Holy Dominion of Garavan
Current Ruler:
Garavus, King of Kings, the High lord of the Dominion.
Population: 11.9 Million
Military Size: 370,000
Military Composition:
The standing army of the Dominion.
The Immortals, an elite corp of warriors that both serve as elite shock troops on the battlefield, and serve as the personal guard of Garavus himself.
The Tribes of Man, by far the most numerous and dominating force within the Dominion. The human population of Garavan are divided into four central tribes. The Yaram of the North, Jahali of the South, the Ukamu of the East, and Gazim of the West.
Hailing the land of Nazar, a small country out in the eastern fertile lands of the Dominion. The Nazari are a race of tall and wise mystics whose natural affinity for magic is seen as the pride and strength of the Dominion. Although their mastery of magic is seamless, their physical attributes are something to be desired and does not come easily.
The Talir, unlike their islander cousins, are a simple, semi-nomadic people that have made the Garavani Badlands their home.
History: (What is the history of your nation and its peoples? Any notable wars or l;eaders or struggles? Any unique origins for the dominant local race, such as being made by a patron deity or the like?
Give me just a brief enough summary that covers the important things and some flavor here. 4 Paragraphs at most here.)