Okada Teru
“...As is tradition.”
▸ Name: Teru Okada
▸ Nickname: Teru-Bozu
▸ Clan: Okada
▸ Rank: Genin
▸ Sex: M
▸ Sex appearance: ?
▸ Age: 13 years old.
▸ Age appearance: 10
▸ Sexuality: ?
▸ Birthplace: | | | Rain
▸ Village: | | | Rain
▸ Affiliations: x Okada Clan
x Village Hidden In The Rain
x Souten Gambling House
x Nijiro Sumo Hall
Primary nature: Wind Secondary nature: Water Tertiary nature: Lightning ▸ Appearance: Extremely short, eternally damp, feet are perpetually covered in mud up to the ankles, always smells musty
▸ Wardrobe: Teru's outerwear consists purely of traditional hand-crafted ponchos and raincoats. Footwear of any kind is verboten, as is any form of underclothing not a fundoshi.
▸ History: Teru's clan are one of the most deeply rooted families in the Land Of Rain. Primarily located at a hermitage to the north of the city, their anachronistic ways have lead many to consider them relics of a bygone era. Nonetheless, their lineage holds great political power over the city due to the fact that they maintain the ever-present rain that falls upon the village, as well as their great support in defending the village from invaders. Teru, specifically, belongs to a branch family responsible for day-to-day interactions with the people of Amegakure, performing anything from daily errands to participation in formal shinobi training so that the core family may focus purely on the cultivation of their technique.
As a result of his place in the clan, Teru has managed to establish a baseline level of social competence far above that of core clan members, and is capable of intensive tasks such as conversing with strangers and exchanging currency for goods and services. Unable to handle such an astounding level of personal charisma, many of his peers shunned his brilliance and kept to themselves. Likewise, those within Teru's clan treat him as one of the unclean, both by tradition and because of his bold new ideas regarding the family legacy, considered blasphemous by many.
Shunned on all sides, Teru eventually fell in with the dregs of society; people who smoked and drank in excess, swore violently, openly ogled women and spent the better part of their days in grimy gambling parlors. Thus, tragically, did Teru forge a strong friendship with the town's elderly population, spending many a late night engrossed in high stakes shogi games or watching sumo matches. Having recently passed the Genin exams with middling scores, Teru continues to faithfully serve as a member of the low caste.
▸ Personality: ✓ Stoic Teru is eternally aloof and cool under pressure. ✗ Spacey ...Likely because he has a hard time grasping the situation to begin with. ✓ Bold Teru lives an unapologetic lifestyle that knows no regrets. ✗ Shameless ...Mostly because he has no concept of shame. ✓ Creative Teru displays incredible creative talent for his clan. ✗ Sheltered ...Which his upbringing has made great effort to stamp out. ✓ Knowledgeable Teru has a broad body of knowledge and seems to know a little something about everything. ✗ Simple ...But since he can't vet information well, the accuracy is dubious. ▸ Dreams and hopes: x To loyally serve in his role as face of the Okada clan
x Shogi 9-Dan
x Yokozuna
x Shogi 4-Dan
▸ Desires: x To maybe have weather other than rain sometimes
x To be acknowledged by his peers
x To ease the burdens of the elderly
x Being dry for over five minutes
▸ Fears: x Being disowned by his clan
x That his clan might be part of the problem
x That his customs may be outdated
x That the people he considers friends could die of old age at a moment's notice
▸ Motivations: Between his obligations to the clan and his obligations to the village, Teru has never really had time to dwell on why he does much of anything. If given free time he tends to find himself at a loss. Teru is critically lacking any kind of serious drive or ambition, rarely seeing anything past short-term personal comfort as a problem actually worth solving. In a sense, Teru's motivation is to find something that motivates him. It's all very zen in a simple kind of way.
