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@KaiserElectric Your sheet looks pretty good! You can move it over to the character tab.
@Archetype Zero Ooh, right :P

Then nevermind what I said.
In that case, I'd say leave it up to players. In my case, for now the Jalaryians are sticking with one Hyperdread. Although maybe once Galactic war kicks off, they'll probably build more.
@Ozerath Agreed, I'm fine at just one.
@duck55223 Good stuff so far! Keep up the good work!

Deep Space
4th Diplomatic Flotilla
Battle Carrier Serene Truth

Sitting in the center of a lavishly designed room, Apostle Haran was enjoying the traditional drink of his people. Yhaberry tea, along with a rather unusual addition in the form of Earthen biscuits, Haran himself finds them oddly delightful. A quiet moments of peace before the unpleasantness that is soon to follow, dreading the inevitable meeting with the Lokoid. However, the one thing that brings him a small glint of joy in the back of his mind is the incriminating evidence he carries on his person, letting out a small gleeful chuckle as he took another sip of his tea. "Simply Exquisite." He commented.

"Another, my lord?" One his many servants inquired as she took notice of the empty cup. "Of course my good miss." Haran responded, followed by an immediate refill. "And be a dear and activate the holo-channels for me." The maid nodded. "Of course, my lord." She said, complying with his request and, pulling out a small device, within moments a holographic screen materialized before Apostle Haran, keeping tabs on the latest events in the ongoing galactic crisis, and a not moment too soon did the headlines provided with something eye-catching. "Arsian Prince dead." spelled out in bolded letters as they passed under the news anchors. Certainly surprising enough for the Apostle to set his tea aside and paid very close attention. Rotating images played out chiefly featuring the mourning masses within Asrian Space, portraits of the late Prince Nautilian being held up high by many citizens as they marched through the streets. "How Unfortunate.." Haran said, "tisking" several times as he took another sip of tea, although he did not know the man personally, he knew of him though past dealings with the Asrians. While this was indeed a tragedy, and Haran held some sympathy and respect for the Asrian People, they were afterall, one the few allies the Jalaryians could depend upon. However, this tragedy could easily turn into an opportunity.

The Asrian's presence in the Holy Land was minimal at best, however, the attack conducted by the Harmonious Conflux could prove as the perfect catalyst in pushing the Asrian Ascendancy into properly joining the conflict, and join in the Crusade to claim the Holy Land, the dark shadows of their past resurfacing to enact vengeance. "Now it is only a matter of time." Haran said to himself, sipping once more from his teacup. He heard several beeps coming from his left "ear" as the voice of the ship's captain spoke up. "My lord, we're on approach to Rolvian Space, we'll cross over the border within a quarter of an hour."

"Good, very good." Haran replied. " Keep me posted."

"Understood, sir." The captain said as he cut comms.
@6slyboy6 Sure, you ca make a sheet. Let's see what you have in mind.
@Star Lord Gave your sheet a read and so far, pretty cool so far. Although may I suggest making your faction a bit bigger? It can still be small compared to other powers, but I just feel a nation consisting of a single star system wouldn't get too far, especially with hungry giants and all that. But as said, doesn't mean the Union has to be gargantuan, just make it up out of say, a few dozen systems systems? Or a bit more if you wish :P
@KaiserElectric Good stuff so far! Looking forward to see the rest of the sheet :)
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