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We'll wait on your hopeful return :)
We got the complete set now ya'll :P
Capital City of Argus

Argus, the largest city on Columbia and the Seat of Power for all of the United Republic, a sprawling Metropolis stretching for miles on end, the various lights of the night and celebrations that sprang the city to life added to its immense beauty, for today was a special day for the citizens of the Republic.

Today marked the 20th Anniversary of the end of the Yulzan War, a conflict that saw millions dead, leaving Columbia in complete ruin. A war fought to the bitter end as the Yulzan invaders were sent fleeing into the darkness, leaving many of their own behind, at the mercy of their victims. Some continued the fight, others gave in, many not truly believing in the cause, and saw a chance at freedom.

The time was nearly upon them, time for the Chancellor to make his speech as millions gathered around the Largest Holographic Projectors, others waiting at home to watch the broadcast, and thousands more gathering around the Argus Sports Stadium where he'd make the speech.

Chancellor Constantine inspected his reflection in the mirror, making final touches to his blue suit, becoming quite nervous, the thought of addressing to millions across the planet and above had always gave him a bad case of the butterflies. He turned to face an woman a few years young then him, in a fine white dress, his wife, Alice. "So...How do I look?" He asked her nervously. "Honey, you're just fine." Alice replied. "Addressing live to over a billion people can do that to you." she cracked a joke to him, followed by a chuckle from Julian.

"Relax, you'll do fine!" She embraced him. "Just a small speech, and you're done, and not a moment too soon, I'm starving!" She half-joked, although in truth, she was eager to get on with dinner already. Alice had moved on ahead of her husband, meeting with their children, grandchildren and other VIPs waiting at the stadium's field.

"Hehe, yeah...just a minute or two and that romantic dinner can be my reward." Julian smiled as he walked down the great hall leading up to the stadium field, pausing for a brief moment as he took a deep breath before stepping out onto the field and was greeted by thousands cheering citizens and blinding lights, a small cadre of republican guards standing at attention on both his flanks as they escorted him to the center, there stood a platform, where members of his cabinet sat, and next to them were his family. Julian walked up the short stairs leading up the platform, soon taking center stage as he approached the edge, one of the guards handing him a microphone.

He grabbed a hold of the mic, tapping on it several times as camera drones begun swarming around the platform, hovering around them as they record. Breathing deeply once more, Julian begun his brief speech.

"My fellow citizens, today is a day of both joy, and of grieving. Today marks the 20th Anniversary of the end of the War. For fifteen years we stood strong, even against a foe that sought our total submission and annihilation, for fifteen years even as were pushed by defeat after defeat, we held strong. Our military would not give in, and was all that stood between life and death." He paused for a moment, and continued.

"Some of those brave souls may be among you now, look to them in admiration and respect, for they fought for your very freedoms.....your right to live, and we must not also forget the countless sacrifices our Ukrani brothers paid in securing their own freedoms against the Yulzan.

"Despite the bloody aftermath...we sought to rebuild, and extended a hand of friendship to our former enemies, those that had no choice in the war, those that wanted a taste of freedom. Although relations between our people and the former slaves of the Yulzan are strained, I hope that one day we can leave this conflict behind us once and for all, and build a better future together." With that, He finished as the crowds cheered on, his waving at the people as julian made his exist, the others soon following him, and so the festivities began all over the globe and in orbit.

The chancellor and his family were met with cheering crowds as they made their way towards a pair of limousines. As they made their way to the limos, a loud roar drowned out the noise as a razorwing dropship made a slow descent in proximity of the chancellor, a lone military officer stepped out from the back as he rushed towards the chancellor. "Chancellor Constantine, sir, I apologize for this interruption, but..you're needed at the Anvil. We'll explain later."

The Chancellor was visibly annoyed with this. "Can this wait after?" He asked. The officer shook his head. "I'm sorry sir, this is a very urgent matter." Julian let out an audible sigh of frustration, but matters of state come first regardless of prior plans. "Very well, let's go." Julian turned to his wife. "It's alright dear, you have work to do." She said with a caring smile. Julian smiled back. "How lucky of a guy I am, am I right? I'll see you later." Both embraced one another, followed by a soft kiss on the lips. The chancellor followed the officer to the dropship as it rose quickly, creating gust of wind as it departed.

Anvil Base
Headquarters of URC Armed Forces

An hour had passed since the Chancellor had arrived, waiting patiently in the central command center. The Command center was ablaze with life as staff and personnel ran about, carrying on their assigned tasks, a chorus of incoherent voices talking back and forth. All fell silent as the command staff entered the room. A group of generals and admirals, all led by High Admiral Gaius Bradley, all saluting the chancellor. "Admiral Bradley." Julian spoke. "I do hope you had a reason for interruption my family time."

"I can't be sorry enough, sir, but this truly is urgent."

"Don't keep me in suspense, what's going on?....Have the Yulzan returned?"

"Fortunately for us, sir, no."

"Thank God."

"However..something else has come up." Admiral Bradley said. "Sir, the gateway has reopened." Julian shook his head in bewilderment, and had to have moment to process what he just heard. "Come again?"

"The gateway has reopened. Sentinel base detected it a few hours ago."

"Jesus Christ..." Julian muttered to himself, catching himself as he dropped on a nearby chair. "After centuries..it's open. This is both fantastic and terrifying. The colonies, our brothers and sister, Earth!"

"We know, sir."

"We have to act now!"

"Already ahead of you, sir." Bradley said. "Sentinel Base has a ship in dock, they will soon cross over the gate."

"Good, good...once I return to the capital, I need to address the people, they need to hear this. We're not all that's left of humanity in the cosmos."
@Tortoise Regarding the Aldzir, it was more a general type of thing, like for most insect species, you expect them to be hive-minded. But I can fix that. And of course, since the military extras were extra, I just focused on the important bits before filling out the hiders. Now I can do the fun part and add a ton of neat pictures and small bits of lore :D
Yeah, looking forward to see how things go between our factions :D
Need to hurry up and finish my own sheet. Want to get in the action :)
Nice work with the Codex entries :)
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