Avatar of Shoe Thief


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Cleaning day! Made a ton of progress and even found my long lost DS and my missing laundry card that still has a lot of credits on it. Found it in my winter coat of all places go figure.
4 yrs ago
Finally got into D&D. Now I feel trapped and I am in love. Should I ask for help or ask where I can get more dice?
4 yrs ago
Breaks ups are weird. Not sure how to feel about the other person, or about yourself. It hurts for sure, but it's weird and uncomfortable just how different things seem now.
4 yrs ago
I get that dude. Could be one of those days, in the smae boat myself. Hope you're doing better soon though!
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4 yrs ago
It's an ass kick ass world out there. And all we can do about it is keep kicking ass .


Welcome to my profile! I decided I needed to update this, and I don't have much for updating... Only in a single role-play right now, so far it's going really well!

Most Recent Posts


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Fields near Estate House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The night was long and full of terrors. But with help from the party, coordination from the L'Rose family members, labor efforts provided by seasonal staff and those who had arrived from one of the nearby towns or villages. Kathryn couldn't be too sure where these people came from or how they got the plea for help, but they had arrived. Their combined efforts seemed to be enough to save the crop. It seemed to be enough to save the day! Even Master Urmdrus arrived with tea to help make the night just a little more bearable. When Kathryn had finally taken a moment to drink said tea she spoke up to the master smith with a warm tone and a smile to match. "Thank you, really needed something like this." She said trying her best to hide how tired she was getting. Doing her best to hide how sore her body was, or how out of breath she really was. She had a water skin back at the coach house, but she couldn't be sure if it was wine or water in it at this moment. Truth be told at this moment she didn't care. Anything liquid was a blessing. The weird hot tea also helped with the cool night air. Was that... Mushrooms? It was a weird taste, and if Kathryn had known what the tea was made from prior to drinking it she may have hesitated. But alas, it was good, and a welcome treat in this night of hard work.

As dawn came Kathryn felt ready to collapse. Maybe she over exerted herself in the night, or maybe she wasn't as familiar with manual labor as she thought she was. Her bones felt like they were floating in jello as her muscles wanted to do nothing more than to collapse under her weight. Thank fuck she hadn't been wearing her full heavy armor. She may have just collapsed the moment she felt she wasn't needed anymore. "Oh look, the sun." Kathryn attempted to say in a cheerful tone, but coming out a little sarcastic as she tried to catch her breath. Today would be a drinking day until she found herself face first into a comfortable pillow. "I think I am with you Victoria. Food, booze, and sleep." She'd set a really good fire tonight. She wasn't sure what strength she had to do so, but she wanted to fall asleep relaxed, stuffed with good food, dizzy with booze, and under a heavy blanket while the fire kept the room warm. What else could a girl want for a night like this? Well, except maybe having the night be the night and not the ass crack of dawn.

Kathryn looked about a moment, only to notice that the ground felt so soft under her boots. She was more than used too sleeping on the ground during her travels. But damn did that muddy frozen dirt seem rather pleasant in this moment. Sure, she could crawl her way back to the coach house, but it was all the way over there. So much soft ground between her and the bed. Seeing Lizbeth still beaming with energy, Kathryn for a moment selfishly wondered if she could tell Lizbeth that her next training exercise was to drag Kat to bed. After all, part of a squire's duty was taking care of their Knight's needs. No... that would be too selfish. Lizbeth was learning from Kat how to fight for herself. And she wasn't a squire, not in the traditional sense. Plus Kathryn was at least four times the small girl's size. That would be cruel. Though the idea was tempting. Oh so tempting.

Things took a turn that then began to ring every bell in Kathryn's head. She didn't notice the figures at first, but when Blackberry pointed out the beings on the hillside, just out of sight of the vineyards where they had been working, and Kosara confirming that it wasn't just Kathryn hallucinating, the uneasy feeling told her to be ready. Something about how quiet they were, unmoving, how the big one seemed to be an absolute commander to the others. It reminded her of thralls and their master. She didn't like it. But when seeing Kosara and Blackberry move towards them, she couldn't leave them to go at it alone. "Come on Victoria, let's make sure the others don't cause us too much trouble yeah?" She said in a joking tone, and for an excuse that wasn't personal paranoia driving her instincts. Kosara's mention of tree goblins and were rats made Kat uneasy. But this didn't seem to fit the bill? But she didn't have a good look from here. It wasn't until she saw how far Blackberry and Kosara were ahead of her that she understood how beat she was. Her feet dragged, leaving streaks in the dirt and grass across the mostly frozen ground. Making a controlled and concentrated effort she made sure each step lifted, doing her best to hide just how tired she was getting. But alas, she was still far far slower than the more energetic people in her party.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Giant's Might
Location: Fields near Estate House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Despite the delay, Kathryn was able to make up some of the lost time by loading the brassieres on the wagons in bulk, and unloading them in bulk. The work was difficult, but Kathryn was well rested. Other than some sword practice earlier in the day Kat hasn't done much to physically strain her. Other than this being a long night now she was feeling great! Ready to face off the world! Not working in her heavy armor helped too. No matter how exposed that made her feel. After many groups of the furnace like contraptions were loaded up Kathryn began her track back to the vineyard itself to help with the placements. Wondering if maybe she could continue to move them in bulk so that those setting them up wouldn't have to carry them so far, and could focus more on lighting and fueling. And once the bulk were set up she could go back and get more braziers. Simple plan but seemed good enough!

Kosara having lit herself up to act as a beacon of where efforts were being focused Kathryn prepared to unload the wagon when a sharp pain crossed over her shoulder, and down her torso, and soon down her leg. Kathryn let out a soft sound that could be comparable to a soft but pained squeak as she seemed to flinch for a moment. Then with a deep exhale she slowly began to return to her normal height. Her breathing was strained for a moment before her body seemed to relax. The rune on her belt seemed to flicker and flair like lantern fuel that had suddenly been lit, and burned itself out. She didn't know how long it was, but it appeared the rune could only run for so long before it quit on her. And when she let it burn out like that, it fucking hurt. Like her whole body was attempting to contort as it tried to tear itself apart. Then she bent over and puked out the boiled wine she had just nursed with Victoria. She knew some of the workers were watching her, so with a smile on her face, she stood upright again and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. "No more drinking on the job for me. Let's wrap this up." She said in a cheerful tone, rushing over to the wagons before someone could ask her if she was okay. She needed to be strong. She couldn't afford to be weak. People were depending on her. She refused to let them down.

