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Having some personal issue. If I am due for something, know I do not wish to ghost. My sincere apology nevertheless

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I'm interested if you will have me.
Welp, I'm still writing his backstory but meet John Ilrad, your human paladin.
@MarraktI'm writing a paladin of Ilmatter, but I was wondering if this is too out of place. The Compassion god has his base followers in icy region but how would this work under Auril's control region?
Making changes. Coming back soon ~!
if you guys don't mind with a new GM, I'm down to run a pathfinder 2e.
just writing here because i'm interested in creating a dnd 5e based campaign based on this very nice adaptations: gmbinder.com/share/-LsXE64qLDdLgBczM2…

below will be the list of resources, guides, theory on how this version of how Pottermore will work:

[hider=Spell Creation]Spell Creation
why Latin? There exist older languages, why Latin? Did the Romans discover magic first? Maybe has something to do with the first wands but how about those in China or India? Heck, even in contemporary Japan? They have a magic school over there. What is the casting process? In Latin?

And how do you create a new spell? I can't recall JK even showing how the process of new spells is being created. Does creating an unwanted effect through incorrect pronunciation count?

Guide: spells creation dnd + path + talk with the player

@Achronum The character is done. Do tell me if there is anything that needs to fix or add. Thank you.

[X] - An outline of a sickled knife shaped from shimmering candle-light. The iconography of Amun-Oh is stamped on the hilt; a scarab with eight legs and a snake’s tail is stamped on the hilt.

A weapon would be useful in case of coming to anyone else. Or, give us more leverage against other travelers when making demands.
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