Avatar of Shortcake
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    1. Shortcake 8 yrs ago


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You know what? Yeah, you're exactly right. I don't think my lighthearted battle manga guy fits in this deep, intellectual Naruto fanfiction you guys have going either.

Guess my buddy will just have to go it alone. Sorry, man.
Well take another look pal cuz I can clutter my formatting with the best of em.

Ok done.
Sounds ok, count me in.
Izzy squinted, dumbfounded, at this hulking brute of a man trying to make weird halfassed cold puns at her. Why did people always do puns at her? Was it some kind of weirdo in-joke she wasn't in on?


No, seriously though, this was every time. Was it a cultist thing? He looked kinda like a cultist. All that black, you know, and the sky wizard crap. Why'd she always attract freaks, anyway? Why couldn't she ever work with a cool demon hunter, like Van Helsing?


Oh man, but then she'd have to fight Dracula or something. That guy was, like, Transylvanian top dog. How the hell do you even beat Dracula? He's like-



The pilot is talking to you


She looked over to see the now-recovered pilot.

"Oh, right, yeah. Gnarly stuff duderino. Hope your wife's okay 'n junk."

Just go get that case

"...What case?"

Wendigo gave whatever the telepathic equivalent of a sigh was

Look, just... Just go. I'll tell you where.

"Aight rad."

Izzy performed a pretzel, flipping her board so she was facing towards the pilot and Zacharias.

"Hey, like, it's been real cool and all bruh, but I, uh, left my fridge running or somethin'. Peace."

With that, Izzy did double finger guns and rapidly slid backwards on a carpet of snow, in a direction vaguely resembling northwards. She ducked just in time for a stray bottle to whiz over her head, barely missing her and setting fire to a number of hot dog stands, newspaper dispensers, and fallen billboards. Shortly thereafter followed an intensely badical sailing vessel of ghostacular proportions.

"So should we, like-"

If we ignore them they'll probably go away

Izzy shrugged.

"You're the boss, broseph."
Oh cool I love playing Descent.
Lemme see if I can put something together.
While Zacharias may have been unaffected by the demon blood, the pilot certainly wasn't. The black, tarlike substance splattered all over the helicopter's rotors, solidifying rapidly and jamming the motor assembly. The gunship began to lose altitude as the movement of it's blades slowed.

Suddenly, the silhouette of a woman doing a sickass toe grab rocketed off the roof of a nearby motel, trailing a cloud of frost. She let go, slicing the door off it's hinges with an intensely radical 720 and swinging herself into the cockpit feet-first. Scooping the panicking pilot into a princess carry as she passed through, the woman slid across the bay and through the other side, kicking the opposite door open in one smooth motion.

Gliding out of the chopper on an aerial avalanche, she transitioned into a heel slide and skidded to a halt on the pavement as the helicopter crashed and the loosed rotors became a terrifying buzzsaw of knife-edged death, conveniently mowing down a number of Prides milling about in the background and embedding itself in a wall. The snowboarder looked over at Zacharias as she unceremoniously dumped the still-screaming pilot into a snow bank.

"Gotta snow down there, padre! Keep the oneliners for after you save people, alright?"
So wait, are we going still? First week back hit me really hard, sorry Pleek.
@Dead Cruiser
You know guy I can't help but notice this isn't a gorilla.
Name/Alias: Izzy Illblood

Biography: Professional snowboarder and 2-time Olympian Izzy Illblood's mistakes are finally catching up to her. Cursed to never know peace by a skiing gypsy, Izzy can no longer go more than two months without encountering some form of supernatural phenomena. Naturally, over the years she's accumulated both a wide berth of monster slaying knowledge and an even wider variety of brands, hexes, and infernal contracts; for the most part, they conflict and cancel each other out, leaving only minor effects- perpetual bed hair, a compulsion to make snow puns, being that guy who like anchovies on pizza, etc.

Recently, though, it's come to Izzy's attention that she's slowly turning into something other than human. the weird greyish-blue skin blotches were the first major tip-off, but her hands turning into freakish monster claws was the real clincher. Lacking any kind of actual professional background, she decided to just punch anything vaguely mystical looking until it give her answers. So far, no real progress.

Devil Arms: Izzy wields Wendigo, a bladed snowboard formed from it's namesake demon. Like the creature it came from, Wendigo possesses supernatural powers over frost, and is able to conjure vast quantities of snow on command. Also like it's namesake, it's always hungry.

Firearms: A trusty orange signal gun, break action. Izzy carries a variety of homemade specialty ammunition for monster killing purposes, including flares packed with holy incense, white phosphorus, thermite, flash powder, and 1-inch metal-cored slugs.

Skills/Abilities: Devil Trigger - Izzy's slow transformation into some kind of murderous hellbeast incidentally grants her the ability to hulk out into a hideously deformed creature of superhuman size and strength for short periods of time. It is, in fact, pretty radical.

Other: Her last name is actually "Illblood". Very old established family.
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