With a deep breath, and bracing herself for the rune to try and quit out on her if trying to start it again caused a repeat of the pain that just happened. The rune on her belt began to glow, sparks began to fly as the rune seemed to glow even brighter than the last time she activated the rune. Soon she returned to her maximum height again, nearly 14 feet tall and seemed ready to take on the world! Loading up the braziers in her arms, she walked a ways passed the ones being currently set up, and began laying out the mobile furnace like contraptions as close as possible to their spots, leaving them ready to set up. When Kathryn used up the braziers in her arms, she returned to the wagons as fast as she could to continue doing the manual moving of the braziers. Hopefully making better time than everyone else who could move them, and giving them more time to light them up and keep them fueled up. She hoped so much that she was doing enough to help. She also wondered how much time had passed. Was her timer about to go again? She wondered if she let the rune run until it burnt out again if it would hurt like that again, or worse... Or if it had a shorter time span since she just expended a use? Questions for another night. She had people depending on her.

Kathryn then heard Blackberry singing. She found herself listening, and wanting to sing along as they worked. She didn't know the words to this tune, but she hummed along, and kept the pace up. Bringing the braziers to their locations as fast as she could, and for a moment found herself ready for whatever came next. She did wonder if they had enough fuel to keep the fires going.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Fields near Estate House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn always tried her best to make the people around her feel as good as they could in themselves. She also always wanted to see the best that each individual had to offer this plane of existence. She also couldn't be sure when she was pushing boundaries, or making things worse. With the bell going off for the fire, Kathryn didn't really get a good chance to decipher if she had been able to help Victoria at all, or at least reassure the woman that things would be okay and that she was accepted. With the fire alert going on, Kathryn would probably never know unless Victoria said something later on. Kathryn figured pushing after the fact would make do quite the opposite of what she wanted. In that moment, she mostly wanted to help her friend. Though she couldn't be sure Victoria saw the two of them as friends. Still, they were team members, and Kat wanted her team to do well.

Arriving at the site of the flames, things seemed to be nowhere near as devastating as she had feared. Instead of an out of control fire blazing through the vineyard, it appeared that this recent temperature drop was killing the crops, and the staff were busy trying to keep the plants warm enough to survive the nightly freeze. "What magic I do possess can't really help here, but let me see what I can do to help here!" Kathryn could technically summon flaming chains, but they needed something to target and restrain. And they were rather difficult to control on top of that. If something was done out of step, or used incorrectly, the flames were just as likely to torch the crop as they were the target. She'd keep the option open if they were desperate, but she didn't want to rely on this option unless she had too.

Kathryn did find it odd when Victoria had little to offer in the way of magical assistance, but she also didn't really know the full extent or limitations of Victoria's magic. For all Kathryn knew Victoria could fly and shoot beams of energy from her eyes. But she had no way to be sure unless she convinced Victoria to sit down someday and show Kathryn all her abilities. That... may not be a bad idea someday. Same with Kosara and Blackberry. It would be good for the whole group to know what each other could do. Especially for planning purposes! But that would have to come later.

Blackberry was thankfully ready with some ideas to get things going! With a nice motivational speech to boot! And Kathryn had to admit, his plan was simple, strait forward, and seemed rather effective. All the things a good plan needed to be. The more complicated it was the more that could go wrong. But all the tools would be present to get the job done, and hopefully done well! When Blackberry gave Kathryn her part to play, she nodded and spoke firmly. "Aye Aye Captain." A little in jest, but she was impressed with his quick thinking. Quickly she turned on her heels and booked it off to the utility shed that held the needed equipment to assist with keeping the harvest alive. She figured others were already there, so she began looking about for them, and in her haste to get there she had noticed she had completely passed the structure and the staff getting the supplies ready to load up. The moment she put it together, she turned back and saw the workers unloading the shed. "Mother Shit Fucker!" Kathryn called out before catching up to the utility shed. "Oi! We got some more wagons coming to help carry the lot of stuff over. Anything we can set up outside to load up to save time once the wagons are here is time we can save. Otherwise send off whatever we can." Yes they were pretty much doing just that, but she felt the need to reassure that more was being done and they just had to tough it out a bit more.

Running inside to the storage shed Kathryn would pile up several brassieres into a bundle, and lift them outside setting them up to be loaded onto wagons in a rather quick fashion. Once wagons were present to load up Kathryn took a step back, took a deep breath, and the rune on her belt began to flicker and glow. At one point presenting sparks before Kathryn began to grow in height and size. Once she was at her height of about 14 feet, she grabbed the edged of the pile she carefully constructed and set it bit by bit into the wagons as they came in. Her current size meant she couldn't help unload the shed unless it had a larger door she missed, but she could single-handedly load the wagons faster than the rest of the crew combined. Leaving them to continue to pour out supplies and equipment.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Watch Tower --> Fields near Estate House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn was ready to be there for Victoria so she knew she wasn't alone in all of this. The woman seemed troubled, and concerned with the world around her. Offering wine and a chance to listen if the smaller woman needed it. Kathryn however didn't expect so many of Victoria's walls to break down before her eyes. The half giant woman was caught off guard, and for a moment was stunned and unsure what to do. Briefly her reaction may have showed, but taking a moment to process things Kathryn sat and leaned in. Making sure her full attention was on the bard as she spoke. Spoke of her challenges in town, with the medicine woman, with herself. Though Kathryn had taking a good sip of her boiled wine when she passed a mug off to Victoria, the moment she began speaking the mug simply sat nestled in both hands as Kat leaned in. The woman looked on the edge of collapse, yet somehow more determined than ever. Like a messenger on their way to deliver the most important letter that could ever be sent, and they knew that every step they took they were closer. That every hill they climbed was one less to pass over. That every robbery avoided was one less bandit on the road. And that damn letter would be delivered.

