some sort of class punishment thing, or maybe to find a way to take the titles for herself? Surely she couldn't though? Then again, her family had money, and would just love a chance for a title like hers. Even of a low tier landlass claim, it opened a whole new world to even the wealthiest families if they were able to obtain any titles. And enough money, they could wash away much of dark history attached to it. Hell, maybe they'd gain favor with those who had the ability to clear her title for their deeds.

"NO NO NO NO!" She tried to scream. She couldn't be sure if it was a desperate plea to be spared, or her denying that anyone in her party could be as cruel as those who stole her life from her. She didn't know for sure. But... there was more... could she hear? Could she feel? She felt entrapped, like the world was enclosing on her, was someone ontop of her? She could have sword she felt the weight of something or someone on her chest. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't even be sure if her mouth was open, she couldn't be sure if she was making sound. She wanted to fight back, she felt like a cornered animal being toyed with. Being harmed for a cruel joke while their friends laugh at her weakened and defenseless state. She could have sworn she heard a scream, but she couldn't be totally sure if it was hers or someone else's. She did feel the weight on her chest begin to lift. But in her current state, she couldn't tell if one was the cause of the other. She wanted to keep screaming, fighting, she wanted to break down, she wanted to do anything! She was trapped though, in this useless, lifeless body. Unable to truly experience the world around her other than as a watered down witness. As if she was experiencing her death and end through a muffled door only able to guess what was happening to her, but knowing it was infact, happening. She wanted to flail, she wanted to fight, she wanted to get away. She needed to get away. She need air, she needed to get free. Her instincts told her she needed to fight, her instincts told her she needed to flee. She needed to do something! But all she could do was be afraid, and listen to the muffled noises of the others around her. She couldn't even be sure how much time had passed. She was so panicked that she couldn't keep track on her own. She also didn't know if time passed the same way in this state as if she was awake. For all she knew it could be only 30 seconds, or it could be months. God what if it was years? What if she was a comatose body on a table having to be moved off to storage while no one knew if she was alive or dead, unable to wake up? What if she woke up and she woke up old, having missed her whole life, accomplishing nothing, all for some cheap trick?


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Dead-Ish
Location: Coach House Main rooms
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn smiled a warm smile. One far warmer than most people would expect of someone clad as a warrior, and of her size. Lizbeth seemed to excited to see such tricks in action! Kathryn couldn't perform them herself, but the small bean seemed so excited to see what Victoria could do! And if Kathryn could help with that? Perfect! Seeing her smile warmed apart of Kathryn's heart that craved for those around her to be pleased with her. But also to bring joy to someone who has gone through so much in the last week, how could Kathryn say no to her? That little horn that went off in her head when something wasn't right began to go again. Fueled by the small one's question of if things would hurt. Or V's comments leading up to her and Lizbeth guiding Kathryn towards the table. The wine was helping to smother that warning enough for Kathryn to suppress her own fears. She wished it was something more though. Bourbon. Whiskey. Maybe a tea flavored bourbon? Or a maple flavored whiskey? That would help her relax for sure. The wine was growing on her though.

Grabbing the bottle she just opened, she took another swig. She wasn't drinking like she was last night, but she needed just enough of a buzz to keep drowning out her own fears and worries. But she refused to let it show on her face. Smiling she sat on the table, and turned to rest her back on it. Her height proving a disadvantage again as her legs hung off far enough that they were able to point towards the floor, and her head barely stayed on. Sometimes, she wished she was shorter. Maybe not Victoria level's of short, but smaller and cuter that she was would definitely be convenient. The ability to win people over with girlish charm? Or the ability to casually flirt with people? To wrap people around her fingers using her charm and looks? Would be easier in a lot of ways. But her size and strength also gave her an additional edge in her fighting skill. In terms of raw might she was a weight class all of her own when facing off against most foes. Same with her strength! Her skills seemed to really lean into this style of fighting too. It also made it harder for people to shove her around in return. "It's going to be fine Lizbeth. I doubt it'll hurt, and if there is a pinch or two, I have a pretty solid pain threshold." Kathryn said confidently

