at a dungeon in Ocren"Why you dirty little rat," Elian cried, as the jester cut down Howitzer and Uriel in quick succession. "You got what you wanted, and now you're doing this just for fun." She continued insulting him until he killed her too, and that didn't take long.
Ocren's capital cityElian was hopping mad when she reappeared in Ocren's capital along with the others, but her rage soon passed. Still, she agreed with Claudia. "Oh, we should definitely report him. He didn't even keep his word, the dirty bastard. He's a liar, a cheat, a hacker, and a griefer. Someone needs to do something about him, and it looks like that has to be someone with authority. He blocked our reports, and knew the real names attached to our accounts...I don't think this is something the player community can deal with. I've heard stories of him wiping out entire raids." She paused, then gave the group a grin. "After we're done with talking to the admins, though, wanna run the dungeon again? I don't mind at all, and that way Goibniu here can get a look at that artifact like he wanted to."
Yeah, I have ChaosX. I'm Elian over there too. Why?