As Victoria let on to how few knew her real intentions of learning her new skill set, she seemed to feel horrified that no one would ever be able to see her as anything other than... well... another evil necromancer. How if the parents, or the medicine woman knew the truth, they would have never let Victoria anywhere close. When she asked if anyone would ever do such a thing Kathryn spoke up after a moment of deep thought, and a solid couple breaths to think on it. "I would." The big woman said softly. A warm reassuring smile on her face. "I'm not going to say I fully understand what you are going through. Because if I am being blunt, I don't. I don't know the ins and outs of magic, I have a crude grasp of runic magic as it is. But I understand wanting to be able to do more. Have more control in your own world." Kathryn let out a soft breath before taking a sip of her wine. "I didn't learn to fight because I wanted to help people. Hells, I didn't even learn it because I had fun with it. At least, not for the most part. I wanted to hurt people." Kathryn said in a strained and defeated tone. "And it took way too long to realize I was becoming just as bad as those who hurt me. No... worse. Someone more powerful than me hurt me, and I took it out on those weaker than me. The messed up part? I still have that craving to be stronger, more powerful, unstoppable." She was also concerned that if she was ever to get the kind of power she wanted, that she'd relapse. End just like those who wronged her again. Physically, few things could match her, let alone overpower her. If she was able to stack on even more power to that? Master the old runes, or obtain power in other ways? She'd be a terrifying force.

"I won't lie to you either. The idea of necromancy is a little unsettling to me. Your reasons for wanting to learn more physical medicine are also a little unsettling. I don't think that makes you a bad person. Weird? Maybe. But if you have a look around I think you'll find that a lot of us are weird in some way. And I am sure you have your own reasons for what you do. Just don't let those reasons corrupt the good person I know is under all of that fashion wear yeah?" She said in a teasing tone. Truth be told, Victoria always had a way of looking rather spectacular, seemingly without even trying! She was pretty sure that wasn't true. But listening to Victoria now, Kathryn couldn't help but worry Victoria may be down a path that Kathryn finds herself a little too close too from time to time. Power at all costs, no matter the consequences, no matter who got harmed in the process. No matter what it did to one's self. "If things change, and you would like help, I am spending a lot of time in my room at the moment working off your transcripts. And always looking for an excuse to take a break. Or if you need a break, the tower here has a great view, and I need a drinking buddy who won't sober me up when I least expect it." Kathryn chuckled trying to bring some lighthearted humor into things. Kathryn wasn't the best at trying to comfort people. Much of her life the only steady person to communicate with was an extremely elderly halfing man addicted to booze and whorehouses. Some of the woman he brought home were fun to chat with though.

Victoria began to speak up again, and Kathryn was instantly back into hyper focused listening mode. Kathryn's expression dropped when Victoria spoke up though. Cursed? Then the bell rang. Kathryn didn't need to know a lot about country living to know that it meant bad news. This late at night no one would ring a bell like that unless there was good reason. Looking up back towards the state house, she saw the glow. "I'll come too." Kathryn said standing up, swallowing the last of her wine, and booking it downstairs and back towards the house in a full sprint. Leaving behind the wine and mugs as she went.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 43 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Coach House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


And what a month it was. To start things off, there was no clear winner to the snowball battle. What started out as a friendly game of snowballs in the cold weather seemed to turn into a warzone as the clumps of snow were dealt with more vigor as the battle progressed. And Maybe, just maybe, Kathryn got a little too into it. But alas, someone standing at 14 feet tall could make and throw some really big snowballs. It wouldn't be long until Kathryn and Kosara were half buried in the snow with Kat flat on her back after returning to normal size leaving a Kat sized hole in the snow in one of the few untouched areas of the battlefield. Otherwise, no surface was spared the carnage. Either tore up for ammunition, or struck by the destruction. Thankfully, the fields would be burned soon enough for a clean harvest. "That was fun." Kathryn spoke up flat on her back, catching her breath, and a big grin on her face as she continued to sink into the giant Kat shaped hole. "We should do this again at some point." Sitting up Kathryn would help Kosara out of whatever hole she landed in. Either under her own power, or caused by Kat getting a little too into the battle.

Once it was called to return back to the coach house, Kathryn found herself trying to stretch out the muscles in her back and shoulders. Though she had been more relaxed recently, she had been tense as hell. And so much physical activity on her person in uncommon methods have caused her to become uncomfortably sore. To her surprise, Kosara had offered to massage her to help relieve some of the physical stress stuck on her back. The cost? A piggyback ride back to the coach house. "This seems like a ploy so you can feel up my muscles again?" Kathryn said with sarcastic suspicion. That was probably exactly it, but she had to admit that a professional massage sounded great... "Fine, you got a deal." Kathryn said in an almost challenging tone. "But first, we drink. Not wasted because you gotta do this well. And I want my works worth out of ya yeah?" Kathryn said with a confident smile as she drank from the brandy filled waterskin. Seeming as Kosara didn't want any of the "Cursed Brandy" Kathryn would take care to grab something to drink when they got back to the coach house. After more than a couple sips, Kathryn turned around and bent over. "Alright my lady, shall we?" Kathryn offered waiting for Kosara to climb on her back. Once on and secure, she would book it full sprint back to the coach house! Kosara was thankfully not a 600lbs barrel. Much easier to job with on her back than her morning workout routine!

Barging into the coach house with some less than subtle drunken giggles Kat bent over as to not accidentally send Kosara's face into the door frame. Reaching behind the bar Kathryn would grab two random bottles of wine with a huge grin on her face, still unable to suppress the giggles before calling out to anyone in the main room to the coach house "Kosara is gonna help me unwind a bit, please do not disturb!" The half giant sang sung as she did a couple spins before half dancing up the stairs. A kosara on her back, and two bottles of wine in her hands. Sadly, she would have to set down her tiefling friend before they could continue. "I need to change into something more comfortable. So I'll take the wine and if you wanna grab what you need meet me back at my room in a couple minutes yeah?" Kathryn offered once Kosara was on her own two feet. Then, she'd rush back into her room tossing the bottles on her bed, and with expert speed removed the bits of armor from her person before changing into her comfort wear. When Kosara returned Kat had set up the room as best as she could, but alas she was no expert. "I don't have a table, so I hope a bed will do well enough?" Kathryn asked a little unsure of the situation.

Kathryn had no idea how tense her body actually was. Not until Kosara pressed into the knots in her back causing such a rush of relief for Kathryn to call out more than once to the sudden drop of physical stress. "OH GODS! Where did you learn that?" she'd ask her tiefling friend, giving her the best back massage of her life. Kathryn was far from the best patient though. She had trouble staying still despite laying comfortably in bed as Kosara got all the knots and pains out of her back, and she was so tense that even relaxing took effort! Every few moments Kathryn would let out a verbal release as her body became more and more relaxed. She had no idea just how wound up her body had become, and for the first time in years she could relax.