She turned to Blackberry continuing her warm smile and enthusiastic gaze. "Don't worry so much Blackberry, you were in more danger pouring my ale last night than I will be now." She said ignorantly not fully knowing what she was going to experience. But she had an idea. Death. She was going to die, ever so briefly. She actually had a pretty severe fear of dying. Apart of why she almost always wore the armor she had. Even when she hated her armor. That same fear fed into her anxiety and kept telling her that this was a bad idea. That same fear told her to stop this. That same fear told her that if she had too she needed to get as far away as possible. No matter who she had to shove, kick, or fight to stop this from happening. That horn kept going off telling her that this was a bad idea. That horn slowly getting louder and louder. "This Was Wrong" it kept trying to warn her. "Stop this madness" it seemed to plead. Kathryn took another sip of the bottle of wine. Thankfully not nearly as much as the last night, but enough that she was drowning out her fears.

"Thank you Kosara, I doubt it'll be necessary, but I appreciate you on standby to back me up!" Kathryn said enthusiastically. She was reassured just a bit more that things would be okay. But she wasn't so sure still. If things went wrong, she would be powerless to do anything about it. Surely V would fix it if something did go wrong? Or maybe Kosara could muster up something. And, she supposed if things got really, REALLY bad. They could always run back to town to get Marita. She was a cleric, her magic healed all sorts of problems. Right? But maybe V's magic was more potent... Kathryn had no way of knowing really. Her understanding of magic was limited to say the least. Even the old magic she used now, wasn't even in the same class as the magic everyone around her used from a day to day basis.

The flute made of bone is what about did it for Kathryn. Watching it come out, watching it play. She couldn't hear the words V was saying, as all of her attention stayed focused on the flute. Had she seen it before? Maybe it was cursed? Kathryn tried to catch glimpses of what V was saying. It seemed to be an explanation on how and why she got into necromancy. And Kathryn realized in her attempts to listen, she was beginning to break out in a cold sweat. She found herself struggling with heat flashes, and soon her smiling demeanor began to break. She didn't look worried yet, but that enthusiastic smile had begun to fade. That horn of warning returned. It didn't sound like a war horn, like those used by castle guards to alert of attackers, but it sounded like her uncles old war horn. The trophy he took from his last campaign. A horn made of bone from some large beast. Said to be the mount of some great leader hundreds of years ago. A horn that created a noise so haunting to alert all those who heard it, that death had come for them all. Kathryn was scared, and despite another rather hefty sip of wine, she couldn't drown out the worried sounds inside her head telling her this was a bad idea. She was going to die.

Oh shit she was going to die, she was going to die and there was nothing she could do about it. She was going to die and she may never wake up again. Would she even be her when she awoke?! Or some undead ghoul like Morty. No, no she couldn't let this happen. She was too scared of death to face what came next. "Wai-" She didn't even finish the word before V finished her command and her words were cut off with a gasp. Kathryn went up briefly by a few inches, and fell back down, air slowly draining from her lungs as she let go of the bottle of wine, and it rolled to the floor leaving behind a trail of a rather sweet white wine. The expression on her face, was one of peace. She seemed more relaxed than she had since arriving in Avonshire. And seemed finally, at peace. Even a faint smile crossed her face, as if in the last moment before she went down, the acknowledgment of finally being able to rest without fear settling in comforting the woman.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Coach House Main rooms
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn wondered if she was perhaps too harsh on Kosara. A small part of her wondered if she wasn't harsh enough. Even if Lizbeth forgave Kosara the woman was likely down shit creek without a paddle. Kathryn didn't want to see her friend get in trouble, but she also knew Lizbeth was now in a rough spot on her own. Kathryn herself had slipped up some the night before, and that already pushed the party's good standing with the L'Rose family. This... would create complications. But thankfully to Kathryn's relief, even though Kosara wasn't totally sure why what she did wasn't favorable, she seemed to understand that what she did was upsetting to Lizbeth, and far from acceptable here in Avonshire. She showed remorse for her actions, and regret for upsetting Lizbeth. Kathryn wanted to thank Kosara for owning up to the situation despite not fully grasping how it effected things. But she couldn't think of what to speak. She still didn't know how Lizbeth was going to be effected by the whole thing. If Kosara looked Kathryn's direction she would give the smaller woman a nod of approval, and later when they had the chance Kathryn would talk to Kosara in better details about... she guessed whatever she needed to hear.