▸ Hiden Technique:
Weather Manipulation Technique▸ Description:
The secret technique of the Okada clan, passed down for over 200 years. Originally developed during their time as a nomadic tribe to ease travel, it has been refined into a powerful combat technique through years of secretive research. All techniques begin with a seal sequence of Bird - Snake - Dog - Dragon, followed by the Okada clan's unique seal, which is in turn followed by a second seal sequence that defines the exact nature of the weather.
▸ Strengths:
Large area of effect. Techniques all have indirect avenues of attack, allowing for great flexibility when targeting. Excels in large scale battles where the user can act as artillery.
▸ Weaknesses:
Painfully unsubtle. By nature of its function, any and all offensive techniques involving the Weather Manipulation Technique must take a linear path from the sky to their intended target. In other words, this means it can be thwarted by remaining indoors. Additionally, the scale of the Weather Manipulation Technique means it requires a high degree of precision and coordination to avoid friendly fire when fighting alongside allies.
▸ S-rank Techniques
▸ A-rank Techniques
▸ B-rank Techniques
▸ C-rank Techniques
Weather Manipulation Technique: Heaven's Fury Weather Manipulation Technique: Heaven's Flash Weather Manipulation Technique: Heaven's Roar▸ D-rank Techniques
Weather Manipulation Technique Hiding In Mist Technique Dynamic Entry Nijiro-Style Heaven And Earth▸ E-rank Techniques
Clone Technique Substitution Technique Transformation Technique▸ Custom Jutsu:
Weather Manipulation Technique▸ Rank:
▸ Range:
Long Range, Radius, Centered On User
▸ Description:
The basic Weather Manipulation Technique from which all advanced variants stem, it is drilled into all members of the Okada clan from birth. By performing the basic sequence with only one additional handsign, the user can change the surrounding weather on command. The amount of chakra invested into the technique determines both the size of the weather pattern and the speed of formation. If the user stops feeding chakra into the technique, it will disperse naturally as the local climate dictates. Common patterns include clear skies, rainstorms, and snow.
▸ Weaknesses:
I dunno just like punch the sky so the clouds disperse or something it's not like they can fight back.
Weather Manipulation Technique: Heaven's Fury▸ Rank:
▸ Range:
Long Range, Radius, Targeted
▸ Description:
Heaven's Fury builds on the basic Weather Manipulation Technique by adding an extra seal sequence, which enlarges and accelerates raindrops in a localized area, thereby giving them force akin to a bullet technique and pelting anyone caught in the area of effect with incredible force. Naturally, this technique can only be used in a rainstorm.
▸ Weaknesses:
Have something above you to block it, like a roof or a barrier or whatever. Additionally, there is a short delay between the resolution of the technique and the technique actually going off, since it needs time to fall.
Weather Manipulation Technique: Heaven's Flash▸ Rank:
▸ Range:
Long Range, Radius, Centered On User
▸ Description:
Heaven's Flash builds on the basic Weather Manipulation Technique by adding an extra seal sequence, which temporarily changes the humidity in the air in order to refract sunlight and create a quick, blinding flash to disorient opponents. This technique works best in fair weather, but can be used in other conditions so long as there is a reasonable degree of ambient light.
▸ Weaknesses:
Sunglasses No Jutsu
Weather Manipulation Technique: Heaven's Roar▸ Rank:
▸ Range:
Long Range, Radius, Centered On User
▸ Description:
Heaven's Roar builds on the basic Weather Manipulation Technique by adding an extra seal sequence, conjuring a gale-force windstorm that clears away visual obstructions (such as fog, smoke, etc.) and forces projectiles off course thereby rendering all but the most careful aim useless. Unlike the offensive variants of the Weather Manipulation Technique, this technique must be maintained or the windstorm will rapidly die down.
▸ Weaknesses:
Run up and punch the user in the teeth until he stops doing the thing.
▸ Equipment and weaponry
▸ Type:
▸ Description:
A sturdy umbrella that can function as a shield or club.
Also the standard kunai and bomb tags and wires etc.