A couple hours after a mildly drunk and giggling Kathryn had originally burst through the door, she returned to the main pub room of the coach house. Hair frizzled, and as relaxed as a pile of slime sinking down a stairwell. "Gods I haven't felt that good in years. Y'all should get some of what Kosara offered me. I swear it changes you." Kathryn said sounding like she was relaxed enough to sleep. Before letting out a very soft giggle of sorts still a little buzzed. Then taking rather large glass and filling it with the totally not cursed brandy, nursing it at a near proper rate before relaxing for the evening.

The next few weeks kept Kathryn rather busy. Between her morning workouts, daily training sessions with Lizbeth, and her book work, Kat had little other downtime. Kathryn still made Lizbeth work on endurance and strength training. But far less intensely than previously. Now they practiced with swords! The first day Kathryn found herself getting a little carried away with the sword play and after only a few practice swings, Kat had accidentally snapped her sword across Lizbeth's in an attempt to pin it against a tree. She would bring a lot more practice swords after that incident just in case. Kathryn had to regularly remind herself to not swing with the same might she would in battle, and for the most part it worked out well! Kathryn however was not one to show mercy to her student. During their duels she never let Lizbeth win. She didn't go out of her way to send her into the snow every day, but Kathryn wouldn't let her land a swing if she could prevent it. Many of their mock battles would go with letting Lizbeth take a few swings, and Kat blocking it with her mock sword. Giving verbal instructions on how to improve her odds of hitting Kat, Kathryn then explaining what she was doing to block Lizbeth, and warning Lizbeth when she was making an offensive move on her. The couple of times Lizbeth got a little too confident after blocking a few of Kathryn's swings the tall warrior simply gave the girl a smirk and said. "Then let's step things up." And instead of standing still waiting for Lizbeth to strike her Kathryn would begin marching forward in the snow with ease using her simple height and strength advantage to traverse the terrain far easier than her student.

The more advanced training would be a huge step up. "When it comes to defending yourself, you are primarily going to face two sorts of enemies. Shady bastards who are going to use every trick in the book to wear you down until they can get a strike in on to finish you, and brutes. Most people who get into the fighting business by choice do it because they already have some skill in it. Or are used to already being more powerful than everyone around them." Kathryn would speak up between strikes. No longer calling out her directions of attack, but going slow enough that if Lizbeth was to pay attention she would see them coming. But with each slow lumbering swing Kathryn took a step forward, forcing Lizbeth to take a step back and forcing her to constantly change her stance. "Unfortunately for you most of these people will fit that second category. Fortunately for you, I am bigger than most of them. If you can hold your own against me most of the rest will be hard pressed to go toe to toe with you." Kathryn would say continuing to step over the snow as if it were barely a hindered. Now Kathryn's blocks from Lizbeth's attacks were getting closer to Lizbeth's person. "Someone like me is going to use the fact that they are bigger, stronger, and heavier than you to push you into submission. Meaning you need to be faster than them, and know when to break away. Avoiding a blow is just as much of a skill as blocking on. Ducking, side stepping, disengaging to get a better vantage." As Kathryn spoke this, it would become apparent that Lizbeth had been backed into a pair of trees that had grown together to create a barrier that her only way out was now through Kathryn. At this, Kathryn would swing her wooden blade with considerably more force than her previous swings, this time watching as Lizbeth did a partial duck, and used her blade to guide Kathryn's sword the rest of the distance above the small girl's head. Kathryn watched as Lizbeth took the moment while she was ducked to slip to Kat's side and gain distance.

If this were a proper battle, Kathryn would have struck again. Probably to knock her flat on her face. But Lizbeth was doing so well using the advantages she did have against Kathryn. She wanted to reinforce those skills. She did take a swing at the young girl when she tried to gain distance. "My reach is also better than yours. If you let me strike your back, I shall." That hit didn't hit with any force, but enough to tap the young bean's back and cause her to stumble. "You need to work on your footwork. Most battles and duels wont let you stand still. But your stances are getting better. And your blocking is improving." Kathryn would show Lizbeth a few ways to help keep her footwork comparable to her stances so if forced to move, she can keep her swings and blocks effective. "You're learning well. Keep working on your footwork, and your stances. And uh... sorry for the bruises. I tried my best to not hit you too hard..." Kathryn said a bit shy. "Keep working on it, and we'll move onto some other weapons soon. Maybe throwing weapons, or shield works. Both very good skills to have." Kathryn said, rather proud of how well Lizbeth was learning a blade. "Sword first. You gotta know the basics before we mix things up more." Kathryn wouldn't move onto real weapons for a bit still, nor metal training weapons. Lizbeth was still working on blocking, and Kathryn didn't want to cause too much more harm to the small girl if it was avoidable. Lizbeth so far has still been unable to land a hit on Kathryn. But she imagined she may someday before the winter is out if she keeps practicing. Kathryn was still not going to let her win. She wanted Lizbeth to earn that for herself. But she also wanted the girl to know she was doing rather well. It was a difficult balance.

If only Kathryn's teachings in her studies were as successful. She found herself struggling to read the books and texts from the goblin camp. Even worse, looking back through her notes and V's notes, it looked like Kat had mistranslated something early in her studies and it seemed to have a rippling effect to the rest of her translations from that point forward. It changed whole words! Whole sentences! it turned questions into comments, and comments into suggestions! Places into names, names into descriptive words. It crippled weeks worth of progress from a simple error made in a minor slip up that seemed to fit. It felt like a sabotage of the worst kind! "MOTHER FUCKER!" Kathryn screamed so loud that anyone on the lot for the coach house could hear. Emphasized by the sheer force of Kathryn's fits striking the door out of anger, leaving a visible crack on both sides of the door, and a bloody hand for Kathryn. "fuck..." Kathryn said to herself rather embarrassed and shamefully. In that moment of post door fisting clarity, the miss translation seemed to clear itself up! The change was subtle, but it also meant that most of her progress hadn't been lost! Just a few key aspects needed to be changed! After cleaning up her hand and talking with Master Urmdrus about fixing up the door she wrongfully took her anger out on Kathryn was able to fix up her mis translated notes rather quickly! It still took time to catch up to where she left off, but when she did a bunch of her old notes began making far more sense! Finally, a break in this tedious task.

