Kathryn Pyke Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A Location: Patio Breakfast Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A |
Kathryn found herself giddy as a princess picking out her dress for her first ever ball. That was if the ball was breakfast, the dress was a tasty omelette, and she was closer to a half giant murder drone than a princess many days. Calming herself, as she was supposed to be the lady of the party, Kathryn straitened her posture and attempted to act more professional. She then waited until V was wrapped up with her order before Kathryn made her own. "Once you are done there, if it is no trouble my good sir, a six egg omelette, with plenty of cheese. Peppers, grilled onions, and a meat product of your choice." Kathryn said in her most polite lady like tone. "Thank you ever so much." She said in a sweet tone. Kathryn held a lot of respect for people with skills. Skills had to be learned, and earned. The skills she shared with others, she understood what it took to obtain those skills. Those skills she doesn't currently posses, and has little chance to obtain, she held a whole different respect for. She hoped this chef understood his value.
Kathryn listened to Cecily closely as she spoke about her future. She seemed so unsure of it, but it seemed like Cecily and Lizbeth got along great? Why was that such a huge concern for the woman that she may not have this as a home someday. "You seem really worried about being forced to leave here someday? I doubt Lizbeth has any plans to get rid of you once she takes over. Plus, you seem like a great caretaker of the property. You both have far more skills at such a thing than I do." Kathryn said with a reassuring smile towards Cecily, but was hoping that her assumptions were right. "I'll admit, I should probably improve my skills there. For an heiress my property management skills are lacking. Unless it's clearing a storm cellar of ale, or challenging and accepting duels, I don't have a ton of people managing skills. But that is a long way off from now." That part wasn't exactly true. As of this point it was non existent. She lacked money, supporters, an army, and no backing of nobility to lay claim to her titles and lands. And acquiring new lands would be nearly impossible without the rest. And though it was still on her mind, she tried her best to not let that part of her life that she lost get in the way of the life she was living now.
What she did have however, was Victoria. Who thought wasn't a lady in title, she was as close as someone could be to a lady in practice! At least out of those Kathryn knew. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from her mini friend? And maybe Kat could return the favor to the small woman? Victoria's actions seemed to be deliberate. And not just because she was actually practiced in being a well mannered woman, but because... Maybe she was trying to help? The eye contact she made helped to confirm that. As Victoria made her motions, Kathryn did her best to imitate them. She had the foundation of the skill to follow them, but she was very out of practice. The skills she picked up from Ser Lucas mostly consisted of bar brawling, sword fighting, drinking, and how to make a fool of one's self in front of someone you tried to romance. Kathryn followed closely, paying more attention to V than her own actions, but began using the right utensils, organized her dishware, placed her napkins neatly and gingerly, and went at a pace of eating that didn't imply she was a starving child or a looter looking for a quick meal. Had she been wearing a dress, hadn't just come back from a run, and had put in the effort from the beginning, she could have passed as a noble woman, visiting her supporters as they discussed their plans for the year. Kathryn found herself so ingrained in the moment, she didn't notice when her fork missed her plate, and stuck one of the serving plates with a block of cheese on it. With eyes firmly locked onto V, Kathryn brought a not so small block of cheese up to her mouth, and pushed it partially in. Kathryn realized the mistake she made far too late to correct it though. Deciding it was better to finish what she started and act like nothing happened rather than spit out most of a block of cheese, she simply kept swallowing the block of cheese until her lips closed around the fork, and her cheeks looked like that of a chipmunk preparing to hide a stash of food for the winter. Slowly and awkwardly Kathryn chewed, now unable to break eye contact with V as she panicked making the situation worse. After what seemed like forever, she had finally chewed the cheese enough to swallow a few times to deal with her mistake. "'Cuse me...." She muttered as she pounded her chest briefly. Then paused, remembering her manners. "Excuse me." She said correcting herself, before letting out a loud and defining belch to be heard by all on the river. "...sorry..." she muttered meekly. Face beat red, Kathryn finally found herself able to turn away from everyone while she found a way to salvage the situation. Finding none, she tried to turn to other matters hoping this incident would pass fast.
It seemed a lot of things were going on at once here and there giving Kathryn an out hopefully. When she asked Kosara if she wanted to try some coffee, the tall woman almost didn't notice that Kosara was watching her... intently. The tall woman couldn't quite make out the face. Was she angry? Upset? Thinking too hard? Oh gods... what if she was flirting?! And if she was what if it was real flirting and not just Kosara being Kosara?! Where flirtatious actions were just the norm for her instead of flirting?! Kathryn unsure what to make of the situation, simply smiled holding up the cup of coffee with a big toothy grin on her face. "Understandable. You enjoy your tea, I will enjoy this... Coffee." She said hesitantly before taking another sip, seemingly regretting it, and then taking another sip to wash it down, and the tasty cheesy taste of embarrassment. "Dancing sounds like it would be a lot of fun. Never been a good once myself, though my father made sure I picked up some dances when I was younger. Funny enough, my mother even agreed I should learn to dance. One of the few things that they ever agreed on." Kathryn listened intently as Kosara and V explained their winter plans. She had to think a bit what she wanted to do though. "I guess over the winter myself, I am just going to keep training myself. There is always room for improvement. Maybe smith up a couple training weapons for Lizbeth and I to use so neither of us get hurt too badly while we train." Kathryn commented to the smaller girl. "And if we're not too worried about marching and the giving and taking of orders, we can work mostly on how to fight and defend yourself. It'll be interesting as I doubt Lizbeth and I will have the same fighting styles. But I am fairly familiar with many forms of combat. I can set Lizbeth up and she can figure out what is most comfortable to her." Kathryn stopped and pondered it some more. "Otherwise I am just likely to explore a bit like Kosara. But mine will be more as a workout than anything. Could be nice to slow down from time to time though." Kathryn said a bit excited for the winter. She loved the snow herself. And absolutely wanted to build snow forts, throw snow balls, and see what could be found in this winter wonderland!