Kathryn wasn't in a trance per say, but she was stressed. And focused on keeping that stress manageable. She had already emptied her waterskin so didn't have that to drink anymore. So nothing to even refresh herself. Physically she still ached. Nothing she couldn't tolerate, but she was sore, tired, hungry as hell, and worried how the whole situation would blow up around Kosara. She honestly wondered if this would force them all to find new lodgings for the winter, something that Kathryn wasn't really prepared for. But something if she had too she could make due one way or another. Caravan work paid decent? Supplementing a town guard would give her housing for the winter? Being a sell sword guard for a local guild who wanted extra muscle could also help her hold up through the winter. No... she wouldn't think down that road now. She had some plans drawn up when she was in her drunken stupor after Ser Lucas passed. She would figure it out. She wondered how shook up Lizbeth was, and if there was anything she could do to help the young bean without overwhelming her, or upsetting her more. She had no idea thinking through it. Kathryn took a great sword and hacked the shit out of things when she was upset, but her family sword was a little too big for Lizbeth to use... And Lizbeth wasn't a member of Kathryn's family nor household. By law and tradition she wasn't really supposed to use the sword except in extreme situations. She supposed she could let Lizbeth swing about the warhammer, a set of swords, or axe throwing. Kicking ass there always felt good to Kathryn! Though maybe knife throwing was more suited to Lizbeth's abilities... she would have to find out.

Kathryn found herself finally getting the opportunity to help the small bean. When her other small bean of a friend Victoria stepped over and offered her a chance to make Lizbeth feel better. How could Kathryn refuse? Kathryn would be lying if she said she didn't also want to see some of the magic play out and to see what it could do. There was a small horn going off in the back of her head. The line of thought that picked up on the more subtle language that V used. The mistrusting line of thought that became weary when something wasn't right. The line of thought that told her to be careful who you trust. But... The part of her that wanted to please, that wanted to behave and be a good girl, the part of her that wanted everyone else to feel a little bit better. The part of her that wanted to please everyone slowly buried that worry. The previous anxiety was still there, and was still fueled by that line of thought warning her that this may not be a good idea.

It had just the briefest of chances to take the front of Kathryn's focus as BB gave an argument against the use of said magic. That instinct of self preservation soon became to burn like a bonfire trying to blast its way through an ice burg. Still sealed, but making progress. Above it, a winter storm of extreme proportions trying to bury the flame before it could break free. Her need to have the approval of others burying her concern for her own safety. "Blackberry, I'm sure it's fine." Kathryn said with a warm smile. Be it pleading ignorance, or total trust in V Kathryn probably couldn't answer one way or another. She's pretty sure V wouldn't do anything too harsh in front of Lizbeth. And plus! Kathryn and V were friends! They were an adventuring party! The best of allies! There's no way V would do anything to actually harm Kathryn. "It's just some fun harmless magic, plus, I have a pretty high pain threshold. Once had an orc stand on my chest after he knocked me over. I think I can handle whatever V has in mind." Kathryn said confidently.

Her confidence wasn't totally pure though. Before she went off to join V and Lizbeth for this magic trick, she grabbed an unopened bottle of wine from behind the bar, ripped off the cork with her bare hand, took a few long swigs before setting the bottle down on a nearby table. She wasn't going to get hammered, but she needed a refresher, she needed to dull her fears a little bit, and drinking helped her deal with her own stress. She also became considerably more confident when she had booze in her system. "Alrighty V, what do you have in mind?" Kathryn said in an excited and giddy tone. Ready for whatever the small elf woman had in store for the tall warrior.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 39 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Coach House Main rooms
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Things proceeded to take a more awkward and difficult turn as they continued. She figured maybe something like this was perfectly normal and acceptable in her own culture and lands, but that would have to be a talk they would have to have together at some point how it was a little less acceptable in these parts. Or a lot of lands. Thankfully it was easy for Kathryn to avert Lizbeth's eyes from the whole ordeal. "Baths are important Kosara, but there is a time and place for it." Kathryn said with a worried tone. Lizbeth was going to have her own complications from this point forward, and she was sure Cecily would be pissed. Maybe their host would be patient with them but Kathryn had already pushed their luck a bit the night before.