After a string of very unpleasant dreams, Kathryn decided tonight was going to be a late night. The dreams were not memories, but they were unsettling none the less. She couldn't even make sense of them, she didn't even seem like herself in those dreams. But they were beginning to get to her. So she would stay up late tonight, and get mildly drunk to see if that could dull the dreams. Taking a hot bath a few hours before everyone else settled in, the half giant felt clean and rather womanly for a change. Had she not been in the mood to relax wearing her dress may be a valid option! But alas, this was no place for a ball. But she was clean, wearing comfortable garbs, and still had a sword hanging on her belt. That belt however sat over her shoulder to be easily set down so she didn't have to lug it around all night. The cider was a welcome change to things as well.

She however, could not stop thinking about the dream she had been having. It was foggy, and gone by the time she woke most nights. Especially at first. But now? Now she was beginning to recall it in the daytime like a much faded memory. It felt like she was an officer of a large commanding army. But... her words were not her own. Her actions were not her own. And around her? A sea of bones littered the ground. She didn't want to even imagine what could have put such a train of thought in her mind. But something had. Her own dark thoughts? A story she read? She couldn't recall a story like that immediately but surely it had to be that. Yes there were people she felt that wronged her, and needed to be punished. But that dream... That dream was that of death incarnate. With her own person seeming in the middle of it all.

Something to help take Kathryn's mind off of the rather unpleasant dreams, was that Master Urmdrus had finished some of his works! Gifting an assortment of arms and armor to various party members, and importantly Lizbeth's! And she even got her own shield! "We'll have to work on fighting with shields soon then. I look forward to what you can do there dude!" Kathryn called out to the small bean. "I do have to say, the warrior setup does suit you rather well." She called out to Lizbeth while she showed off her new kit. The whip was going to be an interesting one to work with. Yes Kat knew how to use one, but she wasn't too experienced with one. On top of that, she wasn't sure how to counter one that well either. Should Kat and Lizbeth get into proper weapons before the snow ends, Kathryn would have to adapt. But she herself would also get a chance to learn something new. Plus the reach on the whip may be better for Lizbeth in the long run. Though Kat's own kit wasn't ready yet, she still had her own chain mail set to work with. As well she knew she could defend herself rather easily should the time come. Plus seeing everyone else get super excited for their gifts was rather adorable to watch.

With studies going well enough, training with Lizbeth going smoothly, and no more doors beaten into submission, the rest of Kathryn's time was spent relaxing where she could. To her honest surprise, she even had a chance to enjoy the bath!!! And she would never admit to the amount of dirt and grim that came off her person with a proper bath. But to make sure she could enjoy it properly, she would soon take one with a lot less dirt and grim to follow. A nice hot bath in the nice super cold season, and being able to relax with wine and hot cider in her pajamas was something that she otherwise didn't get a chance to do. In this current moment, she found herself relaxing with some sweet wine she had heated up in a pot over the fire, pouring it into a nice mug while wrapped up in blankets and her new sleeping bag pajama with sleeves. It was... a crude outfit. But it was warm, modest, and it was somewhat protective as well as comfortable! What else could a girl want?

Watching the way V stumbled in and collapsed, Kathryn was a bit worried for the small woman. Kathryn had heard rumors on what had happened, but by the time she heard it was far too late for her to be super effective in helping. V however, was in the middle of it all. The woman despite her obvious fatigue seemed to be in a bit better spirits as she talked about how she had delivered a baby boy today! "That is wonderful Victoria!" Kathryn spoke up in glee! But as V continued, she appeared to have her front crack more and more. Before finally breaking down. Soon, the half elf who had done her best was gone. Getting as much distance from her reality as possible. Kathryn hesitated. Apart of her wanted to follow, another part wanted to give her space. In the end, the former choice won out. Kathryn had heard too many stories of people who couldn't handle their worlds anymore wandering off into the cold to not be seen again until the snow melted. She also remembered how alone, scared, and broken she was after Ser Lucas passed. The only thing to give her company was the beer bought with their combined savings. She'd back off if needed, but she wanted to make sure that V knew she wasn't alone in all of this.

"I'll be right back too." She called out to the room as she attempted to get on her boots. Wearing her sleeping bag with sleeves made it surprisingly hard to move with how much padding she had on. A joke could be made about her being a marshmallow in this moment, but there were more serious things to focus on. Boots on, sword belt over her shoulder, and a big soft hat, Kat was ready to assist! Well, almost. She grabbed the pot of heated wine, sealing the lid on top, and clipping a couple mugs to her sword belt.

The hike was slow going, thought Victoria's tracks were easy to follow, Kat didn't want to accidentally miss a turn and have to double back. The trail was easy to spot though. The watchtower that Kat had been too on her first morning here. It was a good isolated place, with a good view in all directions! The music she soon heard was the final confirmation of where she needed to go. No longer having to take it slow, she began marching through the snow with ease closing her distance to the tower rapidly. When Kathryn reached the base of the tower she could hear the music far more clearly. Even listening to V play, it reminded Kat of simpler times. She felt like a young girl again, watching a show with her parents and their friends. Though she couldn't see Victoria, she could hear every string, every beat, the music was something that was just... comforting in a time when little could be. Kathryn closed her eyes enjoying the moment. Taking in every beat as another moment patching up her happier memories. Giving them strength to see the light again over the less than good memories.

When the music began to quiet, Kathryn opened her eyes to see the moonlit tower standing before her. Maybe she even heard some echoing of V's music? Other locals maybe joining in on the melody? She couldn't be sure, but she knew it was peaceful. A taste of something better. Entering and climbing the tower, Kathryn found herself up top where Victoria was rather quickly. Doing her best to not surprise her bardic friend. While still part way through the hatch, setting down her belt and the pot of hot wine Kathryn spoke up softly to Victoria. "I knew you were good, but my gods. That was something otherworldly." Kathryn spoke in a calm but warming tone. Like a sister attempting to comfort her sibling after a hard day. Making her presence known now, Kathryn stood the rest of the way up and out of the hatch before sitting down. Pouring the hot wine into both mugs she passed one over to Victoria. "You've done a lot of good for these people. I hope you know that." Taking a sip of her own wine she held the flavor for a moment, before swallowing and letting out a comically large steam cloud. "But if you ever need help, of any kind. We're here for you. Okay? If you need help in town, I'll clear my schedule. If you need help or support when you're back here, we can lend a hand. If you just want somewhere to escape for a few moments, we can help you there too. But you're not alone in this." Kathryn after taking a moment to let things sit in let out a soft but warm chuckle. "I'm also not good at this sort of thing. And sometimes people just need space. I just wanted to check in on you. So if you want me to go I'll go and get myself plastered so Kosara can sober me up again." She said in a rather joking manner. But the offer was serious. She didn't want V to feel alone with what she was going through. Even if she wanted to be alone, knowing others were there for her could make a huge difference.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 43 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Undead Grapes?
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


"I do have to agree V. Maybe what we need is a chance to stand back and look at the situation under a much less..." Kathryn paused trying to think of the right word for the situation, then wondered if thinking this long to complete a sentence would undercut the right impression she was going for. "A much less intense situation." She said the thinking look still on her face. Alas, she would need to work on that. Thankfully Blackberry had come up with the idea for V to ask her new teacher about the plant! That should hopefully help a ton. An expert in plants and herbs looking into their situation. Combined with stepping back to look at what they saw again, surely they could come up with something right? "I do wonder if the town has some record of people who have gone missing? Maybe we can find something out from there? If I had to guess, they were probably workers on the L'Rose vineyard at one point or another. So maybe even there is some kind of workers history, or old paylog we can look at?" Kat asked hoping for some sort of confirmation that it wasn't a terrible idea. Her hope was to cross check these two theoretical lists, and see what overlapped. Though first she would have to see if records like that existed, or if something comparable could replace it.

While deep in pondering thoughts, attempting to use that plus sized brain she had in her skull, her carriage of thought had been cut short by a cold icy ball of FURY hitting her square in the face. After spitting out the bits that had been captured by her mouth and letting out a rather childish laughter for someone of her size she stood up with a big toothy grin on her face. "Maybe I will, Maybe I wont." The half giant said smugly as she bent down to grab her own clump of snow and compact it into it's own ball of frozen fury! She was a bit more subtle than her thoughts implied. She allowed her very close friend to finish her own investigating work, waiting for her to stand back up. Less than a second or two after Kosara had failed to locate the evil grape that grows undead people, Kathryn leaned into her throwing stance, sending a snowball of much large size and density into the tiefling woman's chest! "My turn!" Kathryn called out as the massive snowball hit Kosara square in the chest. All in good fun, but alas the big woman could get carried away.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 43 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Undead Grapes?
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Returning to the distillery was a rather amusing site. Seeing Kosara work on the snowman reminded Kat of what it was like to be a young girl again! If they weren't in the middle of something important and ready to move out again, Kathryn may have joined her. But she needed to stay focused!! Much to her own challenge. Thankfully, Master Urmdrus was more than prepared to seal the doorway. Though the materials were rather raw, the door was surprisingly well made! Walking up to the built up door, Kathryn gave a soft and long whistle to it. "For a job done with no notice, and with limited materials, I gotta say this is some fine handy work." Kathryn made sure to compliment the crafts man. "Maybe someday I will have skills even half as good as yours!" Trade skills weren't Kathryn's strong suit, but she did love working with tools. So maybe that could be a backup profession should she ever retire from adventuring. And also not pursue her career as a lady of power.

With a simple but cold walk to the grapes, Kathryn found herself still rather comfortable. Maybe it was just being more accustomed to the cold, maybe it was the many layers she was wearing, or maybe she was just a naturally warm person? Who knew! "Having fun Kosara?" Kat asked the tiefling dancing and jumping as she ran along to the grapes. Kathryn figured Kosara would be the most susceptible to the cold. Between being a tiefling which she was pretty sure were a species much more suited to the fires of some underworlds, being used to the desert and being raised in their sands, and also the fact she was a little difficult to keep dressed, she figured she would need to be heated the most? Or maybe she was also naturally warm. "How do you think she does it?" Kathryn leaned over and asked Blackberry. "I can see us holding up fine in this weather, but Kosara is acting like this is her natural habitat. The more I see of this world, the more it confuses me." The half giant chuckled with a smile on her face.

Unfortunately, the investigation didn't seen to bear much fruit. Well except for the one that popped in Kat's mouth like a leaking pimple... After nearly puking to the after taste and the smell, the tall woman took a moment to take note of Blackberry commenting on her tasting the berry. "I don't-" She paused to let out a short coughing fit before clearing her throat and continuing. "I don't eat and drink everything in sight! I've been doing really good at watching my weight!" She said defensively. Working hard to make sure her body used every calorie she in took into nothing but energy and pure muscle mass! Yes she was probably heavier, but she grew a few inches, and was physically a lot stronger than a couple weeks ago! She worked hard to keep fat off her body... and normally the armor hid it rather well... The rather direct comment didn't stop Kat from trying to help Blackberry as he took a sample from the weird dead grape bush. She wasn't sure how much help she actually was, but she hoped it was the thought that counted.

Speaking of eating everything in sight... She figured she would try to recreate her experiment to see if it got any different results. "I have... an idea!" She said proudly and rather confidently. "Kosara, if these are in fact magical grapes, we shall know soon enough." She spoke confidently still as she plucked another grape, and tossed it into her mouth. The grape tossed in so fast that she didn't even get a chance to smell it. HA HA!! SUCCESS! She then took a moment to suck the grape instead of chewing it, hoping to taste it without that horrible texture in her mouth. Unfortunately, her tooth had pierced the grape. Yet again, that oozing popped clumpy blister feeling was in her mouth again. "Huk Gak Gak" The half giant coughed out as pieces of grape flew from her mouth and made some rather solid distance! "Nope uh... learned nothing new..." She said rather shamefully. And again, to wash out the rather god awful texture she took another sip of her brandy filled water skin. Then it clicked... that maybe that was more what BB was talking about... not necessarily the quantity of food and drink she had.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 43 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Outside Distillery --> Undead Grapes?
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The run to the couch house went rather smoothly all things considering! The barrel was heavy, but lighter than her morning workout routine. On top of that, she wasn't going to push herself as much as she could, so she could take it a little easier as well. She also didn't want to carry it all the way back up to the main house yet. Partially because she wasn't sure if the L'Rose family would be there. Partially because she couldn't be too sure what they would want to do with it. And maybe she wanted another sample to be safe. Either way she would let the L'Rose family members know they had the brandy once they were found! Until then, less travel with them was better. On their way out, Katrhyn found herself stopped with Victoria by none other than Master Urmdus. Who seemed... less than pleased. Before Kat had a chance to ask what was wrong, the dwarf was back to measuring the duo to be refit for their new sets of armor. "I well..." Kathryn said red in the face, unsure how to speak for a moment as she was remeasured. When the master craftsman was done with the measurements, he made it a point to mention to STOP CHANGING SIZE. "Sorry..." The half giant would say rather ashamed. "Thank you for being flexible Master Urmdus." Kathryn said before giving a short bow to the man.