Thankfully, V was here to help. Coming in face red from the cold she was prepared to help Kosara cover up, and to explain to the tiefling woman more on the ways of decency. Especially infront of minors. Kosara seemed to be struggling with the concept overall. Thankfully Lizbeth was working her way out the room to work with the tea. "Lizbeth how about we uh... May I get some tea too please?" She would have to apologize to her later. Kathryn turned back to Kosara as she stepped out of the barrel of a bath and she just sighed. "Kosara, I gotta be blunt here, because by local customs, what you are doing is a serious offense. Some cultures do jail time or worse for it. The local culture, as well as the one I am from doesn't allow undressed adults and minors to interact with one another." Kathryn said doing her best to not beat around the bush. "I doubt you had nefarious intentions here, and this is a creative way to get a bath, but baths are generally considered something more private to not be shared with most people." There were exceptions, especially in areas where communal baths were a thing. But she didn't want to get into specifics or technicalities with Kosara. Her ignorance in the matter would already prove difficult.

"Back home people can be castrated if the lord decides any intentions were nefarious." Kathryn said with almost a pleading tone. There were other rumors too of those that civilization decided they wouldn't miss if they never showed up again. Deep mines which the workers never resurfaced from again. Fighting pits. Live practice subjects so those in medical could learn more on the human body. "You need to take this seriously, and you need to apologize to Lizbeth for being indecent. We can sort out a proper bath for ya later yeah? Somewhere easy enough to warm and somewhere more discrete." Kathryn said trying to warm up. She was a bit annoyed at Kosara, but she couldn't say she was mad. She was upset that the situation happened, worried how Lizbeth was taking things, concerned about what may happen to Kosara after the fact, and annoyed her friend kept trying to defend her actions despite the concerns brought up by the party members. Cultural differences or not, Kathryn needed Kosara to understand how close to things being a disaster they were, if they were not already past that threshold. "Get dressed. I will clarify anything you need clarifying later when we can talk in private yeah?" Kathryn said sympathetically. She was sure if Avonshire's social norms were much more different than Arcanaple's social norms, she would struggle to fit in as well. She couldn't imagine what Kosara was going through in a world so different than her own. Then again, she seemed rather care free about the whole thing.

Kathryn let out defeated sigh. Kosara would either get it, or she wouldn't. Maybe at least understand she had more to learn, and needed to talk about things and learn more. Kathryn would then turn and head back into the main dinning room where Lizbeth was working on tea, and Blackberry was now stepping into the doorway. "Morning dude." Kathryn said to blackberry in a half defeated tone, but doing a brief stretch and trying to brighten her own mood. "Let's stay in here a moment while they get things sorted in the kitchen yeah?" Kathryn said with a forced smile on her face. Between Kathryn's own problems last night and the mess of this morning, things were a cluster fuck.

Kathryn found out she was still rather jumpy as the figure stepped into the doorway. She got herself into a fighting pose one fist forward, leaning forward like she was ready to tackle, and one hand on a dagger pulled from her ankle sheath. Should the attacker get any wise ideas, she figured she could do a short forceful toss, and tackle the would be attacker out into the court yard past the barrels, and fight them where she would have the advantage. Also buying time for everyone else to get involved as needed. She realized though, she overreacted to what were essentially a cleaning crew. Popping the dagger back into it's sheath just as quickly as she pulled it out, she stood up strait with a dorky smile on her face. "No no no not interrupting anything at all just uh... Long morning is all." Kathryn said unsure how to approach things. "Upstairs may be better... we still have someone getting out of their bath in the kitchen here so they may be a minute." Kathryn said awkwardly unsure what else to say. Kathryn also remembered she left her dress out on her bed... she debated putting that away, but also wasn't really sure where away was for it yet... she figured leaving it was probably best.

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