Thankfully he was more than willing to return to the distillery site to help seal it off. While on the return trip Victoria even began explaining the specifics of arcana to the tall woman! Kathryn watched like a young girl in school learning about one of her favorite topics. Had she a desk and notes, both would be fully utilized! But alas, she lacked the means of proper note taking. For now, she would take mental notes and do what she could to remember. She did explain why her magic earlier wouldn't work on the basement, but it didn't make a ton of sense to Kathryn. She kind of understood the general idea, but it was a struggle for her to grasp. She even explained bits about what it was like to be a necromancer! Or at least a magical user who was able to do a little bit of everything, with a minor focus to necromancy! "You're clearly leagues above me in terms of use of the arcane. Even the magic I use is crude compared to what you can do." Powerful, but crude none the less. And Kathryn wasn't the best skilled with it either. She was actually probably well below average, making up for it using her martial skills and brute strength to make up for her deficiencies in Runic Magic. Thankfully those skills complimented each other well.

Her explanation of being able to speak with dead people was interesting, but it seemed the duo in the basement would be unusable for this purpose. "I guess I could snap the neck of the next one we see? Or cave in their chest cavity if neck snapping won't cut it..." Kathryn said pondering things. A part of her figured adventuring would involve a lot more using her physical might to overpower her enemies. And though she wasn't dumb by any standards other than high wizards, it was clear much of her skills were dependent on her physical ability. So she would offer it however she could to assist! And assist in other areas where she could. She did briefly take note of how enthusiastic Victoria seemed to be to animate a corpse. "Guessing you don't get to practice your hobbies too much do you?" Kathryn said teasing Victoria when the smaller woman very much tried to hide her glee. Did Kathryn get it? No not really. Playing with dead bodies was far from appealing to the half giant. But alas, Kat enjoyed fighting, and even in life or death situations she had fun with it. Hitting a bastard so hard bones shatter to powder. Finding a weak point in armor to a foe, and watching the realization they have that they are now fucked. Kind of messed up, but she enjoyed the fight. Sparing was also fun, but it didn't have that same adrenaline rush as fighting someone who wanted to end your life.

Kathryn found the scene back at the distillery rather amusing overall. But nothing too out of hand. She almost expected the place to be up in flames. Just a random thought, but she was relieved to see the whole place intact, and nothing on fire. Kathryn did chuckle towards Blackberry's silly comments about Morty the second. "I know right? He's so full of life!" Kathryn said walking over to the undead pig, about ready to shake its face. But a little warning bell went off in the back of her mind telling her that was a bad idea. So instead she just pointed to the undead bacon to be with both of her arms palms open. "So lively." She spoke out in her most smart assery tone she could muster. But then!! She was volunteered to help barricade the entrance to the distillery! She was really hoping to see this investigation through, but she also understood that out of all the party members she was also the most qualified to help. "I can stay for a bit, but I was hoping to check out the grapes with Kosara. Afterwards I will be right back to help out!" Kathryn said really hoping to check things out. "Plus if my help is really needed, V can let us know through her..." She looked at the bird, unsure what to think of it. "She'll let us know." Kathryn spoke matter of factly. The bird was cool, but another dead animal was still creepy to her. She would still stay a moment to help Master Urmdus with the door, but rush to catch up with the others as they went to check out the grapes.

Upon seeing the grapes, they just seemed.... wrong. The plant looked dead, but the grape looked perfectly fine? The smell though... was wrong. Leaning in Kat gave it a sniff. It smelled like rancid meat gone bad. But alas, The Kat was curious. Taking one of the grapes ever so carefully off the vine, she plucked it into her mouth and found herself rather surprised. It was sweet! It reminded her of the brandy she had drank in the distillery?! "What the Fu-" She was cut off by her own gagging as the grape popped in her mouth like a boil in her mouth. The taste was good, but the texture itself with the smell of rotten meat in front of her face was enough to make her feel like she would puke. With a quick swallow she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Can't say I know a ton about grapes and wine making, but I think these fuckers are the ones used to make the brandy we just found." Speaking of which, Kat would take her water skin out and drink some more of it to wash out the idea of the foul smell. More of a placebo effect, but she needed it. "Definitely the L'Rose brand, that is for sure." The aftertaste was familiar too. Not to the brandy... but to something else she had recently. But she wasn't too sure what it could be.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 43 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Outside Distillery --> Manor --> Outside Distillery
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn jumped back at the magical energy that loosed from Kosara. Surprised at the flaming magic the tiefling woman had, but realizing she probably shouldn't be so surprised. "Holy shit dude... Little warning next time yeah?" Kathryn asked Kosara with a chuckle and a surprised smile on her face. Truthfully, she was just happy this whole place didn't go up in flame with Kosara's stunt. But maybe her magic was fire proof? She heard Tieflings were fire proof once. But she also didn't know any tieflings prior to this adventure. She had seen a couple on her travels, but never knew any of them. And not longer than a passing glance.

Pondering of tieflings aside, Kosara had a point. They should probably seal this place up. The conversation she had with V also was rather informative. Kathryn listened closely to V as she explained how different kinds of magic worked. Her face was visibly pondering like a young student in learning trying to grasp an exciting topic she knew little about. "Well, I am studying some runic magic from a couple of those books, and trying to continue the translations in the others. When we have time maybe we can lend each other a hand? I can help you with your books, and you can help me with mine?" Kathryn offered hoping to learn a bit from Victoria, and maybe even teach Victoria some stuff herself! "I would love to learn some stuff about Arcana! It's pretty nifty stuff from what I hear. Though I do wonder... how come we can't use the identification spell in here? When we suspect there is magic afoot, but we don't know for sure what it is?" She was sure there were rules on how spells could be used. But little of it made sense to the poor half giant.

Thankfully getting the barrels out of the distillery was easy work. Several of the barrels were of comparable weight to those she worked out with many mornings. But this was also evidence. So she had to be rather careful. One by one she rolled up several barrels to load up into the cart V found, and so she could carry one back. This wasn't her morning workout where she was trying to push herself as far as she could go, so it was better safe than sorry. She could have gone into her giant's form. But that didn't last too long. She hadn't timed it yet, but she wasn't convinced it would last long enough to get the barrels back. So she figured just the one to get some back. The rest could be gathered later with the wagon and the mule that Blackberry was growing rather fond of.

"I am going to grab us some help to get this sealed back up so we don't get too many stragglers going in. Or out..." Kathryn said in a weary tone. It was clear something was up, but all of their attempts to figure things out have been stifled either do to a lack of evidence, or a lack of ability to find said evidence. "I'll be right back with some help!" And she set off, dropping off the ale at the couch house due to it's closer proximity to the distillery, and moving on to grab some help. Ideally aiming for Cecily or Lizbeth as they may know more about the history of said place, but anyone who had a spare moment to help she was open to offering. Thankfully not a far walk as she returned after passing the word along for assistance.

Kathryn was able to make it back in decent enough time after asking about getting help. Seemingly in time for her to explain her concerns with the issues going on in the distillery. "What if they are like vampires? And are only active at night? Or like the constable and his goons and only get their powers on specific times? Were-... were zombies..." She would work on that. Names were not her strong suit. "But what kind of command could those two have? They were trapped in a distillery for countless years. And as Kosara said, one of them had their head bashed in. And was likely killed in there." Then there was the concern of whoever gave the order. Maybe they were made on accident? Magic could do all sorts of weird things. But even then, how were they created? "Could it just be more mild magic playing tricks on us? Messing without magic and those corpses giving us false information?" Kathryn probably had the least experience with magic in the party, and the magic she did know was a rather powerful, but crude magic. Far from the elegance of arcana.

"When I dropped off the first barrel I asked for some help that should be here pretty soon. Hopefully we can seal this up until we get a better idea on what to do here. Maybe we gotta come here during the night, or the full moon?" She paused looking at their resident necromancer. "Hey V, if they might already be animated in some form, could you try to take control over them? Or if we found a way to cancel out their possible undead condition, could you speak with them then?" She wasn't sure how to kill a dead guy who wasn't undead if that was even the case. Maybe snap their neck? Remove their heads? She had no idea. She listened to Kosara explained how the now burnt corpses should they ever animate, may be easier to face now. "makes sense to me. They have less body, so there is less body to destroy!" Was that how it worked? No idea. But! It made sense to Kat. And magic had its own logic. Speaking of magic, Kathryn enjoyed another sip of that brandy from her waterskin. It was rather good, maybe this could be her drink of choice for a bit.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 43 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Another Growth spirt
Location: Old Distillery --> Outside Distillery
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn listened intently as the group went about their investigation. Again, Kat found herself rather lacking here. Sure she wasn't useless, but compared to her party, she didn't really have the skill set for this sort of thing. She was more of a "Hey how's it going" sort of girl. Then flatten into paste sort of girl when that failed. The latter being a much more proficient skill of hers. "I'll admit, this whole thing is rather weird. Between the likely murder scene, and the weird built up magic, and then Victoria's magic not seeming to work on these two?" And... the eye socket BB so politely tested. That Kat would rather forget about now. It's not that she had a weak stomach. But ew.

Kat did take a moment to pause, and listen to how alcohol could be poisoned from time to time in her homeland, and how effective it seemed to be at well.. poisoning people. "I suppose I didn't consider that Kosara..." Kathryn said. They were surprisingly logical points. And they hit harder coming from Kosara who didn't seem to have that sort of logical train of thought. The tiefling woman likely knew a lot more than Kathryn gave her credit for. The tall woman made note of this, and would take what the smaller woman would say with far more consideration. "Well, it tastes pretty fine. Plus, if it was poisoned, chances are V or I would notice something by now. But I do see your point." That would however, not stop her from finishing the cup she had poured for herself. Apart of her still wanted to relax, enjoy the winter in comfortable accommodations. Yet, she was fearing that these complications were going to be a bigger problem than she first thought.

As everyone settled about to finish up their tasks, a question still lingered on Kathryn's mind. What had caused the burst of magic that took place? Seeing as how the dead dudes had failed to rise at Blackberry's prompting, Kat had her doubts there. Even if Victoria's magic had seem to fail on them. Sliding her hammer away, she figured a fight wasn't about to break out. But the weapon of blunt force trauma did remind her of an ability she saw Victoria use once when identifying her new weapon. "Hey V, got a second? And maybe some magic to spare?" Kat asked putting her combat kit away across her back and belt, and maneuvering around the barrels and furniture as to not have to shout across the room. Once next to her slightly less short friend she spoke up with a tone of inquiry on the lip. "Remember when you cast detect magic on my hammer here? Could you do that again? But on the corpses here? Or maybe on the alcohol?" That both Kat and Victoria had consumed... Which looking back, maybe wasn't the best idea. But it was free, and they were so far not dead! Or cursed.

Unfortunately, Victoria had other plans and points to make. "Okay, when we learn more, we'll come back, and learn what we can from these two." And the alcohol both she and V have been sharing. That she may have also filled her water skin with as well. The barrel was already open, she didn't see the harm in filling up the pouch with some liquor for the road. "I think you two are right. We should try and seal this place up when we leave. We don't want some poor innocent walking in and suffering from whatever is going on in here." Or to let something out that could also cause harm. Victoria was also thinking ahead on moving about some of the barrels using a nearby cart! Perfect. "We could load up one or two in the cart, and I could carry one back as well. Do you think it would be better to take the one we already opened? Or leave that here?" Kat asked the bard. She was far the expert in terms of fancier alcohol. Kat was just a consumer and casual enjoyer. "No matter what we do, we should take steps to be cautious. Something weird is happening here. Be in dead people who won't talk, or very convenient brandy. We should be careful." While V went to grab the cart, Kat herself would begin rolling up barrels out of the entry way to be loaded up and carried off.

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